"safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings further exposed

What the hell is wrong with you people? The article I read said the kid was over the age of consent and the kid himself says there was no sexual contact in his encounter with a gay older man.


When I was sixteen and above I had older guys trying to get into my panties and if I told someone about it they were under no obligation to inform my parents.

What a bunch of hysterical twits.

It's about demonizing no matter what, Ravi.
Yep...and these are people that claim to be conservatives...they all want big government to protect them from gays. I guess it's just best to laugh at their hypocrisy.
This is the bottom line:
Jennings was appointed by Obama to be involved in protecting children in schools.
Jennings seriously failed in protecting a minor child who admitted to placing himself in dangerous situations. He failed to notify school officials of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in Dangerous situations. He failed to notify the parents of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in dangerous situations. It was his moral and ethical duty as an educator of MINOR CHILDREN to do so. He failed, and it could have very well ended up tragically if the child had, god forbid, ended up murdered or missing. If he had ended up contracting AIDS or any various diseases. And HE is the one chosen to be put in the position of safely securing this country's children?

And i'll say it again. Out of all the seasoned educators in this country, that perverted and obviously twisted individual is all Obama and his administration could come up with?

It's friggin' ludicris!

LOL you can whine and cry "MINOR CHILD" all you want to but it matters very little in the face of the AGE OF CONSENT.

So please explain how much authority you want to give to teachers concerning students and the students activities outside the school?? FACT is that the student was of legal age and was doing nothing illegal, so what was the teacher's responsibility in dealing with the students activities OUTSIDE of the school??

Why is that if this situation was reversed and the teacher tried to get involved that the righties would be taking the other side of the argument and attacking the teacher for overstepping his bounds??

Face it, your argument blew up in your face when your whole child molestation angle got shredded and now out of desperation you have shifted the focus of your argument to this new line of bs which has no foundation either.
Your attacks are baseless, you are full of shite and therefore pointing out the HUGE flaws in your argument that are obviously based on your bias against anything obama and made in a desperate attempt to tear obama down through guilt by association is not defending jennings.

I do find it funny that the allegedly anti-government involvement right are trying to argue that the teacher and the school in this instance should have gotten more involved in this situation and yet if he did then these same posters would probably be attacking him for overstepping his bounds. LOL

I find it sad that you equate attacking someone personally with winning a debate. LOL

The fact is that one of the pillars of your smears and attacks fell apart and since then your statements have consisted of nothing bhut personal smears and attacks against jeenings and any who disagree with you.

Face it , you lost and all you are left with is hate filled and baseless personal attacks.
So, you obviously think the way Jennings handled the situation is perfectly fine.
Funny how you absolutely REFUSE to state how you feel. Just dogged attacks and nothing more.
Fact is, you are obviously not a parent. You are obviously completely clueless as to how parents think when they entrust their MINOR CHILDS safety to school employees.

It is also quite obvious that you abjectly refuse to debate this issue because you know damn good and well that your beloved messiah fucked up in choosing that perverted piece of shit. You know damn good and well that you won't admit to your beloved messiah ever making mistakes.
That's fine. You've always lacked substance anyway. So, it comes as no surprise. Once again you resort to deflection because you know damn good and well that your position on the matter is downright ludacris.
Either that, or you and Jennings are exactly the same.

LOL so you are losing the argument so you try to make the debate about ME. LOL How dishonest of you.

Which means that your WHOLE argument which was based on child molestation is baseless and you know it.
So out of desperation and dishonesty you try to change the focus of your argument while trying to maintain the same argument. Focusing on the fact that the student was under 18 and continually spouting out the phrase "MINOR CHILD" when no laws were broken makes you look dishonest and foolish.

LOL funny but I have admitted when I was wrong where as you try to dishoenstly claim the high road after you admit that you were wrong while still trying to claim that you are right.

LOL how can you be ABSOLUTELY right when you admit that you are wrong?? LOL

What questions?? You asked about the child molestion and someone else answered it before me so what would be the point in answering a question that had already been answered?? The rest of your posts directed at me were nothing but baseless attacks.

I offered my opinions you just disagreed with them and started attacking me and any others who disagreed with you. One of my opinions is that you are WRONG and it is back up by the facts and the fact that you admitted that you were WRONG (while still dishonestly pretending that you are right).

That is why you choose to attack, and fail to debate.

Uhh? why don't you go back and read through your posts in this thread and see just how many of them are NOTHING but attacks. A few pages back I asked you a question and instead of answering the question you started lashing out and attacking those who disagreed with you. Once again you try to attack me and instead describe yourself.

You're weak, just admit it!

LOL more of the big bad ol internet tough guy who vandalizes cars and then runs away. Doesn't that seem pretty weak to you??

FACT is that you started this thread with propaganda and talking points that you were fed and you ran with them without question. Then any who responded who didn't take your side were attacked by you. Then your argument had the foundation ripped out from under it and yet you still pretend that you are right as you lashed out and continued to attack.

You lost, admit it and crawl away. LOL
Just admit it. You fully agree with the way Jennings handled the situation. Don't be affraid. Many of your fellow liberal loons have admitted that they could give less than a damn about a perverted piece of shit failing that MINOR CHILD.
Seriously, it's ok to admit it. It's much better that we all know when we are dealing with lockstep Obamabots. It makes it easier to understand why you're a bunch of clowns who should never be taken seriously.
Just admit it. Picking up strange men in bathrooms is perfectly fine for MINOR CHILDREN to do, and that those we entrust to protect them during school hours shouldn't do a damn thing about it, too include reporting it to school officials or the PARENTS. Just admit it Dr.

You've made yourself look awfully bad on this thread. And anyone who comes across it should never forget what we now know you stand for. What you stand for is disgusting. You stand for the protection of a completely perverted piece of shit. It doesn't get anymore disgusting than that.
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This is a position that needs to put kids first. I ask a simple question. Is this person the BEST choice? Is this the type of person you want educators nationwide to emulate? I think there are many better choices President Obama could have made here. It makes me wonder why he picked this person.
This is the bottom line:
Jennings was appointed by Obama to be involved in protecting children in schools.
Jennings seriously failed in protecting a minor child who admitted to placing himself in dangerous situations. He failed to notify school officials of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in Dangerous situations. He failed to notify the parents of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in dangerous situations. It was his moral and ethical duty as an educator of MINOR CHILDREN to do so. He failed, and it could have very well ended up tragically if the child had, god forbid, ended up murdered or missing. If he had ended up contracting AIDS or any various diseases. And HE is the one chosen to be put in the position of safely securing this country's children?

And i'll say it again. Out of all the seasoned educators in this country, that perverted and obviously twisted individual is all Obama and his administration could come up with?

It's friggin' ludicris!

LOL you can whine and cry "MINOR CHILD" all you want to but it matters very little in the face of the AGE OF CONSENT.

So please explain how much authority you want to give to teachers concerning students and the students activities outside the school?? FACT is that the student was of legal age and was doing nothing illegal, so what was the teacher's responsibility in dealing with the students activities OUTSIDE of the school??

Why is that if this situation was reversed and the teacher tried to get involved that the righties would be taking the other side of the argument and attacking the teacher for overstepping his bounds??

Face it, your argument blew up in your face when your whole child molestation angle got shredded and now out of desperation you have shifted the focus of your argument to this new line of bs which has no foundation either.

There ya go, projecting the classical liberal loon line when they've fully made asses of themselves and lost the argument:
'you righties would do this, you righties would do that!"
Fact is, the righties would be applauding the teacher for taking measures to protect the child.
Fact is, the child admitted to the teacher that he was engaging in dangerous behavior. It's no different than if the child admitted he was hanging out in bathrooms trying to buy drugs.

Now, you tell me, what if it were YOUR child. How would you have wanted that teacher to handle either of those situations. Would you just want the teacher to remain quiet and have your child out there doing those things or, would you wanted it reported to you so that YOU AS A PARENT could do something about it?
It is YOUR child after all so, Answer it Dr. Stop with the spin and deflection and answer the question.
So, you obviously think the way Jennings handled the situation is perfectly fine.
Funny how you absolutely REFUSE to state how you feel. Just dogged attacks and nothing more.
Fact is, you are obviously not a parent. You are obviously completely clueless as to how parents think when they entrust their MINOR CHILDS safety to school employees.

It is also quite obvious that you abjectly refuse to debate this issue because you know damn good and well that your beloved messiah fucked up in choosing that perverted piece of shit. You know damn good and well that you won't admit to your beloved messiah ever making mistakes.
That's fine. You've always lacked substance anyway. So, it comes as no surprise. Once again you resort to deflection because you know damn good and well that your position on the matter is downright ludacris.
Either that, or you and Jennings are exactly the same.

LOL so you are losing the argument so you try to make the debate about ME. LOL How dishonest of you.

Which means that your WHOLE argument which was based on child molestation is baseless and you know it.
So out of desperation and dishonesty you try to change the focus of your argument while trying to maintain the same argument. Focusing on the fact that the student was under 18 and continually spouting out the phrase "MINOR CHILD" when no laws were broken makes you look dishonest and foolish.

LOL funny but I have admitted when I was wrong where as you try to dishoenstly claim the high road after you admit that you were wrong while still trying to claim that you are right.

LOL how can you be ABSOLUTELY right when you admit that you are wrong?? LOL

What questions?? You asked about the child molestion and someone else answered it before me so what would be the point in answering a question that had already been answered?? The rest of your posts directed at me were nothing but baseless attacks.

I offered my opinions you just disagreed with them and started attacking me and any others who disagreed with you. One of my opinions is that you are WRONG and it is back up by the facts and the fact that you admitted that you were WRONG (while still dishonestly pretending that you are right).

Uhh? why don't you go back and read through your posts in this thread and see just how many of them are NOTHING but attacks. A few pages back I asked you a question and instead of answering the question you started lashing out and attacking those who disagreed with you. Once again you try to attack me and instead describe yourself.

You're weak, just admit it!

LOL more of the big bad ol internet tough guy who vandalizes cars and then runs away. Doesn't that seem pretty weak to you??

FACT is that you started this thread with propaganda and talking points that you were fed and you ran with them without question. Then any who responded who didn't take your side were attacked by you. Then your argument had the foundation ripped out from under it and yet you still pretend that you are right as you lashed out and continued to attack.

You lost, admit it and crawl away. LOL
Just admit it. You fully agree with the way Jennings handled the situation. Don't be affraid. Many of your fellow liberal loons have admitted that they could give less than a damn about a perverted piece of shit failing that MINOR CHILD.
Seriously, it's ok to admit it. It's much better that we all know when we are dealing with lockstep Obamabots. It makes it easier to understand why you're a bunch of clowns who should never be taken seriously.
Just admit it. Picking up strange men in bathrooms is perfectly fine for MINOR CHILDREN to do, and that those we entrust to protect them during school hours shouldn't do a damn thing about it, too include reporting it to school officials or the PARENTS. Just admit it Dr.

You've made yourself look awfully bad on this thread. And anyone who comes across it should ever forget what we now know you stand for. What you stand for is disgusting. You stand for the protection of a completely perverted piece of shit. It doesn't get anymore disgusting than that.

Wait why the fuck would he report it school officials? We all ready established that he did nothing illegal and it didn't happen on school grounds.

You're acting like the guy said 'I swallow lead when no one's around'.
This is a position that needs to put kids first. I ask a simple question. Is this person the BEST choice? Is this the type of person you want educators nationwide to emulate? I think there are many better choices President Obama could have made here. It makes me wonder why he picked this person.
This is a position that needs to put kids first. I ask a simple question. Is this person the BEST choice? Is this the type of person you want educators nationwide to emulate? I think there are many better choices President Obama could have made here. It makes me wonder why he picked this person.

Why? What exactly is so bad about him? What in his record makes him a bad choice? This one item - where the "right thing" is not so clear?
and here's another example of the apple before the cart. Instead of questioning the qualifications and moral turpitude of this advocate of child homosexuality, drsmith, who IS NOT A DOCTOR BY THE WAY, attacks the poster for challenging an Obama czar. Regardless of what is posted this fucking clown shouldn't be within a 1000 yards of any school!!!!!

Aww poor PP just like chefjester always attacking because i burend them in the past. LOL Get over it already. Or did I really burn you that bad??

Poor PP just like the rest of the dishonest and desperate to try and smear obama righties ignores the fact that the student was not a child and was at the age of consent and no crime was committed.

BTW I "attacked the poster" over his dishonesty and his false claims. Which is completely unlike you and chef who attack anyone who dares to disagree with you and your marching orders.
If you are going to be against something at least have a REAL reason instead of the fictionalized and dishonest BS that you and chefjester bring to the table.
You've never burned anyone, lil' one.

LOL excpet YOU and PP and OTHERS many many times over. LOL

But keeping living in your lil' fantasy world.

Says the poster who stalked me to a new message board and couldn't wait to attack me out of some desperate need for revenge. LOL

Fact is, you've totally lost on this issue.

Actually in this instance you are offering your OPINION not fact. It's funny how after all of these years of me correcting you on that FACT that you still confuse your OPINION with fact. The fact (and this is a REAL fact) is that your intitial premise, child molestation, was shot down and despite that you are still dishonestly trying to claim that you are right.

You have no reasonable argument to defend Jennings actions. Just admit it, and move on.
actually I have presented several reasonable arguments and your responses to my questions and counter arguments where nothing but baseless personal attacks or avoidance.

Fact is, once it was established by the MINOR CHILD that he was at the age of consent, then the child molestation angle was gone.

And so was the basis for your argument. LOL

That's been acknowleged.

So once again you admit to being wrong but still try to claim that you are right. LOL

We are now talking about Jennings abject FAILURE to protect the MINOR CHILD. We are now talking about Jennings abject failure to notify school officials to help protect the MINOR CHILD. We are talking about Jennings abject FAILURE to RIGHFULLY notify the MINOR CHILDS parents, so that they may help try and protect THEIR MINOR CHILD. We are talking about Jennings abject failure to live up to his moral and ethical duties as someone who was entrusted to protect that MINOR CHILD.
Christ man, it's not a hard concept to grasp. Unless you blatantly try hard not to grasp it.

Protect the OF AGE student from what?? The fact is that you present a lot of negative POSSIBILITIES in a lame attempt to justify your position as you try to scare up support with those harsh but as of yet nonexistent POSSIBILITIES however, in the end you are lacking in the fact department.
The student was within his rights and of the age of consent which also means he is responsible for his own actions and should be treated like an adult according to the law. Are you trying to take his personal responsibility away from him??

This is the part that confounds me most and makes believe that you are making your arguments based purely on politics and because IMO you believe you can use jennings to smear and attack obama. I have heard you many times talk and preach about personal responsibility and yet in this instance that same belief is missing. I wonder why??

Any damn proof the man was connected to fistgate or are you just hurling accusations hoping one of them would stick?

Oh and what's wrong with bashing the religious right?
Jester's argument in a nutshell

If you don't report a student's perfectly legal activities to their parents immediately if they are slightly objectionable you support those activities fully even if you yourself don't participate in them.

Oh and he's a MINOR CHILD, I put that in caps in the desperate hope that people will think of the children instead of the stupidly faulty accusations and reasoning I'm throwing around.
This is the bottom line:
Jennings was appointed by Obama to be involved in protecting children in schools.
Jennings seriously failed in protecting a minor child who admitted to placing himself in dangerous situations. He failed to notify school officials of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in Dangerous situations. He failed to notify the parents of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in dangerous situations. It was his moral and ethical duty as an educator of MINOR CHILDREN to do so. He failed, and it could have very well ended up tragically if the child had, god forbid, ended up murdered or missing. If he had ended up contracting AIDS or any various diseases. And HE is the one chosen to be put in the position of safely securing this country's children?

And i'll say it again. Out of all the seasoned educators in this country, that perverted and obviously twisted individual is all Obama and his administration could come up with?

It's friggin' ludicris!

LOL you can whine and cry "MINOR CHILD" all you want to but it matters very little in the face of the AGE OF CONSENT.

So please explain how much authority you want to give to teachers concerning students and the students activities outside the school?? FACT is that the student was of legal age and was doing nothing illegal, so what was the teacher's responsibility in dealing with the students activities OUTSIDE of the school??

Why is that if this situation was reversed and the teacher tried to get involved that the righties would be taking the other side of the argument and attacking the teacher for overstepping his bounds??

Face it, your argument blew up in your face when your whole child molestation angle got shredded and now out of desperation you have shifted the focus of your argument to this new line of bs which has no foundation either.

There ya go, projecting the classical liberal loon line when they've fully made asses of themselves and lost the argument:
'you righties would do this, you righties would do that!"
Fact is, the righties would be applauding the teacher for taking measures to protect the child.
Fact is, the child admitted to the teacher that he was engaging in dangerous behavior. It's no different than if the child admitted he was hanging out in bathrooms trying to buy drugs.

Now, you tell me, what if it were YOUR child. How would you have wanted that teacher to handle either of those situations. Would you just want the teacher to remain quiet and have your child out there doing those things or, would you wanted it reported to you so that YOU AS A PARENT could do something about it?
It is YOUR child after all so, Answer it Dr. Stop with the spin and deflection and answer the question.
Not by a long shot.

There's a thing called safe sex but there's no safe way to experiment with yourself on drugs. Oh and that whole stranger crap is a big load, those type of child murderers are pretty freaking rare.
Any damn proof the man was connected to fistgate or are you just hurling accusations hoping one of them would stick?

Oh and what's wrong with bashing the religious right?

I no more want him looking after the safety of children than I would want you anywhere near my children or grandchildren. Your own words on this forum are enough for me to understand you approve of pedophilia. If you don't then come right out and say so or is that not politically correct. "DO NOT FUCK THE CHILDREN!"

Bash Christians all you want but do not expect silence nor should you expect compliance when you are going after children.
This is a position that needs to put kids first. I ask a simple question. Is this person the BEST choice? Is this the type of person you want educators nationwide to emulate? I think there are many better choices President Obama could have made here. It makes me wonder why he picked this person.

Why? What exactly is so bad about him? What in his record makes him a bad choice? This one item - where the "right thing" is not so clear?

You didn't answer the questions. It appears you can't say he was the BEST choice. They were questions with just yes or no answers. I didn't even ask you to justify them.

Then we have "Fistgate" sure just propaganda where these sick son of bitches were abusing children by teaching them how to do this practice. Each and everyone of you that would support this type of shit being taught to children can go straight to hell.

It is not propaganda when these words came right from his own mouth.

You people have no right whatsoever to teach children how too and that it is fine and dandy to be sodomized.

You're nuts.
Your ignorant.

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