"safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings further exposed

I stand corrected. It seems his age was 16.
Still doesn't excuse Jennings actions. Actions that he himself admitted should have been handled differently. Telling the kid he hoped he used a condom?
How about telling him something like, picking up strange men in bathrooms is dangerous.
And lets not forget Jennings own words in his book about his admiration of Henry Hay?
This dude, shouldn't have ANYTHING TO DO with our children in any way.
He's a perverted nutjob, NOTHING MORE!

This is typical chefjester, even when shown to be wrong he still tries to claim that he is still correct. LOL

So I have a question, in all honesty what should he have done?? Since the fact is that the student was of age there was no child molestation ,meaning you either lied or were just a lemming following your marching orders without question, so what do you honestly believe he should have done??

and here's another example of the apple before the cart. Instead of questioning the qualifications and moral turpitude of this advocate of child homosexuality, drsmith, who IS NOT A DOCTOR BY THE WAY, attacks the poster for challenging an Obama czar. Regardless of what is posted this fucking clown shouldn't be within a 1000 yards of any school!!!!!

Aww poor PP just like chefjester always attacking because i burend them in the past. LOL Get over it already. Or did I really burn you that bad??

Poor PP just like the rest of the dishonest and desperate to try and smear obama righties ignores the fact that the student was not a child and was at the age of consent and no crime was committed.

BTW I "attacked the poster" over his dishonesty and his false claims. Which is completely unlike you and chef who attack anyone who dares to disagree with you and your marching orders.
If you are going to be against something at least have a REAL reason instead of the fictionalized and dishonest BS that you and chefjester bring to the table.
This is the bottom line:
Jennings was appointed by Obama to be involved in protecting children in schools.
Jennings seriously failed in protecting a minor child who admitted to placing himself in dangerous situations. He failed to notify school officials of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in Dangerous situations. He failed to notify the parents of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in dangerous situations. It was his moral and ethical duty as an educator of MINOR CHILDREN to do so. He failed, and it could have very well ended up tragically if the child had, god forbid, ended up murdered or missing. If he had ended up contracting AIDS or any various diseases. And HE is the one chosen to be put in the position of safely securing this country's children?

And i'll say it again. Out of all the seasoned educators in this country, that perverted and obviously twisted individual is all Obama and his administration could come up with?

It's friggin' ludicris!
This is typical chefjester, even when shown to be wrong he still tries to claim that he is still correct. LOL

So I have a question, in all honesty what should he have done?? Since the fact is that the student was of age there was no child molestation ,meaning you either lied or were just a lemming following your marching orders without question, so what do you honestly believe he should have done??

and here's another example of the apple before the cart. Instead of questioning the qualifications and moral turpitude of this advocate of child homosexuality, drsmith, who IS NOT A DOCTOR BY THE WAY, attacks the poster for challenging an Obama czar. Regardless of what is posted this fucking clown shouldn't be within a 1000 yards of any school!!!!!

Aww poor PP just like chefjester always attacking because i burend them in the past. LOL Get over it already. Or did I really burn you that bad??

Poor PP just like the rest of the dishonest and desperate to try and smear obama righties ignores the fact that the student was not a child and was at the age of consent and no crime was committed.

BTW I "attacked the poster" over his dishonesty and his false claims. Which is completely unlike you and chef who attack anyone who dares to disagree with you and your marching orders.
If you are going to be against something at least have a REAL reason instead of the fictionalized and dishonest BS that you and chefjester bring to the table.
You've never burned anyone, lil' one.
But keeping living in your lil' fantasy world.
Fact is, you've totally lost on this issue. You have no reasonable argument to defend Jennings actions. Just admit it, and move on.
Fact is, once it was established by the MINOR CHILD that he was at the age of consent, then the child molestation angle was gone. That's been acknowleged.
We are now talking about Jennings abject FAILURE to protect the MINOR CHILD. We are now talking about Jennings abject failure to notify school officials to help protect the MINOR CHILD. We are talking about Jennings abject FAILURE to RIGHFULLY notify the MINOR CHILDS parents, so that they may help try and protect THEIR MINOR CHILD. We are talking about Jennings abject failure to live up to his moral and ethical duties as someone who was entrusted to protect that MINOR CHILD.
Christ man, it's not a hard concept to grasp. Unless you blatantly try hard not to grasp it.
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you seem to have a crystal fucking ball in front of your computer...why does Obama want the "czar" stuff stopped then?

I dunno maybe because his political enemies are using it to drive fear into people?

With the whole czar ---> russia ----> soviet ----> ZOMG Obama is a commie! thing going around it makes sense.

Ya know... you're probably right.

Thus the folly of the 'scared straight' prgram, where convicts go around and tell future convicts that if they engage in certain types of behavior, they can expect the same results that the convicts realized.

Understand what Art is saying here kids...

"Just because the Soviet Union; one of the most corrupt, deceitful, ruthless, murderous governments in human history, used the same methods to tyranize their people... that doesn't mean that such will be used to do the same thing here."

Now who would like to offer Art some analysis on what we've found is typical, when kids reject the message of the convicts in the Scared Straight program?

Anyone at all?

Two things:

1.) I work nights so I'm usually in bed before 7 am. I was in bed today at 7:30.

2.) I never said, "Just because the Soviet Union; one of the most corrupt, deceitful, ruthless, murderous governments in human history, used the same methods to tyranize their people... that doesn't mean that such will be used to do the same thing here" so you can cut that bullshit right out.

I believe that my first post said that anyone who associates "czar" with communism is a moron.

I know it's a stretch for you but don't get it twisted.

and actually here's a third thng ...

3.) Fuck off, nutter. Don't you have some liberal killings to plot?
Hello... Art!

Would someone get Art's attention, she seems to have suddenly become fascinated with her shoe strings...

Art... you were making a point regarding fear; and the use of human experience to impart fear... you felt that knowledge was somehow dangerous; and could be a form of corruption; towards misleading an individual.

What would be the up-side to ignoring one's knowledge Art? Perhaps you can shed some light on this from that perspective.

Now "Ravi" would have LOVED to have offered a well reasoned, intellectually sound, logically valid argument in response to the above post; but given her stark intellectual limitations, she was limited to offering a flaccid NEG-REP, where she once again; the 2nd Neg Rep in as many days... and approaching a dozen or so over the last month... wherein she imparts her irrational 'feelings' that the post somehow 'hates on woman'.

Now this brings us to something like 3500 neg points that Ravi has hit me with... using the same irrationale... in the last month or 6 weeks.

So kids... Ravi is a BIG Fan of Neg-reps... and she carries a LOT of ass around here apparently; and likely vastly MORE of it is stuffed on whatever unfortunate chair she's crushing.

So where you might feel that a member with 360 reputation points would be wrong to abuse another "Dues-paying" member in good standing, of this board.... a member of only 22 lowly points... who has never fled from a debate of any kind; and is willing to debate any issue... and where that abusive member has repeatedly found her argument lacking on the issue which she is apparently compelled to neg on... thus is using her reputation 'power' as it were... in an attempt to CONTROL SPEECH which is advanced on this board... you would be in keeping with the trend to defend YOUR RIGHT TO SPEAK FREELY, by advancing your feelings likewise as you see fit.

For those who would like to do so, I offer the following link to Ravi's posts, to facilitate just such an opportunity:

How about you cry about it?

Enjoy my neg rep!
This is the bottom line:
Jennings was appointed by Obama to be involved in protecting children in schools.
Jennings seriously failed in protecting a minor child who admitted to placing himself in dangerous situations. He failed to notify school officials of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in Dangerous situations. He failed to notify the parents of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in dangerous situations. It was his moral and ethical duty as an educator of MINOR CHILDREN to do so. He failed, and it could have very well ended up tragically if the child had, god forbid, ended up murdered or missing. If he had ended up contracting AIDS or any various diseases. And HE is the one chosen to be put in the position of safely securing this country's children?

And i'll say it again. Out of all the seasoned educators in this country, that perverted and obviously twisted individual is all Obama and his administration could come up with?

It's friggin' ludicris!

Oh cut the act it just makes you look like a raving obsessive.

"Pardon me ma'am is this your MINOR CHILD, because I found this MINOR CHILD wandering around the woods and the MINOR CHILD looked lost. I want to find the parents of this MINOR CHILD, and return the MINOR CHILD to them."

"Well according to the R rating this film isn't appropriate for any MINOR CHILD"

"George W. Bush once went drunk driving and he could've killed a MINOR CHILD."

"My favorite constellation is Ursa MINOR, CHILD."

Frankly I'd be more worried about you than some guy who failed to rat someone out in the 1980s.

as Carlin said

" your children are overrated and overvalued, and
you've turned them into little cult objects. You have a child fetish, and
it's not healthy."

Oh and this wasn't a real dangerous situation.
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No surprise the pedophiles and pedophile enablers come out in defense of this absolutely ridiculous and callous appointment of Kevin Jennings by Obama. I highly doubt that the majority of the parents in the US would agree with this sellout of their children's safety in favor of Chicago style politics.
No surprise the pedophiles and pedophile enablers come out in defense of this absolutely ridiculous and callous appointment of Kevin Jennings by Obama. I highly doubt that the majority of the parents in the US would agree with this sellout of their children's safety in favor of Chicago style politics.

You want to throw up a link stating that 16 means the child is no longer considered a minor by law?

That is not the issue. Nice strawman though.

Oh, and BTW. There is no such thing as teacher/student privilege in the eyes of the law.

Who said there was? Perhaps you can show me where the law requires Jennings to report anything on a 16 year old's sexual activities?

It was Jennings moral and ethical duty to notify school officials or the parents of the childs dangerous behavior. PERIOD!

Define dangerous. Should all 16 year old's sexual activities be reported to parents? Where is the outrage?

At 16, it's a judgement call and since your entire moral tantrum revolves around an event almost 30 years ago, that was not illegal and that apparently did not result in any harm....it sounds like nothing more than a desperate attempt at a smear job.
This is the bottom line:
Jennings was appointed by Obama to be involved in protecting children in schools.
Jennings seriously failed in protecting a minor child who admitted to placing himself in dangerous situations. He failed to notify school officials of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in Dangerous situations. He failed to notify the parents of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in dangerous situations. It was his moral and ethical duty as an educator of MINOR CHILDREN to do so. He failed, and it could have very well ended up tragically if the child had, god forbid, ended up murdered or missing. If he had ended up contracting AIDS or any various diseases. And HE is the one chosen to be put in the position of safely securing this country's children?

And i'll say it again. Out of all the seasoned educators in this country, that perverted and obviously twisted individual is all Obama and his administration could come up with?

It's friggin' ludicris!

Oh cut the act it just makes you look like a raving obsessive.

"Pardon me ma'am is this your MINOR CHILD, because I found this MINOR CHILD wandering around the woods and the MINOR CHILD looked lost. I want to find the parents of this MINOR CHILD, and return the MINOR CHILD to them."

"Well according to the R rating this film isn't appropriate for any MINOR CHILD"

"George W. Bush once went drunk driving and he could've killed a MINOR CHILD."

"My favorite constellation is Ursa MINOR, CHILD."

Oh and this isn't a dangerous situation.

Equating a lost MINOR CHILD to a MINOR CHILD picking up strange men in bathrooms. Now that's rich!
Christ, exposing liberals and their moronic way of thinking is just too damn easy.
Seriously, you people are friggin' idiots to the core but, you sure are fun to laugh at. Just stay away from the children!
Yeah, this guy is a liberal nutjob to the core.
Do we really want this perveted pile of garbage having ANYTHING to do with our childrens education?
Hell no!

No way!!!! I really think these czars should be checked out, they are very radical of course, they do go with a very left wing radical President.
No surprise the pedophiles and pedophile enablers come out in defense of this absolutely ridiculous and callous appointment of Kevin Jennings by Obama. I highly doubt that the majority of the parents in the US would agree with this sellout of their children's safety in favor of Chicago style politics.

You seem either highly confused or stupid.

Pedophilia it is defined as a disorder in which an adult experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children under the age of 13.

This has nothing to do with the situation at hand....whatsoever.
This is the bottom line:
Jennings was appointed by Obama to be involved in protecting children in schools.
Jennings seriously failed in protecting a minor child who admitted to placing himself in dangerous situations. He failed to notify school officials of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in Dangerous situations. He failed to notify the parents of said MINOR CHILD placing himself in dangerous situations. It was his moral and ethical duty as an educator of MINOR CHILDREN to do so. He failed, and it could have very well ended up tragically if the child had, god forbid, ended up murdered or missing. If he had ended up contracting AIDS or any various diseases. And HE is the one chosen to be put in the position of safely securing this country's children?

And i'll say it again. Out of all the seasoned educators in this country, that perverted and obviously twisted individual is all Obama and his administration could come up with?

It's friggin' ludicris!

Oh cut the act it just makes you look like a raving obsessive.

"Pardon me ma'am is this your MINOR CHILD, because I found this MINOR CHILD wandering around the woods and the MINOR CHILD looked lost. I want to find the parents of this MINOR CHILD, and return the MINOR CHILD to them."

"Well according to the R rating this film isn't appropriate for any MINOR CHILD"

"George W. Bush once went drunk driving and he could've killed a MINOR CHILD."

"My favorite constellation is Ursa MINOR, CHILD."

Oh and this isn't a dangerous situation.

Equating a lost MINOR CHILD to a MINOR CHILD picking up strange men in bathrooms. Now that's rich!
Christ, exposing liberals and their moronic way of thinking is just too damn easy.
Seriously, you people are friggin' idiots to the core but, you sure are fun to laugh at. Just stay away from the children!

Nice straw man, I'm saying you're putting too much emphasis on children in a desperate appeal to emotion trying to get us to picture a 6 year old instead of a 16 year old. Since I didn't add the edit quickly enough here it is again from Carlin

" your children are overrated and overvalued, and
you've turned them into little cult objects. You have a child fetish, and
it's not healthy
You want to throw up a link stating that 16 means the child is no longer considered a minor by law?

That is not the issue. Nice strawman though.

Oh, and BTW. There is no such thing as teacher/student privilege in the eyes of the law.

Who said there was? Perhaps you can show me where the law requires Jennings to report anything on a 16 year old's sexual activities?

It was Jennings moral and ethical duty to notify school officials or the parents of the childs dangerous behavior. PERIOD!

Define dangerous. Should all 16 year old's sexual activities be reported to parents? Where is the outrage?

At 16, it's a judgement call and since your entire moral tantrum revolves around an event almost 30 years ago, that was not illegal and that apparently did not result in any harm....it sounds like nothing more than a desperate attempt at a smear job.
Actually, it was YOU who stated that a 16 year old was not considered a minor. That's the issue, and you failed to provide proof of your statement. You lose!
It is the moral and ethical duty of ALL teachers to report dangerous behavior by minors. You lose!
Picking up strange men that you know absolutely nothing about is MOST DEFINITELY dangerous behavior. You lose!

Christ, your defense of that perverted scumbag is beyond laughable to the point of being down right asinine.:cuckoo:
What the hell is wrong with you people? The article I read said the kid was over the age of consent and the kid himself says there was no sexual contact in his encounter with a gay older man.


When I was sixteen and above I had older guys trying to get into my panties and if I told someone about it they were under no obligation to inform my parents.

What a bunch of hysterical twits.
Are you really that fucking stupid?
The kid was a MINOR CHILD who admitted to dangerous practices, SUCH AS PICKING UP A STRANGE MAN IN A BATHROOM.
Now, let me enlighten your lil' Obamabot ass on something.
As a parent, when you drop your MINOR CHILD off at school, you rely on those who work in that school to protect them. You rely on them to keep you informed if your MINOR CHILD is engaging in dangerous activities. Picking up strange men in bathrooms is DANGEROUS ACTIVITY. Therefore, the pervert known as KEVIN JENNINGS had the responsibility, as someone who is entrusted to protect said MINOR CHILD, to either report it to school officials or, to the parents of said MINOR CHILD himself. He failed as a teacher. He failed in basic common sense. He failed the MINOR CHILD. He failed the MINOR CHILDS parents. He failed miserably, PERIOD!

Now, when you couple the disgusting way he handled that situation, with all of his asinine rantings and admissions, it becomes very clear that he is in NO WAY qualified to have ANYTHING to do with the education of this country's children. And anybody who thinks otherwise is a stark raving lunatic!

Of all the qualified educators in this country, this perverted insane SOB is all Obama could come up with?
Give me a fuckin' break!

WTFU, dumbass!

Your attacks are baseless, you are full of shite and therefore pointing out the HUGE flaws in your argument that are obviously based on your bias against anything obama and made in a desperate attempt to tear obama down through guilt by association is not defending jennings.

I do find it funny that the allegedly anti-government involvement right are trying to argue that the teacher and the school in this instance should have gotten more involved in this situation and yet if he did then these same posters would probably be attacking him for overstepping his bounds. LOL

I find it sad that you equate attacking someone personally with winning a debate. LOL

The fact is that one of the pillars of your smears and attacks fell apart and since then your statements have consisted of nothing bhut personal smears and attacks against jeenings and any who disagree with you.

Face it , you lost and all you are left with is hate filled and baseless personal attacks.
So, you obviously think the way Jennings handled the situation is perfectly fine.
Funny how you absolutely REFUSE to state how you feel. Just dogged attacks and nothing more.
Fact is, you are obviously not a parent. You are obviously completely clueless as to how parents think when they entrust their MINOR CHILDS safety to school employees.

It is also quite obvious that you abjectly refuse to debate this issue because you know damn good and well that your beloved messiah fucked up in choosing that perverted piece of shit. You know damn good and well that you won't admit to your beloved messiah ever making mistakes.
That's fine. You've always lacked substance anyway. So, it comes as no surprise. Once again you resort to deflection because you know damn good and well that your position on the matter is downright ludacris.
Either that, or you and Jennings are exactly the same.

LOL so you are losing the argument so you try to make the debate about ME. LOL How dishonest of you.

Fact is, I was only wrong on the MINOR CHILDS exact age. I acknowledged that, righfully so.

Which means that your WHOLE argument which was based on child molestation is baseless and you know it.
So out of desperation and dishonesty you try to change the focus of your argument while trying to maintain the same argument. Focusing on the fact that the student was under 18 and continually spouting out the phrase "MINOR CHILD" when no laws were broken makes you look dishonest and foolish.

That is something you would NEVER do, and you know it. Anybody who has dealt with you knows it.

LOL funny but I have admitted when I was wrong where as you try to dishoenstly claim the high road after you admit that you were wrong while still trying to claim that you are right.

Fact is, you know damn good and well that i'm absolutely right on Jennings failures on this issue.

LOL how can you be ABSOLUTELY right when you admit that you are wrong?? LOL

That is why you refuse to answer my questions.

What questions?? You asked about the child molestion and someone else answered it before me so what would be the point in answering a question that had already been answered?? The rest of your posts directed at me were nothing but baseless attacks.

That is why you refuse to give your opinions.

I offered my opinions you just disagreed with them and started attacking me and any others who disagreed with you. One of my opinions is that you are WRONG and it is back up by the facts and the fact that you admitted that you were WRONG (while still dishonestly pretending that you are right).

That is why you choose to attack, and fail to debate.

Uhh? why don't you go back and read through your posts in this thread and see just how many of them are NOTHING but attacks. A few pages back I asked you a question and instead of answering the question you started lashing out and attacking those who disagreed with you. Once again you try to attack me and instead describe yourself.

You're weak, just admit it!

LOL more of the big bad ol internet tough guy who vandalizes cars and then runs away. Doesn't that seem pretty weak to you??

FACT is that you started this thread with propaganda and talking points that you were fed and you ran with them without question. Then any who responded who didn't take your side were attacked by you. Then your argument had the foundation ripped out from under it and yet you still pretend that you are right as you lashed out and continued to attack.

You lost, admit it and crawl away. LOL
What the hell is wrong with you people? The article I read said the kid was over the age of consent and the kid himself says there was no sexual contact in his encounter with a gay older man.


When I was sixteen and above I had older guys trying to get into my panties and if I told someone about it they were under no obligation to inform my parents.

What a bunch of hysterical twits.

It's about demonizing no matter what, Ravi.
What the hell is wrong with you people? The article I read said the kid was over the age of consent and the kid himself says there was no sexual contact in his encounter with a gay older man.


When I was sixteen and above I had older guys trying to get into my panties and if I told someone about it they were under no obligation to inform my parents.

What a bunch of hysterical twits.
First of all, "getting into your panties" is one of those things that make people go, "ooooooh christ, that's nasty!":razz:
Second of all, if ANY older man tried to get into either of my twin daughters panties, and they told someone about it, and those who were told failed to notify me, those who were told and failed to notify me would end up severely beaten or dead. Fortunately, my daughters know they can come to me about anything. They themselves would notify me.

Yeah, there appears that there was no sexual contact. That's not the issue. The issue is that the MINOR CHILD was picking up strange men in bathrooms. A very dangerous activity that could lead to murder, kidnapping, drugging, raping, infecting, and a whole host of other possible tragedy's.
Christ, liberals are friggin' idiots!:cuckoo:
What the hell is wrong with you people? The article I read said the kid was over the age of consent and the kid himself says there was no sexual contact in his encounter with a gay older man.


When I was sixteen and above I had older guys trying to get into my panties and if I told someone about it they were under no obligation to inform my parents.

What a bunch of hysterical twits.
First of all, "getting into your panties" is one of those things that make people go, "ooooooh christ, that's nasty!":razz:
Second of all, if ANY older man tried to get into either of my twin daughters panties, and they told someone about it, and those who were told failed to notify me, those who were told and failed to notify me would end up severely beaten or dead. Fortunately, my daughters know they can come to me about anything. They themselves would notify me.

Yeah, there appears that there was no sexual contact. That's not the issue. The issue is that the MINOR CHILD was picking up strange men in bathrooms. A very dangerous activity that could lead to murder, kidnapping, drugging, raping, infecting, and a whole host of other possible tragedy's.
Christ, liberals are friggin' idiots!:cuckoo:

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