"safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings further exposed

Why do they need a 'czar' for school safety?

He's Assistant Deputy Secretary at the Department of Education.

This 'czar' shit has got to stop.

I see you are right on que with the weekly DNC/Obama talking points....:clap2:

Is it because Czar associates Obama with Russia which in turn, to most Americans means...The Soviet...which to most Americans means "commie bastards"?

No. Because it's stupid and annoying.
Well...no cutting corners with that answer. I find it irritating also and I could never understand why that word has had the longevity it has in our political lexicon.
Well...no cutting corners with that answer. I find it irritating also and I could never understand why that word has had the longevity it has in our political lexicon.

Because the media thinks it's so much more clever and funner to report "TARP czar" than "Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services and Advisor to the President for Public Health Emergency Preparedness."
Well...no cutting corners with that answer. I find it irritating also and I could never understand why that word has had the longevity it has in our political lexicon.

Because the media thinks it's so much more clever and funner to report "TARP czar" than "Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services and Advisor to the President for Public Health Emergency Preparedness."

Yes...this is true.

But I found it interesting that the only FACT that the White House dispuited about Van Jones was his title of "Green Czar".

He was reported as an admitted commuinist, and an admitted radical and the "Green Czar"...and the WH said that FOx distorted the facts...he was never designated as the green czar.

Love it.
Well...no cutting corners with that answer. I find it irritating also and I could never understand why that word has had the longevity it has in our political lexicon.

Because the media thinks it's so much more clever and funner to report "TARP czar" than "Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services and Advisor to the President for Public Health Emergency Preparedness."

Say that as fast as you can 3 times.
First of all, who cares what someone says about an "illusionary" God? Does she care? Of course not, because she doesn't exist.

Second, for all of those that say run to the kids parents, I say, "Not so fast".

The highest suicide rate among children is among gay children. I suspect there are many so called, "Christian" parents who would prefer the kid died and spared the family the shame of being gay. After all, no one raises their kids to be gay, they just ARE.

And finally, if the kid can't trust the parents in the first place, many times, there are reasons. First, why is a 15 year old hanging around a men's room? Why don't the parents know where the kid is? Seconds, destructive behaviour usually stems from something, it's doesn't just "happen". Third, does the kid have legitimate fears about the parents? Maybe dad likes to beat the crap out of the kids and mom? Does the kid need to worry for their life? Fourth, well, I could go on for quites some time.

The problem with the right, they are simpletons who speak only "simpleton" and see everything in terms of black and white. Every solution is "simple". "Consequences" is a word much too big and difficult to understand. Empathy, understanding, those are for sissies. They know, "beat the kid". They know, "I will get you fired". They know, "Do what I tell you or else". In other words, they know how to bully, but not how to be a good and understanding parent. Otherwise so many of their kids wouldn't be pregnant and diseased.
Seriously, you're a liberal nutjob to the core.
Keep talking though. Between yourself and your beloved Messiah, aka: ''The Manchurian Teleprompter", you are fully making the case that far left liberal nutjobs SHOULD NEVER be elected to lead this great country. By the time that your beloved messiah, aka: 'The Manchurian Teleprompter" reaches the next presidential election cycle, the CLEAR THINKING citizens of this country will fully understand that electing far left liberal nutjobs is a recipe for disaster.
You people are stark raving lunatics, NOTHING MORE!
Well...no cutting corners with that answer. I find it irritating also and I could never understand why that word has had the longevity it has in our political lexicon.

Because the media thinks it's so much more clever and funner to report "TARP czar" than "Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services and Advisor to the President for Public Health Emergency Preparedness."

Say that as fast as you can 3 times.

THIS, is the prime example as to why Jennings perverted ass should not have ANYTHING to do with the education of this country's children.
Jennings group (GLSEN) was a co-sponsor for this forum. It speaks volumes as to what he is all about.

Now, Obama stated himself that his choices for personnel would define his agenda.
Out of ALL the seasoned educators in this country, this is the guy he comes up with to fill the position?
When we look at ALL of the clowns Obama has chosen to fill various positions, it becomes very clear that his agenda is downright insane. And anyone who believes otherwise is living their life with their head firmly buried in their ass.
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I see you are right on que with the weekly DNC/Obama talking points....:clap2:

Is it because Czar associates Obama with Russia which in turn, to most Americans means...The Soviet...which to most Americans means "commie bastards"?

Funny how many times Obama said during his ongoing campaign how much he liked FDR..it was "FDR this..." and "FDR that..."
Guess who appointed the first government czars?

Franklin Delano Roosevlt...namely Leon Henderson-Czar of Prices, Donald Nelson-Czar of Production and Emory S. Land- Czar of shipbuilding.

Only the duped fall for the load of bullshit taking place in Washington nowadays.

And only a moron or somebody purposely trying to dupe morons would relate a czar to communism.

No ones relating a czar to communisn dumb ass....czars relate to russia and russia relates to communisn and corruption...but perhaps you are one of the duped and are incapable of seeing with your DNC beer goggles on...

you seem to have a crystal fucking ball in front of your computer...why does Obama want the "czar" stuff stopped then?

Hey cool let me try.

Obama likes Lo Mein

Lo Mein is Asian food

Asia includes Russia

Russia was communist

or fuck why not just

Lo Mein is Chinese

Chinese IS communist

or just

Obama smokes cigarettes

cigarettes are similar to cigars

cigars are related to Cuba

Cuba is communist

You know that communism only existed in Russia after they threw the czars out of power right?
First of all, I fully acknowleged I was wrong on his age when the interview with the kid was presented.
That still in no way excuses Jennings actions. Jennings acknowleged it himself.
What should that perverted lib have done?
He should have notified school authorities.
The kid was a minor, like it or not. As a teacher he should have notified school authorities or the parents to report the CHILDS promiscuous behavior.
Like I said i'm quite sure none of you limpdicks lil' liberals are parents.
Defending that dirtbag is as disgusting as it gets.
Face it, Jennings is outa there. Another disgusting Obama association with a complete and total piece of shit full exposed YET AGAIN!

LOL How can you be wrong and still be right?? LOL

So let me get this straight you are advocating that the teacher and the school should have more involvement in a person's personal life?? If no laws were broken what could the school authorities do??

Your attacks are baseless, you are full of shite and therefore pointing out the HUGE flaws in your argument that are obviously based on your bias against anything obama and made in a desperate attempt to tear obama down through guilt by association is not defending jennings.
First of all, I fully acknowleged I was wrong on his age when the interview with the kid was presented.
That still in no way excuses Jennings actions. Jennings acknowleged it himself.
What should that perverted lib have done?
He should have notified school authorities.
The kid was a minor, like it or not. As a teacher he should have notified school authorities or the parents to report the CHILDS promiscuous behavior.
Like I said i'm quite sure none of you limpdicks lil' liberals are parents.
Defending that dirtbag is as disgusting as it gets.
Face it, Jennings is outa there. Another disgusting Obama association with a complete and total piece of shit full exposed YET AGAIN!

LOL How can you be wrong and still be right?? LOL

So let me get this straight you are advocating that the teacher and the school should have more involvement in a person's personal life?? If no laws were broken what could the school authorities do??

Your attacks are baseless, you are full of shite and therefore pointing out the HUGE flaws in your argument that are obviously based on your bias against anything obama and made in a desperate attempt to tear obama down through guilt by association is not defending jennings.

Are you really that fucking stupid?
The kid was a MINOR CHILD who admitted to dangerous practices, SUCH AS PICKING UP A STRANGE MAN IN A BATHROOM.
Now, let me enlighten your lil' Obamabot ass on something.
As a parent, when you drop your MINOR CHILD off at school, you rely on those who work in that school to protect them. You rely on them to keep you informed if your MINOR CHILD is engaging in dangerous activities. Picking up strange men in bathrooms is DANGEROUS ACTIVITY. Therefore, the pervert known as KEVIN JENNINGS had the responsibility, as someone who is entrusted to protect said MINOR CHILD, to either report it to school officials or, to the parents of said MINOR CHILD himself. He failed as a teacher. He failed in basic common sense. He failed the MINOR CHILD. He failed the MINOR CHILDS parents. He failed miserably, PERIOD!

Now, when you couple the disgusting way he handled that situation, with all of his asinine rantings and admissions, it becomes very clear that he is in NO WAY qualified to have ANYTHING to do with the education of this country's children. And anybody who thinks otherwise is a stark raving lunatic!

Of all the qualified educators in this country, this perverted insane SOB is all Obama could come up with?
Give me a fuckin' break!

WTFU, dumbass!
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First of all, I fully acknowleged I was wrong on his age when the interview with the kid was presented.
That still in no way excuses Jennings actions. Jennings acknowleged it himself.
What should that perverted lib have done?
He should have notified school authorities.
The kid was a minor, like it or not. As a teacher he should have notified school authorities or the parents to report the CHILDS promiscuous behavior.
Like I said i'm quite sure none of you limpdicks lil' liberals are parents.
Defending that dirtbag is as disgusting as it gets.
Face it, Jennings is outa there. Another disgusting Obama association with a complete and total piece of shit full exposed YET AGAIN!

LOL How can you be wrong and still be right?? LOL

So let me get this straight you are advocating that the teacher and the school should have more involvement in a person's personal life?? If no laws were broken what could the school authorities do??

Your attacks are baseless, you are full of shite and therefore pointing out the HUGE flaws in your argument that are obviously based on your bias against anything obama and made in a desperate attempt to tear obama down through guilt by association is not defending jennings.

Are you really that fucking stupid?
The kid was a MINOR CHILD who admitted to dangerous practices, SUCH AS PICKING UP A STRANGE MAN IN A BATHROOM.
Now, let me enlighten your lil' Obamabot ass on something.
As a parent, when you drop your MINOR CHILD off at school, you rely on those who work in that school to protect them. You rely on them to keep you informed if your MINOR CHILD is engaging in dangerous activities. Picking up strange men in bathrooms is DANGEROUS ACTIVITY. Therefore, the pervert known as KEVIN JENNINGS had the responsibility, as someone who is entrusted to protect said MINOR CHILD, to either report it to school officials or, to the parents of said MINOR CHILD himself. He failed as a teacher. He failed in basic common sense. He failed the MINOR CHILD. He failed the MINOR CHILDS parents. He failed miserably, PERIOD!

Now, when you couple the disgusting way he handled that situation, with all of his asinine rantings and admissions, it becomes very clear that he is in NO WAY qualified to have ANYTHING to do with the education of this country's children. And anybody who thinks otherwise is a stark raving lunatic!

Of all the qualified educators in this country, this perverted insane SOB is all Obama could come up with?
Give me a fuckin' break!

WTFU, dumbass!

Your attacks are baseless, you are full of shite and therefore pointing out the HUGE flaws in your argument that are obviously based on your bias against anything obama and made in a desperate attempt to tear obama down through guilt by association is not defending jennings.

I do find it funny that the allegedly anti-government involvement right are trying to argue that the teacher and the school in this instance should have gotten more involved in this situation and yet if he did then these same posters would probably be attacking him for overstepping his bounds. LOL

I find it sad that you equate attacking someone personally with winning a debate. LOL

The fact is that one of the pillars of your smears and attacks fell apart and since then your statements have consisted of nothing bhut personal smears and attacks against jeenings and any who disagree with you.

Face it , you lost and all you are left with is hate filled and baseless personal attacks.
First of all, I fully acknowleged I was wrong on his age when the interview with the kid was presented.
That still in no way excuses Jennings actions. Jennings acknowleged it himself.
What should that perverted lib have done?
He should have notified school authorities.
The kid was a minor, like it or not. As a teacher he should have notified school authorities or the parents to report the CHILDS promiscuous behavior.
Like I said i'm quite sure none of you limpdicks lil' liberals are parents.
Defending that dirtbag is as disgusting as it gets.
Face it, Jennings is outa there. Another disgusting Obama association with a complete and total piece of shit full exposed YET AGAIN!

Yea, right. Notify the school authorities that this kid had sex and the kid will NEVER trust another adult. Not only that, people such as yourself would gladly brand a 15 or 16 year old with a "scarlet letter" and hopefully, they can be driven to suicide. Of course, suicide is a "much better option" than explaining the dangers of promiscuous sex to a young adult who is acting, well, promiscuous.

And this is why the right has such high pregnancy and STD rates. Determined ignorance.
So, what you are saying is that if your MINOR CHILD was out picking up strange man in bathrooms, and the MINOR CHILD admitted it to a teacher, you wouldn't want to be notified of your MINOR CHILDS dangerous behavior?
Forget about the unprotected sex for a moment. How about the MINOR CHILD possibly being murdered or seriously fucked up by the pervert who picked him up?
Seriously, this issue is exposing you loony libs to the core.
You are definitely backward thinking, seriously fucked up in the head people.
Carry on!

Poor chef, continuing to try and spread misinformation.

Yes the student was under 18 but the problem with your argument is that he was the age of consent meaning NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED. So you can continue to try and spew your dishonesty all you want as you try to focus on the fact that the student was under 18 as you try and make it seem criminal but it won't change the FACT that no crime was committed.
So you are doing nothing but trying make something out of nothing to try and CYA on yet another argument and smear attempt against obama that you started that fell flat.
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Right, we get it, gays are bad and gays are evil. Thats the real message.

Happily, people of that mindset are going the way of hardcore racists, an increasingly ignored group of yahoos.

And with them goes the viability of the culture which they sustained...

Understand what this idiot is saying friends...

Homosexuality is perfectly normal... and why is it perfectly normal? Well because 'people' feel that it's normal...

It has nothing to do with 'normality'... despite the implication of such being a scientific assessment, the conclusion is not actually founded in science... it is founded in popularity.

As has been noted many times, the advocacy of homosexuaity is a LIE...

The advocacy of Homosexuality is a function of cultural subversion; a subversion which is advanced by the advocates of the farce known as SOCIAL JUSTICE... AKA: the Socialists... in all of its various facets, through all of the various sub-cultures; the advocacy of homsexuality is a means to an end. That end being the end of the recognition and respect for the high moral standards of the immutable principles which sustain America.

Wow, you try to use "science"? You don't even know what that means.

No one "advocates" homosexuality, they "advocate" that people don't believe trash and not hate themselves for being who they are.

If it's a "war" between the "Christians good" and the "evil gays", then how come the gay population is only around 5%? It's always been only around 5%. It will always be only around 5%. Kind of makes you think that around 5% of the population will always be gay. Kind of makes you think they were just born that way.

Less then 6% of scientists will admit to being Republican. I can see why. Who wants’ to admit their diseased children have such a high pregnancy rate? At one time, that was a source of shame, not pride.
Dude if they don't support his views those scientists are just part of the evil left wing conspiracy.
Are you really that fucking stupid?
The kid was a MINOR CHILD who admitted to dangerous practices, SUCH AS PICKING UP A STRANGE MAN IN A BATHROOM.
Now, let me enlighten your lil' Obamabot ass on something.
As a parent, when you drop your MINOR CHILD off at school, you rely on those who work in that school to protect them. You rely on them to keep you informed if your MINOR CHILD is engaging in dangerous activities. Picking up strange men in bathrooms is DANGEROUS ACTIVITY. Therefore, the pervert known as KEVIN JENNINGS had the responsibility, as someone who is entrusted to protect said MINOR CHILD, to either report it to school officials or, to the parents of said MINOR CHILD himself. He failed as a teacher. He failed in basic common sense. He failed the MINOR CHILD. He failed the MINOR CHILDS parents. He failed miserably, PERIOD!

Now, when you couple the disgusting way he handled that situation, with all of his asinine rantings and admissions, it becomes very clear that he is in NO WAY qualified to have ANYTHING to do with the education of this country's children. And anybody who thinks otherwise is a stark raving lunatic!

Of all the qualified educators in this country, this perverted insane SOB is all Obama could come up with?
Give me a fuckin' break!

WTFU, dumbass!

At 16 the child was not a minor in the eyes of the state law - plain and simple. As he teacher he could have notified school authorities but they had no legal recourse to fall back on and the unintended consequences of that might be a total breakdown of trust between student and teacher - leaving no one that the child is comfortable talking to and leading to the possibility of even more dangerous sexual practices. This is 1981 (right?), you want to bet that the parents had no clue their kid is gay and might not be able to accept it if they found out in that manner?
LOL How can you be wrong and still be right?? LOL

So let me get this straight you are advocating that the teacher and the school should have more involvement in a person's personal life?? If no laws were broken what could the school authorities do??

Your attacks are baseless, you are full of shite and therefore pointing out the HUGE flaws in your argument that are obviously based on your bias against anything obama and made in a desperate attempt to tear obama down through guilt by association is not defending jennings.

Are you really that fucking stupid?
The kid was a MINOR CHILD who admitted to dangerous practices, SUCH AS PICKING UP A STRANGE MAN IN A BATHROOM.
Now, let me enlighten your lil' Obamabot ass on something.
As a parent, when you drop your MINOR CHILD off at school, you rely on those who work in that school to protect them. You rely on them to keep you informed if your MINOR CHILD is engaging in dangerous activities. Picking up strange men in bathrooms is DANGEROUS ACTIVITY. Therefore, the pervert known as KEVIN JENNINGS had the responsibility, as someone who is entrusted to protect said MINOR CHILD, to either report it to school officials or, to the parents of said MINOR CHILD himself. He failed as a teacher. He failed in basic common sense. He failed the MINOR CHILD. He failed the MINOR CHILDS parents. He failed miserably, PERIOD!

Now, when you couple the disgusting way he handled that situation, with all of his asinine rantings and admissions, it becomes very clear that he is in NO WAY qualified to have ANYTHING to do with the education of this country's children. And anybody who thinks otherwise is a stark raving lunatic!

Of all the qualified educators in this country, this perverted insane SOB is all Obama could come up with?
Give me a fuckin' break!

WTFU, dumbass!

Your attacks are baseless, you are full of shite and therefore pointing out the HUGE flaws in your argument that are obviously based on your bias against anything obama and made in a desperate attempt to tear obama down through guilt by association is not defending jennings.

I do find it funny that the allegedly anti-government involvement right are trying to argue that the teacher and the school in this instance should have gotten more involved in this situation and yet if he did then these same posters would probably be attacking him for overstepping his bounds. LOL

I find it sad that you equate attacking someone personally with winning a debate. LOL

The fact is that one of the pillars of your smears and attacks fell apart and since then your statements have consisted of nothing bhut personal smears and attacks against jeenings and any who disagree with you.

Face it , you lost and all you are left with is hate filled and baseless personal attacks.
So, you obviously think the way Jennings handled the situation is perfectly fine.
Funny how you absolutely REFUSE to state how you feel. Just dogged attacks and nothing more.
Fact is, you are obviously not a parent. You are obviously completely clueless as to how parents think when they entrust their MINOR CHILDS safety to school employees.

It is also quite obvious that you abjectly refuse to debate this issue because you know damn good and well that your beloved messiah fucked up in choosing that perverted piece of shit. You know damn good and well that you won't admit to your beloved messiah ever making mistakes.
That's fine. You've always lacked substance anyway. So, it comes as no surprise. Once again you resort to deflection because you know damn good and well that your position on the matter is downright ludacris.
Either that, or you and Jennings are exactly the same.

Fact is, I was only wrong on the MINOR CHILDS exact age. I acknowledged that, righfully so. That is something you would NEVER do, and you know it. Anybody who has dealt with you knows it.
Fact is, you know damn good and well that i'm absolutely right on Jennings failures on this issue. That is why you refuse to answer my questions. That is why you refuse to give your opinions. That is why you choose to attack, and fail to debate.
You're weak, just admit it!
Are you really that fucking stupid?
The kid was a MINOR CHILD who admitted to dangerous practices, SUCH AS PICKING UP A STRANGE MAN IN A BATHROOM.
Now, let me enlighten your lil' Obamabot ass on something.
As a parent, when you drop your MINOR CHILD off at school, you rely on those who work in that school to protect them. You rely on them to keep you informed if your MINOR CHILD is engaging in dangerous activities. Picking up strange men in bathrooms is DANGEROUS ACTIVITY. Therefore, the pervert known as KEVIN JENNINGS had the responsibility, as someone who is entrusted to protect said MINOR CHILD, to either report it to school officials or, to the parents of said MINOR CHILD himself. He failed as a teacher. He failed in basic common sense. He failed the MINOR CHILD. He failed the MINOR CHILDS parents. He failed miserably, PERIOD!

Now, when you couple the disgusting way he handled that situation, with all of his asinine rantings and admissions, it becomes very clear that he is in NO WAY qualified to have ANYTHING to do with the education of this country's children. And anybody who thinks otherwise is a stark raving lunatic!

Of all the qualified educators in this country, this perverted insane SOB is all Obama could come up with?
Give me a fuckin' break!

WTFU, dumbass!

At 16 the child was not a minor in the eyes of the state law - plain and simple. As he teacher he could have notified school authorities but they had no legal recourse to fall back on and the unintended consequences of that might be a total breakdown of trust between student and teacher - leaving no one that the child is comfortable talking to and leading to the possibility of even more dangerous sexual practices. This is 1981 (right?), you want to bet that the parents had no clue their kid is gay and might not be able to accept it if they found out in that manner?

You want to throw up a link stating that 16 means the child is no longer considered a minor by law?
Oh, and BTW. There is no such thing as teacher/student privilege in the eyes of the law.

It was Jennings moral and ethical duty to notify school officials or the parents of the childs dangerous behavior. PERIOD!
rdean, so your perfectly willing to ignore the law? The teacher is required by law to report. Not to make a subjective call on what is or isn't true in the situation, just report it to the authorities. You would rather have a person running around abusing child after child? Don't play dumb either. Fifteen of sixteen is not an adult by law. Protect the guilty by letting the child live with the guilt. Nice.

If you are advocating ignoring the law, I choose to follow several of Obama's appointees and fail to pay my taxes. Many of the things those taxes pay for I find very objectionable, so the rationalization is pretty easy. You want to draw the line at protecting someone like Mr. Jennings? I don't think you will find President Obama doing the same. Where does that leave you?

Report what?? What crime was committed?? What law is being ignored?? Please explain.

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