"safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings further exposed

I no more want him looking after the safety of children than I would want you anywhere near my children or grandchildren. Your own words on this forum are enough for me to understand you approve of pedophilia. If you don't then come right out and say so or is that not politically correct. "DO NOT FUCK THE CHILDREN!"

Bash Christians all you want but do not expect silence nor should you expect compliance when you are going after children.

Tell me where I have supported pedophilia, because I don't.

Oh and this may come as news to you but bashing the religious right is not bashing Christianity or all Christians. Not all Christians agree with the religious right (by a looooong shot) and nowhere that I'm aware of does it say in the bible to try to make the state support Christianity.
Well make up your mind would you rather see child porn made legal or rape nuns and light the kids on fire, or rape the children?

Can I rape the nuns and set a bus full of kids on fire instead?

Or how about your suggestion to a "child porn" database? Great, you sound real trust worthy, NOT.

A. It was to save a million lives by "setting a bus of nuns on fire, raping two dozen children," and some other stuff, I wanted an alternative and it was in jest (it was a hypothetical not likely to ever happen which I think gives me license to not take it seriously and joke around). The fact that you're holding a silly would you rather question against me seems odd to me.

B. The kid porn database was a suggestion to try to halt demand and thus further production of kid porn, it didn't involve making new material, I suggested it because I thought it would help lower the number of kids who get molested making the material not because I wanted to see the material.
Then we have "Fistgate" sure just propaganda where these sick son of bitches were abusing children by teaching them how to do this practice. Each and everyone of you that would support this type of shit being taught to children can go straight to hell.

It is not propaganda when these words came right from his own mouth.

You people have no right whatsoever to teach children how too and that it is fine and dandy to be sodomized.

Any damn proof the man was connected to fistgate or are you just hurling accusations hoping one of them would stick?

Oh and what's wrong with bashing the religious right?
Here's your proof that Jennings was FULLY connected to FISTGATE.
It was the organization he founded that co-sponsored the forum. He was FULLY INVOLVED IN IT!
The "Fistgate" incident

I don't suppose you have a more reputable source than that piece of crap?
Then we have "Fistgate" sure just propaganda where these sick son of bitches were abusing children by teaching them how to do this practice. Each and everyone of you that would support this type of shit being taught to children can go straight to hell.

It is not propaganda when these words came right from his own mouth.

You people have no right whatsoever to teach children how too and that it is fine and dandy to be sodomized.

Any damn proof the man was connected to fistgate or are you just hurling accusations hoping one of them would stick?

Oh and what's wrong with bashing the religious right?
Here's your proof that Jennings was FULLY connected to FISTGATE.
It was the organization he founded that co-sponsored the forum. He was FULLY INVOLVED IN IT!
The "Fistgate" incident

The site doesn't cite sources that Jennings defended the incident and I really don't trust MassResistance.
Any damn proof the man was connected to fistgate or are you just hurling accusations hoping one of them would stick?

Oh and what's wrong with bashing the religious right?
Here's your proof that Jennings was FULLY connected to FISTGATE.
It was the organization he founded that co-sponsored the forum. He was FULLY INVOLVED IN IT!
The "Fistgate" incident

The site doesn't cite sources that Jennings defended the incident and I really don't trust MassResistance.
The source sites Jennings own words about FISTGATE.

And, it's quite well known that Jennings organization co-sponsored the forum.

If you read the posted article, you will see that Jennings tried to sue to have it blocked.

Jennings was "FIST" deep in it!
Any damn proof the man was connected to fistgate or are you just hurling accusations hoping one of them would stick?

Oh and what's wrong with bashing the religious right?

I no more want him looking after the safety of children than I would want you anywhere near my children or grandchildren. Your own words on this forum are enough for me to understand you approve of pedophilia. If you don't then come right out and say so or is that not politically correct. "DO NOT FUCK THE CHILDREN!"

Bash Christians all you want but do not expect silence nor should you expect compliance when you are going after children.

Do you have issues with male teachers being near your daughters?

How about female teachers teaching your sons?

Aren't you concerned about them FUCKING THE CHILDREN?
I am still waiting for that link that says that kid was having sex with that older man in a bathroom. Can someone provide the link, I cant find it.

So far everything thrown at Jennings is a lie. Hannity lovers are idiots, lazy idiots.
Are you a parent?
I am. And trust me, if you're not, then you will know exactly what i'm talking about if you become one. I GUARANTEE that your entire perspective will change on issues like this.

Sorry about the "idiot" reference. I take it back and humbly apologize.
I've seen you make some good points on other subjects on this board, I'll save the idiot references for the IDIOTS who actually deserve it.

I'll take your word for it, and I accept your apology.
This is a position that needs to put kids first. I ask a simple question. Is this person the BEST choice? Is this the type of person you want educators nationwide to emulate? I think there are many better choices President Obama could have made here. It makes me wonder why he picked this person.

Why? What exactly is so bad about him? What in his record makes him a bad choice? This one item - where the "right thing" is not so clear?

You didn't answer the questions. It appears you can't say he was the BEST choice. They were questions with just yes or no answers. I didn't even ask you to justify them.

I did not answer the question because it is not a simple yes/no question. Most questions of this type aren't. Looking at his bio, I certainly can't see anything that would indicate he was not superbly qualified for the position.

To be able to answer "is he the BEST" is impossible - I do not know what the president is looking for, I do not know what he considers important or "best", and I do not know what other candidates are in the field.

So much for an (un)simple question.

Thus far all that has come up against him are pathetic accusations that are little more than gross slander that end up sounding more like homophobia than rational objections.

Take for example the incident where he showed "poor judgement" in advising a student. What are the facts - stripped of rightwing hyperbole?
- this was in 1981, Jennings was (I think) 24, at his first teaching job
- the student was 16 at the time (oops...not 15...of legal age to have sex)
- the student had a 15 minute conversation with Jennings about the possibility of having sex with an older man.
- within that 15 minute conversation, one of the things (not the only thing) that Jennings suggested to him was that he wear a condom.
- the student, interviewed recently said he didn't even have sex with that man.
- Jennings himself said he felt he did not show the best judgement at the time.

Well hell....he was 24.....what were we doing at 24 besides thinking we were basically invincible and never wrong :eusa_whistle: GW Bush was getting drunk and experimenting with drugs at the time and Clinton "wasn't inhaling" (hmmm....sounds like poor judgement to me) yet they didn't have a problem with electing them for president.

To hear the rightwing pundits talk, the 15 year old student was molested by an older man in the bathrooms, Jennings actively covered it up and hid it from authorities.

So why exactly is he NOT the best choice accept guilt by innuendo and exageration?
Then we have "Fistgate" sure just propaganda where these sick son of bitches were abusing children by teaching them how to do this practice. Each and everyone of you that would support this type of shit being taught to children can go straight to hell.

It is not propaganda when these words came right from his own mouth.

You people have no right whatsoever to teach children how too and that it is fine and dandy to be sodomized.

You're nuts.
Your ignorant.

No, my dear. I at least know what pedophilia is. You haven't even got that down right in your rabid frenzy.
Any damn proof the man was connected to fistgate or are you just hurling accusations hoping one of them would stick?

Oh and what's wrong with bashing the religious right?

I no more want him looking after the safety of children than I would want you anywhere near my children or grandchildren. Your own words on this forum are enough for me to understand you approve of pedophilia. If you don't then come right out and say so or is that not politically correct. "DO NOT FUCK THE CHILDREN!"

Bash Christians all you want but do not expect silence nor should you expect compliance when you are going after children.

Do you have issues with male teachers being near your daughters?

How about female teachers teaching your sons?

Aren't you concerned about them FUCKING THE CHILDREN?

Protect the "OF AGE" but still a minor child of WHAT?
Seriously, you're a friggin' nutjob!
How would you want the situation handled regarding YOUR MINOR CHILD?
Would you not want to know about YOUR MINOR CHILD hanging out in bathrooms being picked up by strange men?
Would you want the teacher keeping it secret, even though it involved YOUR MINOR CHILD?
Seriously, lets just cut to the chase here. Answer those questions!

If it were my child, I would hope that I would have the trust necessary for open communication on sexual matters and I would make sure that my child knew that I would love him no matter what - whether he was homosexual or heterosexual.

But that is not always the case and neither you nor I know the family dynamics here - especially not well enough to so blithely pass judgement.

Thirty years ago a lot of gays were still in the closet and it was not always well accepted by parents.
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Protect the "OF AGE" but still a minor child of WHAT?
Seriously, you're a friggin' nutjob!
How would you want the situation handled regarding YOUR MINOR CHILD?
Would you not want to know about YOUR MINOR CHILD hanging out in bathrooms being picked up by strange men?
Would you want to the teacher keeping it secret, even though it involved YOUR MINOR CHILD?
Seriously, lets just cut to the chase here. Answer those questions!
Certain pedophiles go after their own children why the hell would they care about anyone else's children. Many of those children grow up to be poor sick persons with sexual perversions also. It proliferates through generations.

We're not talking about pedophiles - would you get off your pedophile bandwagon?

This is the most moronic post on this board today.
Basically, what this IDIOT is saying is:
Oh, don't worry one bit. There aren't that many of those murderers out there so, your child PROBABLY won't become a victim. It's OK for your child to roll the dice. The odds are in the childs favor!. NO WORRIES. I mean hey, people fall off cliffs all the time but, not all of them get fucked up for life so, go jump off that cliff!
Like I said, Liberals are friggin' idiots!

The number of teens murdered in the mid-late 80s was always less than 5/100,000 or < .005% and you're acting like there were teen murderers everywhere. There weren't.

Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide Trends in the United States: Victim age trends table

Damn me and my reckless ways, I should obviously compare them to drugs even though they have a much higher chance of being harmful:cuckoo:

Oh and I'm not liberal.
I don't care what the murder rate is or was. No minor should be hanging out in bathrroms allowing themselves to be picked up by strange men. It's not just about murder, It's about various other tragedies that could happen, too include murder, that i've already laid out in this thread.

Are you a parent?
I am. And trust me, if you're not, then you will know exactly what i'm talking about if you become one. I GUARANTEE that your entire perspective will change on issues like this.

Sorry about the "idiot" reference. I take it back and humbly apologize.
I've seen you make some good points on other subjects on this board, I'll save the idiot references for the IDIOTS who actually deserve it.

According to the student's statement - that wasn't exactly what happened:

Since I was of legal consent at the time, the fifteen-minute conversation I had with Mr. Jennings twenty-one years ago is of nobody's concern but his and mine. However, since the Republican noise machine is so concerned about my "well-being" and that of America's students, they'll be relieved to know that I was not "inducted" into homosexuality, assaulted, raped, or sold into sexual slavery.

In 1988, I had taken a bus home for the weekend, and on the return trip met someone who was also gay. The next day, I had a conversation with Mr. Jennings about it. I had no sexual contact with anybody at the time, though I was entirely legally free to do so. I was a sixteen year-old going through something most of us have experienced: adolescence. I find it regrettable that the people who have the compassion and integrity to protect our nation's students are themselves in need of protection from homophobic smear attacks. Were it not for Mr. Jennings' courage and concern for my well-being at that time in my life, I doubt I'd be the proud gay man that I am today.

- Brewster
I am still waiting for that link that says that kid was having sex with that older man in a bathroom.

Why? Are you a toe tapping pedophile? You sick fuck!!! You get your rocks off reading about child molestation? My god.....a Nazi loving, child molesting pedophile. The standards on these boards are unbelievable.

Define pedophilia.

You define it. You will neg rep me for this post but won't do a fucking thing to other people you like for shit just as bad or worse than what I posted.
Then we have "Fistgate" sure just propaganda where these sick son of bitches were abusing children by teaching them how to do this practice. Each and everyone of you that would support this type of shit being taught to children can go straight to hell.

It is not propaganda when these words came right from his own mouth.

You people have no right whatsoever to teach children how too and that it is fine and dandy to be sodomized.

Any damn proof the man was connected to fistgate or are you just hurling accusations hoping one of them would stick?

Oh and what's wrong with bashing the religious right?
Here's your proof that Jennings was FULLY connected to FISTGATE.
It was the organization he founded that co-sponsored the forum. He was FULLY INVOLVED IN IT!
The "Fistgate" incident

Ohhh...the "Fistgate" incident...an incident manufactured out of almost whole cloth by the religious right.

To hear them tell of it, children as young as twelve were indoctrinated into the "joys" of "fisting". Fortunately for our kids, truth is less titilating than fiction.
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Why? Are you a toe tapping pedophile? You sick fuck!!! You get your rocks off reading about child molestation? My god.....a Nazi loving, child molesting pedophile. The standards on these boards are unbelievable.

Define pedophilia.

You define it. You will neg rep me for this post but won't do a fucking thing to other people you like for shit just as bad or worse than what I posted.

Awww poor baby.

You wont define because you know it exposes your blatant misuse of the word.
…a person who founded and ran an organization where instructors had explicitly described to middle school youngsters how to perform homosexual sexual acts.
Any damn proof the man was connected to fistgate or are you just hurling accusations hoping one of them would stick?

Oh and what's wrong with bashing the religious right?

I no more want him looking after the safety of children than I would want you anywhere near my children or grandchildren. Your own words on this forum are enough for me to understand you approve of pedophilia. If you don't then come right out and say so or is that not politically correct. "DO NOT FUCK THE CHILDREN!"

Bash Christians all you want but do not expect silence nor should you expect compliance when you are going after children.

Do you have issues with male teachers being near your daughters?

How about female teachers teaching your sons?

Aren't you concerned about them FUCKING THE CHILDREN?
When if those teachers start promoting sexual practices or start calling over eleven to sixteen year old children for sex with their nasty asses yes absolutely I have a problem with that. If you don't that is your problem but you will not make it mine.

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