"safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings further exposed

If this is how you want your kids treated in school then I would suggest you re-evaluate your fitness to be parents.

Kevin Jennings gave the keynote speech at the "What They Don't Tell You About Queer Sex and Sexuality in Health Class" conference. I can't help but wonder whether condoning the teaching of potentially dangerous sex practices to high school students might present a conflict with the goal of establishing safe schools.

No one is teaching or condoning dangerous sex practices.

Define dangerous sex practices. You can get AIDS from "normal" sex. Is that dangerous? Most people would consider fisting dangerous. Mr. Jennings seems to support that practice. How deep is your denial?
If this is how you want your kids treated in school then I would suggest you re-evaluate your fitness to be parents.

No one is teaching or condoning dangerous sex practices.

Define dangerous sex practices. You can get AIDS from "normal" sex. Is that dangerous? Most people would consider fisting dangerous. Mr. Jennings seems to support that practice. How deep is your denial?

There seems to be a "disconnect" here.

Can you provide some evidence that Mr. Jennings "supports" fisting?

Or, is your evidence based solely on someone answering a question posed by a student who asked what "fisting" is?

As far as dangerous sex - any unprotected sex for one.
I am sure that GLENS, their side organizations and their supporters would like to push that ball of crap but tapes of the incident and pamphlets put out by this organization is all the proof sane people need.

When any organization puts crap out in the schools and tells children they cannot take these booklets home and should discuss these classes at home with their parents what the hell do they have to hide?

It may take a few more years for the entire public to become fully aware of what has been happening to children but when it comes to the end of the day pedophile enablers are going to be put out.

You still don't have a clue what a pedophile is do you?
I know exactly what a pedophile is.

You have still have no clue what child abuse is, do you?

Sicko's and their enablers will go to extremes to cover up what they do to children.

What is a pedophile?

And, what exactly does child abuse have to do with a 16yr old asking questions about the possibility of having a sexual encounter?
No one is teaching or condoning dangerous sex practices.

Define dangerous sex practices. You can get AIDS from "normal" sex. Is that dangerous? Most people would consider fisting dangerous. Mr. Jennings seems to support that practice. How deep is your denial?

There seems to be a "disconnect" here.

Can you provide some evidence that Mr. Jennings "supports" fisting?

Or, is your evidence based solely on someone answering a question posed by a student who asked what "fisting" is?

As far as dangerous sex - any unprotected sex for one.

There is a disconnect alright. Check YOUR post #276. The link at the bottom. Your credibility is zero.
Define dangerous sex practices. You can get AIDS from "normal" sex. Is that dangerous? Most people would consider fisting dangerous. Mr. Jennings seems to support that practice. How deep is your denial?

There seems to be a "disconnect" here.

Can you provide some evidence that Mr. Jennings "supports" fisting?

Or, is your evidence based solely on someone answering a question posed by a student who asked what "fisting" is?

As far as dangerous sex - any unprotected sex for one.

There is a disconnect alright. Check YOUR post #276. The link at the bottom. Your credibility is zero.

This link? Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: 'Fistgate' and President Obama - religious right pushes a pitiful attempt of guilt by association

Where does it show that Jennings supports fisting? :eusa_eh:
Ohhh...the "Fistgate" incident...an incident manufactured out of almost whole cloth by the religious right.

To hear them tell of it, children as young as twelve were indoctrinated into the "joys" of "fisting". Fortunately for our kids, truth is less titilating than fiction.
I am sure that GLENS, their side organizations and their supporters would like to push that ball of crap but tapes of the incident and pamphlets put out by this organization is all the proof sane people need.

When any organization puts crap out in the schools and tells children they cannot take these booklets home and should discuss these classes at home with their parents what the hell do they have to hide?

It may take a few more years for the entire public to become fully aware of what has been happening to children but when it comes to the end of the day pedophile enablers are going to be put out.

You still don't have a clue what a pedophile is do you?

Since you and the "moderator" who's policing conservatives seem to have fixated on "pedophile" why don't you give us your definition of the word.

Let's hear it!!!
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There seems to be a "disconnect" here.

Can you provide some evidence that Mr. Jennings "supports" fisting?

Or, is your evidence based solely on someone answering a question posed by a student who asked what "fisting" is?

As far as dangerous sex - any unprotected sex for one.

There is a disconnect alright. Check YOUR post #276. The link at the bottom. Your credibility is zero.

This link? Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: 'Fistgate' and President Obama - religious right pushes a pitiful attempt of guilt by association

Where does it show that Jennings supports fisting? :eusa_eh:

Sorry, I am new here. I don't normally debate willfully ignorant people. Now that I know I'll leave you to your pretend world.
Mr. Jennings' own description in his 1994 book, "One Teacher in 10." In that account, the teacher boasts how he allayed the student's concerns about the relationship to such a degree that the 15-year-old "left my office with a smile on his face that I would see every time I saw him on the campus for the next two years, until he graduated." ....On page 162, Jennings writes: "Robertson soon told me the tale, about someone he'd met in Boston, how he thought he loved him, how heartbroken he was when his calls never got returned..." On page 169, he continues: "As the fall wore on, Robertson continued to drop by my office to chat, often updating me on his latest 'adventures.' Sometimes these startled me, and I began to underline the importance of safe sex to him. One day he snapped back, 'Why should I use a condom? My life isn't worth saving anyway.'"

According to Mr. Jennings' own description in a new audiotape discovered by Fox News, the 15-year-old boy met the "older man" in a "bus station bathroom" and was taken to the older man's home that night. When some details about the case became public, Mr. Jennings threatened to sue another teacher who called his failure to report the statutory rape "unethical."

one teacher in ten

Excerpts online:
The saga of Kevin Jennings and Brewster: Enter Robertson — Warren Throckmorton

MP3 of Jennings speech on the matter http://wthrockmorton.com/wp-content...-kevin-jennings-iowa-brewster-effect-loud.mp3
Listen to these right wingnuts. So this kid said he went to a mens' room and picked up some guy.

Who knows, the kid may even have been lying just to see what the teacher would do.

Hopefully, the kid didn't make the mistake of telling any of these right wing loons anything. Could you imagine if the kid were lying? And you have one of these jerks running to the parents making unfounded accusations. How funny that would be.

Notice what the right wingers say they would do. None talk about counseling the kid. Instead, they talk about "threatening them with God", about running to their parents with only accusations. Is it any surprise so many on the right have a terrible relationship with their own kids? Look at their leader, Sarah Palin. Does anyone think her and her daughter are close?

The children on the right. STDs, pregnancy, and being a drop out. Proves that threats and bullying really work.
I am sure that GLENS, their side organizations and their supporters would like to push that ball of crap but tapes of the incident and pamphlets put out by this organization is all the proof sane people need.

When any organization puts crap out in the schools and tells children they cannot take these booklets home and should discuss these classes at home with their parents what the hell do they have to hide?

It may take a few more years for the entire public to become fully aware of what has been happening to children but when it comes to the end of the day pedophile enablers are going to be put out.

You still don't have a clue what a pedophile is do you?

Since you and the "moderator" who's policing conservatives seem to have fixated on "pedophile" why don't you give us your definition of the word.

Let's hear it!!!

It deals with prepubescant/young children, i.e. ones younger than 16.
Listen to these right wingnuts. So this kid said he went to a mens' room and picked up some guy.

Who knows, the kid may even have been lying just to see what the teacher would do.

Hopefully, the kid didn't make the mistake of telling any of these right wing loons anything. Could you imagine if the kid were lying? And you have one of these jerks running to the parents making unfounded accusations. How funny that would be.

Notice what the right wingers say they would do. None talk about counseling the kid. Instead, they talk about "threatening them with God", about running to their parents with only accusations. Is it any surprise so many on the right have a terrible relationship with their own kids? Look at their leader, Sarah Palin. Does anyone think her and her daughter are close?

The children on the right. STDs, pregnancy, and being a drop out. Proves that threats and bullying really work.

ha ha ha ha...you have been PWNED time and again in this thread...please leave before you are further embarrassed....like right now...when you blame the kid who was molested by the older guy...who's behavior you find completely normal.
I am sure that GLENS, their side organizations and their supporters would like to push that ball of crap but tapes of the incident and pamphlets put out by this organization is all the proof sane people need.

When any organization puts crap out in the schools and tells children they cannot take these booklets home and should discuss these classes at home with their parents what the hell do they have to hide?

It may take a few more years for the entire public to become fully aware of what has been happening to children but when it comes to the end of the day pedophile enablers are going to be put out.

You still don't have a clue what a pedophile is do you?

Since you and the "moderator" who's policing conservatives seem to have fixated on "pedophile" why don't you give us your definition of the word.

I'm not the one who's fixated on it. And, I already provided the commonly accepted definition earlier in this thread.

Learn to read.
Listen to these right wingnuts. So this kid said he went to a mens' room and picked up some guy.

Who knows, the kid may even have been lying just to see what the teacher would do.

Hopefully, the kid didn't make the mistake of telling any of these right wing loons anything. Could you imagine if the kid were lying? And you have one of these jerks running to the parents making unfounded accusations. How funny that would be.

Notice what the right wingers say they would do. None talk about counseling the kid. Instead, they talk about "threatening them with God", about running to their parents with only accusations. Is it any surprise so many on the right have a terrible relationship with their own kids? Look at their leader, Sarah Palin. Does anyone think her and her daughter are close?

The children on the right. STDs, pregnancy, and being a drop out. Proves that threats and bullying really work.
Counseling is what Jennings should have recommended the kid get dumbass. He had that obligation as it is Jennings telling the story not anyone else making this shit up. He denied that child what the school systems have in place to protect children. He then threatened to sue the chair of the NEA Republican Educators Caucus, Diane Lenning in 2004, for bringing out the facts that he failed to report a potential abuse situation involving Brewster. At the time, Mr. Jennings denied the allegation and demanded via detailed letter from his lawyer that Mrs. Lenning retract the accusations. On point, the letter read:

Nowhere in the book does Mr. Jennings state he understood that the student was being abused or victimized, or that he suffered injury from any abuse, or indeed that the student was even having sex.

She never retracted and he never sued. Yet he openly touted this incident in his own speeches and books.
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There is a disconnect alright. Check YOUR post #276. The link at the bottom. Your credibility is zero.

This link? Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: 'Fistgate' and President Obama - religious right pushes a pitiful attempt of guilt by association

Where does it show that Jennings supports fisting? :eusa_eh:

Sorry, I am new here. I don't normally debate willfully ignorant people. Now that I know I'll leave you to your pretend world.

Ok, so you can't answer the question. Why don't you just admit it instead of make excuses?
I am sure that GLENS, their side organizations and their supporters would like to push that ball of crap but tapes of the incident and pamphlets put out by this organization is all the proof sane people need.

When any organization puts crap out in the schools and tells children they cannot take these booklets home and should discuss these classes at home with their parents what the hell do they have to hide?

It may take a few more years for the entire public to become fully aware of what has been happening to children but when it comes to the end of the day pedophile enablers are going to be put out.

You still don't have a clue what a pedophile is do you?

Since you and the "moderator" who's policing conservatives seem to have fixated on "pedophile" why don't you give us your definition of the word.

Let's hear it!!!

You think that me slapping you with neg rep for your very liberal use of the word "pedophile" was "moderating?"

You still don't have a clue what a pedophile is do you?

Since you and the "moderator" who's policing conservatives seem to have fixated on "pedophile" why don't you give us your definition of the word.

Let's hear it!!!

It deals with prepubescant/young children, i.e. ones younger than 16.

Kevin Jennings is not just your normal activist nominee. He is a firm advocate of mandated affirmation of approval of homosexual actions by school children, and to this end, his involvement with the GLSEN's "Day of Silence" has moved them to go beyond that to demand "Queer Proms" in the local public schools, and to lobby for legislation in each state to change the definition of marriage to make it mean something it has never meant. Conservative News, Issues, Political Cartoons, Blogs, Talk Radio, Commentary from Townhall Conservatives

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha This guy shouldn't be within a thousand yards of a school.
I think....as far as facts are concerned....this thread has officially entered the Twilight Zone :eusa_eh:

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