"safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings further exposed

Do you think Mr. Jennings is the best choice by President Obama for his position as czar?

No, because it is ludicrous to believe that blanket Federal control can work, and that seems to be Jennings' position. His sexual orientation is irrelevant to that.
Consider the difference between a (hypothetical) Rural East Texas High School and an equally hypothetical Urban East Harlem High School.
The rural school has a little under 40 total students in all four grades (9 to12) combined and the major respiratory problem is hay fever caused by ragweed. The Urban school is overcrowded with nearly 40 students per class and the most common respiratory ailment is asthma brought on by diesel fumes.
Anyone can see that those two schools face completely different problems, and it makes a lot more sense to address local difficulties at the local level rather than attempt a "One size fits all" approach at the federal level.

As for the "Best" question - with millions of potential candidates it is ineffective to utilize excess resources to determine "Best" if a simple search can reveal a "Good" that approximates the best in performance. Jennings is below average, again based on ability to perform the job properly not sexual orientation, and hence certainly not acceptable.
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Incarcerate...where did that come from...I didn't say that.

anyway .......repercussions....for the teacher WHO FAILED to report a sexual crime against an adolescent?

So this is an excuse to NOT report a felony crime committed against a child. "He may kill himself."

I guess me being a father makes me see things a little different than "progressives".

Are you being deliberately obtuse in an attempt to bait me into saying something you can twist to your own perverse ends?
You claim want Repercussions for lapses of judgment concerning children, yet I suppose "being a father" makes you a little sensitive to the prospect of receiving punishment for any lapse you may make in judgment with your own children. Or do you claim to be perfect and never ever suffer even the slightest lapse of judgment? I would doubt anyone who made such a claim, whether they had children or not. I might go so far as to conclude they were either a self deluded fool or a liar. So if you tell me you are perfect, please indicate which conclusion you would prefer.

If you actually read the entire post then I fail to see how it did not jump out at you that Jennings seems to have faced a situation where all he might do is go to the authorities and report "Student X had anonymous gay sex with unknown man." Without any way of finding the identity short of questioning child X, what will the police do? Ask child X the identity of the stranger, a fact the child cannot relate as he apparently did not know.

Wait I see your problem is you don't understand the meaning of the term "Anonymous" - OK I can help you there; Anonymous means "Unknown" and in this case "Unknowable"

So again I reiterate - there was no Positive outcome possible for the child in reporting. For Jennings the positive outcome is obvious - he would cover his posterior from any sort of blame if the child did suffer some misfortune "I just did my job and reported what the law required" - never mind what might be best for said child it's CYA time. As I recall "Just Doing my Job" and "Following Orders" are excuses used by a huge number of truly wretched excuses for human beings in reply to charges they committed atrocities.

Finally I'll rephrase the substantive question you failed to address; would you prefer a highly qualified gay individual to hold a post who would perform the duties properly, or would you prefer an unqualified eunuch who would engage in all sorts of abuses?

The use of sexual orientation as a litmus test of competence is absurd; Tchaikovsky was a flaming homosexual, yet every Christmas the local Ballet puts on a performance of "The Nutcracker" with a special afternoon matinee for children. Does Tchaikovsky's sexual orientation change the quality of the music he composed?

Finally I reiterate my opinion of Jennings - I find him unacceptable, not because of his sexual orientation, but because his activism will likely lead him to micromanage and thus harm the efficiency of education in the classroom. Which part of the word "Unacceptable" do you fail to understand?
Absolutely unfuckingbelievable?


That is a major red flag that Jennings should have reported. The parents had every right to be informed of said behavior of THEIR said MINOR CHILD. He failed them. He failed the child.

What part of this do you or any of these other loony liberal morons not get?
What is there lame excuse for this?
Well, they never had sex so, what's the big deal?

Just notice how NOT ONE OF THEM is willing to answer the question of what if it were their child.
The degree of homophobia required to conjure such invective is indicative of deep seated problems.

To give an answer to your apparent question:
If a child of mine went to the home of a stranger and they never had sex I would not want said stranger punished for having sex with my child. I would caution my child against repeating such risky behavior and would hope any school official; principal, counselor, or teacher would do the same. Children, in my experience, and teenagers in particular, have trust and independence issues. Someone they trust can help them moderate a youthful tendency toward risky behavior ONLY as long as they maintain that trust. Which would you prefer - a teacher who does their best to keep your child out of risky situations, perhaps at the risk of their own career, or one who blithely follows rules and cares not one fig about the children? Perhaps you would care to answer this question - choose one of the aforementioned teachers as the preferred model and defend your position, preferably without hyperbole.
Well, Sean Hannity said last week that their investigation of Jennings is leading to a revelation that will make the ACORN and Van Jones debacles look like childs play. He stated that his team is doing their final fact checking before revealing it.

Now, how much you want to bet that it just might lead to it being revealed that Jennings himself was having sex with that MINOR CHILD?

It begs the question, why did that MINOR CHILD place so much trust in Jennings?

Could it be that he had an intimate relationship with Jennings?

We will see!


That is a major red flag that Jennings should have reported. The parents had every right to be informed of said behavior of THEIR said MINOR CHILD. He failed them. He failed the child.

What part of this do you or any of these other loony liberal morons not get?[/QUOTE]

In and of itself this alone is not only enough to eliminate him as any level of government authority figure but also demands a police investigation and follow up. If libs start defending child rapists....... Ooooopppppssss...... I guess I won't really be surprised.
I didn't read this whole thread but are liberals actually defending this scumbag?

Yes, they are.

Yes Ma'am, that's exactly what they're doing... I tried to rep ya CG, but I've hit the max... know that I appreciatecha; and your work to defend against this attack on decency and sound, sustainable morality.
What is there lame excuse for this?
Well, they never had sex so, what's the big deal?

Just notice how NOT ONE OF THEM is willing to answer the question of what if it were their child.
The degree of homophobia required to conjure such invective is indicative of deep seated problems.

To give an answer to your apparent question:
If a child of mine went to the home of a stranger and they never had sex I would not want said stranger punished for having sex with my child. I would caution my child against repeating such risky behavior and would hope any school official; principal, counselor, or teacher would do the same. Children, in my experience, and teenagers in particular, have trust and independence issues. Someone they trust can help them moderate a youthful tendency toward risky behavior ONLY as long as they maintain that trust. Which would you prefer - a teacher who does their best to keep your child out of risky situations, perhaps at the risk of their own career, or one who blithely follows rules and cares not one fig about the children? Perhaps you would care to answer this question - choose one of the aforementioned teachers as the preferred model and defend your position, preferably without hyperbole.
When you drop your MINOR child off at school, you are entrusting said school with their safety. If said MINOR child reveals to a teacher that he's engaging in dangerous behavior, such as GOING HOME WITH A STARNGER HE MET IN A BATHROOM, The teacher, principal, and school administrators had damn sure better notify THE MINOR CHILDS PARENTS. It's their moral and ethical duty to do so.

Now, Jennings admitted himself that he counseled the MINOR CHILD to use condoms. He didn't counsel him on the DANGERS OF GOING HOME WITH A STRANGE MAN HE MET IN A FRIGGIN' BATHROOM. He didn't counsel him on the possible results of GOING HOME WITH A STRANGE MAN HE MET IN A BATHROOM.

And, how in the hell are you going to counsel your MINOR child on said DANGEROUS BEHAVIOR, when the teacher, principal, and school administrators FAIL to exercize their moral and ethical duties, BY NOT NOTIFYING YOU?

Your whole argument is laughable.
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Now, how much you want to bet that it just might lead to it being revealed that Jennings himself was having sex with that MINOR CHILD?

It begs the question, why did that MINOR CHILD place so much trust in Jennings?

Could it be that he had an intimate relationship with Jennings?

We will see!
I am not the 'betting' sort. Nor am I the sort to prejudice my view by accepting as fact an allegation not proven. If he did then it is unfortunate the statue of limitations has clearly expired on something which occurred twenty four years ago.

As for why a minor might place trust in an adult - as a parent you ought to be able to some up with several possible answers:
The child respects the adult's viewpoints
The adult has given the child reason to expect that a confidence will not be betrayed
The adult has previously given good advice to the child
The adult actually listens to what the child is trying to say rather than trying to force them to listen/submit to their elders

All the above seem reasonable to me and your expressed inability to fathom any rationale except inappropriate sexual intimacy leads me to wonder if that inability on your part is the result of you personal experience in building trust with children solely through that method.
Now, how much you want to bet that it just might lead to it being revealed that Jennings himself was having sex with that MINOR CHILD?

It begs the question, why did that MINOR CHILD place so much trust in Jennings?

Could it be that he had an intimate relationship with Jennings?

We will see!
I am not the 'betting' sort. Nor am I the sort to prejudice my view by accepting as fact an allegation not proven. If he did then it is unfortunate the statue of limitations has clearly expired on something which occurred twenty four years ago.

As for why a minor might place trust in an adult - as a parent you ought to be able to some up with several possible answers:
The child respects the adult's viewpoints
The adult has given the child reason to expect that a confidence will not be betrayed
The adult has previously given good advice to the child
The adult actually listens to what the child is trying to say rather than trying to force them to listen/submit to their elders

All the above seem reasonable to me and your expressed inability to fathom any rationale except inappropriate sexual intimacy leads me to wonder if that inability on your part is the result of you personal experience in building trust with children solely through that method.
I'm the father of three. Two beautiful twin daughters who are 8 years old, and a newly adopted 3 year old son.
My kids know they can come to me about anything. They know they can come to my wife about anything.
That's not the point. The point is that teachers and school administrators have the moral and ethical duty to report to a parent if the MINOR child admits to engaging in dangerous activity. Particularly dangerous behavior that the MINOR CHILD in the Jennings case admitted too. Just because a MINOR CHILD knows that they can come to a parent about anything, doesn't always mean they will. That's where you have to place the trust in those teachers and school administartors to do the right thing and notify THE PARENTS. They are NOT THE PARENTS. They are NOT RAISING YOUR CHILD. And, there is absolutely no such thing as MINOR CHILD/TEACHER priveledge.

Seriously, it's not a hard concept to grasp.
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hmmm....maybe Hannity is the one having sex with minor children. It does seem that the most vocal anti-gay Republicans always turn out to be hanging around in mens rooms trying to pick up younger males.

This could get interesting.
Is it now acceptable to have lapses of judgements where our children are concerned with no repercussions?

Do you want to incarcerate every single parent who shows a lapse of judgment where 'our' children are concerned?
Incarcerate...where did that come from...I didn't say that.

anyway .......repercussions....for the teacher WHO FAILED to report a sexual crime against an adolescent? HELL YES!!!!!!!!! Why are you giving this guy a pass for failing in his duty to protect your children when they are in his charge? He deserves a position in the highest office in the land? Overseeing safety in our schools???


"......Report that the boy had gay sex with an unknown adult? What will come of that? What if the boy commits suicide from shame at his secret being exposed?"

So this is an excuse to NOT report a felony crime committed against a child. "He may kill himself."

My god!!!!

Hmmmmmmmmm...I have to question the sanity of a person who thinks crimes against defenseless, impressionable children should not be condemned or go unpunished. What kind of liberal tenet is this? I have NEVER heard of such a thing and I'm frankly appalled at this thought process.

I guess me being a father makes me see things a little different than "progressives".

I can't believe Stucker is still defending this guy and placing all the blame on the children. Do you work for Obama Stucker? Are you the Message Board Rebuttal Czar?
Now, how much you want to bet that it just might lead to it being revealed that Jennings himself was having sex with that MINOR CHILD?

It begs the question, why did that MINOR CHILD place so much trust in Jennings?

Could it be that he had an intimate relationship with Jennings?

We will see!
I am not the 'betting' sort. Nor am I the sort to prejudice my view by accepting as fact an allegation not proven. If he did then it is unfortunate the statue of limitations has clearly expired on something which occurred twenty four years ago.

As for why a minor might place trust in an adult - as a parent you ought to be able to some up with several possible answers:
The child respects the adult's viewpoints
The adult has given the child reason to expect that a confidence will not be betrayed
The adult has previously given good advice to the child
The adult actually listens to what the child is trying to say rather than trying to force them to listen/submit to their elders

All the above seem reasonable to me and your expressed inability to fathom any rationale except inappropriate sexual intimacy leads me to wonder if that inability on your part is the result of you personal experience in building trust with children solely through that method.
I'm the father of three. Two beautiful twin daughters who are 8 years old, and a newly adopted 3 year old son.My kids know they can come to me about anything. They know they can come to my wife about anything.
That's not the point. The point is that teachers and school administrators have the moral and ethical duty to report to a parent if the MINOR child admits to engaging in dangerous activity. Particularly dangerous behavior that the MINOR CHILD in the Jennings case admitted too. Just because a MINOR CHILD knows that they can come to a parent about anything, doesn't always mean they will. That's where you have to place the trust in those teachers and school administartors to do the right thing and notify THE PARENTS. They are NOT THE PARENTS. They are NOT RAISING YOUR CHILD. And, there is absolutely no such thing as MINOR CHILD/TEACHER priveledge.

Seriously, it's not a hard concept to grasp.

Ahhh, congrats on your latest addition!

While I do agree with you, I also see where Charles is coming from in that the incident inself happened when Jennings was very new into his career. I too would be prepared to cut him some slack for a lack of judgement in his early days.

However, like Charles, I disagree with Jennings' appointment because of his activist approach and tendancy for 'micromanaging'.

The guy made a fairly monumental misjudgement. Yes. But let's be realistic and look at who he is now.... That is where I have a problem with him.
I am not the 'betting' sort. Nor am I the sort to prejudice my view by accepting as fact an allegation not proven. If he did then it is unfortunate the statue of limitations has clearly expired on something which occurred twenty four years ago.

As for why a minor might place trust in an adult - as a parent you ought to be able to some up with several possible answers:
The child respects the adult's viewpoints
The adult has given the child reason to expect that a confidence will not be betrayed
The adult has previously given good advice to the child
The adult actually listens to what the child is trying to say rather than trying to force them to listen/submit to their elders

All the above seem reasonable to me and your expressed inability to fathom any rationale except inappropriate sexual intimacy leads me to wonder if that inability on your part is the result of you personal experience in building trust with children solely through that method.
I'm the father of three. Two beautiful twin daughters who are 8 years old, and a newly adopted 3 year old son.My kids know they can come to me about anything. They know they can come to my wife about anything.
That's not the point. The point is that teachers and school administrators have the moral and ethical duty to report to a parent if the MINOR child admits to engaging in dangerous activity. Particularly dangerous behavior that the MINOR CHILD in the Jennings case admitted too. Just because a MINOR CHILD knows that they can come to a parent about anything, doesn't always mean they will. That's where you have to place the trust in those teachers and school administartors to do the right thing and notify THE PARENTS. They are NOT THE PARENTS. They are NOT RAISING YOUR CHILD. And, there is absolutely no such thing as MINOR CHILD/TEACHER priveledge.

Seriously, it's not a hard concept to grasp.

Ahhh, congrats on your latest addition!

While I do agree with you, I also see where Charles is coming from in that the incident inself happened when Jennings was very new into his career. I too would be prepared to cut him some slack for a lack of judgement in his early days.

However, like Charles, I disagree with Jennings' appointment because of his activist approach and tendancy for 'micromanaging'.

The guy made a fairly monumental misjudgement. Yes. But let's be realistic and look at who he is now.... That is where I have a problem with him.

How would you feel if that misjudgement was made TO YOUR child? Not so easy to forget that one now is it?
I can't believe Stucker is still defending this guy and placing all the blame on the children. Do you work for Obama Stucker? Are you the Message Board Rebuttal Czar?

I cannot understand how you think I am defending Jennings' appointment when I have repeatedly, on this thread, expressed the opposite view based on Jennings' apparent POLICY.

Are you the poster child for education reform, deliberately demonstrating a lack of reading comprehension to emphasize the need to teach basics? If so then I laud your efforts, but if you really cannot differentiate between Support and Oppose then you are an even better argument in favor of returning education to the principles of local administration based on local needs and emphasis on basic skills.

Perhaps I can be clear enough for you this time
I oppose Jennings because of his policies, not his (alleged) sexual orientation
I oppose using sexual orientation as a litmus test for competence.
Those two are separate issues which some posters seem to equate.
Because of liberal idiots who spoon feed our children loony liberal, partisan political bullshit. You know, like those children singing the praises of an anti-american, far left liberal idiot of a president, Barack HUSSEIN Obama

One fucking school did that and it's all the looney liberals. Typical bullshit from your side.

I guess teaching them crass conservative partisan bullshit is better? No global warming. Gays are an abomination. Liberals are the devils helpers. The world is flat. And having an add singing the praises of the Bush handling of Katrian with Laura in in - buttwipe?

What's all this crap about his penis anygay?:lol:

I agree with some of his quotes. Not the stoned shit, they frowned on that in the Corps. I missed the whole drug scene as a kid, now I only get the prescription drugs as an old fart.:(
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I'm the father of three. Two beautiful twin daughters who are 8 years old, and a newly adopted 3 year old son.My kids know they can come to me about anything. They know they can come to my wife about anything.
That's not the point. The point is that teachers and school administrators have the moral and ethical duty to report to a parent if the MINOR child admits to engaging in dangerous activity. Particularly dangerous behavior that the MINOR CHILD in the Jennings case admitted too. Just because a MINOR CHILD knows that they can come to a parent about anything, doesn't always mean they will. That's where you have to place the trust in those teachers and school administartors to do the right thing and notify THE PARENTS. They are NOT THE PARENTS. They are NOT RAISING YOUR CHILD. And, there is absolutely no such thing as MINOR CHILD/TEACHER priveledge.

Seriously, it's not a hard concept to grasp.

Ahhh, congrats on your latest addition!

While I do agree with you, I also see where Charles is coming from in that the incident inself happened when Jennings was very new into his career. I too would be prepared to cut him some slack for a lack of judgement in his early days.

However, like Charles, I disagree with Jennings' appointment because of his activist approach and tendancy for 'micromanaging'.

The guy made a fairly monumental misjudgement. Yes. But let's be realistic and look at who he is now.... That is where I have a problem with him.

How would you feel if that misjudgement was made TO YOUR child? Not so easy to forget that one now is it?

As I said, I don't disagree. I understand the outrage of it. However, it's not really gonna fly to get Jennings out.

His 'activism' and the fact that it is yet another 'affirmative action' appointment rather than the best man for the job argument has teeth. You want to bite Jennings - then use the best tool to do it. This is yet another example of what Mark Lloyd (Diversity 'Czar' at the FCC) talked about when he said we need to put minorities into posts of influence in order to 'affect social change'.

To me, that it the issue. I'm surprised that so few are picking up on that. It is a MASSIVE issue.
I can't believe Stucker is still defending this guy and placing all the blame on the children. Do you work for Obama Stucker? Are you the Message Board Rebuttal Czar?

I cannot understand how you think I am defending Jennings' appointment when I have repeatedly, on this thread, expressed the opposite view based on Jennings' apparent POLICY.

Are you the poster child for education reform, deliberately demonstrating a lack of reading comprehension to emphasize the need to teach basics? If so then I laud your efforts, but if you really cannot differentiate between Support and Oppose then you are an even better argument in favor of returning education to the principles of local administration based on local needs and emphasis on basic skills.

Perhaps I can be clear enough for you this time
I oppose Jennings because of his policies, not his (alleged) sexual orientation
I oppose using sexual orientation as a litmus test for competence.
Those two are separate issues which some posters seem to equate.
Thanks smart ass.
Is there any proof of what is posted?

Sounds a little like the shit the did to Scott Ritter and then just let it drop.:evil:

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