"safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings further exposed

You still don't have a clue what a pedophile is do you?

Since you and the "moderator" who's policing conservatives seem to have fixated on "pedophile" why don't you give us your definition of the word.

Let's hear it!!!

You think that me slapping you with neg rep for your very liberal use of the word "pedophile" was "moderating?"


No it wasn't moderating...if it was you would be neutral and not take sides...you came to the defense of a Zona..who lost the argument along with rdean, coyote and yourself in defending this guy. If he is gay but claimed to be against NAMBLA, would stop advocating the teaching of homosexuality to elementary and high school students I wouldn't have another word to say. Unfortunately liberals...and especially gays...just don't know when to shut the fuck up in defense of their screwed up view of what to teach our kids. Let this be a lesson to them and you. I'll defend your right to free speech but at the same time I'll be more than happy to tell you how fucked up you are. I would expect no less from you.
Since you and the "moderator" who's policing conservatives seem to have fixated on "pedophile" why don't you give us your definition of the word.

Let's hear it!!!

It deals with prepubescant/young children, i.e. ones younger than 16.

Kevin Jennings is not just your normal activist nominee. He is a firm advocate of mandated affirmation of approval of homosexual actions by school children, and to this end, his involvement with the GLSEN's "Day of Silence" has moved them to go beyond that to demand "Queer Proms" in the local public schools, and to lobby for legislation in each state to change the definition of marriage to make it mean something it has never meant. Conservative News, Issues, Political Cartoons, Blogs, Talk Radio, Commentary from Townhall Conservatives

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha This guy shouldn't be within a thousand yards of a school.

townhall... are you freaking kidding me?
What I find quite ironic here is that these so called progressives do nothing to defend this sort of person having influence over the impressionable minds of our children. You have people like we have seen here attack the messenger yet say nothing in defense of the subject of this thread. This in many opinions is the tacit approval of the actions Jennings condones by HIS support of various people and organizations who espouse this sort of trash.

Our children should be left to make up there own minds about things of this sort as taught to them by their parents. We certainly don't need a gay indoctrination program in our schools to tell us what to think. This is horseshit!!!!!
Oh boy. Another whiner. :eusa_eh:

Keep attacking the messenger and supporting Jennings...but remember...you are known by the company you keep. In other words...if Harry Hay supports gay civil rights and pedophilia...he still supports pedophilia and Jennings lack of a condemnation means he approves of it.
Looks like Harry Hay supports pedophilia.
From his wiki sight...
"If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world."

and therefore Jennings..who will not publically condemn this behavior in his unwavering support of Hay's gay civil rights support... must be of the same mind. I'm sure that there are better role models for the gay community to look up to beside a gay pedophile advocate and why doesn't Jennings support that person and condemn Hay.
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They lack the potential to realize that HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT A FUNCTION OF GENETICS...

Actually I've seen a study which did link a bit of malfunctioning genetic code to male homosexuality. When the gene expresses properly in Females it increases fertility, and hence the odds of passing the gene, which would explain how a genetic code causing homosexual desire could survive over multiple generations.

I am not in favor of educators ignoring their legal and moral obligations to protect their charges from the foibles of youth, but I am equally unwilling to condemn a novice teacher for a mistake in judgment if they learn from the mistake and no lasting harm was inflicted by the mistake.

To the point of this thread: given the choice between a stalwart chaste, even virginal, federal head for education who intended to dictate daily lesson plans to every class of each sort throughout the nation and a flaming homosexual who intended to use federal resources to aid State education panels in making informed decisions I would not choose the idiot who wanted to micromanage everything at the Federal level.
How do you support a teacher who admittedly failed to report a sexual relationship between an adolescent and an adult? In all parts of the U.S.A. this behavior is against the law and failing to report a crime against a school aged adolescent is also a crime!!!. Is it now acceptable to have lapses of judgements where our children are concerned with no repercussions?

What sort of logic is this?
Is it now acceptable to have lapses of judgements where our children are concerned with no repercussions?

Do you want to incarcerate every single parent who shows a lapse of judgment where 'our' children are concerned? Even a single lapse counts. No matter what. Oops a mother of three treating her kids to lunch out momentarily turned her back on one of them as she corralled another, darn break out the lethal injection needle, she needs to pay constant attention to all her kids every single second, as even a single moment's lapse could result in them getting kidnapped. UNFORGIVABLE

Here was a person confronted with a tale of a minor having sex with an anonymous stranger. Recall that twenty odd years ago surveillance was not as pervasive as it is now and a lot fewer people thought about the possibility of using it to discover random identities. What can he do? Report that the boy had gay sex with an unknown adult? What will come of that? What if the boy commits suicide from shame at his secret being exposed? If the only expected outcome of an action is negative; the boy commits suicide because his teacher/confidant outed him, then the decision to not take said action is defensible. His response - a quip regarding safe sex practices may have been what he believed most likely to generate a positive outcome. I did note the 'child' in question is currently posting notes in the internet, so clearly that lapse did not result in a death.

Personally I doubt that Jennings will carry out the duties of his office in a manner I would prefer - meaning no interference in the actual work of teaching at the classroom level - because what I have seen shows an activist mentality on his part. Nonetheless, I find the notion that perceived sexual orientation is a valid litmus test of competence in any field rather, dare I say it, perverse.
Is it now acceptable to have lapses of judgements where our children are concerned with no repercussions?

Do you want to incarcerate every single parent who shows a lapse of judgment where 'our' children are concerned?
Incarcerate...where did that come from...I didn't say that.

anyway .......repercussions....for the teacher WHO FAILED to report a sexual crime against an adolescent? HELL YES!!!!!!!!! Why are you giving this guy a pass for failing in his duty to protect your children when they are in his charge? He deserves a position in the highest office in the land? Overseeing safety in our schools???


"......Report that the boy had gay sex with an unknown adult? What will come of that? What if the boy commits suicide from shame at his secret being exposed?"

So this is an excuse to NOT report a felony crime committed against a child. "He may kill himself."

My god!!!!

Hmmmmmmmmm...I have to question the sanity of a person who thinks crimes against defenseless, impressionable children should not be condemned or go unpunished. What kind of liberal tenet is this? I have NEVER heard of such a thing and I'm frankly appalled at this thought process.

I guess me being a father makes me see things a little different than "progressives".
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Van Jones called, he said that President Obama exercises great judgment in choosing his Czar's!
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What I find quite ironic here is that these so called progressives do nothing to defend this sort of person having influence over the impressionable minds of our children. You have people like we have seen here attack the messenger yet say nothing in defense of the subject of this thread. This in many opinions is the tacit approval of the actions Jennings condones by HIS support of various people and organizations who espouse this sort of trash.

Our children should be left to make up there own minds about things of this sort as taught to them by their parents. We certainly don't need a gay indoctrination program in our schools to tell us what to think. This is horseshit!!!!!

This guy is golden to libs.....but if Rush wanted to teach kindergardeners.....THAT RACIST BASTARD NEEDS TO GO!!!!!
How do you support a teacher who admittedly failed to report a sexual relationship between an adolescent and an adult? In all parts of the U.S.A. this behavior is against the law and failing to report a crime against a school aged adolescent is also a crime!!!. Is it now acceptable to have lapses of judgements where our children are concerned with no repercussions?

What sort of logic is this?
Why do you keep repeating the same lie over and over again?
This is just another illustration of the mind-set of many on the left.

Right and wrong are indistinguishable. Having core values or princples are unimportant.

As far as the left is concerned it really doesn't matter if he molests puppies.....as long he's a Democrat he's good because even though he may be a pervert.....he's their pervert.

In every case when the right finds out that one of their's is toe-tapping in men's rooms they get rid of him. They actually can distinguish between right and wrong.

The left, on the other hand, celebrates their scum. They give them awards and have public displays of affection. They cheer their members when they're discovered to be slimey perverts and they put them in protected classes.
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This is just another illustration of the mind-set of many on the left.

Right and wrong are indistinguishable. Having core values or princples are unimportant.

As far as the left is concerned it really doesn't matter if he molests puppies.....as long he's a Democrat he's good because even though he may be a pervert.....he's their pervert.

In every case when the right finds out that one of their's is toe-tapping in men's rooms they get rid of him. They actually can distinguish between right and wrong.

The left, on the other hand, celebrates their scum. They give them awards and have public displays of affection. They cheer their members when they're discovered to be slimey perverts and they put them in protected classes.

Except that's not the case, the only evidece they have that he's a pervert is that
a. He failed to disclose an of age 16 year old's legal activities.
and that
b. he used to hand aroud with this hay guy although that's just simply guilt by association fallacy.
Listen to these right wingnuts. So this kid said he went to a mens' room and picked up some guy.

Who knows, the kid may even have been lying just to see what the teacher would do.

Hopefully, the kid didn't make the mistake of telling any of these right wing loons anything. Could you imagine if the kid were lying? And you have one of these jerks running to the parents making unfounded accusations. How funny that would be.

Notice what the right wingers say they would do. None talk about counseling the kid. Instead, they talk about "threatening them with God", about running to their parents with only accusations. Is it any surprise so many on the right have a terrible relationship with their own kids? Look at their leader, Sarah Palin. Does anyone think her and her daughter are close?

The children on the right. STDs, pregnancy, and being a drop out. Proves that threats and bullying really work.
So, show us where even ONE rightwinger said ANYTHING about threatening them with
"GOD" on this thread.
Put up, or simply shut up!

Christ, liberals are friggin' idiots!
Incarcerate...where did that come from...I didn't say that.

anyway .......repercussions....for the teacher WHO FAILED to report a sexual crime against an adolescent?

So this is an excuse to NOT report a felony crime committed against a child. "He may kill himself."

I guess me being a father makes me see things a little different than "progressives".

Are you being deliberately obtuse in an attempt to bait me into saying something you can twist to your own perverse ends?
You claim want Repercussions for lapses of judgment concerning children, yet I suppose "being a father" makes you a little sensitive to the prospect of receiving punishment for any lapse you may make in judgment with your own children. Or do you claim to be perfect and never ever suffer even the slightest lapse of judgment? I would doubt anyone who made such a claim, whether they had children or not. I might go so far as to conclude they were either a self deluded fool or a liar. So if you tell me you are perfect, please indicate which conclusion you would prefer.

If you actually read the entire post then I fail to see how it did not jump out at you that Jennings seems to have faced a situation where all he might do is go to the authorities and report "Student X had anonymous gay sex with unknown man." Without any way of finding the identity short of questioning child X, what will the police do? Ask child X the identity of the stranger, a fact the child cannot relate as he apparently did not know.

Wait I see your problem is you don't understand the meaning of the term "Anonymous" - OK I can help you there; Anonymous means "Unknown" and in this case "Unknowable"

So again I reiterate - there was no Positive outcome possible for the child in reporting. For Jennings the positive outcome is obvious - he would cover his posterior from any sort of blame if the child did suffer some misfortune "I just did my job and reported what the law required" - never mind what might be best for said child it's CYA time. As I recall "Just Doing my Job" and "Following Orders" are excuses used by a huge number of truly wretched excuses for human beings in reply to charges they committed atrocities.

Finally I'll rephrase the substantive question you failed to address; would you prefer a highly qualified gay individual to hold a post who would perform the duties properly, or would you prefer an unqualified eunuch who would engage in all sorts of abuses?

The use of sexual orientation as a litmus test of competence is absurd; Tchaikovsky was a flaming homosexual, yet every Christmas the local Ballet puts on a performance of "The Nutcracker" with a special afternoon matinee for children. Does Tchaikovsky's sexual orientation change the quality of the music he composed?

Finally I reiterate my opinion of Jennings - I find him unacceptable, not because of his sexual orientation, but because his activism will likely lead him to micromanage and thus harm the efficiency of education in the classroom. Which part of the word "Unacceptable" do you fail to understand?
To keep it simple, I'll restate my previous question.

Do you think Mr. Jennings is the best choice by President Obama for his position as czar?

For me, the answer is no, because he supports groups and ideas which seem contrary to the best interests of children. I don't think you can refute my position. You would have to prove that he didn't support the groups or ideas in question or that these things were somehow in children's best interests. You would also have to prove their was no one who could BETTER serve.
Is it now acceptable to have lapses of judgements where our children are concerned with no repercussions?

Do you want to incarcerate every single parent who shows a lapse of judgment where 'our' children are concerned?
Incarcerate...where did that come from...I didn't say that.

anyway .......repercussions....for the teacher WHO FAILED to report a sexual crime against an adolescent? HELL YES!!!!!!!!! Why are you giving this guy a pass for failing in his duty to protect your children when they are in his charge? He deserves a position in the highest office in the land? Overseeing safety in our schools???


"......Report that the boy had gay sex with an unknown adult? What will come of that? What if the boy commits suicide from shame at his secret being exposed?"

So this is an excuse to NOT report a felony crime committed against a child. "He may kill himself."

My god!!!!

Hmmmmmmmmm...I have to question the sanity of a person who thinks crimes against defenseless, impressionable children should not be condemned or go unpunished. What kind of liberal tenet is this? I have NEVER heard of such a thing and I'm frankly appalled at this thought process.

I guess me being a father makes me see things a little different than "progressives".
You hit the nail on the head Patek.
I seriously hope these people aren't parents. It's absolutely amazing that they support a teacher, who is morally and ethically required to report a MINOR CHILDS dangerous behavior, who ABJECTLY FAILED to report the dangerous behavior of MINOR CHILD who ADMITTED to hanging out in a bathroom and going to the home of a strange man.

What is there lame excuse for this?
Well, they never had sex so, what's the big deal?

It truly is quite telling as to how these people truly think. This thread is fully exposing what goes on in the minds of loony twisted liberals.

Their spin, deflection, and totally ignorant excuses is mind boggling to say the least.

Just notice how NOT ONE OF THEM is willing to answer the question of what if it were their child.

Tell me buddy, what parent of a MINOR CHILD would not want a teacher or school administrators notifying them of their MINOR CHILDS dangerous behavior?

These people are sick in the fucking head, NOTHING MORE!

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