"safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings further exposed

Ahhh, congrats on your latest addition!

While I do agree with you, I also see where Charles is coming from in that the incident inself happened when Jennings was very new into his career. I too would be prepared to cut him some slack for a lack of judgement in his early days.

However, like Charles, I disagree with Jennings' appointment because of his activist approach and tendancy for 'micromanaging'.

The guy made a fairly monumental misjudgement. Yes. But let's be realistic and look at who he is now.... That is where I have a problem with him.

How would you feel if that misjudgement was made TO YOUR child? Not so easy to forget that one now is it?

As I said, I don't disagree. I understand the outrage of it. However, it's not really gonna fly to get Jennings out.

His 'activism' and the fact that it is yet another 'affirmative action' appointment rather than the best man for the job argument has teeth. You want to bite Jennings - then use the best tool to do it. This is yet another example of what Mark Lloyd (Diversity 'Czar' at the FCC) talked about when he said we need to put minorities into posts of influence in order to 'affect social change'.

To me, that it the issue. I'm surprised that so few are picking up on that. It is a MASSIVE issue.

This is true as well...but when considering people for White House positions a case can be made for a history of poor judgement with this incident concerning the child as the first one. You can't go after something with only one arrow in the quiver regardless of how big it is.
I am not the 'betting' sort. Nor am I the sort to prejudice my view by accepting as fact an allegation not proven. If he did then it is unfortunate the statue of limitations has clearly expired on something which occurred twenty four years ago.

As for why a minor might place trust in an adult - as a parent you ought to be able to some up with several possible answers:
The child respects the adult's viewpoints
The adult has given the child reason to expect that a confidence will not be betrayed
The adult has previously given good advice to the child
The adult actually listens to what the child is trying to say rather than trying to force them to listen/submit to their elders

All the above seem reasonable to me and your expressed inability to fathom any rationale except inappropriate sexual intimacy leads me to wonder if that inability on your part is the result of you personal experience in building trust with children solely through that method.
I'm the father of three. Two beautiful twin daughters who are 8 years old, and a newly adopted 3 year old son.My kids know they can come to me about anything. They know they can come to my wife about anything.
That's not the point. The point is that teachers and school administrators have the moral and ethical duty to report to a parent if the MINOR child admits to engaging in dangerous activity. Particularly dangerous behavior that the MINOR CHILD in the Jennings case admitted too. Just because a MINOR CHILD knows that they can come to a parent about anything, doesn't always mean they will. That's where you have to place the trust in those teachers and school administartors to do the right thing and notify THE PARENTS. They are NOT THE PARENTS. They are NOT RAISING YOUR CHILD. And, there is absolutely no such thing as MINOR CHILD/TEACHER priveledge.

Seriously, it's not a hard concept to grasp.

Ahhh, congrats on your latest addition!

While I do agree with you, I also see where Charles is coming from in that the incident inself happened when Jennings was very new into his career. I too would be prepared to cut him some slack for a lack of judgement in his early days.

However, like Charles, I disagree with Jennings' appointment because of his activist approach and tendancy for 'micromanaging'.

The guy made a fairly monumental misjudgement. Yes. But let's be realistic and look at who he is now.... That is where I have a problem with him.

Thanks!, he's a great kid who came from an awful background. But that's for another time.

Sorry, but I can't agree with the many years ago concept. He was an educated man, who obviously had to know better. He's now an advisor to the prez on childrens safety in school. He failed in that childs safety so, a pattern was set by him back then.

And, it's truly amazing that Obama, who is the father of two beautiful children himself, would even consider such a dirtbag for the position. After all, he stated himself that his picks for personnel would define his agenda. Well, when we look at his picks, and you know what i'm talking about, it becomes quite obvious that his agenda is downright asinine, and bordering on insanity.
The school czar needs his ass kicked.

I'm the father of three. Two beautiful twin daughters who are 8 years old, and a newly adopted 3 year old son.My kids know they can come to me about anything. They know they can come to my wife about anything.
That's not the point. The point is that teachers and school administrators have the moral and ethical duty to report to a parent if the MINOR child admits to engaging in dangerous activity. Particularly dangerous behavior that the MINOR CHILD in the Jennings case admitted too. Just because a MINOR CHILD knows that they can come to a parent about anything, doesn't always mean they will. That's where you have to place the trust in those teachers and school administartors to do the right thing and notify THE PARENTS. They are NOT THE PARENTS. They are NOT RAISING YOUR CHILD. And, there is absolutely no such thing as MINOR CHILD/TEACHER priveledge.

Seriously, it's not a hard concept to grasp.

Ahhh, congrats on your latest addition!

While I do agree with you, I also see where Charles is coming from in that the incident inself happened when Jennings was very new into his career. I too would be prepared to cut him some slack for a lack of judgement in his early days.

However, like Charles, I disagree with Jennings' appointment because of his activist approach and tendancy for 'micromanaging'.

The guy made a fairly monumental misjudgement. Yes. But let's be realistic and look at who he is now.... That is where I have a problem with him.

Thanks!, he's a great kid who came from an awful background. But that's for another time.

Sorry, but I can't agree with the many years ago concept. He was an educated man, who obviously had to know better. He's now an advisor to the prez on childrens safety in school. He failed in that childs safety so, a pattern was set by him back then.

And, it's truly amazing that Obama, who is the father of two beautiful children himself, would even consider such a dirtbag for the position. After all, he stated himself that his picks for personnel would define his agenda. Well, when we look at his picks, and you know what i'm talking about, it becomes quite obvious that his agenda is downright asinine, and bordering on insanity.

Off topic: I greatly admire people who choose to adopt. It's a marvelous thing that you do.

Don't misunderstand me.... I'm not dismissing what happened and agree with what you say. The problem is that fighting to get him out of that position won't work if you fight on something that happened so long ago with no recent evidence of similar behavior. It won't hold up as anything other than right wing whining. (It's not but that's how it will be perceived).

On the other hand, if you go after him for who he is now..... that dog has teeth.
Because of liberal idiots who spoon feed our children loony liberal, partisan political bullshit. You know, like those children singing the praises of an anti-american, far left liberal idiot of a president, Barack HUSSEIN Obama

One fucking school did that and it's all the looney liberals. Typical bullshit from your side.

I guess teaching them crass conservative partisan bullshit is better? No global warming. Gays are an abomination. Liberals are the devils helpers. The world is flat. And having an add singing the praises of the Bush handling of Katrian with Laura in in - buttwipe?

What's all this crap about his penis anygay?:lol:

I agree with some of his quotes. Not the stoned shit, they frowned on that in the Corps. I missed the whole drug scene as a kid, now I only get the prescription drugs as an old fart.:(
Shoving partisan politics, whether it be left, center or right, down the throats of children while in PUBLIC SCHOOL is downright wrong, PERIOD!
Particularly when they are of an age when they don't fully understand the simple concept that picking their nose and rolling their boogers into lil' balls just isn't cool. And that is the age of those children in that disgusting video.

I don't give a shit if they're singing about Bush or Obama. It was wrong. And, it's done more often by loony liberals on the left.
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The school czar needs his ass kicked.

Ahhh, congrats on your latest addition!

While I do agree with you, I also see where Charles is coming from in that the incident inself happened when Jennings was very new into his career. I too would be prepared to cut him some slack for a lack of judgement in his early days.

However, like Charles, I disagree with Jennings' appointment because of his activist approach and tendancy for 'micromanaging'.

The guy made a fairly monumental misjudgement. Yes. But let's be realistic and look at who he is now.... That is where I have a problem with him.

Thanks!, he's a great kid who came from an awful background. But that's for another time.

Sorry, but I can't agree with the many years ago concept. He was an educated man, who obviously had to know better. He's now an advisor to the prez on childrens safety in school. He failed in that childs safety so, a pattern was set by him back then.

And, it's truly amazing that Obama, who is the father of two beautiful children himself, would even consider such a dirtbag for the position. After all, he stated himself that his picks for personnel would define his agenda. Well, when we look at his picks, and you know what i'm talking about, it becomes quite obvious that his agenda is downright asinine, and bordering on insanity.

Off topic: I greatly admire people who choose to adopt. It's a marvelous thing that you do.

Don't misunderstand me.... I'm not dismissing what happened and agree with what you say. The problem is that fighting to get him out of that position won't work if you fight on something that happened so long ago with no recent evidence of similar behavior. It won't hold up as anything other than right wing whining. (It's not but that's how it will be perceived).

On the other hand, if you go after him for who he is now..... that dog has teeth.
Definitely can't argue with that.
I'm just pointing out the "SAFETY" angle. Add it to the rest of his disgusting resume, and that dog has a FULL SET OF TEETH!:razz:
I can't believe Stucker is still defending this guy and placing all the blame on the children. Do you work for Obama Stucker? Are you the Message Board Rebuttal Czar?

I cannot understand how you think I am defending Jennings' appointment when I have repeatedly, on this thread, expressed the opposite view based on Jennings' apparent POLICY.

Are you the poster child for education reform, deliberately demonstrating a lack of reading comprehension to emphasize the need to teach basics? If so then I laud your efforts, but if you really cannot differentiate between Support and Oppose then you are an even better argument in favor of returning education to the principles of local administration based on local needs and emphasis on basic skills.

Perhaps I can be clear enough for you this time
I oppose Jennings because of his policies, not his (alleged) sexual orientation
I oppose using sexual orientation as a litmus test for competence.
Those two are separate issues which some posters seem to equate.
Thanks smart ass.

You are quite welcome
And, it's done more often by loony liberals on the left.

Post your data on this or admit it's just your opinion.

I am still waiting for the proof of all this shit.

Actually if we accept the definition that a Liberal is one who embraces change and a conservative is hesitant to change then anything which is a change should, by definition, be more appealing to a liberal than a conservative. A difficulty arises when the term liberal is used as a label by someone who believes they are a conservative to mean "Does not agree with me." A similar problem arises with the term conservative used as a label by someone who believes they are liberal. As soon as emotions engage invective and hyperbole fly in both directions with "loony liberals" and "crackpot conservatives" (I too understand the principle of poetic alliteration) attempt to shout the other side down. Only by remaining impersonal can an individual attempt to restore a semblance of civility to the discourse. Alas work beckons so I will be out of touch for some time.

Nice avatar of General Smedley Butler, I laud your choice
Why do people insist on using czar for every freaking position? It'll do nothing but degrade the meaning to the point where companies will have an accounting czar, a marketing czar and a PR czar.
When the partisan shit gets cleaned off the fan and walls, those opposing Jenning's nomination can only site two things.

One - a case of admittedly poor judgement in counseling a student, when Jennings was 24 years old, and a new teacher. No law was broken. No child abuse occurred. He just should have notified the school authorities and he himself said on hindsight, it wasn't good judgement on his part. That is it folks. And despite the fact that nothing like this occurred again and his record is stellar - he's forever condemned.

Two - the fact that he's openly homosexual.

Based on the first thing, some folks have determined he is not "the best" choice. Yet, those same folks most likely, were perfectly willing to forgive similar flaws in judgement in other political (for example drug use or alcohal abuse). Why is that? Because he's homosexual? Would a heterosexual teacher be given more leeway for mistakes in judgement?

I tend to think so because of the really nasty direction much of this debate has turned toward.

Is he the best? Only the president knows and he has the right to choose the person he thinks best for the job and except for this early in his career - nothing in this man's record up to now says he is not.
Why do people insist on using czar for every freaking position? It'll do nothing but degrade the meaning to the point where companies will have an accounting czar, a marketing czar and a PR czar.
You're right!
From now on we'll just call them "dirtbag Obama appointees" in an ever growing list of "Obama dirtbag appointees"!:razz:

Will that suffice?:lol:
Why do people insist on using czar for every freaking position? It'll do nothing but degrade the meaning to the point where companies will have an accounting czar, a marketing czar and a PR czar.

That's why it's really impossible to define "Czar" - political lists of "Czar" are a mix of permanent positions requiring senate confirmation, liasons coordinating policy between different departments, and advisors in specialty areas.

"Czar" is just a media term.
When the partisan shit gets cleaned off the fan and walls, those opposing Jenning's nomination can only site two things.

One - a case of admittedly poor judgement in counseling a student, when Jennings was 24 years old, and a new teacher. No law was broken. No child abuse occurred. He just should have notified the school authorities and he himself said on hindsight, it wasn't good judgement on his part. That is it folks. And despite the fact that nothing like this occurred again and his record is stellar - he's forever condemned.

Two - the fact that he's openly homosexual.

Based on the first thing, some folks have determined he is not "the best" choice. Yet, those same folks most likely, were perfectly willing to forgive similar flaws in judgement in other political (for example drug use or alcohal abuse). Why is that? Because he's homosexual? Would a heterosexual teacher be given more leeway for mistakes in judgement?

I tend to think so because of the really nasty direction much of this debate has turned toward.

Is he the best? Only the president knows and he has the right to choose the person he thinks best for the job and except for this early in his career - nothing in this man's record up to now says he is not.

Only the president knows?
That's just too freakin' funny!

I guess the american people are clueless, in your opinion, and only the president knows shit about shit!
Oh boy. Another whiner. :eusa_eh:

Keep attacking the messenger and supporting Jennings...but remember...you are known by the company you keep. In other words...if Harry Hay supports gay civil rights and pedophilia...he still supports pedophilia and Jennings lack of a condemnation means he approves of it.

I've attacked the message multiple times. When the messenger keeps on insisting his message is correct and ignoring the flaws than I'm not going to keep pissing in the wind.:eusa_eh:

George Washington supported slavery. You going to define his entire record on that?

You're insistence on specific "repudiation" and "condemnation" of things smacks of McCarthyism and "loyalty oaths" - if you don't raise your hand and swear against it, you by default support it. That is nonsense. By doing this you give NAMBLA - a group who's number has likely never exceed a thousand members far more visability than it deserves and more power than it has. Why don't you require heterosexuals t6 publically denounce NAMBLA or child sex?
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Why do people insist on using czar for every freaking position? It'll do nothing but degrade the meaning to the point where companies will have an accounting czar, a marketing czar and a PR czar.
You're right!
From now on we'll just call them "dirtbag Obama appointees" in an ever growing list of "Obama dirtbag appointees"!:razz:

Will that suffice?:lol:

Sure, I highly doubt we'll ever hear 'I just got promoted to head dirtbag of legal' even though it may be accurate
How do you support a teacher who admittedly failed to report a sexual relationship between an adolescent and an adult? In all parts of the U.S.A. this behavior is against the law and failing to report a crime against a school aged adolescent is also a crime!!!. Is it now acceptable to have lapses of judgements where our children are concerned with no repercussions?

What sort of logic is this?

Uhhh what crime was this?
Is it now acceptable to have lapses of judgements where our children are concerned with no repercussions?

Do you want to incarcerate every single parent who shows a lapse of judgment where 'our' children are concerned?
Incarcerate...where did that come from...I didn't say that.

anyway .......repercussions....for the teacher WHO FAILED to report a sexual crime against an adolescent? HELL YES!!!!!!!!! Why are you giving this guy a pass for failing in his duty to protect your children when they are in his charge? He deserves a position in the highest office in the land? Overseeing safety in our schools???


"......Report that the boy had gay sex with an unknown adult? What will come of that? What if the boy commits suicide from shame at his secret being exposed?"

So this is an excuse to NOT report a felony crime committed against a child. "He may kill himself."

My god!!!!

Hmmmmmmmmm...I have to question the sanity of a person who thinks crimes against defenseless, impressionable children should not be condemned or go unpunished. What kind of liberal tenet is this? I have NEVER heard of such a thing and I'm frankly appalled at this thought process.

I guess me being a father makes me see things a little different than "progressives".

WHAT felony crime?
This is just another illustration of the mind-set of many on the left.

Right and wrong are indistinguishable. Having core values or princples are unimportant.

As far as the left is concerned it really doesn't matter if he molests puppies.....as long he's a Democrat he's good because even though he may be a pervert.....he's their pervert.

In every case when the right finds out that one of their's is toe-tapping in men's rooms they get rid of him. They actually can distinguish between right and wrong.

The left, on the other hand, celebrates their scum. They give them awards and have public displays of affection. They cheer their members when they're discovered to be slimey perverts and they put them in protected classes.

Oh boy. Another retard who thinks ethics is a matter of ideology based on a barbaric interpretation of a religion. Or maybe it's just a matter of penile insecurity.

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