"safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings further exposed

internet tough guy and fabulously wealthy.

are you and morgan fairchild still together?

if so, why are you obsessing over a gay man?


Yeah, his whole story is nothing but a ficticious load of BS. He claims to have served and yet when pressed gave two different years for when he allegedly signed up for his second tour and couldn't keep his story straight about his service or his second enlistment, allegedly owned 2 highly successful restaraunts but recently sold one and the chef at the other was going to buy that one from him. Talks trash, demands personal information, like where you live, from others but has refused to offer any in return, threatens people (which is why he was banned from the msnbc boards) and gets violent when his arguments and spin blow up in his face.

That about sums up the jester. LOL

ROFLMNAO... So we what I like to call a "Leftist Military service test..." which is hysterical in at least TWO CONTEXTS and on several levels...

A LEFTIST even speaking to military service is a joke in and of itself, but where one tries to challenge the service of ANOTHER is just too good to resist...

Hey bones... who the fuck are you to even ask this guy about his service?

LOL I find it freaking hilarious that the big bad internet tough guy chefjester can't handle me on his own so he has to call you in for back up. LOL

Here is the big bad tough guy chefjester crying for help against little ol me.

Hey buddy!
I need a lil' help over on the "school czar thread" (politics)
I've got this DRsmith asshole talking shit. It goes back to our days over at the MSNBC board. As usual, the asshole is attacking my service. He knows he's lying. I could use a lil' back up from a fellow vet. I'd appreciate it! http://www.usmessageboard.com/members/namvet.html#vmessage12302

BTW moron I served too but why should that be important?? Does serving the military make you more honest, somehow validate your claims or show that you have any integrity?? If chefjester served, which I doubt based on his inconsistencies, then it's obvious based on his example that it doesn't make it so. Why do desperate and dishonest people hide behind their alleged service as if it somehow makes them better than anyone else?
Yeah, his whole story is nothing but a ficticious load of BS. He claims to have served and yet when pressed gave two different years for when he allegedly signed up for his second tour and couldn't keep his story straight about his service or his second enlistment, allegedly owned 2 highly successful restaraunts but recently sold one and the chef at the other was going to buy that one from him. Talks trash, demands personal information, like where you live, from others but has refused to offer any in return, threatens people (which is why he was banned from the msnbc boards) and gets violent when his arguments and spin blow up in his face.

That about sums up the jester. LOL

ROFLMNAO... So we what I like to call a "Leftist Military service test..." which is hysterical in at least TWO CONTEXTS and on several levels...

A LEFTIST even speaking to military service is a joke in and of itself, but where one tries to challenge the service of ANOTHER is just too good to resist...

Hey bones... who the fuck are you to even ask this guy about his service?

LOL I find it freaking hilarious that the big bad internet tough guy chefjester can't handle me on his own so he has to call you in for back up. LOL

Here is the big bad tough guy chefjester crying for help against little ol me.

Hey buddy!
I need a lil' help over on the "school czar thread" (politics)
I've got this DRsmith asshole talking shit. It goes back to our days over at the MSNBC board. As usual, the asshole is attacking my service. He knows he's lying. I could use a lil' back up from a fellow vet. I'd appreciate it! http://www.usmessageboard.com/members/namvet.html#vmessage12302

BTW moron I served too but why should that be important?? Does serving the military make you more honest, somehow validate your claims or show that you have any integrity?? If chefjester served, which I doubt based on his inconsistencies, then it's obvious based on his example that it doesn't make it so. Why do desperate and dishonest people hide behind their alleged service as if it somehow makes them better than anyone else?
I see your cowardly ass ran away from the questions I posed you the other day. As usual, you just can't debate, so you go into attack mode, or simply run away. That's been your M.O. for so long it's become laughable.
Show those inconsistencies asswipe, or simply get to debating and shut the fuck up.
Oh, and you said you left the Army because you heard someone utter a racial slur to a fellow soldier. What a fuckin' pussy!
Now, debate or simply shut the fuck up, lil man.
Answer the questions posed!
Or are you too much of a coward to admit that you are perfectly fine with your beloved messiah appointing such a twisted and perverted SOB to his administration. An appointment that means this man will be involved in the education of this country's children.
ROFLMNAO... So we what I like to call a "Leftist Military service test..." which is hysterical in at least TWO CONTEXTS and on several levels...

A LEFTIST even speaking to military service is a joke in and of itself, but where one tries to challenge the service of ANOTHER is just too good to resist...

Hey bones... who the fuck are you to even ask this guy about his service?

LOL I find it freaking hilarious that the big bad internet tough guy chefjester can't handle me on his own so he has to call you in for back up. LOL

Here is the big bad tough guy chefjester crying for help against little ol me.

Hey buddy!
I need a lil' help over on the "school czar thread" (politics)
I've got this DRsmith asshole talking shit. It goes back to our days over at the MSNBC board. As usual, the asshole is attacking my service. He knows he's lying. I could use a lil' back up from a fellow vet. I'd appreciate it! http://www.usmessageboard.com/members/namvet.html#vmessage12302

BTW moron I served too but why should that be important?? Does serving the military make you more honest, somehow validate your claims or show that you have any integrity?? If chefjester served, which I doubt based on his inconsistencies, then it's obvious based on his example that it doesn't make it so. Why do desperate and dishonest people hide behind their alleged service as if it somehow makes them better than anyone else?
I see your cowardly ass ran away from the questions I posed you the other day. As usual, you just can't debate, so you go into attack mode, or simply run away. That's been your M.O. for so long it's become laughable.
Show those inconsistencies asswipe, or simply get to debating and shut the fuck up.
Oh, and you said you left the Army because you heard someone utter a racial slur to a fellow soldier. What a fuckin' pussy!
Now, debate or simply shut the fuck up, lil man.
Answer the questions posed!
Or are you too much of a coward to admit that you are perfectly fine with your beloved messiah appointing such a twisted and perverted SOB to his administration. An appointment that means this man will be involved in the education of this country's children.

WHo ran away It was 6pm on a thursday, I don't work on fridays due to class and i don't waste my weekends on here. I have much better things to do.
here are your pressing questions that you asked. LOL

How do you feel about a man who didn't report an obvious child molestation to school administrators or authorities. How do you feel about a man with his obviously twisted beliefs having anything to do with the education of this country's children?
How do feel about this man SUPPOSEDLY being properly vetted, and then appointed to this administration anyway?

So you are attacking jennings because he is a homosexual while you are constantly asking me how I "feel"?? LOL Aw chef I didn't know you cared. LOL Oh and don't worry I won't ask or tell. HAHA

First off, stop trying to have a factual debate based on your propganda links. If you want to discuss a topic please bring valid sources and links so we can discuss the facts. However, even you, as dishonest and cowardly as you are, have to admit that if I chimed in with a link to some left wing propaganda website you wouldn't even give it the time of day. So please keep your propaganda and talking points to yourself. The title of one of your links even plainly states that it is talking points.

It doesn't matter who obama appoints or to what position he appoints them to, you are a hack and are against anything obama so in the future if you want to cry call up namvet/publius like you did for backup to come attack little ol me. I'm sure he will lend you a sympathetic shoulder. LOL

BTW thanks for exposing yourself as THE coward seeing as how you had to go cry to others for help to attack me. LOL

Are you really that scared of me?? lol
LOL I find it freaking hilarious that the big bad internet tough guy chefjester can't handle me on his own so he has to call you in for back up. LOL

Here is the big bad tough guy chefjester crying for help against little ol me.

BTW moron I served too but why should that be important?? Does serving the military make you more honest, somehow validate your claims or show that you have any integrity?? If chefjester served, which I doubt based on his inconsistencies, then it's obvious based on his example that it doesn't make it so. Why do desperate and dishonest people hide behind their alleged service as if it somehow makes them better than anyone else?
I see your cowardly ass ran away from the questions I posed you the other day. As usual, you just can't debate, so you go into attack mode, or simply run away. That's been your M.O. for so long it's become laughable.
Show those inconsistencies asswipe, or simply get to debating and shut the fuck up.
Oh, and you said you left the Army because you heard someone utter a racial slur to a fellow soldier. What a fuckin' pussy!
Now, debate or simply shut the fuck up, lil man.
Answer the questions posed!
Or are you too much of a coward to admit that you are perfectly fine with your beloved messiah appointing such a twisted and perverted SOB to his administration. An appointment that means this man will be involved in the education of this country's children.

WHo ran away It was 6pm on a thursday, I don't work on fridays due to class and i don't waste my weekends on here. I have much better things to do.
here are your pressing questions that you asked. LOL

How do you feel about a man who didn't report an obvious child molestation to school administrators or authorities. How do you feel about a man with his obviously twisted beliefs having anything to do with the education of this country's children?
How do feel about this man SUPPOSEDLY being properly vetted, and then appointed to this administration anyway?

So you are attacking jennings because he is a homosexual while you are constantly asking me how I "feel"?? LOL Aw chef I didn't know you cared. LOL Oh and don't worry I won't ask or tell. HAHA

First off, stop trying to have a factual debate based on your propganda links. If you want to discuss a topic please bring valid sources and links so we can discuss the facts. However, even you, as dishonest and cowardly as you are, have to admit that if I chimed in with a link to some left wing propaganda website you wouldn't even give it the time of day. So please keep your propaganda and talking points to yourself. The title of one of your links even plainly states that it is talking points.

It doesn't matter who obama appoints or to what position he appoints them to, you are a hack and are against anything obama so in the future if you want to cry call up namvet/publius like you did for backup to come attack little ol me. I'm sure he will lend you a sympathetic shoulder. LOL

BTW thanks for exposing yourself as THE coward seeing as how you had to go cry to others for help to attack me. LOL

Are you really that scared of me?? lol
So lil' man, you just don't have the guts to answer the questions. Just admit it. You refuse to debate, and only use the attack method. Those were Jennings own words. Taken straight from his book. I can find them just as easily on any left wing site. So, answer the fucking questions!
Why are you so cowardly?
Why do you refuse to debate anything that may have to do with your beloved messiah looking bad?
Affraid of you, HELL NO!
You're a candyass. A lil' momma's boy. And yes, i'll continue to expose your ass to fellow vets, everytime you try to demean a vets service, including mine.
You know damn good and well that KOfan fully verified my vet status when he told you to stand the fuck down over on MSNBC. He told you that after we talked offline and found that we knew each other while serving. That killed the lil' game you were trying to play over there, and like a lil' kid who just can't admit defeat, you'll try your disgusting tactics over here.
Grow the fuck up lil' man!
Now, debate or find another thread to get schooled on!
Last edited:
I see your cowardly ass ran away from the questions I posed you the other day. As usual, you just can't debate, so you go into attack mode, or simply run away. That's been your M.O. for so long it's become laughable.
Show those inconsistencies asswipe, or simply get to debating and shut the fuck up.
Oh, and you said you left the Army because you heard someone utter a racial slur to a fellow soldier. What a fuckin' pussy!
Now, debate or simply shut the fuck up, lil man.
Answer the questions posed!
Or are you too much of a coward to admit that you are perfectly fine with your beloved messiah appointing such a twisted and perverted SOB to his administration. An appointment that means this man will be involved in the education of this country's children.

WHo ran away It was 6pm on a thursday, I don't work on fridays due to class and i don't waste my weekends on here. I have much better things to do.
here are your pressing questions that you asked. LOL

How do you feel about a man who didn't report an obvious child molestation to school administrators or authorities. How do you feel about a man with his obviously twisted beliefs having anything to do with the education of this country's children?
How do feel about this man SUPPOSEDLY being properly vetted, and then appointed to this administration anyway?

So you are attacking jennings because he is a homosexual while you are constantly asking me how I "feel"?? LOL Aw chef I didn't know you cared. LOL Oh and don't worry I won't ask or tell. HAHA

First off, stop trying to have a factual debate based on your propganda links. If you want to discuss a topic please bring valid sources and links so we can discuss the facts. However, even you, as dishonest and cowardly as you are, have to admit that if I chimed in with a link to some left wing propaganda website you wouldn't even give it the time of day. So please keep your propaganda and talking points to yourself. The title of one of your links even plainly states that it is talking points.

It doesn't matter who obama appoints or to what position he appoints them to, you are a hack and are against anything obama so in the future if you want to cry call up namvet/publius like you did for backup to come attack little ol me. I'm sure he will lend you a sympathetic shoulder. LOL

BTW thanks for exposing yourself as THE coward seeing as how you had to go cry to others for help to attack me. LOL

Are you really that scared of me?? lol
So lil' man, you just don't have the guts to answer the questions. Just admit it. You refuse to debate, and only use the attack method. Those were Jennings own words. Taken straight from his book. I can find them just as easily on any left wing site. So, answer the fucking questions!
Why are you so cowardly?
Why do you refuse to debate anything that may have to do with your beloved messiah looking bad?
Affraid of you, HELL NO!
You're a candyass. A lil' momma's boy. And yes, i'll continue to expose your ass to fellow vets, everytime you try to demean a vets service, including mine.
You know damn good and well that KOfan fully verified my vet status when he told you to stand the fuck down over on MSNBC. He told you that after we talked offline and found that we knew each other while serving. That killed the lil' game you were trying to play over there, and like a lil' kid who just can't admit defeat, you'll try your disgusting tactics over here.
Grow the fuck up lil' man!
Now, debate or find another thread to get schooled on!

Are you retarded or just delusional?? You haven't exposed anyone EXCEPT yourself and you haven't schooled anyone. I mean, I know you are a coward and that has been shown to be true based on you running to others because you are afraid of me but what is there to debate?? You asked me "how I feel" based on your allegations and claims.

It's obvious based on your questions that you don't want to debate. So you constantly demanding answers to questions whose only responses can be based on opinions and feelings isn't worth it and is not what I call a debate. Are you wanting to go on oprah to discuss your feelings or do you want talk about facts and actually debate a REAL topic??

Some other loser claiming that he BELIEVES that you are a vet on a message board isn't proof. Fact is that you gave two seperate dates for you alleged re-enlistement and you claimed you got in without an age waiver initially and then later you tried to lie claiming that you got one when you didn't even know it was required at the age of your alleged re-enlistment until I called you out on it.

Run along and get more help little coward because it's obvious that you need it. LOL
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The funny thing is that you are now trying to pretend that you are attacking me based on some honor bound code to defend other soldiers from my demeaing of vets service and yet on the msnbc message board the whole reason I started questioning you and finding the holes in your claims was because you were attacking others claiming that they didn't serve. LOL

Oh and BTW I NEVER said I left the army because someone uttered a racial slur. I have corrected you on this LIE many many many many many times and yet you continue to post it showing you to be the liar once again. I said we lost honor platoon in basic because someone left a racially charged note attacking another soldier and wouldn't fess up to leaving the note until the following day. That had nothing to do with why I got out. Fact is I served my four years and got my honorable.
WHo ran away It was 6pm on a thursday, I don't work on fridays due to class and i don't waste my weekends on here. I have much better things to do.
here are your pressing questions that you asked. LOL

So you are attacking jennings because he is a homosexual while you are constantly asking me how I "feel"?? LOL Aw chef I didn't know you cared. LOL Oh and don't worry I won't ask or tell. HAHA

First off, stop trying to have a factual debate based on your propganda links. If you want to discuss a topic please bring valid sources and links so we can discuss the facts. However, even you, as dishonest and cowardly as you are, have to admit that if I chimed in with a link to some left wing propaganda website you wouldn't even give it the time of day. So please keep your propaganda and talking points to yourself. The title of one of your links even plainly states that it is talking points.

It doesn't matter who obama appoints or to what position he appoints them to, you are a hack and are against anything obama so in the future if you want to cry call up namvet/publius like you did for backup to come attack little ol me. I'm sure he will lend you a sympathetic shoulder. LOL

BTW thanks for exposing yourself as THE coward seeing as how you had to go cry to others for help to attack me. LOL

Are you really that scared of me?? lol
So lil' man, you just don't have the guts to answer the questions. Just admit it. You refuse to debate, and only use the attack method. Those were Jennings own words. Taken straight from his book. I can find them just as easily on any left wing site. So, answer the fucking questions!
Why are you so cowardly?
Why do you refuse to debate anything that may have to do with your beloved messiah looking bad?
Affraid of you, HELL NO!
You're a candyass. A lil' momma's boy. And yes, i'll continue to expose your ass to fellow vets, everytime you try to demean a vets service, including mine.
You know damn good and well that KOfan fully verified my vet status when he told you to stand the fuck down over on MSNBC. He told you that after we talked offline and found that we knew each other while serving. That killed the lil' game you were trying to play over there, and like a lil' kid who just can't admit defeat, you'll try your disgusting tactics over here.
Grow the fuck up lil' man!
Now, debate or find another thread to get schooled on!

Are you retarded or just delusional?? You haven't exposed anyone EXCEPT yourself and you haven't schooled anyone. I mean, I know you are a coward and that has been shown to be true based on you running to others because you are afraid of me but what is there to debate?? You asked me "how I feel" based on your allegations and claims.

It's obvious based on your questions that you don't want to debate. So you constantly demanding answers to questions whose only responses can be based on opinions and feelings isn't worth it and is not what I call a debate. Are you wanting to go on oprah to discuss your feelings or do you want talk about facts and actually debate a REAL topic??

Some other loser claiming that he BELIEVES that you are a vet on a message board isn't proof. Fact is that you gave two seperate dates for you alleged re-enlistement and you claimed you got in without an age waiver initially and then later you tried to lie claiming that you got one when you didn't even know it was required at the age of your alleged re-enlistment until I called you out on it.

Run along and get more help little coward because it's obvious that you need it. LOL
You're so full of shit. Fact is lil' man, I had you and several of your fellow liberal loons attacking me at the same time. How conveniently you forget that fact. My initial response to your age waiver question got lost in the fray. Because I didn't answer it THE WAY YOU WANTED TO HEAR, you try to say That I said I never needed one. YOU ARE BLATANTLY LYING, and you fucking know it!
Now, i could give a shit about all that. My service was fully proven by a fellow vet who knew me. And, unlike you, I respect all vets service, including yours. But I do think your reason for getting out is as candyass as it gets. So what if a service member utters a racial slur to a fellow soldier? It happens all the time.
Now, I asked you very legitimate questions about Jennings. His own words and VERIFIED actions, fully verify the validity of the OP.
Why are you so affraid to give your opinion on those words and actions?
Your unwillingness to answer them just further proves what i've always thought about you. You absolutely will not say ANYTHING that might cause you to admit your beloved messiah isn't as perfect as he fooled you into thinking he was.
Christ man, at least I had the guts to call out Bush many times when I felt he wasn't representing my beliefs.
OH and look chef is following his MO that he tried to transfer to me earlier. He has stalked me into another thread to attack me just like I said he used to do on the msnbc boards and exactly what he falsely accused me of doing. LOL

Wrong asshole. I saw the thread and it interested me. You just happened to be on the thread, and I just had to point out your abject hypocrisy.
Grow up, lil' man!
So lil' man, you just don't have the guts to answer the questions. Just admit it. You refuse to debate, and only use the attack method. Those were Jennings own words. Taken straight from his book. I can find them just as easily on any left wing site. So, answer the fucking questions!
Why are you so cowardly?
Why do you refuse to debate anything that may have to do with your beloved messiah looking bad?
Affraid of you, HELL NO!
You're a candyass. A lil' momma's boy. And yes, i'll continue to expose your ass to fellow vets, everytime you try to demean a vets service, including mine.
You know damn good and well that KOfan fully verified my vet status when he told you to stand the fuck down over on MSNBC. He told you that after we talked offline and found that we knew each other while serving. That killed the lil' game you were trying to play over there, and like a lil' kid who just can't admit defeat, you'll try your disgusting tactics over here.
Grow the fuck up lil' man!
Now, debate or find another thread to get schooled on!

Are you retarded or just delusional?? You haven't exposed anyone EXCEPT yourself and you haven't schooled anyone. I mean, I know you are a coward and that has been shown to be true based on you running to others because you are afraid of me but what is there to debate?? You asked me "how I feel" based on your allegations and claims.

It's obvious based on your questions that you don't want to debate. So you constantly demanding answers to questions whose only responses can be based on opinions and feelings isn't worth it and is not what I call a debate. Are you wanting to go on oprah to discuss your feelings or do you want talk about facts and actually debate a REAL topic??

Some other loser claiming that he BELIEVES that you are a vet on a message board isn't proof. Fact is that you gave two seperate dates for you alleged re-enlistement and you claimed you got in without an age waiver initially and then later you tried to lie claiming that you got one when you didn't even know it was required at the age of your alleged re-enlistment until I called you out on it.

Run along and get more help little coward because it's obvious that you need it. LOL
You're so full of shit. Fact is lil' man, I had you and several of your fellow liberal loons attacking me at the same time. How conveniently you forget that fact.

And here come the bs excuses. You messed up, couldn't keep your facade up and exposed yourself as a phony. Your lame excuses won't change that.

My initial response to your age waiver question got lost in the fray. Because I didn't answer it THE WAY YOU WANTED TO HEAR, you try to say That I said I never needed one.

HAHAHA nice bs loser. After I called you out and said that you needed an age waiver you said that you didn't need one based on the speciality and need of your MOS. Then later, after I showed you how a waiver was REQUIRED and after your attempts to lie and spin failed, you tried to claim that you had one.

YOU ARE BLATANTLY LYING, and you fucking know it!
Nope but you are. LOL

Now, i could give a shit about all that. My service was fully proven by a fellow vet who knew me.

blah blah BS is that all you have to offer loser??

And, unlike you, I respect all vets service, including yours.

And more BS from you, the fact is that on the msnbc boards you had a habit of attacking others who claimed that they had served and you constantly tried to demean their service because they disagreed with you. So don't even try to play that bs crap about how you respest all vets service because you know it's not true.

But I do think your reason for getting out is as candyass as it gets. So what if a service member utters a racial slur to a fellow soldier? It happens all the time.

LOL typical that you would continue to lie about that even after I spelled it out to you. Here comes the sarcasm just for you,
"Yeah I was so distraught over the use of a racial slur IN BASIC TRAINING that despite the fact that I could have gotten out very easilly with a failure to adapt i decided to stick around for FOUR YEARS and then I decided based on a slur I had heard FOUR YEARS prior that I should leave the army."
LOL You really are retarded aren't you??

Now, I asked you very legitimate questions about Jennings. His own words and VERIFIED actions, fully verify the validity of the OP.
Why are you so affraid to give your opinion on those words and actions?
Your unwillingness to answer them just further proves what i've always thought about you. You absolutely will not say ANYTHING that might cause you to admit your beloved messiah isn't as perfect as he fooled you into thinking he was.

WOW once again you are retarded. I have already spelled it out for you. Bring on the facts and we can talk but feeling are not important to a factually based debate. Go on Oprah if you want to share YOUR feelings but that's not what I am here for.

Christ man, at least I had the guts to call out Bush many times when I felt he wasn't representing my beliefs.

HAHAHA Sure you did. LOL you were so far up W's ass you could taste what he was chewing.
OH and look chef is following his MO that he tried to transfer to me earlier. He has stalked me into another thread to attack me just like I said he used to do on the msnbc boards and exactly what he falsely accused me of doing. LOL

Wrong asshole. I saw the thread and it interested me. You just happened to be on the thread, and I just had to point out your abject hypocrisy.
Grow up, lil' man!

So you followed me into another thread, offered NOTHING on the topic of that thread and only attacked ME personally but you don't think that is the same stalking into other threads that you FALSELY accused me of doing?? LOL

Poor poor chef dishonest, hypocrtical and delusional as ever
Are you retarded or just delusional?? You haven't exposed anyone EXCEPT yourself and you haven't schooled anyone. I mean, I know you are a coward and that has been shown to be true based on you running to others because you are afraid of me but what is there to debate?? You asked me "how I feel" based on your allegations and claims.

It's obvious based on your questions that you don't want to debate. So you constantly demanding answers to questions whose only responses can be based on opinions and feelings isn't worth it and is not what I call a debate. Are you wanting to go on oprah to discuss your feelings or do you want talk about facts and actually debate a REAL topic??

Some other loser claiming that he BELIEVES that you are a vet on a message board isn't proof. Fact is that you gave two seperate dates for you alleged re-enlistement and you claimed you got in without an age waiver initially and then later you tried to lie claiming that you got one when you didn't even know it was required at the age of your alleged re-enlistment until I called you out on it.

Run along and get more help little coward because it's obvious that you need it. LOL
You're so full of shit. Fact is lil' man, I had you and several of your fellow liberal loons attacking me at the same time. How conveniently you forget that fact.

And here come the bs excuses. You messed up, couldn't keep your facade up and exposed yourself as a phony. Your lame excuses won't change that.

HAHAHA nice bs loser. After I called you out and said that you needed an age waiver you said that you didn't need one based on the speciality and need of your MOS. Then later, after I showed you how a waiver was REQUIRED and after your attempts to lie and spin failed, you tried to claim that you had one.

Nope but you are. LOL

blah blah BS is that all you have to offer loser??

And more BS from you, the fact is that on the msnbc boards you had a habit of attacking others who claimed that they had served and you constantly tried to demean their service because they disagreed with you. So don't even try to play that bs crap about how you respest all vets service because you know it's not true.

LOL typical that you would continue to lie about that even after I spelled it out to you. Here comes the sarcasm just for you,
"Yeah I was so distraught over the use of a racial slur IN BASIC TRAINING that despite the fact that I could have gotten out very easilly with a failure to adapt i decided to stick around for FOUR YEARS and then I decided based on a slur I had heard FOUR YEARS prior that I should leave the army."
LOL You really are retarded aren't you??

Now, I asked you very legitimate questions about Jennings. His own words and VERIFIED actions, fully verify the validity of the OP.
Why are you so affraid to give your opinion on those words and actions?
Your unwillingness to answer them just further proves what i've always thought about you. You absolutely will not say ANYTHING that might cause you to admit your beloved messiah isn't as perfect as he fooled you into thinking he was.

WOW once again you are retarded. I have already spelled it out for you. Bring on the facts and we can talk but feeling are not important to a factually based debate. Go on Oprah if you want to share YOUR feelings but that's not what I am here for.

Christ man, at least I had the guts to call out Bush many times when I felt he wasn't representing my beliefs.

HAHAHA Sure you did. LOL you were so far up W's ass you could taste what he was chewing.
The facts are there lil' man. Straight from Jennings mouth.
Too include the way he handled the child molestation.
Admit it, ya spineless lil' mommas boy, YOU DON'T HAVE THE GUTS TO ANSWER THOSE VERY SIMPLE QUESTIONS. Even though the facts are clearly presented.
You're such a fucking pussy.
No wonder you have no rep, no friends, no messages.
People are on to you and your lil' games. They realize you can't be taken seriously. They realize that you're a partisan hack, far left liberal Obamabot to the core. All you have is attacks and lies. Attacks on everybody who disagrees with you. All one has to do is go through the threads you participate in, and it becomes quite clear that you don't debate, you attack. And that is why your credibility is zero up here, just like it was over at MSLSD.
You claim to work 2 jobs and attend X-ray tech school full time, although you spend far too much time on this board for any of that to be true. Now, just admit you're an adult, with no job, no girlfriends, and still living at home and using mommy's computer until 6 o' clock when she gets home and kicks your loser ass off of it. It's just too damn obvious, DOCTOR!
Grow up!
So now, i'm sure you'll come up with some lame excuse that you have time at one of your jobs to use the computer for hours on end. It's the tried and true excuse of those who are mommas boys without jobs, or a direction in life. Or you'll say that you're on some kind of break from school, and therefore have the time to spend so many hours up here. Those are excuses used by so many. So, let's hear it!
Like I said, GROW UP!
You're so full of shit. Fact is lil' man, I had you and several of your fellow liberal loons attacking me at the same time. How conveniently you forget that fact.

And here come the bs excuses. You messed up, couldn't keep your facade up and exposed yourself as a phony. Your lame excuses won't change that.

HAHAHA nice bs loser. After I called you out and said that you needed an age waiver you said that you didn't need one based on the speciality and need of your MOS. Then later, after I showed you how a waiver was REQUIRED and after your attempts to lie and spin failed, you tried to claim that you had one.

Nope but you are. LOL

blah blah BS is that all you have to offer loser??

And more BS from you, the fact is that on the msnbc boards you had a habit of attacking others who claimed that they had served and you constantly tried to demean their service because they disagreed with you. So don't even try to play that bs crap about how you respest all vets service because you know it's not true.

LOL typical that you would continue to lie about that even after I spelled it out to you. Here comes the sarcasm just for you,
"Yeah I was so distraught over the use of a racial slur IN BASIC TRAINING that despite the fact that I could have gotten out very easilly with a failure to adapt i decided to stick around for FOUR YEARS and then I decided based on a slur I had heard FOUR YEARS prior that I should leave the army."
LOL You really are retarded aren't you??

WOW once again you are retarded. I have already spelled it out for you. Bring on the facts and we can talk but feeling are not important to a factually based debate. Go on Oprah if you want to share YOUR feelings but that's not what I am here for.

Christ man, at least I had the guts to call out Bush many times when I felt he wasn't representing my beliefs.

HAHAHA Sure you did. LOL you were so far up W's ass you could taste what he was chewing.
The facts are there lil' man. Straight from Jennings mouth.
Too include the way he handled the child molestation.
Admit it, ya spineless lil' mommas boy, YOU DON'T HAVE THE GUTS TO ANSWER THOSE VERY SIMPLE QUESTIONS. Even though the facts are clearly presented.

Blah blah balh any way you try to spin you are a cowardly dishonest delusional retard. LOL Oh and before you even pretend to take the high road on the name caliing you have done more than your fair sahre loser. LOL

You're such a fucking pussy.

Says the cowardly hack who had to run to get back up to handle little ol me and ran away from a girl after he he vandalized her car. LOL

No wonder you have no rep, no friends, no messages.

Is that really important to you?? LOL I feel sorry for you.

People are on to you and your lil' games. They realize you can't be taken seriously. They realize that you're a partisan hack,

WEll that is nothing but more of you transferring your flaws to me. Perhaps you should seek professional help??

far left liberal Obamabot to the core.
Really?? Wasn't a hillary supporter first and didn't i criticize obama a LOT throughout the campaign?? SO how can i be an obamabot?? LOL

All you have is attacks and lies. Attacks on everybody who disagrees with you.

Aww more of your transference.

All one has to do is go through the threads you participate in, and it becomes quite clear that you don't debate, you attack. And that is why your credibility is zero up here, just like it was over at MSLSD.

Hmm let's see I disagree with a lot of people and don'tmarch lockstep like you do so no I don't expect to get people patting me on the back for spewing propaganda like you do.

You claim to work 2 jobs and attend X-ray tech school full time, although you spend far too much time on this board for any of that to be true.
Really?? how much time is that?? 2-3 hours a day while I am at my job where I sit at a desk?? LOL I joined this board in jul and have 300+ posts you joined in Aug and have 520+ posts. So which one of us spends mroe time in here loser?? LOL

Now, just admit you're an adult, with no job, no girlfriends, and still living at home and using mommy's computer until 6 o' clock when she gets home and kicks your loser ass off of it.

eww peering into your life as you try to transfer your shortcomings onto me is creepy but i do feel sorry for you. I hope you mom isn't too hard on you for being online all the time. LOL

It's just too damn obvious, DOCTOR!
Never pretended to be a doctor and in fact admitted several times that I wasn't but that never stops you from lying about it.

please, take your own adivce. LOL

So now, i'm sure you'll come up with some lame excuse that you have time at one of your jobs to use the computer for hours on end. It's the tried and true excuse of those who are mommas boys without jobs, or a direction in life. Or you'll say that you're on some kind of break from school, and therefore have the time to spend so many hours up here. Those are excuses used by so many. So, let's hear it!
Like I said, GROW UP!

It is a little past six as it was the other day when I left so imagine that i am OFF and it's time to go home. The funnything is that you know my schedule based on past posting and yet you dishonestly try to use that to attack me out of desperation. LOL You really are a loser. HAHA
And here come the bs excuses. You messed up, couldn't keep your facade up and exposed yourself as a phony. Your lame excuses won't change that.

HAHAHA nice bs loser. After I called you out and said that you needed an age waiver you said that you didn't need one based on the speciality and need of your MOS. Then later, after I showed you how a waiver was REQUIRED and after your attempts to lie and spin failed, you tried to claim that you had one.

Nope but you are. LOL

blah blah BS is that all you have to offer loser??

And more BS from you, the fact is that on the msnbc boards you had a habit of attacking others who claimed that they had served and you constantly tried to demean their service because they disagreed with you. So don't even try to play that bs crap about how you respest all vets service because you know it's not true.

LOL typical that you would continue to lie about that even after I spelled it out to you. Here comes the sarcasm just for you,
"Yeah I was so distraught over the use of a racial slur IN BASIC TRAINING that despite the fact that I could have gotten out very easilly with a failure to adapt i decided to stick around for FOUR YEARS and then I decided based on a slur I had heard FOUR YEARS prior that I should leave the army."
LOL You really are retarded aren't you??

WOW once again you are retarded. I have already spelled it out for you. Bring on the facts and we can talk but feeling are not important to a factually based debate. Go on Oprah if you want to share YOUR feelings but that's not what I am here for.

HAHAHA Sure you did. LOL you were so far up W's ass you could taste what he was chewing.
The facts are there lil' man. Straight from Jennings mouth.
Too include the way he handled the child molestation.
Admit it, ya spineless lil' mommas boy, YOU DON'T HAVE THE GUTS TO ANSWER THOSE VERY SIMPLE QUESTIONS. Even though the facts are clearly presented.

Blah blah balh any way you try to spin you are a cowardly dishonest delusional retard. LOL Oh and before you even pretend to take the high road on the name caliing you have done more than your fair sahre loser. LOL

Says the cowardly hack who had to run to get back up to handle little ol me and ran away from a girl after he he vandalized her car. LOL

Is that really important to you?? LOL I feel sorry for you.

WEll that is nothing but more of you transferring your flaws to me. Perhaps you should seek professional help??

far left liberal Obamabot to the core.
Really?? Wasn't a hillary supporter first and didn't i criticize obama a LOT throughout the campaign?? SO how can i be an obamabot?? LOL

Aww more of your transference.

Hmm let's see I disagree with a lot of people and don'tmarch lockstep like you do so no I don't expect to get people patting me on the back for spewing propaganda like you do.

You claim to work 2 jobs and attend X-ray tech school full time, although you spend far too much time on this board for any of that to be true.
Really?? how much time is that?? 2-3 hours a day while I am at my job where I sit at a desk?? LOL I joined this board in jul and have 300+ posts you joined in Aug and have 520+ posts. So which one of us spends mroe time in here loser?? LOL

eww peering into your life as you try to transfer your shortcomings onto me is creepy but i do feel sorry for you. I hope you mom isn't too hard on you for being online all the time. LOL

Never pretended to be a doctor and in fact admitted several times that I wasn't but that never stops you from lying about it.

please, take your own adivce. LOL

It is a little past six as it was the other day when I left so imagine that i am OFF and it's time to go home. The funnything is that you know my schedule based on past posting and yet you dishonestly try to use that to attack me out of desperation. LOL You really are a loser. HAHA
Ok, so you sit at that SUPPOSED job and waste your employers time and money by posting your asinine shit on some podunk message board. What a fucking asshole!
There are plenty of hard working people who desperately need jobs, would do that SUPPOSED job, and would not waste the employers time and money by doing what you do.
Bottom line, you're either lying your ass off or, you're a fucking moron for wasting the time and money of an employer who was kind enough to hire you onto that job in the first place.
Since Jennings has nothing to do with NAMBLA I'm trying to figure out the significance of this gem. Is it another case of innuendo by association - so typical of the rightwing spin machines?

Apparently the source of this particularly despicable smear lies in a speech Jennings made in 1997 praising gay rights pioneers including Harry Hay. A look at the transcript of the speech indicates no mention even by innuendo,, about NAMBLA (but since when has accuracy ever mattered smear machine engineers?). Instead, Harry Hay is praised as one of the first people to attempt to organize gay rights groups and support. Not a bad thing to praise. But count on the smearmongers to dig further in their ideological outhouse in hopes of finding a nugget to throw at Jennings. Aha say the emboldened pundits - Harry Hay spoke up for NAMBLA, and in one protest carrying a sign saying "NAMBLA walks with me”.

They found their nugget. It doesn't matter that the nugget is nothing more than hardened lump of bullpoop, or that Jennings has never said anything even remotely in favor of NAMBLA...it doesn't matter that Hay's activism encompassed considerably more than his voiced support of NAMBLA - he shall henceforth be judged upon that one item alone and - naturally - by innuendo, so shall Jennings! And the Right rejoiceth mightily and chortled in glee patting themselves on the back. (Hey…do you suppose they should judge George Washington’s life by the yardstick of his attitudes towards slavery?)

Let there be light. Well....a flash light is all they have handy since these ideological outhouses are full of dark crevices and unidentifiable leavings there’s usually one left hanging the door for night time visitations. We aren't done yet folks. The Smear Machine has more on the docket to persuade you that Jennings is indeed the menace du jour now that Jones, that communist radical, is under the bus. The intrepid Fox News team uncovered evidence that Jennings failed to report to authorities the "statutory rape" of a 15-year-old. Bad juju.

But wait. Didn't I tell you that it was just a flashlight? Flashlights often miss a lot of things when pinpointing nuggets. In this case, it missed the yawning hole around said nugget. This particular nugget crumbled rather squishely when it was revealed that the student in question was 16 years old -- the age of consent in Massachusetts, at the time he had that 15 minute conversation with Jennings 21 years ago. They had to dig far for that nugget.

Do not be discouraged however, tis a minor setback for our brave smearmachinists. Where’s there’s shit there’s….shit. I’m sure they’ll find more to throw though I doubt their aim will improve much.

Since Jennings has nothing to do with NAMBLA I'm trying to figure out the significance of this gem. Is it another case of innuendo by association - so typical of the rightwing spin machines?

Apparently the source of this particularly despicable smear lies in a speech Jennings made in 1997 praising gay rights pioneers including Harry Hay. A look at the transcript of the speech indicates no mention even by innuendo,, about NAMBLA (but since when has accuracy ever mattered smear machine engineers?). Instead, Harry Hay is praised as one of the first people to attempt to organize gay rights groups and support. Not a bad thing to praise. But count on the smearmongers to dig further in their ideological outhouse in hopes of finding a nugget to throw at Jennings. Aha say the emboldened pundits - Harry Hay spoke up for NAMBLA, and in one protest carrying a sign saying "NAMBLA walks with me”.

They found their nugget. It doesn't matter that the nugget is nothing more than hardened lump of bullpoop, or that Jennings has never said anything even remotely in favor of NAMBLA...it doesn't matter that Hay's activism encompassed considerably more than his voiced support of NAMBLA - he shall henceforth be judged upon that one item alone and - naturally - by innuendo, so shall Jennings! And the Right rejoiceth mightily and chortled in glee patting themselves on the back. (Hey…do you suppose they should judge George Washington’s life by the yardstick of his attitudes towards slavery?)

Let there be light. Well....a flash light is all they have handy since these ideological outhouses are full of dark crevices and unidentifiable leavings there’s usually one left hanging the door for night time visitations. We aren't done yet folks. The Smear Machine has more on the docket to persuade you that Jennings is indeed the menace du jour now that Jones, that communist radical, is under the bus. The intrepid Fox News team uncovered evidence that Jennings failed to report to authorities the "statutory rape" of a 15-year-old. Bad juju.

But wait. Didn't I tell you that it was just a flashlight? Flashlights often miss a lot of things when pinpointing nuggets. In this case, it missed the yawning hole around said nugget. This particular nugget crumbled rather squishely when it was revealed that the student in question was 16 years old -- the age of consent in Massachusetts, at the time he had that 15 minute conversation with Jennings 21 years ago. They had to dig far for that nugget.

Do not be discouraged however, tis a minor setback for our brave smearmachinists. Where’s there’s shit there’s….shit. I’m sure they’ll find more to throw though I doubt their aim will improve much.


That was the single gayest post ever on USMB.

Even this guy is like, "Whoa - that was totally gay..."


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G2QTSf9TIo]YouTube - GAY DANCE[/ame]

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