Safer President and a budget cut


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
President Trump logic on depending on armed teachers as opposed to armed security guards to protect schools, is teachers love their students more than security guards love the students so they would be more motivated to save their students using a gun if necessary.
Taking the same logic, President Trump will be armed going forward and his secret service detail will be substantially reduced saving tax dollars. Nobody loves Donald Trump more than Donald Trump loves Donald Trump so he would be most capable and motivated to save himself using a gun, if necessary, than any secret service agent.

Your second paragraph is such idiot babble, that I wouldn't dare bother to address it.

But, your first paragraph merits comment.

I agreed with Trump when he said this. If you are involved with these kids they suddenly become a lunatic's shooting gallery, instinct is going to make you act...before you ever stop think about whether you are a Hero or a Coward. The Pussy with the badge who cowered outside....had time to decide, and he decided that he was a Coward and a Pussy. Now, he has to live with that. He has to live with the knowledge that if he had just given his gun to a Mother, any mother, she would have immediately gone in.

But, Trump could have added that the Teacher not only has a bond with her/his students, she is in the same situation as her/his students...and that makes her/him another Horatius, who said a while back:

"Then outspake Brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate;
To every man who ever lived, death cometh soon or late;
And how can He die better, than facing fearful odds;
For the ashes of his fathers and the Temples of his Gods.

Your second paragraph is such idiot babble, that I wouldn't dare bother to address it.

But, your first paragraph merits comment.

I agreed with Trump when he said this. If you are involved with these kids they suddenly become a lunatic's shooting gallery, instinct is going to make you act...before you ever stop think about whether you are a Hero or a Coward. The Pussy with the badge who cowered outside....had time to decide, and he decided that he was a Coward and a Pussy. Now, he has to live with that. He has to live with the knowledge that if he had just given his gun to a Mother, any mother, she would have immediately gone in.

But, Trump could have added that the Teacher not only has a bond with her/his students, she is in the same situation as her/his students...and that makes her/him another Horatius, who said a while back:

"Then outspake Brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate;
To every man who ever lived, death cometh soon or late;
And how can He die better, than facing fearful odds;
For the ashes of his fathers and the Temples of his Gods.
If it is good enough for schools and teachers why wouldn't the same principles apply to the Whitehouse and the President.

Your second paragraph is such idiot babble, that I wouldn't dare bother to address it.

But, your first paragraph merits comment.

I agreed with Trump when he said this. If you are involved with these kids they suddenly become a lunatic's shooting gallery, instinct is going to make you act...before you ever stop think about whether you are a Hero or a Coward. The Pussy with the badge who cowered outside....had time to decide, and he decided that he was a Coward and a Pussy. Now, he has to live with that. He has to live with the knowledge that if he had just given his gun to a Mother, any mother, she would have immediately gone in.

But, Trump could have added that the Teacher not only has a bond with her/his students, she is in the same situation as her/his students...and that makes her/him another Horatius, who said a while back:

"Then outspake Brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate;
To every man who ever lived, death cometh soon or late;
And how can He die better, than facing fearful odds;
For the ashes of his fathers and the Temples of his Gods.
If it is good enough for schools and teachers why wouldn't the same principles apply to the Whitehouse and the President.


1) Because, at any time, and no matter who he is, maybe a million people want to kill the President of the United States, and nobody in particulate wants to kill a school teacher.

2) Because the death of any single school teacher, tragic as it is, would not affect the world, while the assassination of any President of the United States would change it...and not in a good way.

This is the second time in a week that you have stood out as a person who likely rides around in the yellow short bus.
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President Trump logic on depending on armed teachers as opposed to armed security guards to protect schools, is teachers love their students more than security guards love the students so they would be more motivated to save their students using a gun if necessary.
Taking the same logic, President Trump will be armed going forward and his secret service detail will be substantially reduced saving tax dollars. Nobody loves Donald Trump more than Donald Trump loves Donald Trump so he would be most capable and motivated to save himself using a gun, if necessary, than any secret service agent.

Well, I'm sensing your second statement was a perfunctory comment so I will just state world leaders are targets and it's in the public interest he/she be protected accordingly.

In regards to your first assertion, I believe it's valid. I had considered this myself when hearing of the coach who gave his life to protect his students. There is no stronger instinct than survival but there is a evolutionary (I believe in God and evolution, but let's not get hung up on theology) benefit to protecting next of kin and/or those we love. Be they our own children or others. This coach clearly cared about his students (love) and though I can't read his mind, he probably took ownership of their safety, and as we know, placed their safety above his own.

On this train of thinking, yes, teachers would be more emotionally and spiritually invested in their students than a police officer. You can bet your life if that police officer had a son or daughter in that school he would have been the first one in the school.

I think these issues should be dealt with at the school board level across the nation. Let them, their parents and local governments decide what sort of security they wish to pursue. Some affluent, high tax areas might hire a couple of security guards who could sit in a room and be there if needed. Others, might pursue a teacher approach, designating one or a few to conceal and carry, or none at all if they choose. That's my two cents anyways.

Your second paragraph is such idiot babble, that I wouldn't dare bother to address it.

But, your first paragraph merits comment.

I agreed with Trump when he said this. If you are involved with these kids they suddenly become a lunatic's shooting gallery, instinct is going to make you act...before you ever stop think about whether you are a Hero or a Coward. The Pussy with the badge who cowered outside....had time to decide, and he decided that he was a Coward and a Pussy. Now, he has to live with that. He has to live with the knowledge that if he had just given his gun to a Mother, any mother, she would have immediately gone in.

But, Trump could have added that the Teacher not only has a bond with her/his students, she is in the same situation as her/his students...and that makes her/him another Horatius, who said a while back:

"Then outspake Brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate;
To every man who ever lived, death cometh soon or late;
And how can He die better, than facing fearful odds;
For the ashes of his fathers and the Temples of his Gods.
If it is good enough for schools and teachers why wouldn't the same principles apply to the Whitehouse and the President.


1) Because, at any time, and no matter who he is, maybe a million people want to kill the President of the United States, and nobody in particulate wants to kill a school teacher.

2) Because the death of any single school teacher, tragic as it is, would not affect the world, while the assassination of any President of the United States would change it...and not in a good way.

This is the second time in a week that you have stood out as a person who likely rides around in the yellow short bus.

How many school children have been gunned down in the past 20 years?
How many Presidents have been killed in the past 20 years.
As tragic as a Presidential assassination is, our government is set up to continue on with out much disruption. See the results after the past US Presidential assassination.
You do not understand the structure of our government.
God bless the kids who ride the short yellow bus. They have much more to offer than a turd like you.

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