Sailor Denied 'Clinton Deal', Gets 1 Year in Prison for 6 Photos of Sub

One rule for the elite, aka globalist Hillary Rotten Clinton

Another for the bovine, aka the rest of the population


The corruption in the government knows no limit.

The sailor's mistake, is admitting he knew what he did was wrong. Take note everyone, if you want to get off, or have the best chance to get off, do as Hillary did and either fake being retarded or actually be retarded. NEVER admit guilt, the police are not your friend. What the sailor should have done is just have an unsecured server to post his pictures. But he didn't he just had them were no one cares would ever see them.

The sailors mistake was taking photos in an unauthorized area. Given the severity of his sentence, they must have been pretty damaging
I hope Edward Snowden is keeping up on what happens to those who compromise our national security. His day is coming.

When is Hillary's day coming?
One rule for the elite, aka globalist Hillary Rotten Clinton

Another for the bovine, aka the rest of the population


The corruption in the government knows no limit.

The sailor's mistake, is admitting he knew what he did was wrong. Take note everyone, if you want to get off, or have the best chance to get off, do as Hillary did and either fake being retarded or actually be retarded. NEVER admit guilt, the police are not your friend. What the sailor should have done is just have an unsecured server to post his pictures. But he didn't he just had them were no one cares would ever see them.

The sailors mistake was taking photos in an unauthorized area. Given the severity of his sentence, they must have been pretty damaging

Actually according to the article his punishment was fairly lenient
I don't remember being told not to take picture in a nuclear submarine. Pictures can be found all over the web. Maybe the engine room is off limits but I certainly don't know why it would be. Missile control would be another place and maybe the con, but the engine room?

Any way, it sucks to be a lowly one of the great unwashed. No special treatment for this guy. Imagine if he had just said he didn't mean to take the pictures and didn't know it was a violation. You know, like Hillary.

Sailor Denied 'Clinton Deal', Gets 1 Year in Prison for 6 Photos of Sub

A former Navy machinist mate who admitted taking photos inside a nuclear submarine was sentenced to a year in prison Friday, with a federal judge rebuffing a request for probation in light of authorities deciding not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information on a private email server as secretary of state.

Kristian Saucier’s attorneys argued in a court filing last week that Clinton had been "engaging in acts similar to Mr. Saucier" with information of much higher classification. It would be "unjust and unfair for Mr. Saucier to receive any sentence other than probation for a crime those more powerful than him will likely avoid," attorney Derrick Hogan wrote.

hillary didn't do anything criminal, hack

and you're o/p is a lie. hillary wasn't offered any "DEAL" because, again, she didn't commit any criminal act.


What law did the sailor violate? If you say mishandling classified material, in the form of unauthorized pictures, that is exactly what Hillary did, except they were emails.

She was not prosecuted because she isn't guilty. She wasn't prosecuted because she is establishment.
What Obama could do, but I doubt he will, is commute his sentence. Of course the 22 year old who took a few pictures isn't a drug dealer so i doubt he shows up on Obama's radar.
Is the whole gist of this thread really lost on you? Hillary was never going to be indicted, she is establishment and protected. What Comey did was the best he could do considering the DOJ. What pisses me off is for the first 10 minutes he told us why she was guilty and how much she lied to us. Then he says, oh well, she didn't mean to break the law so we'll let her go. I wish he hadn't said anything.
Baloney. The "best he could do" would be to submit his findings to the DOJ and let them decide whether there was enough to justify prosecution. But he didn't, and he didn't because his findings didn't include anything criminal. He couldn't recommend prosecution because nothing chargeable transpired. All he could do, as an unprofessional Republican agency director, was report that he didn't like Hillary.


you are deluded beyond belief. He manufactured the law to do what he did. There is no intent written in the law. She made classified information vulnerable to hackers which may have lead to the execution of at least one CIA operative.

So what you need do to defend Hillary is buy clothpins for you nose.

One for the fact that Bill and Lynch met in a secret meeting.

Two that Lynch was never going to indict and you damn well know it, it didn't matter what Comey said.

Three she was actually guilty, Comey did not exonerator he condemen her to anyone who sees the truth.

I feel badly for the 22 year old that fell victim to doing something he should not have but was never a threat to national security.

Very unlike what Clinton did and Comey said so. Google Hurd/Comey.

Capone was only found guilty on tax evasion, does that mean he was innocent of everything else he did?
You Drumpf minions go with
They don't realize that the sailor actually broke a law.

You know very well hilldebeast did too. But keep pretending you dont, it's your integrity, not mine.
Plus the integrity of the top law enforcement agency in the land. Odd how the people who actually did the investigating (over and above the countless investigations by her political enemies in congress) couldn't turn up any evidence of a crime, but you know better.

Truly amazing.
1. Clinton didn't make a deal
2. the sailor's crimes weren't comparable
3. so STFU

You are right in number 2, his were far less damaging to US interests. Hillary put agents lives in danger. She actually put classified information where any hacker could retrieve them.

As to 1, what in the hell do you think that the "secret" meeting between Billy boy and Lynch was all about? Do you really think that Bill waited on the tar make to exchange grandchildren stories? Do you think Bill all of a sudden started to like black people?

As to 3, that is what all fascists want the opposition to do, so no surprise there.
You Drumpf minions go with
They don't realize that the sailor actually broke a law.

You know very well hilldebeast did too. But keep pretending you dont, it's your integrity, not mine.
Plus the integrity of the top law enforcement agency in the land. Odd how the people who actually did the investigating (over and above the countless investigations by her political enemies in congress) couldn't turn up any evidence of a crime, but you know better.

Truly amazing.

Yep, and Capone was innocent except for having a bad accountant.
1. Clinton didn't make a deal
2. the sailor's crimes weren't comparable
3. so STFU

You are right in number 2, his were far less damaging to US interests. Hillary put agents lives in danger. She actually put classified information where any hacker could retrieve them.

As to 1, what in the hell do you think that the "secret" meeting between Billy boy and Lynch was all about? Do you really think that Bill waited on the tar make to exchange grandchildren stories? Do you think Bill all of a sudden started to like black people?

As to 3, that is what all fascists want the opposition to do, so no surprise there.

You lie. Stop lying.
I worked at a nuclear sub base at one time. I remember the propeller being highly secret. I am sure there are many systems inside that are highly classified

What the sailor did is not remotely similar to Hillary

Yep, what he did was not put US CIA agents lives in danger. What hillary did was far worse than taking a few pictures which he eventually, not smartly, threw away.
You'd think there'd be evidence to that effect.

Hurd Questions Recommendation Not to Prosecute
1. Clinton didn't make a deal
2. the sailor's crimes weren't comparable
3. so STFU

You are right in number 2, his were far less damaging to US interests. Hillary put agents lives in danger. She actually put classified information where any hacker could retrieve them.

As to 1, what in the hell do you think that the "secret" meeting between Billy boy and Lynch was all about? Do you really think that Bill waited on the tar make to exchange grandchildren stories? Do you think Bill all of a sudden started to like black people?

As to 3, that is what all fascists want the opposition to do, so no surprise there.

You lie. Stop lying.

You are a deluded partisan, please don't STFU because you make partisans look dumber and dumber each post you make.

Hurd Questions Recommendation Not to Prosecute
John M. Deutch



Former CIA Director John M. Deutch
John M. Deutch

Appointed CIA director by President Bill Clinton in 1995, Deutch resigned in 1996 and was investigated for mishandling classified information.

The similarities between his case and Hillary Clinton’s are striking.

Both she and Deutch:

  • Stored hundreds of classified documents on their unsecured home computers.
  • Had information on those computers classified as top secret.
  • Used computers considered vulnerable to hackers.
The one big difference was the Justice Department prepared criminal charges against Deutch, while the FBI has recommended no such action against the Democrat’s presumptive presidential nominee.

The government never claimed Deutch intended to mishandle the information.

But, the Justice Department reportedly was set to file criminal charges against him until the president intervened.

On Jan. 24, 2001, the Washington Post reported Deutch had struck a plea bargain to plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling government secrets, which would have spared him a prison sentence.

But, on his last day in office in 2001, President Clinton pardoned Deutch.

CIA Director George Tenet Deutch had stripped Deutch of his security clearance in 1999. The State Department has refused to say whether Hillary Clinton still has her security clearance.

Sandy Berger



Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger

President Clinton’s former national security adviser pleaded guilty in 2005 to a misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material documents from the National Archives, by stuffing them in his clothes.

According to the Washington Post, his attorney, Lanny Breuer, said, “the Justice Department affirmed that Berger had no intent to hide the contents.”

The paper said a government report showed “Berger’s main motive was to prepare himself for testifying before a commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks, it makes clear that he not only sought to study the documents but also destroyed some copies and – when initially confronted – denied he had done so.”

Berger paid a $10,000 fine and had his security clearance revoked for three years.

Three years later, he became a foreign-policy adviser to Hillary Clinton during her 2008 presidential campaign.

Bryan Nishimura

Naval Reservist and Regional Engineer Bryan Nishimura was prosecuted by the Justice Department in 2015 for mishandling classified information while serving in Afghanistan from 2007-2008.

As was the case with Hillary Clinton, “The investigation did not reveal evidence that [he] intended to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel.”

And, like Clinton, Nishimura stored classified material on his personal devices.

Also like Clinton, he destroyed “a large quantity of classified materials.”

Unlike Clinton, however, he was prosecuted, sentenced to two years’ probation, fined $7,500 and had his security clearance permanently revoked.

Kristian Saucier



Kristian Saucier

Petty Officer 1st Class Kristian Saucier is facing up to 10 years in prison for mishandling classified information.

The Department of Defense could have handled the sailor’s case, but the Justice Department decided to pursue felony criminal charges.

Saucier pleaded guilty in May to a felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information after the Navy mechanic took photos inside the classified engine room of a nuclear submarine, then destroyed the evidence after he learned he was under investigation.

His intent was never a factor in the case because, as Politico reported, “no public suggestion has been made that he ever planned to disclose the photos to anyone outside the Navy.”

“Clearly, a double standard [exists],” Saucier’s attorney Derrick Hogan told the website Hotair after Comey’s statement on Tuesday. “To me, there’s really nothing that Mrs. Clinton did that was any different than what Mr. Saucier did.”

Read more at Justice Department prosecuted 4 cases like Hillary’s
So ,Freewill complains about partisanship, then links to the ravings of a Republican partisan hack liar, while ignoring Comey.

So, he wins a lifetime achievement award for corrupt partisan hackery.

Freewill, is your partisan hackitude deliberate, or are you just what Stalin referred to as "A Useful Idiot"?

You might want to give up your Stalinist tactic of making up fake crimes as an excuse to send your political opponents to the Gulag. Nobody is buying it except your fellow Stalinists. The rest of the nation fully understands what CorruptPartyDouches you are.
So ,Freewill complains about partisanship, then links to the ravings of a Republican partisan hack liar, while ignoring Comey.

So, he wins a lifetime achievement award for corrupt partisan hackery.

Freewill, is your partisan hackitude deliberate, or are you just what Stalin referred to as "A Useful Idiot"?

You might want to give up your Stalinist tactic of making up fake crimes as an excuse to send your political opponents to the Gulag. Nobody is buying it except your fellow Stalinists, and everyone hates them now.

What an amazingly fascist thing to say.

Never mind that nothing posted you refuted. You just think attacking, wrongly, somehow wins arguments.

If you want to be a partisan hack who defends Hillary no matter what go ahead. Just STFU about those of us who have had enough of the criminal Clintons.
He took a few pictures to save at his house to show his kids? 1 year? That really frosts my rear end!

Not like he ran his own Sub around....nobody got copies? Who could do anything with pics of a motor? Maybe I suppose?
I'm not certain if anyone answered this for you because I have just started to read this thread...

But the answer is YES, other people, not his children, got the pictures of the submarine from his cell phone, that's actually HOW the guy got caught...

Saucier's downfall began when a local dumpyard manager found the sailor's old cellphone and told a friend about the submarine photos, leading to an investigation by the the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

and there is this below as well...
NOTE! If he wanted the pics for his future kids, then why throw the phone out? Did he download them too and they found these downloads? Or did he simply toss the phone?

Saucier pleaded guilty earlier this year to one count of unlawfully retaining national defense information after taking six photos inside the USS Alexandria with his cellphone in 2009. Saucier said he intended to show them to his future children, but prosecutors said they doubted that was true.
He took a few pictures to save at his house to show his kids? 1 year? That really frosts my rear end!

Not like he ran his own Sub around....nobody got copies? Who could do anything with pics of a motor? Maybe I suppose?
I'm not certain if anyone answered this for you because I have just started to read this thread...

But the answer is YES, other people, not his children, got the pictures of the submarine from his cell phone, that's actually HOW the guy got caught...

Saucier's downfall began when a local dumpyard manager found the sailor's old cellphone and told a friend about the submarine photos, leading to an investigation by the the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

and there is this below as well...
NOTE! If he wanted the pics for his future kids, then why throw the phone out? Did he download them too and they found these downloads? Or did he simply toss the phone?

Saucier pleaded guilty earlier this year to one count of unlawfully retaining national defense information after taking six photos inside the USS Alexandria with his cellphone in 2009. Saucier said he intended to show them to his future children, but prosecutors said they doubted that was true.

Did this kid try and sell the photos? I find it hard to believe a garbage man even looked at a phone in the trash and I find it even more doubtful he would even know what he was looking at. Sorry the whole thing sounds bogus.
One rule for the elite, aka globalist Hillary Rotten Clinton

Another for the bovine, aka the rest of the population


The corruption in the government knows no limit.

The sailor's mistake, is admitting he knew what he did was wrong. Take note everyone, if you want to get off, or have the best chance to get off, do as Hillary did and either fake being retarded or actually be retarded. NEVER admit guilt, the police are not your friend. What the sailor should have done is just have an unsecured server to post his pictures. But he didn't he just had them were no one cares would ever see them.

The sailors mistake was taking photos in an unauthorized area. Given the severity of his sentence, they must have been pretty damaging

Actually according to the article his punishment was fairly lenient
I don't remember being told not to take picture in a nuclear submarine. Pictures can be found all over the web. Maybe the engine room is off limits but I certainly don't know why it would be. Missile control would be another place and maybe the con, but the engine room?

Any way, it sucks to be a lowly one of the great unwashed. No special treatment for this guy. Imagine if he had just said he didn't mean to take the pictures and didn't know it was a violation. You know, like Hillary.

Sailor Denied 'Clinton Deal', Gets 1 Year in Prison for 6 Photos of Sub

A former Navy machinist mate who admitted taking photos inside a nuclear submarine was sentenced to a year in prison Friday, with a federal judge rebuffing a request for probation in light of authorities deciding not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information on a private email server as secretary of state.

Kristian Saucier’s attorneys argued in a court filing last week that Clinton had been "engaging in acts similar to Mr. Saucier" with information of much higher classification. It would be "unjust and unfair for Mr. Saucier to receive any sentence other than probation for a crime those more powerful than him will likely avoid," attorney Derrick Hogan wrote.

hillary didn't do anything criminal, hack

and you're o/p is a lie. hillary wasn't offered any "DEAL" because, again, she didn't commit any criminal act.


What law did the sailor violate? If you say mishandling classified material, in the form of unauthorized pictures, that is exactly what Hillary did, except they were emails.

She was not prosecuted because she isn't guilty. She wasn't prosecuted because she is establishment.

From what I can see, the sailor got a bad deal. He should have been downgraded or dishonorable discharged

Guy needs a better lawyer. The Hillary defense is not working

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