Zone1 Saints in heaven shocked to hear Catholics have been trying to talk to them this whole time

This is from Catholic Answer: What the Church does allow is praying to the saints in order to ask for their intercession with the one true God.
From the Dictionary: the action of intervening on behalf of another.
I discussed this yesterday (intercession/mediation as discussed in the Catholic Encyclopedia). Not going through it again. If you want, consider who Saints pray through. (Hint: Catholics believe we are all one body in the Body of Christ.)

Again, believe what you want about Catholics. Spread what you want about Catholics. I'm not pursuing the lie. If you see no difference between asking people to join in one's prayers and intercession and mediation, then you see no difference.

If you don't believe the Catechism of the Catholic Church plainly teaches Jesus is the one and only mediator, then you don't believe that teaching is in the Catholic Catechism.

As I posted before: I study the Catholic Catechism. I study the Catholic Encyclopedia. I study etymology. All my life, and in six different States, I have listened to scripture and listened to Catholic homilies about this. As this makes no difference to you I see no reason to continue. I will not pursue the lie.
I discussed this yesterday (intercession/mediation as discussed in the Catholic Encyclopedia). Not going through it again. If you want, consider who Saints pray through. (Hint: Catholics believe we are all one body in the Body of Christ.)

Again, believe what you want about Catholics. Spread what you want about Catholics. I'm not pursuing the lie. If you see no difference between asking people to join in one's prayers and intercession and mediation, then you see no difference.

If you don't believe the Catechism of the Catholic Church plainly teaches Jesus is the one and only mediator, then you don't believe that teaching is in the Catholic Catechism.

As I posted before: I study the Catholic Catechism. I study the Catholic Encyclopedia. I study etymology. All my life, and in six different States, I have listened to scripture and listened to Catholic homilies about this. As this makes no difference to you I see no reason to continue. I will not pursue the lie.
Jesus taught to pray to the Father in the name of himself (Jesus Christ) and your prayers will be answered. Can't Catholics trust in the words of Jesus Christ? Don't need any other mediators. Prayers are not mediation either. Pray to the Father. Not Peter. You might as well pray to me and I'll mediate your sins :popcorn:
What are you imagining that reward to be?

I imagine it being a servant of God, and that perhaps servants of God can use our support in the form of love and prayers.
Why would an omnipotent being require servants or pay any heed to the small doings of humans on a backwater planet of an ordinary star in a galaxy containing millions of them, in a universe containing millions of galaxies, in a multiverse containing millions of universes, ad infinitum?
Jesus taught to pray to the Father in the name of himself (Jesus Christ) and your prayers will be answered. Can't Catholics trust in the words of Jesus Christ?
Already asked and answered. Jesus also said when two or more are gathered he is in their midst, and what two or three ask for in prayer will be granted. Already stated as well: The Body of Christ is made up of both the living and those who have passed on. It seems Catholics very much trust in the word of Jesus and eagerly take him up on his promises.
Why would an omnipotent being require servants or pay any heed to the small doings of humans on a backwater planet of an ordinary star in a galaxy containing millions of them, in a universe containing millions of galaxies, in a multiverse containing millions of universes, ad infinitum?
Who would you serve? (For those who hold no belief in God I ask, Who would you serve if not love and goodness?)
I would never ask you to mediate anything--let alone to join me in prayer. News flash: Sins are forgiven.
Oh, I would always welcome you to join in prayer. And, I'm a great mediator for earthly things. But, I just pray to the Father and let Jesus take it from there. I don't need to bother Peter, Paul or Mary because they have things to do in Heaven. Like write some great songs :hyper:
Who would you serve? (For those who hold no belief in God I ask, Who would you serve if not love and goodness?)
Love and goodness are more of a what than a who. But worthy goals to be a loving and good person. What exactly do you mean by "serve"?
Love and goodness are more of a what than a who. But worthy goals to be a loving and good person. What exactly do you mean by "serve"?
I consider serving to contribute who I am to God's work and causes. I imagine that to be creation and good, loving causes.
And you are uneducated enough to believe prayers for the dead work.
Newsflash: when you die you are judged.
I believe God experiences time all at once. So logically prayers for the dead make perfect sense. Praying for them at their death or ten years after their death would have the exact same effect.
I believe God experiences time all at once. So logically prayers for the dead make perfect sense. Praying for them at their death or ten years after their death would have the exact same effect.
You can imagine anything you want, but the dead person isn’t going to be able to do a thing to please God after they’re dead.
Not quite. Yes you are judged when you die, but if It i purgatory when prayers can help them. Paul prayed for his dead friend in 2 Timothy 1:16-18.

There are several other biblical cases for intercession, although in most of them the request is denied, such as in Jesus’s parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. I don’t think Jesus himself would had shown us intercession if it was pointless in all cases.
Onesiphorus wasn't dead.
I don't like these types of discussions because it's always so divisive and people take it personally when you go against something they've been taught their whole lives
Unfortunately that is true if any doctrinal differences. We can't help to offend when speaking the truth no matter how gentle you try to be.

Few people really are interested in The Truth, but only defending the positions they are comfortable with.

I try to just say what I believe, answer SINCERE questions, until I see the resistance. Then I leave. At least that's my goal. I hate petty bickering. Minds are never changed
And it's very concerning to me that anyone would think praying for dead people would matter anyway, because once a person is dead, it's too late, their eternal destiny is already decided. That's the whole reason for this life, to either choose God / life, or reject God. Once you're dead it's too late.
Argue for limitations and you get to keep them.

Reality is so different. My experience, because I believed the Bible, led me to pray for the dead. The result was incredible, as it was for a former Protestant who converted to Catholicism but still did not believe there was any use to pray for the dead. She heard my stories, tried it, and her result much more incredible than any of mine. Does the Bible use the word "purgatory"? No, but the idea is certainly there. These are other words that aren't in the Bible:
  • Trinity
  • personal relationship
  • problem
  • mistake
  • The Bible does not say "sins are paid for"
Argue for limitations and you get to keep them.

Reality is so different. My experience, because I believed the Bible, led me to pray for the dead. The result was incredible, as it was for a former Protestant who converted to Catholicism but still did not believe there was any use to pray for the dead. She heard my stories, tried it, and her result much more incredible than any of mine. Does the Bible use the word "purgatory"? No, but the idea is certainly there. These are other words that aren't in the Bible:
  • Trinity
  • personal relationship
  • problem
  • mistake
  • The Bible does not say "sins are paid for"
“Here is a law for you that will last for all time to come. Once a year you must pay for all the sin of the Israelites.”


Sins must be paid for because sin is breaking the law of God and if God ignores his own Law then he would be approving of sin. To ignore his own law would be to contradict his holy character from which the law is derived. But, God cannot ignore his own holy character.

Therefore, the Law must be upheld and carried out along with the punishments it contains. In Judaism the payment is with an annual animal sacrifice. In Christianity, the punishment is taken care of one of two ways, by Jesus on the cross that permanently pays for our sins or by the unbeliever in hell forever. Either way, the sins are paid for and the law is satisfied.

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