Zone1 Saints in heaven shocked to hear Catholics have been trying to talk to them this whole time

Sigh. Did you reach the point when it comes to Saints and Angels the term best suited is "Intercessor"? Did you read where there was only one mediator? Of course you didn't. Here is where I stand with you: I'm through. I have this philosophy: Don't pursue the lie. So spread your lie. I won't be pursuing it. Have fun.
This means you know I’m right and you don’t want to admit it. I understand.
This means you know I’m right and you don’t want to admit it. I understand.
You haven't a clue and frankly no one cares when the clueless choose to remain clueless. You throw mud and you think your mud landed when all you have is dirty hands. Study the etymology. Study the Catholic Catechism. Study the Catholic Encyclopedia. Actually pray with others, those living and those who have passed on. But you won't. You will continue to spread the lie, and as I said, I'm not pursuing that.
You haven't a clue and frankly no one cares when the clueless choose to remain clueless. You throw mud and you think your mud landed when all you have is dirty hands. Study the etymology. Study the Catholic Catechism. Study the Catholic Encyclopedia. Actually pray with others, those living and those who have passed on. But you won't. You will continue to spread the lie, and as I said, I'm not pursuing that.
I do work for the dead so I do a lot more for the dead than you do. I’ve studied everything you want me to. I’m repeating Information from them and Priests and teachers from the school I taught at. It’s you throwing the mud.
And you are uneducated enough to believe prayers for the dead work.
Newsflash: when you die you are judged.
Not quite. Yes you are judged when you die, but if It i purgatory when prayers can help them. Paul prayed for his dead friend in 2 Timothy 1:16-18.

There are several other biblical cases for intercession, although in most of them the request is denied, such as in Jesus’s parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. I don’t think Jesus himself would had shown us intercession if it was pointless in all cases.
Catholic doctrine absolutely rejects the worship of anyone but God and rejects all worship of statues, whether of Christ or the saints. What the Church does allow is praying to the saints in order to ask for their intercession with the one true God.
no where found in the bible.
Not quite. Yes you are judged when you die, but if It i purgatory when prayers can help them. Paul prayed for his dead friend in 2 Timothy 1:16-18.

There are several other biblical cases for intercession, although in most of them the request is denied, such as in Jesus’s parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. I don’t think Jesus himself would had shown us intercession if it was pointless in all cases.
no purgatory.
I do work for the dead so I do a lot more for the dead than you do. I’ve studied everything you want me to. I’m repeating Information from them and Priests and teachers from the school I taught at. It’s you throwing the mud.
she doesnt realize the dead hear nothing and its witchcraft lol
Not quite. Yes you are judged when you die, but if It i purgatory when prayers can help them. Paul prayed for his dead friend in 2 Timothy 1:16-18.

There are several other biblical cases for intercession, although in most of them the request is denied, such as in Jesus’s parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. I don’t think Jesus himself would had shown us intercession if it was pointless in all cases.
bible verse?
I don't like these types of discussions because it's always so divisive and people take it personally when you go against something they've been taught their whole lives.

But at the end of the day, the most important thing is truth.

As a few others already said, praying to saints is unbiblical. Purgatory is unbiblical.

And it's very concerning to me that anyone would think praying for dead people would matter anyway, because once a person is dead, it's too late, their eternal destiny is already decided. That's the whole reason for this life, to either choose God / life, or reject God. Once you're dead it's too late.

So the intercession should have happened before a person died, you can't "save" someone who is already dead... of course you can't save someone who's still alive either, only God can, but you can pray for / intercede for someone who's still earthbound.
I’m repeating Information from them and Priests and teachers from the school I taught at. I
They flat out told you saints were mediators? That they are on the level of Christ? My experience has been in six states across the country. Not even in Utah did I hear a Catholic parish mention saints as mediators. I'll be sure to let my sister-in-law know I am mediating for her. She'll think I'm nuts, but I'll tell her I have it on your good authority.
And it's very concerning to me that anyone would think praying for dead people would matter anyway, because once a person is dead, it's too late, their eternal destiny is already decided. That's the whole reason for this life, to either choose God / life, or reject God. Once you're dead it's too late.
Please don't be concerned. It seems we may be closer to the spirit world than we imagine. While I don't understand it, the power of prayer works even here.
You know that how?
1 Corinthians 15:29. "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?"

John 3:5, "Jesus answered, I tell you the truth, unless a man is born of water (Water Baptism) and of the Spirit (Receives the Holy Ghost), he cannot enter the kingdom of God."
They flat out told you saints were mediators? That they are on the level of Christ? My experience has been in six states across the country. Not even in Utah did I hear a Catholic parish mention saints as mediators. I'll be sure to let my sister-in-law know I am mediating for her. She'll think I'm nuts, but I'll tell her I have it on your good authority.
Why does the word "Mediator" have to come up when you are asking a Saint to mediate intercede?
Why does the word "Mediator" have to come up when you are asking a Saint to mediate intercede?
If my sister-in-law says she is asking both her patron saint and me to pray for her, how is it one of us prays while the other mediates? We're either both praying for her or we're both mediating for her. As I said before, Catholics ask both the living and those who have passed on to pray with us.

By your definition each time a Catholic asks someone for prayers we are asking for mediation. We're not, but that is how you say you see it, and you are quite definite about it. My sister-in-law and I needed a good laugh. So thank you. We're thinking of adding "Mediator" to our next resume. Gales of laughter.

The point: Mediation never comes up when Catholics ask people (both the living and those who have passed on). It was you who walked in and claimed that what Catholics "really" do.
If my sister-in-law says she is asking both her patron saint and me to pray for her, how is it one of us prays while the other mediates? We're either both praying for her or we're both mediating for her. As I said before, Catholics ask both the living and those who have passed on to pray with us.

By your definition each time a Catholic asks someone for prayers we are asking for mediation. We're not, but that is how you say you see it, and you are quite definite about it. My sister-in-law and I needed a good laugh. So thank you. We're thinking of adding "Mediator" to our next resume. Gales of laughter.

The point: Mediation never comes up when Catholics ask people (both the living and those who have passed on). It was you who walked in and claimed that what Catholics "really" do.
This is from Catholic Answer: What the Church does allow is praying to the saints in order to ask for their intercession with the one true God.
From the Dictionary: the action of intervening on behalf of another.

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