Sally Yates testifies tomorrow and the alt right is running for cover

Look at that neck....must take her half an hour to swallow a pill: :disbelief:


She's the key to taking Trump down. She's an American hero.
She'll be mostly interested in keeping her own ass out of prison at this point.
Gee, another lefty circle jerk they're absolutely convinced will torpedo Trump for sure this time. Again. It's like watching Groundhog Day over and over and over with these idiots.
She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow. # ... "Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow" Fuck Trump.

Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "

This is a hilarious topic to me. Somehow leftards believe that Russian hackers got into the servers of the DNC and passed on information to Julian Assange showing what a corrupt entity that the DNC is and some of those e-mails were less than flattering about their brain dead constituents. It showed how they were planning to steal the election using various tactics such as hiring people to provoke altercations at Trump rallies and then play the "victim" and how their bought and paid for press would spin it that it was Trump supporters that were the assessors. E-mails showing how the "Shadow government" was going to protect her from the e-mail and private server flap. THEN, we have all the John Podesta e-mails with all the constant references to "pizza, pasta, walnut sauce, cheese, hot dogs, etc, etc that are codewords used by pedophiles. Hillary's ties to Laura Silsby that tried to snatch 33 kids out of Haiti because she said she was starting an orphanage and most of these kids had parents. She needed them for a "starter kit"? Why not start one there on the island since the Clinton foundation had taken in BILLIONS of dollars. Seems that the information contained in the Wikileak documents, Bill "drop trou" was sent there to smooth things over.

What we do know is that Seth Rich, a DNC operative that was pissed that Sanders was cheated out of being the nominee gave a thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then took it to Julian Assange. Seth Rich was murdered a short time later. But allow me to play devil's advocate here and say that Russian intel did indeed hack the DNC....does it change the findings that were revealed? I would say unequivocally "no" doesn't change anything. I wish that the RNC would be hacked so people know just what a joke this fraudulent political system actually is and how your vote means nothing because the "Deep State" is the power behind USA.INC that is used as a hammer against countries that do not "play ball" with the globalist elites.

What pisses off uninformed and clueless posters like "Jake Smarmy" is that he feels that his Fabian socialist party is becoming inconsequential not knowing that both parties are just different sides of the same coin. The technocratic, one world feudalistic, communist agenda is staying the course and the plan for the "culling of the herd" is still in play. I sincerely doubt that Jake Smarmy is going to be happy with the outcome should they get their way. Those like Jake Smarmy are like petulant children that suffer from an inflated sense of self with "I am entitled" issues that have grown to worship this de-facto "gubermint" that has been a bankrupted entity since March of 1933.
Somehow leftards believe that Russian hackers got into the servers of the DNC and passed on information to Julian Assange

Not the left, fool.
The entire intelligence community, the Congress, including investigations by both oversight committees, the FBI and the majority of Americans.

It seems your beliefs are closer to the fringe than any liberal.

But yet we have the Vault 7 release that shows that the CIA can mimic hacks from any country and then blame them for a cyber attack. Besides, I wouldn't give a shit if Russia did do it and then turned it over to Assange......throw in the RNC as well because they are just as compromised and corrupt as the Fabian socialist left. What I find absolutely jaw-dropping and totally hilarious is how incredulous the leftard clown posse is for being pissed and crying "FOUL!!!!" for having it's plot to steal the election was exposed....THAT is at the very core of this issue. All this deflecting to whom did it is just a smokescreen to deflect from the contents of said e-mails.
More conspiracy?
Memoirs from the fringe.
A FISA warrant is granted for a 90-day span, and this one was renewed more than once, officials told the Post.

FISA grants are given sparingly, quietly and require the approval from top Justice Department and FBI officials.

Report: FBI granted FISA warrant to surveil ex-Trump aide Carter Page

Comey calmly delivered yet more damaging news for the White House.

Asked if he could confirm Trump’s tweets on March 4th that Barack Obama took steps to “tapp my phones” during the election, FBI said, “I have no information that supports those tweets.”

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July
With no evidence, President Donald Trump called it a “fact” that “President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!”

:eusa_liar: FAKE NEWS ^
First, the president has no role in the FBI’s decision to seek a warrant or the FISA court’s approval for one, as explained in a 2006 story by the New York Times on how the FISA application process works. The warrant application would be initiated by the FBI and presented to the FISA court by Justice Department attorneys.

Second, the FBI must prove to the court that there is “probable cause” that the target of the warrant is “an agent of a foreign power” and engaged in criminal activity, as explained in a joint statement last year to Congress by the intelligence community officials.

Examining Trump's Wiretap Claim -
A FISA warrant is granted for a 90-day span, and this one was renewed more than once, officials told the Post.

FISA grants are given sparingly, quietly and require the approval from top Justice Department and FBI officials.

Report: FBI granted FISA warrant to surveil ex-Trump aide Carter Page

Comey calmly delivered yet more damaging news for the White House.

Asked if he could confirm Trump’s tweets on March 4th that Barack Obama took steps to “tapp my phones” during the election, FBI said, “I have no information that supports those tweets.”

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July
Comey apparently has no information on anything, so what is he so busy, busy investigating? How to stay out of prison?
our gilded charlatan so-called president will now send out the dawgs for the proper personal smear campaign.

the donald's barking dawgs bark and bark like 'sally yates is just another NASTY WOMAN'.

just like ANY other woman who refuses to suck his puny dick.

(is it FAIR to her FAMILY, Donald?) Poor Trumps family , treated so unfairly.

Yates' testimony will push the story of the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia back into the headlines, especially, if expected, she asserts that she warned Trump campaign officials that Flynn, the now-deposed national security adviser, was not telling the full truth about his contacts with Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak.

Both White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and press secretary Sean Spicer have asserted that Yates passed along information about which the White House counsel checked out and found nothing.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly insisted that the Russia investigations on Capitol Hill -- and the idea that senior members of his campaign were closely involved with Russian intelligence officials -- are "fake news," a theme he kept up on Twitter Sunday. :lol:

Sally Yates is about to bring back the Russia story in a big way -

mr trump and the trumpswabs only WISH this is FAKE NEWS! :clap2:

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July

So what you are saying is anyone critical of Yates' behavior must be a misogynist.

There's plenty of posts attacking her appearance and questioning her competency.
It's there.
our gilded charlatan so-called president will now send out the dawgs for the proper personal smear campaign.

the donald's barking dawgs bark and bark like 'sally yates is just another NASTY WOMAN'.

just like ANY other woman who refuses to suck his puny dick.

(is it FAIR to her FAMILY, Donald?) Poor Trumps family , treated so unfairly.

Yates' testimony will push the story of the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia back into the headlines, especially, if expected, she asserts that she warned Trump campaign officials that Flynn, the now-deposed national security adviser, was not telling the full truth about his contacts with Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak.

Both White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and press secretary Sean Spicer have asserted that Yates passed along information about which the White House counsel checked out and found nothing.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly insisted that the Russia investigations on Capitol Hill -- and the idea that senior members of his campaign were closely involved with Russian intelligence officials -- are "fake news," a theme he kept up on Twitter Sunday. :lol:

Sally Yates is about to bring back the Russia story in a big way -

mr trump and the trumpswabs only WISH this is FAKE NEWS! :clap2:

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July

So what you are saying is anyone critical of Yates' behavior must be a misogynist.

There's plenty of posts attacking her appearance and questioning her competency.
It's there.
So you're saying anyone critical of her is a misogynist?
our gilded charlatan so-called president will now send out the dawgs for the proper personal smear campaign.

the donald's barking dawgs bark and bark like 'sally yates is just another NASTY WOMAN'.

just like ANY other woman who refuses to suck his puny dick.

(is it FAIR to her FAMILY, Donald?) Poor Trumps family , treated so unfairly.

Yates' testimony will push the story of the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia back into the headlines, especially, if expected, she asserts that she warned Trump campaign officials that Flynn, the now-deposed national security adviser, was not telling the full truth about his contacts with Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak.

Both White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and press secretary Sean Spicer have asserted that Yates passed along information about which the White House counsel checked out and found nothing.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly insisted that the Russia investigations on Capitol Hill -- and the idea that senior members of his campaign were closely involved with Russian intelligence officials -- are "fake news," a theme he kept up on Twitter Sunday. :lol:

Sally Yates is about to bring back the Russia story in a big way -

mr trump and the trumpswabs only WISH this is FAKE NEWS! :clap2:

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July

So what you are saying is anyone critical of Yates' behavior must be a misogynist.

There's plenty of posts attacking her appearance and questioning her competency.
It's there.
So you're saying anyone critical of her is a misogynist?

Only when they're attacking with obvious gender bias.

What did she do that warrants criticism at all?
our gilded charlatan so-called president will now send out the dawgs for the proper personal smear campaign.

the donald's barking dawgs bark and bark like 'sally yates is just another NASTY WOMAN'.

just like ANY other woman who refuses to suck his puny dick.

(is it FAIR to her FAMILY, Donald?) Poor Trumps family , treated so unfairly.

Yates' testimony will push the story of the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia back into the headlines, especially, if expected, she asserts that she warned Trump campaign officials that Flynn, the now-deposed national security adviser, was not telling the full truth about his contacts with Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak.

Both White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and press secretary Sean Spicer have asserted that Yates passed along information about which the White House counsel checked out and found nothing.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly insisted that the Russia investigations on Capitol Hill -- and the idea that senior members of his campaign were closely involved with Russian intelligence officials -- are "fake news," a theme he kept up on Twitter Sunday. :lol:

Sally Yates is about to bring back the Russia story in a big way -

mr trump and the trumpswabs only WISH this is FAKE NEWS! :clap2:

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July

So what you are saying is anyone critical of Yates' behavior must be a misogynist.

There's plenty of posts attacking her appearance and questioning her competency.
It's there.
So you're saying anyone critical of her is a misogynist?

Only when they're attacking with obvious gender bias.

What did she do that warrants criticism at all?
She politicized the office of AG. She may also have leaked classified information about Flynn to the media. She may also have illegally accessed his identity from NSA files.

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