Sally Yates testifies tomorrow and the alt right is running for cover

She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow. # ... "Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow" Fuck Trump.

Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "

This is a hilarious topic to me. Somehow leftards believe that Russian hackers got into the servers of the DNC and passed on information to Julian Assange showing what a corrupt entity that the DNC is and some of those e-mails were less than flattering about their brain dead constituents. It showed how they were planning to steal the election using various tactics such as hiring people to provoke altercations at Trump rallies and then play the "victim" and how their bought and paid for press would spin it that it was Trump supporters that were the assessors. E-mails showing how the "Shadow government" was going to protect her from the e-mail and private server flap. THEN, we have all the John Podesta e-mails with all the constant references to "pizza, pasta, walnut sauce, cheese, hot dogs, etc, etc that are codewords used by pedophiles. Hillary's ties to Laura Silsby that tried to snatch 33 kids out of Haiti because she said she was starting an orphanage and most of these kids had parents. She needed them for a "starter kit"? Why not start one there on the island since the Clinton foundation had taken in BILLIONS of dollars. Seems that the information contained in the Wikileak documents, Bill "drop trou" was sent there to smooth things over.

What we do know is that Seth Rich, a DNC operative that was pissed that Sanders was cheated out of being the nominee gave a thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then took it to Julian Assange. Seth Rich was murdered a short time later. But allow me to play devil's advocate here and say that Russian intel did indeed hack the DNC....does it change the findings that were revealed? I would say unequivocally "no" doesn't change anything. I wish that the RNC would be hacked so people know just what a joke this fraudulent political system actually is and how your vote means nothing because the "Deep State" is the power behind USA.INC that is used as a hammer against countries that do not "play ball" with the globalist elites.

What pisses off uninformed and clueless posters like "Jake Smarmy" is that he feels that his Fabian socialist party is becoming inconsequential not knowing that both parties are just different sides of the same coin. The technocratic, one world feudalistic, communist agenda is staying the course and the plan for the "culling of the herd" is still in play. I sincerely doubt that Jake Smarmy is going to be happy with the outcome should they get their way. Those like Jake Smarmy are like petulant children that suffer from an inflated sense of self with "I am entitled" issues that have grown to worship this de-facto "gubermint" that has been a bankrupted entity since March of 1933.
Somehow leftards believe that Russian hackers got into the servers of the DNC and passed on information to Julian Assange

Not the left, fool.
The entire intelligence community, the Congress, including investigations by both oversight committees, the FBI and the majority of Americans.

It seems your beliefs are closer to the fringe than any liberal.

The assertion that Congress believes anything should give you pause. As to what the FBI believes, since they are still run by a Clinton shill named Comey who survives by constantly playing both ends against the middle, that proves nothing. Finally, the belief of a majority of Americans about any topic is a belief, not a fact.

Let's see hard evidence about Russian hacking, if you have any. Anything else, especially the musing of Congress, is political grandstanding.
She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow. # ... "Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow" Fuck Trump.

Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "

This is a hilarious topic to me. Somehow leftards believe that Russian hackers got into the servers of the DNC and passed on information to Julian Assange showing what a corrupt entity that the DNC is and some of those e-mails were less than flattering about their brain dead constituents. It showed how they were planning to steal the election using various tactics such as hiring people to provoke altercations at Trump rallies and then play the "victim" and how their bought and paid for press would spin it that it was Trump supporters that were the assessors. E-mails showing how the "Shadow government" was going to protect her from the e-mail and private server flap. THEN, we have all the John Podesta e-mails with all the constant references to "pizza, pasta, walnut sauce, cheese, hot dogs, etc, etc that are codewords used by pedophiles. Hillary's ties to Laura Silsby that tried to snatch 33 kids out of Haiti because she said she was starting an orphanage and most of these kids had parents. She needed them for a "starter kit"? Why not start one there on the island since the Clinton foundation had taken in BILLIONS of dollars. Seems that the information contained in the Wikileak documents, Bill "drop trou" was sent there to smooth things over.

What we do know is that Seth Rich, a DNC operative that was pissed that Sanders was cheated out of being the nominee gave a thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then took it to Julian Assange. Seth Rich was murdered a short time later. But allow me to play devil's advocate here and say that Russian intel did indeed hack the DNC....does it change the findings that were revealed? I would say unequivocally "no" doesn't change anything. I wish that the RNC would be hacked so people know just what a joke this fraudulent political system actually is and how your vote means nothing because the "Deep State" is the power behind USA.INC that is used as a hammer against countries that do not "play ball" with the globalist elites.

What pisses off uninformed and clueless posters like "Jake Smarmy" is that he feels that his Fabian socialist party is becoming inconsequential not knowing that both parties are just different sides of the same coin. The technocratic, one world feudalistic, communist agenda is staying the course and the plan for the "culling of the herd" is still in play. I sincerely doubt that Jake Smarmy is going to be happy with the outcome should they get their way. Those like Jake Smarmy are like petulant children that suffer from an inflated sense of self with "I am entitled" issues that have grown to worship this de-facto "gubermint" that has been a bankrupted entity since March of 1933.

I take it you believe that Bernie Sanders was "cheated out of the Nomination?" You apparently don't know that Hillary Clinton kicked his ass by 3,775,427 popular votes. In rhetrospect Obama beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes in 2008 and no cried foul.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

That is the one main thing that Sanders and Trump had in common. They both campaigned on a rigged election.

All the other crap you state is nothing but :bsflag:

Nope, I know exactly of what I's all in the e-mails. "Super Delegates" decided for Hitlery before the primaries? The DNC plotting against Sanders? Their use of the MSM? The MSM that even admitted that they were in her backpocket? Yeah, you just keep on thinking that. We did indeed dodge a bullet when the Hildebeast lost (not that Trump may be any better) but at least Trump isn't an outright communist and child trafficker and a traitor that opened up the patent offices to China during her first tour in the WH. She helped to arm ISIS and she was behind the illegal overthrow of Libya.........this is what you wanted to be the face of the franchise of USA.INC???
. "Super Delegates" decided for Hitlery before the primaries?

Clinton won handily with pledged delegates.
Sanders simply did not do as well among key demographics.
She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow. # ... "Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow" Fuck Trump.

Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "

This is a hilarious topic to me. Somehow leftards believe that Russian hackers got into the servers of the DNC and passed on information to Julian Assange showing what a corrupt entity that the DNC is and some of those e-mails were less than flattering about their brain dead constituents. It showed how they were planning to steal the election using various tactics such as hiring people to provoke altercations at Trump rallies and then play the "victim" and how their bought and paid for press would spin it that it was Trump supporters that were the assessors. E-mails showing how the "Shadow government" was going to protect her from the e-mail and private server flap. THEN, we have all the John Podesta e-mails with all the constant references to "pizza, pasta, walnut sauce, cheese, hot dogs, etc, etc that are codewords used by pedophiles. Hillary's ties to Laura Silsby that tried to snatch 33 kids out of Haiti because she said she was starting an orphanage and most of these kids had parents. She needed them for a "starter kit"? Why not start one there on the island since the Clinton foundation had taken in BILLIONS of dollars. Seems that the information contained in the Wikileak documents, Bill "drop trou" was sent there to smooth things over.

What we do know is that Seth Rich, a DNC operative that was pissed that Sanders was cheated out of being the nominee gave a thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then took it to Julian Assange. Seth Rich was murdered a short time later. But allow me to play devil's advocate here and say that Russian intel did indeed hack the DNC....does it change the findings that were revealed? I would say unequivocally "no" doesn't change anything. I wish that the RNC would be hacked so people know just what a joke this fraudulent political system actually is and how your vote means nothing because the "Deep State" is the power behind USA.INC that is used as a hammer against countries that do not "play ball" with the globalist elites.

What pisses off uninformed and clueless posters like "Jake Smarmy" is that he feels that his Fabian socialist party is becoming inconsequential not knowing that both parties are just different sides of the same coin. The technocratic, one world feudalistic, communist agenda is staying the course and the plan for the "culling of the herd" is still in play. I sincerely doubt that Jake Smarmy is going to be happy with the outcome should they get their way. Those like Jake Smarmy are like petulant children that suffer from an inflated sense of self with "I am entitled" issues that have grown to worship this de-facto "gubermint" that has been a bankrupted entity since March of 1933.
Somehow leftards believe that Russian hackers got into the servers of the DNC and passed on information to Julian Assange

Not the left, fool.
The entire intelligence community, the Congress, including investigations by both oversight committees, the FBI and the majority of Americans.

It seems your beliefs are closer to the fringe than any liberal.

The assertion that Congress believes anything should give you pause. As to what the FBI believes, since they are still run by a Clinton shill named Comey who survives by constantly playing both ends against the middle, that proves nothing. Finally, the belief of a majority of Americans about any topic is a belief, not a fact.

Let's see hard evidence about Russian hacking, if you have any. Anything else, especially the musing of Congress, is political grandstanding.

I outlined reality.
You suggested a multi layered conspiracy involving our entire govt.
You are as fringe as Dale.
She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow. # ... "Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow" Fuck Trump.

Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "

This is a hilarious topic to me. Somehow leftards believe that Russian hackers got into the servers of the DNC and passed on information to Julian Assange showing what a corrupt entity that the DNC is and some of those e-mails were less than flattering about their brain dead constituents. It showed how they were planning to steal the election using various tactics such as hiring people to provoke altercations at Trump rallies and then play the "victim" and how their bought and paid for press would spin it that it was Trump supporters that were the assessors. E-mails showing how the "Shadow government" was going to protect her from the e-mail and private server flap. THEN, we have all the John Podesta e-mails with all the constant references to "pizza, pasta, walnut sauce, cheese, hot dogs, etc, etc that are codewords used by pedophiles. Hillary's ties to Laura Silsby that tried to snatch 33 kids out of Haiti because she said she was starting an orphanage and most of these kids had parents. She needed them for a "starter kit"? Why not start one there on the island since the Clinton foundation had taken in BILLIONS of dollars. Seems that the information contained in the Wikileak documents, Bill "drop trou" was sent there to smooth things over.

What we do know is that Seth Rich, a DNC operative that was pissed that Sanders was cheated out of being the nominee gave a thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then took it to Julian Assange. Seth Rich was murdered a short time later. But allow me to play devil's advocate here and say that Russian intel did indeed hack the DNC....does it change the findings that were revealed? I would say unequivocally "no" doesn't change anything. I wish that the RNC would be hacked so people know just what a joke this fraudulent political system actually is and how your vote means nothing because the "Deep State" is the power behind USA.INC that is used as a hammer against countries that do not "play ball" with the globalist elites.

What pisses off uninformed and clueless posters like "Jake Smarmy" is that he feels that his Fabian socialist party is becoming inconsequential not knowing that both parties are just different sides of the same coin. The technocratic, one world feudalistic, communist agenda is staying the course and the plan for the "culling of the herd" is still in play. I sincerely doubt that Jake Smarmy is going to be happy with the outcome should they get their way. Those like Jake Smarmy are like petulant children that suffer from an inflated sense of self with "I am entitled" issues that have grown to worship this de-facto "gubermint" that has been a bankrupted entity since March of 1933.

I take it you believe that Bernie Sanders was "cheated out of the Nomination?" You apparently don't know that Hillary Clinton kicked his ass by 3,775,427 popular votes. In rhetrospect Obama beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes in 2008 and no cried foul.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

That is the one main thing that Sanders and Trump had in common. They both campaigned on a rigged election.

All the other crap you state is nothing but :bsflag:

Nope, I know exactly of what I's all in the e-mails. "Super Delegates" decided for Hitlery before the primaries? The DNC plotting against Sanders? Their use of the MSM? The MSM that even admitted that they were in her backpocket? Yeah, you just keep on thinking that. We did indeed dodge a bullet when the Hildebeast lost (not that Trump may be any better) but at least Trump isn't an outright communist and child trafficker and a traitor that opened up the patent offices to China during her first tour in the WH. She helped to arm ISIS and she was behind the illegal overthrow of Libya.........this is what you wanted to be the face of the franchise of USA.INC???

I don't give a rats ass about the super delegates--they are there for a reason and that reason is the election of 1984--something the Republican party might want to consider doing--because it eliminates the power of STUPID people.


In the primary-- losing by 3,775,437 popular votes is NOT a win. Being an asshole and staying in a race you've already lost while campaigning on a rigged election--doesn't mean you've been cheated out of an election.


When Bernie Sanders changed his party status to Democrat and jumped into this race he agreed to all DNC rules & regulations, including those SUPER DELEGATES. It's no wonder that the DNC got the hair up on their backs when he started campaigning on a rigged election.

Winning 30 of 50 states and the electoral college with it is how you win. Winning a few extra million illegal votes in an already blue locked up state is meaningless, that's actually why the EC was created, to prevent such corruption from winning a Presidency. Next time nominate a candidate that understands that.
She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow. # ... "Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow" Fuck Trump.

Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "

This is a hilarious topic to me. Somehow leftards believe that Russian hackers got into the servers of the DNC and passed on information to Julian Assange showing what a corrupt entity that the DNC is and some of those e-mails were less than flattering about their brain dead constituents. It showed how they were planning to steal the election using various tactics such as hiring people to provoke altercations at Trump rallies and then play the "victim" and how their bought and paid for press would spin it that it was Trump supporters that were the assessors. E-mails showing how the "Shadow government" was going to protect her from the e-mail and private server flap. THEN, we have all the John Podesta e-mails with all the constant references to "pizza, pasta, walnut sauce, cheese, hot dogs, etc, etc that are codewords used by pedophiles. Hillary's ties to Laura Silsby that tried to snatch 33 kids out of Haiti because she said she was starting an orphanage and most of these kids had parents. She needed them for a "starter kit"? Why not start one there on the island since the Clinton foundation had taken in BILLIONS of dollars. Seems that the information contained in the Wikileak documents, Bill "drop trou" was sent there to smooth things over.

What we do know is that Seth Rich, a DNC operative that was pissed that Sanders was cheated out of being the nominee gave a thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then took it to Julian Assange. Seth Rich was murdered a short time later. But allow me to play devil's advocate here and say that Russian intel did indeed hack the DNC....does it change the findings that were revealed? I would say unequivocally "no" doesn't change anything. I wish that the RNC would be hacked so people know just what a joke this fraudulent political system actually is and how your vote means nothing because the "Deep State" is the power behind USA.INC that is used as a hammer against countries that do not "play ball" with the globalist elites.

What pisses off uninformed and clueless posters like "Jake Smarmy" is that he feels that his Fabian socialist party is becoming inconsequential not knowing that both parties are just different sides of the same coin. The technocratic, one world feudalistic, communist agenda is staying the course and the plan for the "culling of the herd" is still in play. I sincerely doubt that Jake Smarmy is going to be happy with the outcome should they get their way. Those like Jake Smarmy are like petulant children that suffer from an inflated sense of self with "I am entitled" issues that have grown to worship this de-facto "gubermint" that has been a bankrupted entity since March of 1933.

I take it you believe that Bernie Sanders was "cheated out of the Nomination?" You apparently don't know that Hillary Clinton kicked his ass by 3,775,427 popular votes. In rhetrospect Obama beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes in 2008 and no cried foul.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

That is the one main thing that Sanders and Trump had in common. They both campaigned on a rigged election. As far as I am concerned when Sanders didn't drop out after New York, he might as well been working for the Trump campaign

All the other crap you state is nothing but :bsflag:
But, but, who is president of the United States?
She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow. # ... "Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow" Fuck Trump.

Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "

This is a hilarious topic to me. Somehow leftards believe that Russian hackers got into the servers of the DNC and passed on information to Julian Assange showing what a corrupt entity that the DNC is and some of those e-mails were less than flattering about their brain dead constituents. It showed how they were planning to steal the election using various tactics such as hiring people to provoke altercations at Trump rallies and then play the "victim" and how their bought and paid for press would spin it that it was Trump supporters that were the assessors. E-mails showing how the "Shadow government" was going to protect her from the e-mail and private server flap. THEN, we have all the John Podesta e-mails with all the constant references to "pizza, pasta, walnut sauce, cheese, hot dogs, etc, etc that are codewords used by pedophiles. Hillary's ties to Laura Silsby that tried to snatch 33 kids out of Haiti because she said she was starting an orphanage and most of these kids had parents. She needed them for a "starter kit"? Why not start one there on the island since the Clinton foundation had taken in BILLIONS of dollars. Seems that the information contained in the Wikileak documents, Bill "drop trou" was sent there to smooth things over.

What we do know is that Seth Rich, a DNC operative that was pissed that Sanders was cheated out of being the nominee gave a thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then took it to Julian Assange. Seth Rich was murdered a short time later. But allow me to play devil's advocate here and say that Russian intel did indeed hack the DNC....does it change the findings that were revealed? I would say unequivocally "no" doesn't change anything. I wish that the RNC would be hacked so people know just what a joke this fraudulent political system actually is and how your vote means nothing because the "Deep State" is the power behind USA.INC that is used as a hammer against countries that do not "play ball" with the globalist elites.

What pisses off uninformed and clueless posters like "Jake Smarmy" is that he feels that his Fabian socialist party is becoming inconsequential not knowing that both parties are just different sides of the same coin. The technocratic, one world feudalistic, communist agenda is staying the course and the plan for the "culling of the herd" is still in play. I sincerely doubt that Jake Smarmy is going to be happy with the outcome should they get their way. Those like Jake Smarmy are like petulant children that suffer from an inflated sense of self with "I am entitled" issues that have grown to worship this de-facto "gubermint" that has been a bankrupted entity since March of 1933.

I love how you are a conspiracy theory nut on every topic except the ones that don't fit your agenda. That just proves what you really are, just a nut. If you are going to be so polarized on subjects you need to at least be consistent to be taken seriously, and you've shown time after time not to be.
Righty deflection is a river denial entering the Potomac.

Oh, yeah, whitehall, you be trembling in your booties.

Not really man. You left types are two trigger happy. When the left gets the dirt they need they don't play. If there was a smoking gun it would have been produced by now. This is only some low grade red meat to keep y'all occupied while they look for more dirt.
Righty deflection is a river denial entering the Potomac.

Oh, yeah, whitehall, you be trembling in your booties.

Not really man. You left types are two trigger happy. When the left gets the dirt they need they don't play. If there was a smoking gun it would have been produced by now. This is only some low grade red meat to keep y'all occupied while they look for more dirt.


Where the investigation stands

Right now, Orenstein described the scandal as an unfinished Pointillism painting: there’s a picture emerging of what happened, but many of the details remain unclear. Because of the scope of it, investigations and public disclosure may take a long time:

To do a real and legitimate investigation is going to take a long time and that’s been frustrating to a lot of people. We’re going to have to be concerned about this for a while, and things are going to drip drop out. A lot of us [who are experts in the field] know or think we know this is going to pan out to be a major, major scandal that rivals Watergate and probably will raise questions about impeachment of the president.

We have a lot of sources and people we talk to who know more than what’s published in the media. For me it feels like a slow motion revelation that we can see three or four steps down the line. But I understand that people experience every little twist and turn along the way — people don’t quite want to believe it or know what to believe. I would just advise people that we are living in a rather fantastical reality and it’s going to come crashing down on somebody at some point. …

The most likely scenario here is that there was a lot of money that changed hands. … I think there’s a money part of this and a campaign part of this — [what we don’t know is] what exactly is the linkage between these things? Most likely someone was buying influence in the Trump campaign. It’s not really whether it happened, it’s exactly how it happened.

Russia, U.S. Elections, and the Fake News Cycle
Righty deflection is a river denial entering the Potomac.

Oh, yeah, whitehall, you be trembling in your booties.

Not really man. You left types are two trigger happy. When the left gets the dirt they need they don't play. If there was a smoking gun it would have been produced by now. This is only some low grade red meat to keep y'all occupied while they look for more dirt.


Where the investigation stands

Right now, Orenstein described the scandal as an unfinished Pointillism painting: there’s a picture emerging of what happened, but many of the details remain unclear. Because of the scope of it, investigations and public disclosure may take a long time:

To do a real and legitimate investigation is going to take a long time and that’s been frustrating to a lot of people. We’re going to have to be concerned about this for a while, and things are going to drip drop out. A lot of us [who are experts in the field] know or think we know this is going to pan out to be a major, major scandal that rivals Watergate and probably will raise questions about impeachment of the president.

We have a lot of sources and people we talk to who know more than what’s published in the media. For me it feels like a slow motion revelation that we can see three or four steps down the line. But I understand that people experience every little twist and turn along the way — people don’t quite want to believe it or know what to believe. I would just advise people that we are living in a rather fantastical reality and it’s going to come crashing down on somebody at some point. …

The most likely scenario here is that there was a lot of money that changed hands. … I think there’s a money part of this and a campaign part of this — [what we don’t know is] what exactly is the linkage between these things? Most likely someone was buying influence in the Trump campaign. It’s not really whether it happened, it’s exactly how it happened.

Russia, U.S. Elections, and the Fake News Cycle

I don't know man, all those folks have been way to jumpy trying to get Trump. If they had the real deal they would drop that bomb. If they ever get Trump it won't just be impeachment or forced resignation, oh no, not for the dude who dissed black Jesus, no they would drag him through the mud for weeks. Look back at Clinton and Nixion. This is like those. It ain't about justice it's about revenge. Making him and those around him pay.
She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow. # ... "Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow" Fuck Trump.

Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "

This is a hilarious topic to me. Somehow leftards believe that Russian hackers got into the servers of the DNC and passed on information to Julian Assange showing what a corrupt entity that the DNC is and some of those e-mails were less than flattering about their brain dead constituents. It showed how they were planning to steal the election using various tactics such as hiring people to provoke altercations at Trump rallies and then play the "victim" and how their bought and paid for press would spin it that it was Trump supporters that were the assessors. E-mails showing how the "Shadow government" was going to protect her from the e-mail and private server flap. THEN, we have all the John Podesta e-mails with all the constant references to "pizza, pasta, walnut sauce, cheese, hot dogs, etc, etc that are codewords used by pedophiles. Hillary's ties to Laura Silsby that tried to snatch 33 kids out of Haiti because she said she was starting an orphanage and most of these kids had parents. She needed them for a "starter kit"? Why not start one there on the island since the Clinton foundation had taken in BILLIONS of dollars. Seems that the information contained in the Wikileak documents, Bill "drop trou" was sent there to smooth things over.

What we do know is that Seth Rich, a DNC operative that was pissed that Sanders was cheated out of being the nominee gave a thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then took it to Julian Assange. Seth Rich was murdered a short time later. But allow me to play devil's advocate here and say that Russian intel did indeed hack the DNC....does it change the findings that were revealed? I would say unequivocally "no" doesn't change anything. I wish that the RNC would be hacked so people know just what a joke this fraudulent political system actually is and how your vote means nothing because the "Deep State" is the power behind USA.INC that is used as a hammer against countries that do not "play ball" with the globalist elites.

What pisses off uninformed and clueless posters like "Jake Smarmy" is that he feels that his Fabian socialist party is becoming inconsequential not knowing that both parties are just different sides of the same coin. The technocratic, one world feudalistic, communist agenda is staying the course and the plan for the "culling of the herd" is still in play. I sincerely doubt that Jake Smarmy is going to be happy with the outcome should they get their way. Those like Jake Smarmy are like petulant children that suffer from an inflated sense of self with "I am entitled" issues that have grown to worship this de-facto "gubermint" that has been a bankrupted entity since March of 1933.

I take it you believe that Bernie Sanders was "cheated out of the Nomination?" You apparently don't know that Hillary Clinton kicked his ass by 3,775,427 popular votes. In rhetrospect Obama beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes in 2008 and no cried foul.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

That is the one main thing that Sanders and Trump had in common. They both campaigned on a rigged election.

All the other crap you state is nothing but :bsflag:

Nope, I know exactly of what I's all in the e-mails. "Super Delegates" decided for Hitlery before the primaries? The DNC plotting against Sanders? Their use of the MSM? The MSM that even admitted that they were in her backpocket? Yeah, you just keep on thinking that. We did indeed dodge a bullet when the Hildebeast lost (not that Trump may be any better) but at least Trump isn't an outright communist and child trafficker and a traitor that opened up the patent offices to China during her first tour in the WH. She helped to arm ISIS and she was behind the illegal overthrow of Libya.........this is what you wanted to be the face of the franchise of USA.INC???

I don't give a rats ass about the super delegates--they are there for a reason and that reason is the election of 1984--something the Republican party might want to consider doing--because it eliminates the power of STUPID people.


In the primary-- losing by 3,775,437 popular votes is NOT a win. Being an asshole and staying in a race you've already lost while campaigning on a rigged election--doesn't mean you've been cheated out of an election.


When Bernie Sanders changed his party status to Democrat and jumped into this race he agreed to all DNC rules & regulations, including those SUPER DELEGATES. It's no wonder that the DNC got the hair up on their backs when he started campaigning on a rigged election.

Winning 30 of 50 states and the electoral college with it is how you win. Winning a few extra million illegal votes in an already blue locked up state is meaningless, that's actually why the EC was created, to prevent such corruption from winning a Presidency. Next time nominate a candidate that understands that.
She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow. # ... "Trump tried to block Sally Yates from testifying tomorrow" Fuck Trump.

Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "

This is a hilarious topic to me. Somehow leftards believe that Russian hackers got into the servers of the DNC and passed on information to Julian Assange showing what a corrupt entity that the DNC is and some of those e-mails were less than flattering about their brain dead constituents. It showed how they were planning to steal the election using various tactics such as hiring people to provoke altercations at Trump rallies and then play the "victim" and how their bought and paid for press would spin it that it was Trump supporters that were the assessors. E-mails showing how the "Shadow government" was going to protect her from the e-mail and private server flap. THEN, we have all the John Podesta e-mails with all the constant references to "pizza, pasta, walnut sauce, cheese, hot dogs, etc, etc that are codewords used by pedophiles. Hillary's ties to Laura Silsby that tried to snatch 33 kids out of Haiti because she said she was starting an orphanage and most of these kids had parents. She needed them for a "starter kit"? Why not start one there on the island since the Clinton foundation had taken in BILLIONS of dollars. Seems that the information contained in the Wikileak documents, Bill "drop trou" was sent there to smooth things over.

What we do know is that Seth Rich, a DNC operative that was pissed that Sanders was cheated out of being the nominee gave a thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then took it to Julian Assange. Seth Rich was murdered a short time later. But allow me to play devil's advocate here and say that Russian intel did indeed hack the DNC....does it change the findings that were revealed? I would say unequivocally "no" doesn't change anything. I wish that the RNC would be hacked so people know just what a joke this fraudulent political system actually is and how your vote means nothing because the "Deep State" is the power behind USA.INC that is used as a hammer against countries that do not "play ball" with the globalist elites.

What pisses off uninformed and clueless posters like "Jake Smarmy" is that he feels that his Fabian socialist party is becoming inconsequential not knowing that both parties are just different sides of the same coin. The technocratic, one world feudalistic, communist agenda is staying the course and the plan for the "culling of the herd" is still in play. I sincerely doubt that Jake Smarmy is going to be happy with the outcome should they get their way. Those like Jake Smarmy are like petulant children that suffer from an inflated sense of self with "I am entitled" issues that have grown to worship this de-facto "gubermint" that has been a bankrupted entity since March of 1933.

I love how you are a conspiracy theory nut on every topic except the ones that don't fit your agenda. That just proves what you really are, just a nut. If you are going to be so polarized on subjects you need to at least be consistent to be taken seriously, and you've shown time after time not to be.

As someone said on this board: "Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee."

You really could not have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason--Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018.

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Mod Edit -- No links to other message forums. JakeStarkey
Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "
Sally yates no other reason but to lie... She is a spineless piece of shit progressive
She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Mod Edit -- No links to other message forums. JakeStarkey
Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "
Sally yates no other reason but to lie... She is a spineless piece of shit progressive
Yea, Rustic be trembling in his bones. The Yates is coming, The Yates is coming! Flynn has just locked his bunker down.
Righty deflection is a river denial entering the Potomac.

Oh, yeah, whitehall, you be trembling in your booties.

Not really man. You left types are two trigger happy. When the left gets the dirt they need they don't play. If there was a smoking gun it would have been produced by now. This is only some low grade red meat to keep y'all occupied while they look for more dirt.


Where the investigation stands

Right now, Orenstein described the scandal as an unfinished Pointillism painting: there’s a picture emerging of what happened, but many of the details remain unclear. Because of the scope of it, investigations and public disclosure may take a long time:

To do a real and legitimate investigation is going to take a long time and that’s been frustrating to a lot of people. We’re going to have to be concerned about this for a while, and things are going to drip drop out. A lot of us [who are experts in the field] know or think we know this is going to pan out to be a major, major scandal that rivals Watergate and probably will raise questions about impeachment of the president.

We have a lot of sources and people we talk to who know more than what’s published in the media. For me it feels like a slow motion revelation that we can see three or four steps down the line. But I understand that people experience every little twist and turn along the way — people don’t quite want to believe it or know what to believe. I would just advise people that we are living in a rather fantastical reality and it’s going to come crashing down on somebody at some point. …

The most likely scenario here is that there was a lot of money that changed hands. … I think there’s a money part of this and a campaign part of this — [what we don’t know is] what exactly is the linkage between these things? Most likely someone was buying influence in the Trump campaign. It’s not really whether it happened, it’s exactly how it happened.

Russia, U.S. Elections, and the Fake News Cycle

I don't know man, all those folks have been way to jumpy trying to get Trump. If they had the real deal they would drop that bomb. If they ever get Trump it won't just be impeachment or forced resignation, oh no, not for the dude who dissed black Jesus, no they would drag him through the mud for weeks. Look back at Clinton and Nixion. This is like those. It ain't about justice it's about revenge. Making him and those around him pay.

The FBI investigation started in JUNE, before Election Day. Only one candidate was under active FBI investigation on November 8, 2016 and their name was not Clinton.
No, Sally Yates isn't the subject of the catchy Eric Clapton tune, but she is somebody who will have her 15 minutes of fame today and then slip back into anonymity. Leftists like her name....Sally. Subliminal reminder of Sally Ride who became the first woman in Space. Sally Yates is just spaced out. She's nothing more than an insolent Obama leftist who was AG for a grand total of TEN DAYS before she disobeyed a direct order from the President and was fired. Her other claim to fame is having a neck like a giraffe.

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