Sally Yates testifies tomorrow and the alt right is running for cover

Just gotta love the innocuous "we got the goods" but can't say what goods due to national security
Rumor and projective speculation is all that it is time for every Obama holder to be dismissed and discredited

Of course they aren't going to tip their hand as to what dirt they have on whom. Why would they give the subjects time to formulate their defenses? No doubt they will quietly gather sealed indictments and then round them all up. That day is coming.
Folks, I am from Connecticut and am so troubled by jewish qu33rs Blumenthal and jewish homosexuals running the public schools, the diamond industry, etc. But more importantly the other homosexual douchebags like that female Congressman who looks like Ronnie Wood. Folks, normal people did not vote for these creeps. Was it Russia, was it Israel, I have no idea, but nobody in CT supports the Senators and Congressmen.
You've proven nothing but that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about...see my previous post. You have to be one of the most arrogant idiots I've ever met. You are the quintessential conspiracy nut. In the dictionary there is a picture of you next to it.

Au contraire, I have proven a great deal and you lack the nads to even read and comprehend what I have posted. I have spent the last 5 and a half years of my life 10 to 12 hours a day EVERY DAY learning, reading and researching the things I know....vetting information, connecting the dots, learning how this fiat currency system works and the powers behind it. I have gone down rabbit holes that you couldn't even fathom. The more I learn, the more I want to know and it's a driving force. If I am not listening to a book I have downloaded to my MP3 player or listening to old documentaries and lectures form accredited scholars? I'm reading books I download or I am sharing what I have learned. Have you ever been asked to be on a radio program? I have....quite a few times. The biggest one was on "Caravan To Midnight" with John B. Wells. I will be doing more interviews as time, outside of spewing angst and carrying the leftard rainbow banner, what exactly do you do to enlighten the people????

You just proved another thing, you are delusional... because you think you have proven something in your favor.

I hate to say this... but you've wasted a fuck load of time that you would have been better off digging a hole to China.

Don't "hate"'s wasted energy and emotion...learn, grow and evolve. My understanding of what we are facing is like a 1000 times higher than you and that is a fact. You see, I went back and studied the history we were not taught and slowly made my way from the early 1600's to what we are facing today...because unless you understand the past, you can't understand the present. If you don't understand the past that led us to the present? You have absolutely no idea on where this is all heading. I have done that and it's not a pretty picture and if you are stupid enough to believe that "If we were controlled by nothing but leftards we would be living in a utopia"? You are as utterly stupid as you are ugly because your beloved "gubermint" is a bankrupted entity and has been since 1933. Ever heard of House Joint Resolution 192? You should do some research about it because due to this, people had to turn in their gold (real money) for paper debt notes that we call "Federal Reserve Notes".......hmmmmm? Real money with an intrinsic value exchanged for debt notes with no intrinsic value under the threat of a huge fine and imprisonment...,..let "freedom"

Sure it is Walter Mitty. You just keep dreaming.

So, you haven't bothered to research any of the things I have So you can't refute thus you are uninformed while I am most definitely informed which makes me more of an authority to speak on such things...while you don't and that is just a fact. Hope this helps!!!
So, you haven't bothered to research any of the things I have
Nobody cares.

Try reality for a change.
What is up with j3wish weirdo senators and their eyes being so small and their schnoz and mouth being so big? Why do they hate Whitey so much and why do they lisp?

‘The Russians also knew’: Sally Yates confirms she warned White House that Flynn could be blackmailed
During testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday, former acting Attorney General Sally Yates said she had two in-person meetings and one phone call where she warned Trump administration officials about former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Authored with little substance by a true snowflake. Too early to declare the results are just another leftist's meltdown?
Another way to interpret Obama's warning about the former NS Adviser: He knew Damn well Mike was a Snake before Trump took him Flynn

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