Sally Yates testifies tomorrow and the alt right is running for cover

Of course she had access to all of the investigative findings including details about Flynn. She didn't have to unmask anything, dope.
No one, including the DNI, has access to NSA intercepts without formally requesting it and no one has the right to pass that information along. If you had taken your head out of your ass long enough to pay attention today, you would have heard Clapper explaining this and his testimony that even he had to formally request access to NSA files and had never discussed them with anyone but his deputy and general counsel, and then only when necessary. The AG has no right to access NSA files without receiving permission after formally requesting access and since she testified she never had, she had no right to that information.

Then how in the Fuck has the FBI been investigating Flynn for months prior if they didn't know who he's talked to, dope?

Clapper also said that if there is cause to, the Intel agencies create a report and submit it to DOJ as a criminal referral.
What were they investigation him for?

The entire Trump campaign has been under investigation since July. If you don't think that the FBI can get intelligence while conducting a counter intelligence investigation, you're crazy.
In other words, you have very strong feelings about this but no knowledge or understanding of the facts.

Use your brain, dope.
Folks, the point is that "hearing" was a charade, nothing but propaganda with questions and answers rehearsed for weeks. Really, it should have been shut down after lisping, jewish, green tinted nut Al Franken restated the long debunked lie that 17 intelligence agencies determined Russia did something. Nothing but propaganda and fake talking points.
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They made you a believer. I would say that their operation was successful.

The corruption of the leftard clown posse party was more than exposed and I have NO doubt that the neocons are just as filthy....but what I find most entertaining is that leftards are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails (some of which were quite unflattering to their sheeple)...oh HELL NO! They are pissed that these e-mails were allowed to see the light of day....and that, my friend" is most revealing to me and what your ilk stands for and it's not as pretty sight. I have no use for the neocons in D.C at all and I absolutely loathe the Fabian socialist leftists but I had some empathy for their misguided sheeple....some of which I actually thought were halfway intelligent.....not anymore. They are some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the internet....anyone that can still claim to be a "demcrat" after what those e-mails revealed tells me that they like being chattel and they like being stupid.......look the word "chattel" because I doubt you have a clue as to it's definition.
Dipshit... that's WHY HE WAS UNMASKED. He was discussing sanctions on behalf of Trump, and then lied about it! Holy shit dude...
lol Now you're just making shit up. Yates said she knew Flynn had lied to Pence because he had admitted he had had a conversation with the Russian ambassador to the FBI but denied it to Pence. Yates pretended to think this would make Flynn vulnerable to blackmail.

No...she said that she got the intel about him and that Pence was lying and she couldn't stand by and let Pence lie unknowingly to the American public and make the government look bad doing so. I watched the entire thing, did you? Because you sure as fuck don't sound like it.
If you listened to it all, you clearly didn't understand much of it. She did say she believed Flynn was vulnerable to blackmail because he had lied to Pence but she never said he had lied to the FBI as you falsely claimed.

She didn't? A fucking Senator flat out asked if he could be charged for lying to the FBI and she said yes. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
lol And you continue to make shit up.

If you think I'm making that up, you didn't watch. You just proved that. Thank you.
No one, including the DNI, has access to NSA intercepts without formally requesting it and no one has the right to pass that information along. If you had taken your head out of your ass long enough to pay attention today, you would have heard Clapper explaining this and his testimony that even he had to formally request access to NSA files and had never discussed them with anyone but his deputy and general counsel, and then only when necessary. The AG has no right to access NSA files without receiving permission after formally requesting access and since she testified she never had, she had no right to that information.

Then how in the Fuck has the FBI been investigating Flynn for months prior if they didn't know who he's talked to, dope?

Clapper also said that if there is cause to, the Intel agencies create a report and submit it to DOJ as a criminal referral.
What were they investigation him for?

The entire Trump campaign has been under investigation since July. If you don't think that the FBI can get intelligence while conducting a counter intelligence investigation, you're crazy.
In other words, you have very strong feelings about this but no knowledge or understanding of the facts.

Use your brain, dope.
Again, your post shows all attitude and no intellect.
lol Now you're just making shit up. Yates said she knew Flynn had lied to Pence because he had admitted he had had a conversation with the Russian ambassador to the FBI but denied it to Pence. Yates pretended to think this would make Flynn vulnerable to blackmail.

No...she said that she got the intel about him and that Pence was lying and she couldn't stand by and let Pence lie unknowingly to the American public and make the government look bad doing so. I watched the entire thing, did you? Because you sure as fuck don't sound like it.
If you listened to it all, you clearly didn't understand much of it. She did say she believed Flynn was vulnerable to blackmail because he had lied to Pence but she never said he had lied to the FBI as you falsely claimed.

She didn't? A fucking Senator flat out asked if he could be charged for lying to the FBI and she said yes. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
lol And you continue to make shit up.

If you think I'm making that up, you didn't watch. You just proved that. Thank you.
I did watch and you're a liar.

Later, in an exchange with Senator Blumenthal, Yates went one step further to suggest that if Flynn told the same lies to the FBI during his sworn testimony that he "could face criminal prosecution." That said, she declined to comment on testimony offered by Flynn to the FBI.

Yates: VP Pence Could Be Called As "Witness To Crime" If Flynn Is Prosecuted | Zero Hedge

What she said was that if Flynn had told the same lies to the FBI he told to Pence he could be prosecuted, not that he did lie to the FBI.
this is how President Trump's twitter now looks like:

I know infinitely more than you do. In the year and a half since I have been here? I have yet to see you make a coherent argument about anything. You are simply a "Me too" poster that chimes in on topics that promotes leftardism without ever making your own case via any due diligence. So let me sum it all up, you are inconsequential, you have no critical thinking skills and you never have anything of originality to add to any topic. You are simply a space filler and overall time waster BUT since I am resourceful? I can put an empty-headed moron like you to use by using you as a prop with a response that others will see, weigh and consider.

Hope this helps and here is a heartfelt "thank you" for unwittingly playing along.

I know infinitely more than you do.

Yes, yes we know Dale. This is where interactions with you always end up.

I understand that you knowing more is very important to you. You are indeed very knowledgeable about the conspiracy world.
Unfortunately that's all it is, conspiracy.

It's one thing to follow all of the various theories and their many machinations and iterations as a hobby. When you try to find ways to apply them practically, I have a problem with it. That isn't critical thinking. It's speculation at best and lunacy at worst.

I deal in what is known and is generally accepted. It serves me well. My instincts generally bear out in the end. I have no beef with you, just with your wild assertions.

The simple explanation is that Flynn is indeed a flawed character who's made some
shady decisions and Trump, for whatever reason, decided to partner with him despite the many credible warnings he received. In my world that requires a further look.

Flawed? In what way? Because jesuit trained Roman Catholic James Clapper who flat out lied during a senate committee hearing says so? He talked to people within the Russian government and why is that a big deal at all? It has been NATO, the E.U and their banking masters that have been pushing Putin and flat out LYING about what happened in the Ukraine when the coup d'eat happened. Somehow, it was Russia's fault that Crimea wanted no part of the E.U and their criminal IMF bank and decided to cast their lot with Russia....good choice, btw. What the E.U coveted most was the Crimean Peninsula and they didn't get it so they claimed that Russia invaded Crimea which was a fucking lie.

Let's see, what else did Russia do to hack off the globalists? They partnered up with Syria to run an oil pipeline which threatened the hegemony of the banker's oil cartel and that can't happen and besides, Assad doesn't have a Rothschild central bank and we can't let that stand. Russia also started kicking the ass of the CIA/MI5/MI6/ Mossad funded and trained mercenaries that WERE al qaeda and were re-branded as "ISIS" using Qatar as a conduit to funnel weapons to them bought by the Saudis to keep the regime destablized....holy FUCK, we can't let THAT continue. All the while NATO forces are moving missile and nukes closer and closer to Russia's border and claiming what a threat Putin is. The American sheeple are THE dumbest and most uninformed wastes of life on the planet. Not only are most of them fat and stupid? They seem to wallow in the pride of being that way. If Flynn was talking to Russia to ease tensions so that we don't have a mutually assured destruction war of nukes? The guy deserves a fucking medal and the sanctions that the former "queer-in-chief" placed on Russia was ALL due to his doing his globalist masters bidding. You want to talk about "shady"? Hillary's diplomacy for sale and the donations to her foundations? How in the fuck is the Barrypuppet leaving the WH with a net worth of over 100 million dollars? I could write a book about the utter corruption and "back door" agreements that have sold us down the road that both bought and paid political parties have put upon us that will NEVER see the inside of a senate committee hearing but here it is, folks...we have this pathetic "dog and pony" show about Flynn having talked to the Russians. Forget the fuck out of the fact that USA.INC and their allies have been funding the ever lovin' shit out of the very alleged enemy that caused 9/11/01 and put us in this utter police state...fuck that! Let's put Flynn under a fuckin' microscope because the DNC got hacked where it was revealed what a bunch of corrupt sacks of shit they THAT'S fucking important. Finding a scapegoat for revealing the cheating and corruption of the DNC trumps all....pardon the pun. I swear to my holy Father that I feel like I am living in Bizzarro World where "up" is "down" and a premium is placed on utter stupidity.

End of rant.

Once again, another person that doesn't realize adding something totally irrelevant like someone's religion doesn't validate their post, but only makes them look like a dumb fuck.

Lewdog, ANY time you want to debate me on ANYTHING, bring it on. You obviously don't have a fucking clue about what the jesuits are or what they are about and why is it that jesuit schooled dickwads always end up in charge of the intelligence agencies? Have you ever wondered why that is? And why it is until Scalia died that we had FIVE jesuit trained Supreme Court justices? Why is it that there are three City/states" with their own constitution with the vatican being one of them with the same type of obelisk in their city square? What is Washington D.C a "district" of exactly? Do you ever think about anything other than partisan politics and this "dog and pony" show/poorly done theater that keeps you from ever asking pertinent questions as to why nothing ever changes? Are you one of those leftard idiots that actually believes that we are just one election cycle away from righting the ship of a de-facto incorporated "gubermint" that has been bankrupted since 1933????

ARE YOU????? Think, son.....THINK......I know it will be a new experience for you and that the repercussions might be tough to take but "man up", dude.

Why? Because they were sent to nice private schools where they got a good education?

And no, as long as we have a multiple party government they will always disagree and nothing will ever get done to fix it. However, when comparing our government to other countries... I'll take every day and twice on Sunday.

#1 You have no clue about what the jesuits are or their part in the Counter-Reformation, or about the Council of Trent and the Inquisition. I doubt that you know that they are the ones that come up with the idea of communism and mentored Karl Marx.

#2 I doubt that you know anything about as to why they were kicked out of 83 countries from the mid 1500s to 1935 for subterfuge and political intrigue or their part in the Civil War and why there were no diplomatic ties to the catholic church after Lincoln's assassination until Reagan the traitor restored ties to the Vatican in 1984.

#3 I doubt you know anything about the Knights of about Adam Weishaupt? The suppression of the Jesuits in 1773 and the formation of the Illuminati soon afterwards funded by the Rothschilds?

#4 How the Jesuit, Communist and Illuminati manifestos and goals mirror each other? There is a reason for that and the creed for all three is that "The ends justifies the means"?

All roads do indeed lead to Rome. Here is a good trivia question for you...what was the location of Washington D.C called before it became the corporate headquarters of USA.INC? Hint, it rhymes with "dome"......
No...she said that she got the intel about him and that Pence was lying and she couldn't stand by and let Pence lie unknowingly to the American public and make the government look bad doing so. I watched the entire thing, did you? Because you sure as fuck don't sound like it.
If you listened to it all, you clearly didn't understand much of it. She did say she believed Flynn was vulnerable to blackmail because he had lied to Pence but she never said he had lied to the FBI as you falsely claimed.

She didn't? A fucking Senator flat out asked if he could be charged for lying to the FBI and she said yes. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
lol And you continue to make shit up.

If you think I'm making that up, you didn't watch. You just proved that. Thank you.
I did watch and you're a liar.

Later, in an exchange with Senator Blumenthal, Yates went one step further to suggest that if Flynn told the same lies to the FBI during his sworn testimony that he "could face criminal prosecution." That said, she declined to comment on testimony offered by Flynn to the FBI.

Yates: VP Pence Could Be Called As "Witness To Crime" If Flynn Is Prosecuted | Zero Hedge

What she said was that if Flynn had told the same lies to the FBI he told to Pence he could be prosecuted, not that he did lie to the FBI.

Because she can't directly comment on an ongoing investigation... and they were asking and speaking in hypotheticals because of that. I already posted the article from the leaked information... then you argued it was about talking about sanctions... and I told you how it was said that was the reason for the unmasking in the first place... you don't have a leg to stand on. Period.
Yes, yes we know Dale. This is where interactions with you always end up.

I understand that you knowing more is very important to you. You are indeed very knowledgeable about the conspiracy world.
Unfortunately that's all it is, conspiracy.

It's one thing to follow all of the various theories and their many machinations and iterations as a hobby. When you try to find ways to apply them practically, I have a problem with it. That isn't critical thinking. It's speculation at best and lunacy at worst.

I deal in what is known and is generally accepted. It serves me well. My instincts generally bear out in the end. I have no beef with you, just with your wild assertions.

The simple explanation is that Flynn is indeed a flawed character who's made some
shady decisions and Trump, for whatever reason, decided to partner with him despite the many credible warnings he received. In my world that requires a further look.

Flawed? In what way? Because jesuit trained Roman Catholic James Clapper who flat out lied during a senate committee hearing says so? He talked to people within the Russian government and why is that a big deal at all? It has been NATO, the E.U and their banking masters that have been pushing Putin and flat out LYING about what happened in the Ukraine when the coup d'eat happened. Somehow, it was Russia's fault that Crimea wanted no part of the E.U and their criminal IMF bank and decided to cast their lot with Russia....good choice, btw. What the E.U coveted most was the Crimean Peninsula and they didn't get it so they claimed that Russia invaded Crimea which was a fucking lie.

Let's see, what else did Russia do to hack off the globalists? They partnered up with Syria to run an oil pipeline which threatened the hegemony of the banker's oil cartel and that can't happen and besides, Assad doesn't have a Rothschild central bank and we can't let that stand. Russia also started kicking the ass of the CIA/MI5/MI6/ Mossad funded and trained mercenaries that WERE al qaeda and were re-branded as "ISIS" using Qatar as a conduit to funnel weapons to them bought by the Saudis to keep the regime destablized....holy FUCK, we can't let THAT continue. All the while NATO forces are moving missile and nukes closer and closer to Russia's border and claiming what a threat Putin is. The American sheeple are THE dumbest and most uninformed wastes of life on the planet. Not only are most of them fat and stupid? They seem to wallow in the pride of being that way. If Flynn was talking to Russia to ease tensions so that we don't have a mutually assured destruction war of nukes? The guy deserves a fucking medal and the sanctions that the former "queer-in-chief" placed on Russia was ALL due to his doing his globalist masters bidding. You want to talk about "shady"? Hillary's diplomacy for sale and the donations to her foundations? How in the fuck is the Barrypuppet leaving the WH with a net worth of over 100 million dollars? I could write a book about the utter corruption and "back door" agreements that have sold us down the road that both bought and paid political parties have put upon us that will NEVER see the inside of a senate committee hearing but here it is, folks...we have this pathetic "dog and pony" show about Flynn having talked to the Russians. Forget the fuck out of the fact that USA.INC and their allies have been funding the ever lovin' shit out of the very alleged enemy that caused 9/11/01 and put us in this utter police state...fuck that! Let's put Flynn under a fuckin' microscope because the DNC got hacked where it was revealed what a bunch of corrupt sacks of shit they THAT'S fucking important. Finding a scapegoat for revealing the cheating and corruption of the DNC trumps all....pardon the pun. I swear to my holy Father that I feel like I am living in Bizzarro World where "up" is "down" and a premium is placed on utter stupidity.

End of rant.

Once again, another person that doesn't realize adding something totally irrelevant like someone's religion doesn't validate their post, but only makes them look like a dumb fuck.

Lewdog, ANY time you want to debate me on ANYTHING, bring it on. You obviously don't have a fucking clue about what the jesuits are or what they are about and why is it that jesuit schooled dickwads always end up in charge of the intelligence agencies? Have you ever wondered why that is? And why it is until Scalia died that we had FIVE jesuit trained Supreme Court justices? Why is it that there are three City/states" with their own constitution with the vatican being one of them with the same type of obelisk in their city square? What is Washington D.C a "district" of exactly? Do you ever think about anything other than partisan politics and this "dog and pony" show/poorly done theater that keeps you from ever asking pertinent questions as to why nothing ever changes? Are you one of those leftard idiots that actually believes that we are just one election cycle away from righting the ship of a de-facto incorporated "gubermint" that has been bankrupted since 1933????

ARE YOU????? Think, son.....THINK......I know it will be a new experience for you and that the repercussions might be tough to take but "man up", dude.

Why? Because they were sent to nice private schools where they got a good education?

And no, as long as we have a multiple party government they will always disagree and nothing will ever get done to fix it. However, when comparing our government to other countries... I'll take every day and twice on Sunday.

#1 You have no clue about what the jesuits are or their part in the Counter-Reformation, or about the Council of Trent and the Inquisition. I doubt that you know that they are the ones that come up with the idea of communism and mentored Karl Marx.

#2 I doubt that you know anything about as to why they were kicked out of 83 countries from the mid 1500s to 1935 for subterfuge and political intrigue or their part in the Civil War and why there were no diplomatic ties to the catholic church after Lincoln's assassination until Reagan the traitor restored ties to the Vatican in 1984.

#3 I doubt you know anything about the Knights of about Adam Weishaupt? The suppression of the Jesuits in 1773 and the formation of the Illuminati soon afterwards funded by the Rothschilds?

#4 How the Jesuit, Communist and Illuminati manifestos and goals mirror each other? There is a reason for that and the creed for all three is that "The ends justifies the means"?

All roads do indeed lead to Rome. Here is a good trivia question for you...what was the location of Washington D.C called before it became the corporate headquarters of USA.INC? Hint, it rhymes with "dome"......

I'm not reading any of your conspiracy crap. You think you are so smart and you just made a post a minute ago where I showed just how ignorant you are.
Flawed? In what way? Because jesuit trained Roman Catholic James Clapper who flat out lied during a senate committee hearing says so? He talked to people within the Russian government and why is that a big deal at all? It has been NATO, the E.U and their banking masters that have been pushing Putin and flat out LYING about what happened in the Ukraine when the coup d'eat happened. Somehow, it was Russia's fault that Crimea wanted no part of the E.U and their criminal IMF bank and decided to cast their lot with Russia....good choice, btw. What the E.U coveted most was the Crimean Peninsula and they didn't get it so they claimed that Russia invaded Crimea which was a fucking lie.

Let's see, what else did Russia do to hack off the globalists? They partnered up with Syria to run an oil pipeline which threatened the hegemony of the banker's oil cartel and that can't happen and besides, Assad doesn't have a Rothschild central bank and we can't let that stand. Russia also started kicking the ass of the CIA/MI5/MI6/ Mossad funded and trained mercenaries that WERE al qaeda and were re-branded as "ISIS" using Qatar as a conduit to funnel weapons to them bought by the Saudis to keep the regime destablized....holy FUCK, we can't let THAT continue. All the while NATO forces are moving missile and nukes closer and closer to Russia's border and claiming what a threat Putin is. The American sheeple are THE dumbest and most uninformed wastes of life on the planet. Not only are most of them fat and stupid? They seem to wallow in the pride of being that way. If Flynn was talking to Russia to ease tensions so that we don't have a mutually assured destruction war of nukes? The guy deserves a fucking medal and the sanctions that the former "queer-in-chief" placed on Russia was ALL due to his doing his globalist masters bidding. You want to talk about "shady"? Hillary's diplomacy for sale and the donations to her foundations? How in the fuck is the Barrypuppet leaving the WH with a net worth of over 100 million dollars? I could write a book about the utter corruption and "back door" agreements that have sold us down the road that both bought and paid political parties have put upon us that will NEVER see the inside of a senate committee hearing but here it is, folks...we have this pathetic "dog and pony" show about Flynn having talked to the Russians. Forget the fuck out of the fact that USA.INC and their allies have been funding the ever lovin' shit out of the very alleged enemy that caused 9/11/01 and put us in this utter police state...fuck that! Let's put Flynn under a fuckin' microscope because the DNC got hacked where it was revealed what a bunch of corrupt sacks of shit they THAT'S fucking important. Finding a scapegoat for revealing the cheating and corruption of the DNC trumps all....pardon the pun. I swear to my holy Father that I feel like I am living in Bizzarro World where "up" is "down" and a premium is placed on utter stupidity.

End of rant.

Once again, another person that doesn't realize adding something totally irrelevant like someone's religion doesn't validate their post, but only makes them look like a dumb fuck.

Lewdog, ANY time you want to debate me on ANYTHING, bring it on. You obviously don't have a fucking clue about what the jesuits are or what they are about and why is it that jesuit schooled dickwads always end up in charge of the intelligence agencies? Have you ever wondered why that is? And why it is until Scalia died that we had FIVE jesuit trained Supreme Court justices? Why is it that there are three City/states" with their own constitution with the vatican being one of them with the same type of obelisk in their city square? What is Washington D.C a "district" of exactly? Do you ever think about anything other than partisan politics and this "dog and pony" show/poorly done theater that keeps you from ever asking pertinent questions as to why nothing ever changes? Are you one of those leftard idiots that actually believes that we are just one election cycle away from righting the ship of a de-facto incorporated "gubermint" that has been bankrupted since 1933????

ARE YOU????? Think, son.....THINK......I know it will be a new experience for you and that the repercussions might be tough to take but "man up", dude.

Why? Because they were sent to nice private schools where they got a good education?

And no, as long as we have a multiple party government they will always disagree and nothing will ever get done to fix it. However, when comparing our government to other countries... I'll take every day and twice on Sunday.

#1 You have no clue about what the jesuits are or their part in the Counter-Reformation, or about the Council of Trent and the Inquisition. I doubt that you know that they are the ones that come up with the idea of communism and mentored Karl Marx.

#2 I doubt that you know anything about as to why they were kicked out of 83 countries from the mid 1500s to 1935 for subterfuge and political intrigue or their part in the Civil War and why there were no diplomatic ties to the catholic church after Lincoln's assassination until Reagan the traitor restored ties to the Vatican in 1984.

#3 I doubt you know anything about the Knights of about Adam Weishaupt? The suppression of the Jesuits in 1773 and the formation of the Illuminati soon afterwards funded by the Rothschilds?

#4 How the Jesuit, Communist and Illuminati manifestos and goals mirror each other? There is a reason for that and the creed for all three is that "The ends justifies the means"?

All roads do indeed lead to Rome. Here is a good trivia question for you...what was the location of Washington D.C called before it became the corporate headquarters of USA.INC? Hint, it rhymes with "dome"......

I'm not reading any of your conspiracy crap. You think you are so smart and you just made a post a minute ago where I showed just how ignorant you are.

Stay "stupid"....any other state of mind might cause that little gerbil that runs the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue. What you provide for me is a conduit to post information that counters your weak claims and after all, this is an information war and the leftard clown posse has lost it. They have shown themselves to be incapable of being honest with not only with themselves but those they post to. I am very good at pointing it out and in such way that kicks your asses. Jake Smarmy won't debate me under any circumstance since he became my owned bitch a year ago. Carry on, lil fella.....I have more than proven my point.

Sally Yates was awesome! Democrats wanted the facts about Flynn. Republicans wanted to know who leaked to the press (kill the messenger). I wish all government employees were as honest, professional, and smart as Sally Yates.

Last edited:
Once again, another person that doesn't realize adding something totally irrelevant like someone's religion doesn't validate their post, but only makes them look like a dumb fuck.

Lewdog, ANY time you want to debate me on ANYTHING, bring it on. You obviously don't have a fucking clue about what the jesuits are or what they are about and why is it that jesuit schooled dickwads always end up in charge of the intelligence agencies? Have you ever wondered why that is? And why it is until Scalia died that we had FIVE jesuit trained Supreme Court justices? Why is it that there are three City/states" with their own constitution with the vatican being one of them with the same type of obelisk in their city square? What is Washington D.C a "district" of exactly? Do you ever think about anything other than partisan politics and this "dog and pony" show/poorly done theater that keeps you from ever asking pertinent questions as to why nothing ever changes? Are you one of those leftard idiots that actually believes that we are just one election cycle away from righting the ship of a de-facto incorporated "gubermint" that has been bankrupted since 1933????

ARE YOU????? Think, son.....THINK......I know it will be a new experience for you and that the repercussions might be tough to take but "man up", dude.

Why? Because they were sent to nice private schools where they got a good education?

And no, as long as we have a multiple party government they will always disagree and nothing will ever get done to fix it. However, when comparing our government to other countries... I'll take every day and twice on Sunday.

#1 You have no clue about what the jesuits are or their part in the Counter-Reformation, or about the Council of Trent and the Inquisition. I doubt that you know that they are the ones that come up with the idea of communism and mentored Karl Marx.

#2 I doubt that you know anything about as to why they were kicked out of 83 countries from the mid 1500s to 1935 for subterfuge and political intrigue or their part in the Civil War and why there were no diplomatic ties to the catholic church after Lincoln's assassination until Reagan the traitor restored ties to the Vatican in 1984.

#3 I doubt you know anything about the Knights of about Adam Weishaupt? The suppression of the Jesuits in 1773 and the formation of the Illuminati soon afterwards funded by the Rothschilds?

#4 How the Jesuit, Communist and Illuminati manifestos and goals mirror each other? There is a reason for that and the creed for all three is that "The ends justifies the means"?

All roads do indeed lead to Rome. Here is a good trivia question for you...what was the location of Washington D.C called before it became the corporate headquarters of USA.INC? Hint, it rhymes with "dome"......

I'm not reading any of your conspiracy crap. You think you are so smart and you just made a post a minute ago where I showed just how ignorant you are.

Stay "stupid"....any other state of mind might cause that little gerbil that runs the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue. What you provide for me is a conduit to post information that counters your weak claims and after all, this is an information war and the leftard clown posse has lost it. They have shown themselves to be incapable of being honest with not only with themselves but those they post to. I am very good at pointing it out and in such way that kicks your asses. Jake Smarmy won't debate me under any circumstance since he became my owned bitch a year ago. Carry on, lil fella.....I have more than proven my point.


You've proven nothing but that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about...see my previous post. You have to be one of the most arrogant idiots I've ever met. You are the quintessential conspiracy nut. In the dictionary there is a picture of you next to it.
Sally Yates was awesome! Democrats wanted the facts about Flynn. Republicans wanted to know who leaked to the press (kill the messenger). I wish all government employees were as honest, professional, and smart as Sally Yates.


ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like Susan Rice, Lois Lerner? James Clapper????
Sally Yates was awesome! Democrats wanted the facts about Flynn. Republicans wanted to know who leaked to the press (kill the messenger). I wish all government employees were as honest, professional, and smart as Sally Yates.


ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like Susan Rice, Lois Lerner? James Clapper????

No... like Sally Yates. You can't even understand simple statements, and you think you're some kind of genius. :dunno:
Lewdog, ANY time you want to debate me on ANYTHING, bring it on. You obviously don't have a fucking clue about what the jesuits are or what they are about and why is it that jesuit schooled dickwads always end up in charge of the intelligence agencies? Have you ever wondered why that is? And why it is until Scalia died that we had FIVE jesuit trained Supreme Court justices? Why is it that there are three City/states" with their own constitution with the vatican being one of them with the same type of obelisk in their city square? What is Washington D.C a "district" of exactly? Do you ever think about anything other than partisan politics and this "dog and pony" show/poorly done theater that keeps you from ever asking pertinent questions as to why nothing ever changes? Are you one of those leftard idiots that actually believes that we are just one election cycle away from righting the ship of a de-facto incorporated "gubermint" that has been bankrupted since 1933????

ARE YOU????? Think, son.....THINK......I know it will be a new experience for you and that the repercussions might be tough to take but "man up", dude.

Why? Because they were sent to nice private schools where they got a good education?

And no, as long as we have a multiple party government they will always disagree and nothing will ever get done to fix it. However, when comparing our government to other countries... I'll take every day and twice on Sunday.

#1 You have no clue about what the jesuits are or their part in the Counter-Reformation, or about the Council of Trent and the Inquisition. I doubt that you know that they are the ones that come up with the idea of communism and mentored Karl Marx.

#2 I doubt that you know anything about as to why they were kicked out of 83 countries from the mid 1500s to 1935 for subterfuge and political intrigue or their part in the Civil War and why there were no diplomatic ties to the catholic church after Lincoln's assassination until Reagan the traitor restored ties to the Vatican in 1984.

#3 I doubt you know anything about the Knights of about Adam Weishaupt? The suppression of the Jesuits in 1773 and the formation of the Illuminati soon afterwards funded by the Rothschilds?

#4 How the Jesuit, Communist and Illuminati manifestos and goals mirror each other? There is a reason for that and the creed for all three is that "The ends justifies the means"?

All roads do indeed lead to Rome. Here is a good trivia question for you...what was the location of Washington D.C called before it became the corporate headquarters of USA.INC? Hint, it rhymes with "dome"......

I'm not reading any of your conspiracy crap. You think you are so smart and you just made a post a minute ago where I showed just how ignorant you are.

Stay "stupid"....any other state of mind might cause that little gerbil that runs the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue. What you provide for me is a conduit to post information that counters your weak claims and after all, this is an information war and the leftard clown posse has lost it. They have shown themselves to be incapable of being honest with not only with themselves but those they post to. I am very good at pointing it out and in such way that kicks your asses. Jake Smarmy won't debate me under any circumstance since he became my owned bitch a year ago. Carry on, lil fella.....I have more than proven my point.


You've proven nothing but that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about...see my previous post. You have to be one of the most arrogant idiots I've ever met. You are the quintessential conspiracy nut. In the dictionary there is a picture of you next to it.

Au contraire, I have proven a great deal and you lack the nads to even read and comprehend what I have posted. I have spent the last 5 and a half years of my life 10 to 12 hours a day EVERY DAY learning, reading and researching the things I know....vetting information, connecting the dots, learning how this fiat currency system works and the powers behind it. I have gone down rabbit holes that you couldn't even fathom. The more I learn, the more I want to know and it's a driving force. If I am not listening to a book I have downloaded to my MP3 player or listening to old documentaries and lectures form accredited scholars? I'm reading books I download or I am sharing what I have learned. Have you ever been asked to be on a radio program? I have....quite a few times. The biggest one was on "Caravan To Midnight" with John B. Wells. I will be doing more interviews as time, outside of spewing angst and carrying the leftard rainbow banner, what exactly do you do to enlighten the people????
Why? Because they were sent to nice private schools where they got a good education?

And no, as long as we have a multiple party government they will always disagree and nothing will ever get done to fix it. However, when comparing our government to other countries... I'll take every day and twice on Sunday.

#1 You have no clue about what the jesuits are or their part in the Counter-Reformation, or about the Council of Trent and the Inquisition. I doubt that you know that they are the ones that come up with the idea of communism and mentored Karl Marx.

#2 I doubt that you know anything about as to why they were kicked out of 83 countries from the mid 1500s to 1935 for subterfuge and political intrigue or their part in the Civil War and why there were no diplomatic ties to the catholic church after Lincoln's assassination until Reagan the traitor restored ties to the Vatican in 1984.

#3 I doubt you know anything about the Knights of about Adam Weishaupt? The suppression of the Jesuits in 1773 and the formation of the Illuminati soon afterwards funded by the Rothschilds?

#4 How the Jesuit, Communist and Illuminati manifestos and goals mirror each other? There is a reason for that and the creed for all three is that "The ends justifies the means"?

All roads do indeed lead to Rome. Here is a good trivia question for you...what was the location of Washington D.C called before it became the corporate headquarters of USA.INC? Hint, it rhymes with "dome"......

I'm not reading any of your conspiracy crap. You think you are so smart and you just made a post a minute ago where I showed just how ignorant you are.

Stay "stupid"....any other state of mind might cause that little gerbil that runs the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue. What you provide for me is a conduit to post information that counters your weak claims and after all, this is an information war and the leftard clown posse has lost it. They have shown themselves to be incapable of being honest with not only with themselves but those they post to. I am very good at pointing it out and in such way that kicks your asses. Jake Smarmy won't debate me under any circumstance since he became my owned bitch a year ago. Carry on, lil fella.....I have more than proven my point.


You've proven nothing but that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about...see my previous post. You have to be one of the most arrogant idiots I've ever met. You are the quintessential conspiracy nut. In the dictionary there is a picture of you next to it.

Au contraire, I have proven a great deal and you lack the nads to even read and comprehend what I have posted. I have spent the last 5 and a half years of my life 10 to 12 hours a day EVERY DAY learning, reading and researching the things I know....vetting information, connecting the dots, learning how this fiat currency system works and the powers behind it. I have gone down rabbit holes that you couldn't even fathom. The more I learn, the more I want to know and it's a driving force. If I am not listening to a book I have downloaded to my MP3 player or listening to old documentaries and lectures form accredited scholars? I'm reading books I download or I am sharing what I have learned. Have you ever been asked to be on a radio program? I have....quite a few times. The biggest one was on "Caravan To Midnight" with John B. Wells. I will be doing more interviews as time, outside of spewing angst and carrying the leftard rainbow banner, what exactly do you do to enlighten the people????

You just proved another thing, you are delusional... because you think you have proven something in your favor.

I hate to say this... but you've wasted a fuck load of time that you would have been better off digging a hole to China.
#1 You have no clue about what the jesuits are or their part in the Counter-Reformation, or about the Council of Trent and the Inquisition. I doubt that you know that they are the ones that come up with the idea of communism and mentored Karl Marx.

#2 I doubt that you know anything about as to why they were kicked out of 83 countries from the mid 1500s to 1935 for subterfuge and political intrigue or their part in the Civil War and why there were no diplomatic ties to the catholic church after Lincoln's assassination until Reagan the traitor restored ties to the Vatican in 1984.

#3 I doubt you know anything about the Knights of about Adam Weishaupt? The suppression of the Jesuits in 1773 and the formation of the Illuminati soon afterwards funded by the Rothschilds?

#4 How the Jesuit, Communist and Illuminati manifestos and goals mirror each other? There is a reason for that and the creed for all three is that "The ends justifies the means"?

All roads do indeed lead to Rome. Here is a good trivia question for you...what was the location of Washington D.C called before it became the corporate headquarters of USA.INC? Hint, it rhymes with "dome"......

I'm not reading any of your conspiracy crap. You think you are so smart and you just made a post a minute ago where I showed just how ignorant you are.

Stay "stupid"....any other state of mind might cause that little gerbil that runs the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue. What you provide for me is a conduit to post information that counters your weak claims and after all, this is an information war and the leftard clown posse has lost it. They have shown themselves to be incapable of being honest with not only with themselves but those they post to. I am very good at pointing it out and in such way that kicks your asses. Jake Smarmy won't debate me under any circumstance since he became my owned bitch a year ago. Carry on, lil fella.....I have more than proven my point.


You've proven nothing but that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about...see my previous post. You have to be one of the most arrogant idiots I've ever met. You are the quintessential conspiracy nut. In the dictionary there is a picture of you next to it.

Au contraire, I have proven a great deal and you lack the nads to even read and comprehend what I have posted. I have spent the last 5 and a half years of my life 10 to 12 hours a day EVERY DAY learning, reading and researching the things I know....vetting information, connecting the dots, learning how this fiat currency system works and the powers behind it. I have gone down rabbit holes that you couldn't even fathom. The more I learn, the more I want to know and it's a driving force. If I am not listening to a book I have downloaded to my MP3 player or listening to old documentaries and lectures form accredited scholars? I'm reading books I download or I am sharing what I have learned. Have you ever been asked to be on a radio program? I have....quite a few times. The biggest one was on "Caravan To Midnight" with John B. Wells. I will be doing more interviews as time, outside of spewing angst and carrying the leftard rainbow banner, what exactly do you do to enlighten the people????

You just proved another thing, you are delusional... because you think you have proven something in your favor.

I hate to say this... but you've wasted a fuck load of time that you would have been better off digging a hole to China.

Don't "hate"'s wasted energy and emotion...learn, grow and evolve. My understanding of what we are facing is like a 1000 times higher than you and that is a fact. You see, I went back and studied the history we were not taught and slowly made my way from the early 1600's to what we are facing today...because unless you understand the past, you can't understand the present. If you don't understand the past that led us to the present? You have absolutely no idea on where this is all heading. I have done that and it's not a pretty picture and if you are stupid enough to believe that "If we were controlled by nothing but leftards we would be living in a utopia"? You are as utterly stupid as you are ugly because your beloved "gubermint" is a bankrupted entity and has been since 1933. Ever heard of House Joint Resolution 192? You should do some research about it because due to this, people had to turn in their gold (real money) for paper debt notes that we call "Federal Reserve Notes".......hmmmmm? Real money with an intrinsic value exchanged for debt notes with no intrinsic value under the threat of a huge fine and imprisonment...,..let "freedom"
I'm not reading any of your conspiracy crap. You think you are so smart and you just made a post a minute ago where I showed just how ignorant you are.

Stay "stupid"....any other state of mind might cause that little gerbil that runs the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue. What you provide for me is a conduit to post information that counters your weak claims and after all, this is an information war and the leftard clown posse has lost it. They have shown themselves to be incapable of being honest with not only with themselves but those they post to. I am very good at pointing it out and in such way that kicks your asses. Jake Smarmy won't debate me under any circumstance since he became my owned bitch a year ago. Carry on, lil fella.....I have more than proven my point.


You've proven nothing but that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about...see my previous post. You have to be one of the most arrogant idiots I've ever met. You are the quintessential conspiracy nut. In the dictionary there is a picture of you next to it.

Au contraire, I have proven a great deal and you lack the nads to even read and comprehend what I have posted. I have spent the last 5 and a half years of my life 10 to 12 hours a day EVERY DAY learning, reading and researching the things I know....vetting information, connecting the dots, learning how this fiat currency system works and the powers behind it. I have gone down rabbit holes that you couldn't even fathom. The more I learn, the more I want to know and it's a driving force. If I am not listening to a book I have downloaded to my MP3 player or listening to old documentaries and lectures form accredited scholars? I'm reading books I download or I am sharing what I have learned. Have you ever been asked to be on a radio program? I have....quite a few times. The biggest one was on "Caravan To Midnight" with John B. Wells. I will be doing more interviews as time, outside of spewing angst and carrying the leftard rainbow banner, what exactly do you do to enlighten the people????

You just proved another thing, you are delusional... because you think you have proven something in your favor.

I hate to say this... but you've wasted a fuck load of time that you would have been better off digging a hole to China.

Don't "hate"'s wasted energy and emotion...learn, grow and evolve. My understanding of what we are facing is like a 1000 times higher than you and that is a fact. You see, I went back and studied the history we were not taught and slowly made my way from the early 1600's to what we are facing today...because unless you understand the past, you can't understand the present. If you don't understand the past that led us to the present? You have absolutely no idea on where this is all heading. I have done that and it's not a pretty picture and if you are stupid enough to believe that "If we were controlled by nothing but leftards we would be living in a utopia"? You are as utterly stupid as you are ugly because your beloved "gubermint" is a bankrupted entity and has been since 1933. Ever heard of House Joint Resolution 192? You should do some research about it because due to this, people had to turn in their gold (real money) for paper debt notes that we call "Federal Reserve Notes".......hmmmmm? Real money with an intrinsic value exchanged for debt notes with no intrinsic value under the threat of a huge fine and imprisonment...,..let "freedom"

Sure it is Walter Mitty. You just keep dreaming.

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