Sally Yates testifies tomorrow and the alt right is running for cover

The government hero who leaked to the Washington Post should be given the Medal of Freedom and a major promotion. Without that leak - Flynn would probably still be Trump's National Security Adviser. Trump was obviously trying to sweep it under the rug.
Just gotta love the innocuous "we got the goods" but can't say what goods due to national security
Rumor and projective speculation is all that it is time for every Obama holder to be dismissed and discredited
She's a loon
She is a nanny "I know what's good for you"
She has construed that Flynn put himself in a blackmailable position. I doubt this is her speciality skill set and thanks Mom but we will pass on your speculative construction
It's just an Obama holdover fishing trip designed to make trouble For Trump just like many promised they would
Stay "stupid"....any other state of mind might cause that little gerbil that runs the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue. What you provide for me is a conduit to post information that counters your weak claims and after all, this is an information war and the leftard clown posse has lost it. They have shown themselves to be incapable of being honest with not only with themselves but those they post to. I am very good at pointing it out and in such way that kicks your asses. Jake Smarmy won't debate me under any circumstance since he became my owned bitch a year ago. Carry on, lil fella.....I have more than proven my point.


You've proven nothing but that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about...see my previous post. You have to be one of the most arrogant idiots I've ever met. You are the quintessential conspiracy nut. In the dictionary there is a picture of you next to it.

Au contraire, I have proven a great deal and you lack the nads to even read and comprehend what I have posted. I have spent the last 5 and a half years of my life 10 to 12 hours a day EVERY DAY learning, reading and researching the things I know....vetting information, connecting the dots, learning how this fiat currency system works and the powers behind it. I have gone down rabbit holes that you couldn't even fathom. The more I learn, the more I want to know and it's a driving force. If I am not listening to a book I have downloaded to my MP3 player or listening to old documentaries and lectures form accredited scholars? I'm reading books I download or I am sharing what I have learned. Have you ever been asked to be on a radio program? I have....quite a few times. The biggest one was on "Caravan To Midnight" with John B. Wells. I will be doing more interviews as time, outside of spewing angst and carrying the leftard rainbow banner, what exactly do you do to enlighten the people????

You just proved another thing, you are delusional... because you think you have proven something in your favor.

I hate to say this... but you've wasted a fuck load of time that you would have been better off digging a hole to China.

Don't "hate"'s wasted energy and emotion...learn, grow and evolve. My understanding of what we are facing is like a 1000 times higher than you and that is a fact. You see, I went back and studied the history we were not taught and slowly made my way from the early 1600's to what we are facing today...because unless you understand the past, you can't understand the present. If you don't understand the past that led us to the present? You have absolutely no idea on where this is all heading. I have done that and it's not a pretty picture and if you are stupid enough to believe that "If we were controlled by nothing but leftards we would be living in a utopia"? You are as utterly stupid as you are ugly because your beloved "gubermint" is a bankrupted entity and has been since 1933. Ever heard of House Joint Resolution 192? You should do some research about it because due to this, people had to turn in their gold (real money) for paper debt notes that we call "Federal Reserve Notes".......hmmmmm? Real money with an intrinsic value exchanged for debt notes with no intrinsic value under the threat of a huge fine and imprisonment...,..let "freedom"

Sure it is Walter Mitty. You just keep dreaming.

So, you haven't bothered to research any of the things I have So you can't refute thus you are uninformed while I am most definitely informed which makes me more of an authority to speak on such things...while you don't and that is just a fact. Hope this helps!!!
You've proven nothing but that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about...see my previous post. You have to be one of the most arrogant idiots I've ever met. You are the quintessential conspiracy nut. In the dictionary there is a picture of you next to it.

Au contraire, I have proven a great deal and you lack the nads to even read and comprehend what I have posted. I have spent the last 5 and a half years of my life 10 to 12 hours a day EVERY DAY learning, reading and researching the things I know....vetting information, connecting the dots, learning how this fiat currency system works and the powers behind it. I have gone down rabbit holes that you couldn't even fathom. The more I learn, the more I want to know and it's a driving force. If I am not listening to a book I have downloaded to my MP3 player or listening to old documentaries and lectures form accredited scholars? I'm reading books I download or I am sharing what I have learned. Have you ever been asked to be on a radio program? I have....quite a few times. The biggest one was on "Caravan To Midnight" with John B. Wells. I will be doing more interviews as time, outside of spewing angst and carrying the leftard rainbow banner, what exactly do you do to enlighten the people????

You just proved another thing, you are delusional... because you think you have proven something in your favor.

I hate to say this... but you've wasted a fuck load of time that you would have been better off digging a hole to China.

Don't "hate"'s wasted energy and emotion...learn, grow and evolve. My understanding of what we are facing is like a 1000 times higher than you and that is a fact. You see, I went back and studied the history we were not taught and slowly made my way from the early 1600's to what we are facing today...because unless you understand the past, you can't understand the present. If you don't understand the past that led us to the present? You have absolutely no idea on where this is all heading. I have done that and it's not a pretty picture and if you are stupid enough to believe that "If we were controlled by nothing but leftards we would be living in a utopia"? You are as utterly stupid as you are ugly because your beloved "gubermint" is a bankrupted entity and has been since 1933. Ever heard of House Joint Resolution 192? You should do some research about it because due to this, people had to turn in their gold (real money) for paper debt notes that we call "Federal Reserve Notes".......hmmmmm? Real money with an intrinsic value exchanged for debt notes with no intrinsic value under the threat of a huge fine and imprisonment...,..let "freedom"

Sure it is Walter Mitty. You just keep dreaming.

So, you haven't bothered to research any of the things I have So you can't refute thus you are uninformed while I am most definitely informed which makes me more of an authority to speak on such things...while you don't and that is just a fact. Hope this helps!!!

You are lying about how much of that shit you study... you know how I know? You spend too much time on this forum telling people how smart you are.
Au contraire, I have proven a great deal and you lack the nads to even read and comprehend what I have posted. I have spent the last 5 and a half years of my life 10 to 12 hours a day EVERY DAY learning, reading and researching the things I know....vetting information, connecting the dots, learning how this fiat currency system works and the powers behind it. I have gone down rabbit holes that you couldn't even fathom. The more I learn, the more I want to know and it's a driving force. If I am not listening to a book I have downloaded to my MP3 player or listening to old documentaries and lectures form accredited scholars? I'm reading books I download or I am sharing what I have learned. Have you ever been asked to be on a radio program? I have....quite a few times. The biggest one was on "Caravan To Midnight" with John B. Wells. I will be doing more interviews as time, outside of spewing angst and carrying the leftard rainbow banner, what exactly do you do to enlighten the people????

You just proved another thing, you are delusional... because you think you have proven something in your favor.

I hate to say this... but you've wasted a fuck load of time that you would have been better off digging a hole to China.

Don't "hate"'s wasted energy and emotion...learn, grow and evolve. My understanding of what we are facing is like a 1000 times higher than you and that is a fact. You see, I went back and studied the history we were not taught and slowly made my way from the early 1600's to what we are facing today...because unless you understand the past, you can't understand the present. If you don't understand the past that led us to the present? You have absolutely no idea on where this is all heading. I have done that and it's not a pretty picture and if you are stupid enough to believe that "If we were controlled by nothing but leftards we would be living in a utopia"? You are as utterly stupid as you are ugly because your beloved "gubermint" is a bankrupted entity and has been since 1933. Ever heard of House Joint Resolution 192? You should do some research about it because due to this, people had to turn in their gold (real money) for paper debt notes that we call "Federal Reserve Notes".......hmmmmm? Real money with an intrinsic value exchanged for debt notes with no intrinsic value under the threat of a huge fine and imprisonment...,..let "freedom"

Sure it is Walter Mitty. You just keep dreaming.

So, you haven't bothered to research any of the things I have So you can't refute thus you are uninformed while I am most definitely informed which makes me more of an authority to speak on such things...while you don't and that is just a fact. Hope this helps!!!

You are lying about how much of that shit you study... you know how I know? You spend too much time on this forum telling people how smart you are.

Nope, I post during the day sporadically when I take a break and my serious posting is at night and even when I post, I am still listening to documentaries. You see? I can multi-task. Like right now? I have a documentary about Cern playing in the background.......any other questions?
You just proved another thing, you are delusional... because you think you have proven something in your favor.

I hate to say this... but you've wasted a fuck load of time that you would have been better off digging a hole to China.

Don't "hate"'s wasted energy and emotion...learn, grow and evolve. My understanding of what we are facing is like a 1000 times higher than you and that is a fact. You see, I went back and studied the history we were not taught and slowly made my way from the early 1600's to what we are facing today...because unless you understand the past, you can't understand the present. If you don't understand the past that led us to the present? You have absolutely no idea on where this is all heading. I have done that and it's not a pretty picture and if you are stupid enough to believe that "If we were controlled by nothing but leftards we would be living in a utopia"? You are as utterly stupid as you are ugly because your beloved "gubermint" is a bankrupted entity and has been since 1933. Ever heard of House Joint Resolution 192? You should do some research about it because due to this, people had to turn in their gold (real money) for paper debt notes that we call "Federal Reserve Notes".......hmmmmm? Real money with an intrinsic value exchanged for debt notes with no intrinsic value under the threat of a huge fine and imprisonment...,..let "freedom"

Sure it is Walter Mitty. You just keep dreaming.

So, you haven't bothered to research any of the things I have So you can't refute thus you are uninformed while I am most definitely informed which makes me more of an authority to speak on such things...while you don't and that is just a fact. Hope this helps!!!

You are lying about how much of that shit you study... you know how I know? You spend too much time on this forum telling people how smart you are.

Nope, I post during the day sporadically when I take a break and my serious posting is at night and even when I post, I am still listening to documentaries. You see? I can multi-task. Like right now? I have a documentary about Cern playing in the background.......any other questions?

Sure you do. I bet it's more like Sesame Street. Since you are in this thread... maybe you should have watched the Clapper and Yates questioning instead...
Don't "hate"'s wasted energy and emotion...learn, grow and evolve. My understanding of what we are facing is like a 1000 times higher than you and that is a fact. You see, I went back and studied the history we were not taught and slowly made my way from the early 1600's to what we are facing today...because unless you understand the past, you can't understand the present. If you don't understand the past that led us to the present? You have absolutely no idea on where this is all heading. I have done that and it's not a pretty picture and if you are stupid enough to believe that "If we were controlled by nothing but leftards we would be living in a utopia"? You are as utterly stupid as you are ugly because your beloved "gubermint" is a bankrupted entity and has been since 1933. Ever heard of House Joint Resolution 192? You should do some research about it because due to this, people had to turn in their gold (real money) for paper debt notes that we call "Federal Reserve Notes".......hmmmmm? Real money with an intrinsic value exchanged for debt notes with no intrinsic value under the threat of a huge fine and imprisonment...,..let "freedom"

Sure it is Walter Mitty. You just keep dreaming.

So, you haven't bothered to research any of the things I have So you can't refute thus you are uninformed while I am most definitely informed which makes me more of an authority to speak on such things...while you don't and that is just a fact. Hope this helps!!!

You are lying about how much of that shit you study... you know how I know? You spend too much time on this forum telling people how smart you are.

Nope, I post during the day sporadically when I take a break and my serious posting is at night and even when I post, I am still listening to documentaries. You see? I can multi-task. Like right now? I have a documentary about Cern playing in the background.......any other questions?

Sure you do. I bet it's more like Sesame Street. Since you are in this thread... maybe you should have watched the Clapper and Yates questioning instead...

James Clapper is a proven liar.....lied in front of a senate committee....I guess he doesn't know what the difference between "is" is............he lied and we knew that ALL Americans were having their data collected by the 80 fusion centers in USA.INC and then sent to the Mega-data crunching collecting center in Utah that assesses a "threat matrix" score for potential "dissidents" know, people like me that give them the middle finger salute on a daily basis. People like me are their worst nightmare.

James Clapper says he misspoke, didn't lie about NSA surveillance
Sure it is Walter Mitty. You just keep dreaming.

So, you haven't bothered to research any of the things I have So you can't refute thus you are uninformed while I am most definitely informed which makes me more of an authority to speak on such things...while you don't and that is just a fact. Hope this helps!!!

You are lying about how much of that shit you study... you know how I know? You spend too much time on this forum telling people how smart you are.

Nope, I post during the day sporadically when I take a break and my serious posting is at night and even when I post, I am still listening to documentaries. You see? I can multi-task. Like right now? I have a documentary about Cern playing in the background.......any other questions?

Sure you do. I bet it's more like Sesame Street. Since you are in this thread... maybe you should have watched the Clapper and Yates questioning instead...

James Clapper is a proven liar.....lied in front of a senate committee....I guess he doesn't know what the difference between "is" is............he lied and we knew that ALL Americans were having their data collected by the 80 fusion centers in USA.INC and then sent to the Mega-data crunching collecting center in Utah that assesses a "threat matrix" score for potential "dissidents" know, people like me that give them the middle finger salute on a daily basis. People like me are their worst nightmare.

James Clapper says he misspoke, didn't lie about NSA surveillance

You mean people like you that they fear one day will shoot up a mall because you think it is full of Jesuits plotting to poison your water with some kind of mind control drug.
So, you haven't bothered to research any of the things I have So you can't refute thus you are uninformed while I am most definitely informed which makes me more of an authority to speak on such things...while you don't and that is just a fact. Hope this helps!!!

You are lying about how much of that shit you study... you know how I know? You spend too much time on this forum telling people how smart you are.

Nope, I post during the day sporadically when I take a break and my serious posting is at night and even when I post, I am still listening to documentaries. You see? I can multi-task. Like right now? I have a documentary about Cern playing in the background.......any other questions?

Sure you do. I bet it's more like Sesame Street. Since you are in this thread... maybe you should have watched the Clapper and Yates questioning instead...

James Clapper is a proven liar.....lied in front of a senate committee....I guess he doesn't know what the difference between "is" is............he lied and we knew that ALL Americans were having their data collected by the 80 fusion centers in USA.INC and then sent to the Mega-data crunching collecting center in Utah that assesses a "threat matrix" score for potential "dissidents" know, people like me that give them the middle finger salute on a daily basis. People like me are their worst nightmare.

James Clapper says he misspoke, didn't lie about NSA surveillance

You mean people like you that they fear one day will shoot up a mall because you think it is full of Jesuits plotting to poison your water with some kind of mind control drug.

I don't fear mere mortal man nor do I fear their (shudder) "wrath". I am simply someone on watch that knows way more than you do...infinitely more because I have made it my mission to know the things I do. I observe the drones scurrying to and fro and how they react after an "Operation Gladio" like false flag event occurs like Sandy Hoax, the Aurora shooting, Charleston, the Virginia reporter shooting, etc, etc. Let us take the current political climate at the time of the Charleston shooting...the big topic was the TPP and how politicians could only read the document without the possibility of taking notes and they were under watch......badda-biing, badda-bang? Charleston happens and the debate over the TPP goes to the battle flag of Virginia i.e "the confederate flag" ban...... a manufactured event....that is how these elites work.. In the U.K, after it came out that Jimmy Savile, a confidante' and beloved charitable fund raiser died and it was found that he had been providing children for high level members of Parliament and the House of Windsor? BAM! The "Charlie Hebdo" false flag that took the pedo ring off the front pages happens.

Here is the bottom line (and I mean this with no malice whatsoever)....but you haven't a fucking clue on how badly you have been manipulated and programmed. I am not interested in taking you by your little hand and walking you through this dark "Wonder-Land"....but make no mistake about this one very salient fact....etch it in stone and commit it to memory....I will kick your ass up in between your shoulder blades like a punter with a great leg any time you want to go "toe to toe" with me. You are "small time" you get the message that I am sending? Am I being too subtle????? Help you. This is one of those times that you should just STFU and pay attention to what I have to say.
You are lying about how much of that shit you study... you know how I know? You spend too much time on this forum telling people how smart you are.

Nope, I post during the day sporadically when I take a break and my serious posting is at night and even when I post, I am still listening to documentaries. You see? I can multi-task. Like right now? I have a documentary about Cern playing in the background.......any other questions?

Sure you do. I bet it's more like Sesame Street. Since you are in this thread... maybe you should have watched the Clapper and Yates questioning instead...

James Clapper is a proven liar.....lied in front of a senate committee....I guess he doesn't know what the difference between "is" is............he lied and we knew that ALL Americans were having their data collected by the 80 fusion centers in USA.INC and then sent to the Mega-data crunching collecting center in Utah that assesses a "threat matrix" score for potential "dissidents" know, people like me that give them the middle finger salute on a daily basis. People like me are their worst nightmare.

James Clapper says he misspoke, didn't lie about NSA surveillance

You mean people like you that they fear one day will shoot up a mall because you think it is full of Jesuits plotting to poison your water with some kind of mind control drug.

I don't fear mere mortal man nor do I fear their (shudder) "wrath". I am simply someone on watch that knows way more than you do...infinitely more because I have made it my mission to know the things I do. I observe the drones scurrying to and fro and how they react after an "Operation Gladio" like false flag event occurs like Sandy Hoax, the Aurora shooting, Charleston, the Virginia reporter shooting, etc, etc. Let us take the current political climate at the time of the Charleston shooting...the big topic was the TPP and how politicians could only read the document without the possibility of taking notes and they were under watch......badda-biing, badda-bang? Charleston happens and the debate over the TPP goes to the battle flag of Virginia i.e "the confederate flag" ban...... a manufactured event....that is how these elites work.. In the U.K, after it came out that Jimmy Savile, a confidante' and beloved charitable fund raiser died and it was found that he had been providing children for high level members of Parliament and the House of Windsor? BAM! The "Charlie Hebdo" false flag that took the pedo ring off the front pages happens.

Here is the bottom line (and I mean this with no malice whatsoever)....but you haven't a fucking clue on how badly you have been manipulated and programmed. I am not interested in taking you by your little hand and walking you through this dark "Wonder-Land"....but make no mistake about this one very salient fact....etch it in stone and commit it to memory....I will kick your ass up in between your shoulder blades like a punter with a great leg any time you want to go "toe to toe" with me. You are "small time" you get the message that I am sending? Am I being too subtle????? Help you. This is one of those times that you should just STFU and pay attention to what I have to say.

Ahh illusions of grandeur, yet another sign of having mental problems.
Nope, I post during the day sporadically when I take a break and my serious posting is at night and even when I post, I am still listening to documentaries. You see? I can multi-task. Like right now? I have a documentary about Cern playing in the background.......any other questions?

Sure you do. I bet it's more like Sesame Street. Since you are in this thread... maybe you should have watched the Clapper and Yates questioning instead...

James Clapper is a proven liar.....lied in front of a senate committee....I guess he doesn't know what the difference between "is" is............he lied and we knew that ALL Americans were having their data collected by the 80 fusion centers in USA.INC and then sent to the Mega-data crunching collecting center in Utah that assesses a "threat matrix" score for potential "dissidents" know, people like me that give them the middle finger salute on a daily basis. People like me are their worst nightmare.

James Clapper says he misspoke, didn't lie about NSA surveillance

You mean people like you that they fear one day will shoot up a mall because you think it is full of Jesuits plotting to poison your water with some kind of mind control drug.

I don't fear mere mortal man nor do I fear their (shudder) "wrath". I am simply someone on watch that knows way more than you do...infinitely more because I have made it my mission to know the things I do. I observe the drones scurrying to and fro and how they react after an "Operation Gladio" like false flag event occurs like Sandy Hoax, the Aurora shooting, Charleston, the Virginia reporter shooting, etc, etc. Let us take the current political climate at the time of the Charleston shooting...the big topic was the TPP and how politicians could only read the document without the possibility of taking notes and they were under watch......badda-biing, badda-bang? Charleston happens and the debate over the TPP goes to the battle flag of Virginia i.e "the confederate flag" ban...... a manufactured event....that is how these elites work.. In the U.K, after it came out that Jimmy Savile, a confidante' and beloved charitable fund raiser died and it was found that he had been providing children for high level members of Parliament and the House of Windsor? BAM! The "Charlie Hebdo" false flag that took the pedo ring off the front pages happens.

Here is the bottom line (and I mean this with no malice whatsoever)....but you haven't a fucking clue on how badly you have been manipulated and programmed. I am not interested in taking you by your little hand and walking you through this dark "Wonder-Land"....but make no mistake about this one very salient fact....etch it in stone and commit it to memory....I will kick your ass up in between your shoulder blades like a punter with a great leg any time you want to go "toe to toe" with me. You are "small time" you get the message that I am sending? Am I being too subtle????? Help you. This is one of those times that you should just STFU and pay attention to what I have to say.

Ahh illusions of grandeur, yet another sign of having mental problems.

Ahhhhh, another post full of nothing........great job, "Lewdog"....once again you open that big ol bag of nothing and play that game of "pitch and toss" is that working out for ya?

Sure you do. I bet it's more like Sesame Street. Since you are in this thread... maybe you should have watched the Clapper and Yates questioning instead...

James Clapper is a proven liar.....lied in front of a senate committee....I guess he doesn't know what the difference between "is" is............he lied and we knew that ALL Americans were having their data collected by the 80 fusion centers in USA.INC and then sent to the Mega-data crunching collecting center in Utah that assesses a "threat matrix" score for potential "dissidents" know, people like me that give them the middle finger salute on a daily basis. People like me are their worst nightmare.

James Clapper says he misspoke, didn't lie about NSA surveillance

You mean people like you that they fear one day will shoot up a mall because you think it is full of Jesuits plotting to poison your water with some kind of mind control drug.

I don't fear mere mortal man nor do I fear their (shudder) "wrath". I am simply someone on watch that knows way more than you do...infinitely more because I have made it my mission to know the things I do. I observe the drones scurrying to and fro and how they react after an "Operation Gladio" like false flag event occurs like Sandy Hoax, the Aurora shooting, Charleston, the Virginia reporter shooting, etc, etc. Let us take the current political climate at the time of the Charleston shooting...the big topic was the TPP and how politicians could only read the document without the possibility of taking notes and they were under watch......badda-biing, badda-bang? Charleston happens and the debate over the TPP goes to the battle flag of Virginia i.e "the confederate flag" ban...... a manufactured event....that is how these elites work.. In the U.K, after it came out that Jimmy Savile, a confidante' and beloved charitable fund raiser died and it was found that he had been providing children for high level members of Parliament and the House of Windsor? BAM! The "Charlie Hebdo" false flag that took the pedo ring off the front pages happens.

Here is the bottom line (and I mean this with no malice whatsoever)....but you haven't a fucking clue on how badly you have been manipulated and programmed. I am not interested in taking you by your little hand and walking you through this dark "Wonder-Land"....but make no mistake about this one very salient fact....etch it in stone and commit it to memory....I will kick your ass up in between your shoulder blades like a punter with a great leg any time you want to go "toe to toe" with me. You are "small time" you get the message that I am sending? Am I being too subtle????? Help you. This is one of those times that you should just STFU and pay attention to what I have to say.

Ahh illusions of grandeur, yet another sign of having mental problems.

Ahhhhh, another post full of nothing........great job, "Lewdog"....once again you open that big ol bag of nothing and play that game of "pitch and toss" is that working out for ya?


You just said, "I do not fear mortal man." That is a clear statement from someone with illusions of grandeur. Congrats. With each post you dig yourself deeper and deeper into a hole that proves how much of a mental case you are, and prove why the NSA should do the things it does... to protect innocent folks from the crazy ones that do mass shootings.
James Clapper is a proven liar.....lied in front of a senate committee....I guess he doesn't know what the difference between "is" is............he lied and we knew that ALL Americans were having their data collected by the 80 fusion centers in USA.INC and then sent to the Mega-data crunching collecting center in Utah that assesses a "threat matrix" score for potential "dissidents" know, people like me that give them the middle finger salute on a daily basis. People like me are their worst nightmare.

James Clapper says he misspoke, didn't lie about NSA surveillance

You mean people like you that they fear one day will shoot up a mall because you think it is full of Jesuits plotting to poison your water with some kind of mind control drug.

I don't fear mere mortal man nor do I fear their (shudder) "wrath". I am simply someone on watch that knows way more than you do...infinitely more because I have made it my mission to know the things I do. I observe the drones scurrying to and fro and how they react after an "Operation Gladio" like false flag event occurs like Sandy Hoax, the Aurora shooting, Charleston, the Virginia reporter shooting, etc, etc. Let us take the current political climate at the time of the Charleston shooting...the big topic was the TPP and how politicians could only read the document without the possibility of taking notes and they were under watch......badda-biing, badda-bang? Charleston happens and the debate over the TPP goes to the battle flag of Virginia i.e "the confederate flag" ban...... a manufactured event....that is how these elites work.. In the U.K, after it came out that Jimmy Savile, a confidante' and beloved charitable fund raiser died and it was found that he had been providing children for high level members of Parliament and the House of Windsor? BAM! The "Charlie Hebdo" false flag that took the pedo ring off the front pages happens.

Here is the bottom line (and I mean this with no malice whatsoever)....but you haven't a fucking clue on how badly you have been manipulated and programmed. I am not interested in taking you by your little hand and walking you through this dark "Wonder-Land"....but make no mistake about this one very salient fact....etch it in stone and commit it to memory....I will kick your ass up in between your shoulder blades like a punter with a great leg any time you want to go "toe to toe" with me. You are "small time" you get the message that I am sending? Am I being too subtle????? Help you. This is one of those times that you should just STFU and pay attention to what I have to say.

Ahh illusions of grandeur, yet another sign of having mental problems.

Ahhhhh, another post full of nothing........great job, "Lewdog"....once again you open that big ol bag of nothing and play that game of "pitch and toss" is that working out for ya?


You just said, "I do not fear mortal man." That is a clear statement from someone with illusions of grandeur. Congrats. With each post you dig yourself deeper and deeper into a hole that proves how much of a mental case you are, and prove why the NSA should do the things it does... to protect innocent folks from the crazy ones that do mass shootings.

My faith is not in "man" or a corporate "gubermint" entity which is why I taunt them every chance I get and give them the double middle finger salute. I have faith in a higher power and none of us gets out of here alive. I am too old to give a fuck but still young enough to fight with some life long skills and that is a dangerous combination. Those that have nothing to lose is a scary proposition for those that believe that they have something to hang over the heads of their
Just gotta love the innocuous "we got the goods" but can't say what goods due to national security
Rumor and projective speculation is all that it is time for every Obama holder to be dismissed and discredited

The free speech-hating democrat witch hunters were so butthurt from Tucker Carlson taking them on and repeatedly beating their asses in interviews they felt compelled to set up this charade where the solutions they offer are to prosecute all internet trolls and arrest Alex Jones. :p
Then how in the Fuck has the FBI been investigating Flynn for months prior if they didn't know who he's talked to, dope?

Clapper also said that if there is cause to, the Intel agencies create a report and submit it to DOJ as a criminal referral.
What were they investigation him for?

The entire Trump campaign has been under investigation since July. If you don't think that the FBI can get intelligence while conducting a counter intelligence investigation, you're crazy.
In other words, you have very strong feelings about this but no knowledge or understanding of the facts.

Use your brain, dope.
Again, your post shows all attitude and no intellect.

You have gotten most of the details wrong. The attitude stems from aggravation over that.
Folks, the point is that "hearing" was a charade, nothing but propaganda with questions and answers rehearsed for weeks. Really, it should have been shut down after lisping, jewish, green tinted nut Al Franken restated the long debunked lie that 17 intelligence agencies determined Russia did something. Nothing but propaganda and fake talking points.
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They made you a believer. I would say that their operation was successful.

The corruption of the leftard clown posse party was more than exposed and I have NO doubt that the neocons are just as filthy....but what I find most entertaining is that leftards are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails (some of which were quite unflattering to their sheeple)...oh HELL NO! They are pissed that these e-mails were allowed to see the light of day....and that, my friend" is most revealing to me and what your ilk stands for and it's not as pretty sight. I have no use for the neocons in D.C at all and I absolutely loathe the Fabian socialist leftists but I had some empathy for their misguided sheeple....some of which I actually thought were halfway intelligent.....not anymore. They are some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the internet....anyone that can still claim to be a "demcrat" after what those e-mails revealed tells me that they like being chattel and they like being stupid.......look the word "chattel" because I doubt you have a clue as to it's definition.
Reality doesn't bear that out.
In order for this to be true, there has to be a rather large conspiracy behind it.

Again. The simple explanation is that you are the one who has bought into the very narrative used to influence our election.

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