Sally Yates testifies tomorrow and the alt right is running for cover

Can we make it a law that no one over 60 can be a senator? I'm sick of these old partisan fucks like Leahy. Can't put a thought together
She did no such thing. She was acting AG. She was privy to information pertaining to the ongoing investigations including anything known about Flynn.

The only criticism you could have is her refusal to back Trump's order. The same order that was struck down. She was correct.
In other words you don't care if she committed crimes concerning the unmasking of Flynn or the leak of classified information to the media in order to make her anti Trump gesture.

No, in my words, none of that is credible.
She never needed to unmask Flynn because she is privy to the details of any investigation within the DOJ.
But not in the NSA, which is where the files with Flynn's name on them were kept. Sally's going down, and not in a fun way.

Going down for what?
She's already testified that she obtained that information through the FBI investigation of Flynn. She was asked multiple times if she ever requested unmasking. She responded, no.

Yep, and the Congressmen have grilled her and Clapper if there is a record somewhere of who requested the "unmasking" so they can talk to them and find out who they told it to that could have been the leak to the Washington Post.
The leak could have and probably did come from someone within the originating agency who is privy to the info.
I can't imagine that someone from outside the originating agency would leak the info given that there is such a paper trail that could lead back to them.
Sally Yates (a liberal Democrat) questioned by Al Franken (an even more liberal Democrat). Like watching a leftist talk show not a hearing.
In other words you don't care if she committed crimes concerning the unmasking of Flynn or the leak of classified information to the media in order to make her anti Trump gesture.

No, in my words, none of that is credible.
She never needed to unmask Flynn because she is privy to the details of any investigation within the DOJ.
But not in the NSA, which is where the files with Flynn's name on them were kept. Sally's going down, and not in a fun way.

Going down for what?
She's already testified that she obtained that information through the FBI investigation of Flynn. She was asked multiple times if she ever requested unmasking. She responded, no.

Yep, and the Congressmen have grilled her and Clapper if there is a record somewhere of who requested the "unmasking" so they can talk to them and find out who they told it to that could have been the leak to the Washington Post.
The leak could have and probably did come from someone within the originating agency who is privy to the info.
I can't imagine that someone from outside the originating agency would leak the info given that there is such a paper trail that could lead back to them.

Problem is, as Clapper said, ONLY the person who unmasks the person and the person that requests the unmasking knows who the person is. He said they are simply referred to as "Person #1, Person #2, etc."
The Democrats are making a fool of themselves... "Let's say" this "Let's say" that. STOP WITH THE SPECULATION AND SHOW EVIDENCE
Sally Yates will not answer the question "were other presidential candidates spied on by Obama?" But she talks about what the Russians know.
Graham: How did you know that Gen Flynn was talking to the Russians? Yates: I can't reveal that in an open setting.
The Democrats are making a fool of themselves... "Let's say" this "Let's say" that. STOP WITH THE SPECULATION AND SHOW EVIDENCE

They are asking it that way to try and get answers because if they ask all direct questions they are going to get the same answer.."I can't answer that because it is part of an ongoing investigation..."
Gen. Flynn didn't worship at the altars of Obama and globalism. That's what all of this is really about.
No doubt you do. Today's a tough day for you. It's the beginning of Trump's dramatic downhill slide. Stand by. More to come.

Trump has learned all he needed to know about who really calls the shots shortly after he took office.... and it's not him. This country as well as the rest of the world is up to it's neck in shit. But keep re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic that is this country. You really have no clue but you have plenty of company.
Deep state boogeymen. :laugh2:

Ignorance is bliss which explains as to why you are always so happy. (snicker)

You believe anything and everything that isn't reality.
That sir, is ignorant.

I know infinitely more than you do. In the year and a half since I have been here? I have yet to see you make a coherent argument about anything. You are simply a "Me too" poster that chimes in on topics that promotes leftardism without ever making your own case via any due diligence. So let me sum it all up, you are inconsequential, you have no critical thinking skills and you never have anything of originality to add to any topic. You are simply a space filler and overall time waster BUT since I am resourceful? I can put an empty-headed moron like you to use by using you as a prop with a response that others will see, weigh and consider.

Hope this helps and here is a heartfelt "thank you" for unwittingly playing along.

I know infinitely more than you do.

Yes, yes we know Dale. This is where interactions with you always end up.

I understand that you knowing more is very important to you. You are indeed very knowledgeable about the conspiracy world.
Unfortunately that's all it is, conspiracy.

It's one thing to follow all of the various theories and their many machinations and iterations as a hobby. When you try to find ways to apply them practically, I have a problem with it. That isn't critical thinking. It's speculation at best and lunacy at worst.

I deal in what is known and is generally accepted. It serves me well. My instincts generally bear out in the end. I have no beef with you, just with your wild assertions.

The simple explanation is that Flynn is indeed a flawed character who's made some
shady decisions and Trump, for whatever reason, decided to partner with him despite the many credible warnings he received. In my world that requires a further look.
Another lisping douchebag on the panel said "trolls" meddled in the election. :p This is insanity. Homosexual Senator Graham asked a couple common sense questions and could not get a straight answer!
Yates, an obvious nutcase, just said TROLLS should be prosecuted. :p
The fright emoticon of the right and the trumpkins must be this:

No, in my words, none of that is credible.
She never needed to unmask Flynn because she is privy to the details of any investigation within the DOJ.
But not in the NSA, which is where the files with Flynn's name on them were kept. Sally's going down, and not in a fun way.

Going down for what?
She's already testified that she obtained that information through the FBI investigation of Flynn. She was asked multiple times if she ever requested unmasking. She responded, no.

Yep, and the Congressmen have grilled her and Clapper if there is a record somewhere of who requested the "unmasking" so they can talk to them and find out who they told it to that could have been the leak to the Washington Post.
The leak could have and probably did come from someone within the originating agency who is privy to the info.
I can't imagine that someone from outside the originating agency would leak the info given that there is such a paper trail that could lead back to them.

Problem is, as Clapper said, ONLY the person who unmasks the person and the person that requests the unmasking knows who the person is. He said they are simply referred to as "Person #1, Person #2, etc."

Certainly there are several people who actually do the masking within the originating agency who inherently know names without having to unmask anything.
Trump has learned all he needed to know about who really calls the shots shortly after he took office.... and it's not him. This country as well as the rest of the world is up to it's neck in shit. But keep re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic that is this country. You really have no clue but you have plenty of company.
Deep state boogeymen. :laugh2:

Ignorance is bliss which explains as to why you are always so happy. (snicker)

You believe anything and everything that isn't reality.
That sir, is ignorant.

I know infinitely more than you do. In the year and a half since I have been here? I have yet to see you make a coherent argument about anything. You are simply a "Me too" poster that chimes in on topics that promotes leftardism without ever making your own case via any due diligence. So let me sum it all up, you are inconsequential, you have no critical thinking skills and you never have anything of originality to add to any topic. You are simply a space filler and overall time waster BUT since I am resourceful? I can put an empty-headed moron like you to use by using you as a prop with a response that others will see, weigh and consider.

Hope this helps and here is a heartfelt "thank you" for unwittingly playing along.

I know infinitely more than you do.

Yes, yes we know Dale. This is where interactions with you always end up.

I understand that you knowing more is very important to you. You are indeed very knowledgeable about the conspiracy world.
Unfortunately that's all it is, conspiracy.

It's one thing to follow all of the various theories and their many machinations and iterations as a hobby. When you try to find ways to apply them practically, I have a problem with it. That isn't critical thinking. It's speculation at best and lunacy at worst.

I deal in what is known and is generally accepted. It serves me well. My instincts generally bear out in the end. I have no beef with you, just with your wild assertions.

The simple explanation is that Flynn is indeed a flawed character who's made some
shady decisions and Trump, for whatever reason, decided to partner with him despite the many credible warnings he received. In my world that requires a further look.

You know why Trump hired him? It's quite obvious now. He hired him because of his belief in conspiracy theories, like ones that Steve Bannon likes, and more likely specifically because Obama told him NOT to hire him. It's quite obvious that Trump is very petty when it comes to anything Obama.
Now there is a lesbian conflating the issue and asking liar Clapper about whether or not voting machines in America are easily hacked. :p WHAT ABOUT FRANCE! Could that election have been meddled with by the SWAMP!

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