Sally Yates testifies tomorrow and the alt right is running for cover

She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Mod Edit -- No links to other message forums. JakeStarkey
Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "

I see you're assuming (hoping) she knows something giving reason to stroke the liberal nerve. Say OP, what you wanna bet the results will be your disappointment?
You know no such thing in your goofy head. What she says will have interest for everyone. :lol:

WTF are you talking about? Perhaps you should read the OP.
You have no idea whatsoever what Sally Yates is going to say and whether it will be good stuff. :lol:
I take it you believe that Bernie Sanders was "cheated out of the Nomination?" You apparently don't know that Hillary Clinton kicked his ass by 3,775,427 popular votes. In rhetrospect Obama beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 votes in 2008 and no cried foul.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

That is the one main thing that Sanders and Trump had in common. They both campaigned on a rigged election.

All the other crap you state is nothing but :bsflag:

Nope, I know exactly of what I's all in the e-mails. "Super Delegates" decided for Hitlery before the primaries? The DNC plotting against Sanders? Their use of the MSM? The MSM that even admitted that they were in her backpocket? Yeah, you just keep on thinking that. We did indeed dodge a bullet when the Hildebeast lost (not that Trump may be any better) but at least Trump isn't an outright communist and child trafficker and a traitor that opened up the patent offices to China during her first tour in the WH. She helped to arm ISIS and she was behind the illegal overthrow of Libya.........this is what you wanted to be the face of the franchise of USA.INC???

I don't give a rats ass about the super delegates--they are there for a reason and that reason is the election of 1984--something the Republican party might want to consider doing--because it eliminates the power of STUPID people.


In the primary-- losing by 3,775,437 popular votes is NOT a win. Being an asshole and staying in a race you've already lost while campaigning on a rigged election--doesn't mean you've been cheated out of an election.


When Bernie Sanders changed his party status to Democrat and jumped into this race he agreed to all DNC rules & regulations, including those SUPER DELEGATES. It's no wonder that the DNC got the hair up on their backs when he started campaigning on a rigged election.

So basically you don't trust the voters to decide their nominee? Not that it matters because our leaders are not elected, they are selected.

I trust smart people to make good decisions--and NO I don't trust STUPID people to make good decisions. Trump is a good case in point. There is no one that could have watched any of those debates either in the primary or with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing that Trump won a single one of them. In fact he got CREAMED. If they tell you that, they're lying through their teeth.

Stupid people typically vote on emotion--and the brains are usually what they sit on. So what attracked you to Trump is this--and it's this that you voted for.


You ignored every single warning about Trump, including from Republicans. This is very funny but it is soooo true.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

the thing that kept me going was his WINNING! And he kept WINNING. I voted for him and he WON!!!!!! wow, translation to your post, butthurt libturd whining.

Trump more than held his own and he wasn't given the questions in advance like the Hildebeast. The commie angst about what Trump wanted to do is what has led to the melt-down of the commie securing the borders, shutting down Sanctuary cities which is why people voted for him. The mandate of not allowing the U.N to dictate how many third world muslims that are taken in was another and for some reason, the leftard clown posse lost their minds over that. All in all, Trump has learned all about the "shadow government" that is really in control so all of this is simply theater to keep dumbed down, emotional cripples (such as yourself) in a frenzy. You think your "government" is something other than a de-facto corporate entity owned by the banking oligarchs and have since the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and still operate under the National Emergencies Act....why is it an "act"? Two reasons, because you have acts in theater plays and secondly, corporations can not pass laws (per Black's Law sixth Edition) but rather acts, statutes, codes and ordinances which is why you are governed under the rules of the U.C.C. But please, don't let me ruin your ranting.
Why is it that I am not surprised that you know nothing about the Vault 7 release?
I know about it. It's not surprising that they would have those capabilities. It's still conspiracy nonsense to suggest that the CIA was actually behind the hacking.
Why is it that I am not surprised that you know nothing about the Vault 7 release?
I know about it. It's not surprising that they would have those capabilities. It's still conspiracy nonsense to suggest that the CIA was actually behind the hacking.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, thanks for the laugh....I needed that!!!!!
No doubt you do. Today's a tough day for you. It's the beginning of Trump's dramatic downhill slide. Stand by. More to come.

Trump has learned all he needed to know about who really calls the shots shortly after he took office.... and it's not him. This country as well as the rest of the world is up to it's neck in shit. But keep re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic that is this country. You really have no clue but you have plenty of company.
Deep state boogeymen. :laugh2:

Ignorance is bliss which explains as to why you are always so happy. (snicker)
She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Mod Edit -- No links to other message forums. JakeStarkey
Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "

I see you're assuming (hoping) she knows something giving reason to stroke the liberal nerve. Say OP, what you wanna bet the results will be your disappointment?
You know no such thing in your goofy head. What she says will have interest for everyone. :lol:

WTF are you talking about? Perhaps you should read the OP.
You have no idea whatsoever what Sally Yates is going to say and whether it will be good stuff. :lol:
There are important things to look for. How many times will she plead the fifth? How many others will she implicate in Obama's Russia hoax?
She knows the who, what, when, and where of the Flynns, et al, but the Trumpkins would not listen.

Now the world gets to listen.

Sally Yates to testify at May 8 Senate hearing "Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to testify May 8 before a Senate judiciary investigation into Russia's interference in last year's elections, her second congressional hearing at which she's scheduled to testify within the span of a week. "

Mod Edit -- No links to other message forums. JakeStarkey
Sally Yates Testimony to Shine Public Light on Russia Probes "Monday testimony from Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, is expected to be a compelling public moment in the so-far largely secretive investigations "

I see you're assuming (hoping) she knows something giving reason to stroke the liberal nerve. Say OP, what you wanna bet the results will be your disappointment?
You know no such thing in your goofy head. What she says will have interest for everyone. :lol:

WTF are you talking about? Perhaps you should read the OP.
You have no idea whatsoever what Sally Yates is going to say and whether it will be good stuff. :lol:
There are important things to look for. How many times will she plead the fifth? How many others will she implicate in Obama's Russia hoax?
Let us know how many times she pleads the Fifth, ok?
A very professional woman and isn't going to be bullied by this Senate Hearing Cons. trying to deflect going to "unmasking topic" and leaks over Flynn and his vulnerability to Russian officials! :bang3: :blahblah: :dunno:
There's plenty of posts attacking her appearance and questioning her competency.
It's there.
So you're saying anyone critical of her is a misogynist?

Only when they're attacking with obvious gender bias.

What did she do that warrants criticism at all?
She politicized the office of AG. She may also have leaked classified information about Flynn to the media. She may also have illegally accessed his identity from NSA files.

She did no such thing. She was acting AG. She was privy to information pertaining to the ongoing investigations including anything known about Flynn.

The only criticism you could have is her refusal to back Trump's order. The same order that was struck down. She was correct.
In other words you don't care if she committed crimes concerning the unmasking of Flynn or the leak of classified information to the media in order to make her anti Trump gesture.

No, in my words, none of that is credible.
She never needed to unmask Flynn because she is privy to the details of any investigation within the DOJ.
I know about it. It's not surprising that they would have those capabilities. It's still conspiracy nonsense to suggest that the CIA was actually behind the hacking.
I know about it. It's not surprising that they would have those capabilities. It's still conspiracy nonsense to suggest that the CIA was actually behind the hacking.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, thanks for the laugh....I needed that!!!!!
No doubt you do. Today's a tough day for you. It's the beginning of Trump's dramatic downhill slide. Stand by. More to come.

Trump has learned all he needed to know about who really calls the shots shortly after he took office.... and it's not him. This country as well as the rest of the world is up to it's neck in shit. But keep re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic that is this country. You really have no clue but you have plenty of company.
Deep state boogeymen. :laugh2:

Ignorance is bliss which explains as to why you are always so happy. (snicker)

You believe anything and everything that isn't reality.
That sir, is ignorant.
I see you're assuming (hoping) she knows something giving reason to stroke the liberal nerve. Say OP, what you wanna bet the results will be your disappointment?
You know no such thing in your goofy head. What she says will have interest for everyone. :lol:

WTF are you talking about? Perhaps you should read the OP.
You have no idea whatsoever what Sally Yates is going to say and whether it will be good stuff. :lol:
There are important things to look for. How many times will she plead the fifth? How many others will she implicate in Obama's Russia hoax?
Let us know how many times she pleads the Fifth, ok?
So you're saying anyone critical of her is a misogynist?

Only when they're attacking with obvious gender bias.

What did she do that warrants criticism at all?
She politicized the office of AG. She may also have leaked classified information about Flynn to the media. She may also have illegally accessed his identity from NSA files.

She did no such thing. She was acting AG. She was privy to information pertaining to the ongoing investigations including anything known about Flynn.

The only criticism you could have is her refusal to back Trump's order. The same order that was struck down. She was correct.
In other words you don't care if she committed crimes concerning the unmasking of Flynn or the leak of classified information to the media in order to make her anti Trump gesture.

No, in my words, none of that is credible.
She never needed to unmask Flynn because she is privy to the details of any investigation within the DOJ.
But not in the NSA, which is where the files with Flynn's name on them were kept. Sally's going down, and not in a fun way.
Only when they're attacking with obvious gender bias.

What did she do that warrants criticism at all?
She politicized the office of AG. She may also have leaked classified information about Flynn to the media. She may also have illegally accessed his identity from NSA files.

She did no such thing. She was acting AG. She was privy to information pertaining to the ongoing investigations including anything known about Flynn.

The only criticism you could have is her refusal to back Trump's order. The same order that was struck down. She was correct.
In other words you don't care if she committed crimes concerning the unmasking of Flynn or the leak of classified information to the media in order to make her anti Trump gesture.

No, in my words, none of that is credible.
She never needed to unmask Flynn because she is privy to the details of any investigation within the DOJ.
But not in the NSA, which is where the files with Flynn's name on them were kept. Sally's going down, and not in a fun way.

No she isn't. She is catching more flack for not upholding Trump's first EO. She is being defended on it by them saying she was proven right by the courts, which she was.
Only when they're attacking with obvious gender bias.

What did she do that warrants criticism at all?
She politicized the office of AG. She may also have leaked classified information about Flynn to the media. She may also have illegally accessed his identity from NSA files.

She did no such thing. She was acting AG. She was privy to information pertaining to the ongoing investigations including anything known about Flynn.

The only criticism you could have is her refusal to back Trump's order. The same order that was struck down. She was correct.
In other words you don't care if she committed crimes concerning the unmasking of Flynn or the leak of classified information to the media in order to make her anti Trump gesture.

No, in my words, none of that is credible.
She never needed to unmask Flynn because she is privy to the details of any investigation within the DOJ.
But not in the NSA, which is where the files with Flynn's name on them were kept. Sally's going down, and not in a fun way.

Going down for what?
She's already testified that she obtained that information through the FBI investigation of Flynn. She was asked multiple times if she ever requested unmasking. She responded, no.
She politicized the office of AG. She may also have leaked classified information about Flynn to the media. She may also have illegally accessed his identity from NSA files.

She did no such thing. She was acting AG. She was privy to information pertaining to the ongoing investigations including anything known about Flynn.

The only criticism you could have is her refusal to back Trump's order. The same order that was struck down. She was correct.
In other words you don't care if she committed crimes concerning the unmasking of Flynn or the leak of classified information to the media in order to make her anti Trump gesture.

No, in my words, none of that is credible.
She never needed to unmask Flynn because she is privy to the details of any investigation within the DOJ.
But not in the NSA, which is where the files with Flynn's name on them were kept. Sally's going down, and not in a fun way.

Going down for what?
She's already testified that she obtained that information through the FBI investigation of Flynn. She was asked multiple times if she ever requested unmasking. She responded, no.

Yep, and the Congressmen have grilled her and Clapper if there is a record somewhere of who requested the "unmasking" so they can talk to them and find out who they told it to that could have been the leak to the Washington Post.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, thanks for the laugh....I needed that!!!!!
No doubt you do. Today's a tough day for you. It's the beginning of Trump's dramatic downhill slide. Stand by. More to come.

Trump has learned all he needed to know about who really calls the shots shortly after he took office.... and it's not him. This country as well as the rest of the world is up to it's neck in shit. But keep re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic that is this country. You really have no clue but you have plenty of company.
Deep state boogeymen. :laugh2:

Ignorance is bliss which explains as to why you are always so happy. (snicker)

You believe anything and everything that isn't reality.
That sir, is ignorant.

I know infinitely more than you do. In the year and a half since I have been here? I have yet to see you make a coherent argument about anything. You are simply a "Me too" poster that chimes in on topics that promotes leftardism without ever making your own case via any due diligence. So let me sum it all up, you are inconsequential, you have no critical thinking skills and you never have anything of originality to add to any topic. You are simply a space filler and overall time waster BUT since I am resourceful? I can put an empty-headed moron like you to use by using you as a prop with a response that others will see, weigh and consider.

Hope this helps and here is a heartfelt "thank you" for unwittingly playing along.

Obama warned Trump, but he didn't listen. Why?

BREAKING: Ahead of Yates Testimony, NBC Drops Bombshell About Trump, Obama, and Michael Flynn
Why did Trump ignore Obama's warning?|By T. Bertrand

Obama fired General Flynn. Being an employer myself over 30 years--and a competitor being gracious enough to tell me-- that they had to fire them or warned me about them, I wouldn't have even considered hiring them.

In 2014, Michael Flynn abruptly announced that he was retiring from the Army ahead of schedule. It was the polite way of saying that he was canned for doing a miserable job at the DIA. From there, Flynn embarked on a career as an unregistered foreign agent, traveling the world to complain about the Obama administration and picking up paychecks despite warnings from the Defense Department.

None of this kept the Trump campaign from latching onto Flynn. Trump proudly pointed to Michael Flynn as his top military adviser and considered him for vice president.
Obama fired Michael Flynn. Trump made him national security adviser. Guess who Spicer blames.

This is the transistion between one President to another. It was Hillary Clinton that warned G.W. Bush to watch Putin--telling G.W. that he was former KGB.
No doubt you do. Today's a tough day for you. It's the beginning of Trump's dramatic downhill slide. Stand by. More to come.

Trump has learned all he needed to know about who really calls the shots shortly after he took office.... and it's not him. This country as well as the rest of the world is up to it's neck in shit. But keep re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic that is this country. You really have no clue but you have plenty of company.
Deep state boogeymen. :laugh2:

Ignorance is bliss which explains as to why you are always so happy. (snicker)

You believe anything and everything that isn't reality.
That sir, is ignorant.

I know infinitely more than you do. In the year and a half since I have been here? I have yet to see you make a coherent argument about anything. You are simply a "Me too" poster that chimes in on topics that promotes leftardism without ever making your own case via any due diligence. So let me sum it all up, you are inconsequential, you have no critical thinking skills and you never have anything of originality to add to any topic. You are simply a space filler and overall time waster BUT since I am resourceful? I can put an empty-headed moron like you to use by using you as a prop with a response that others will see, weigh and consider.

Hope this helps and here is a heartfelt "thank you" for unwittingly playing along.


Ah do you cut and paste these responses? You say the same thing every time. "I'm smarter than you." "I study this stuff more than you!" "You are just sheeple that believes what the MSM tells you!"

Let me fill you in on something, if you read dumb shit, and you become an expert in dumb shit, and you are more intelligent in dumb shit... all that means is you know a bunch of dumb useless shit that is untrue and irrelevant. It's not something to brag about.

What's funnily ironic here is, you make fun of someone saying all they are is a "Me too" person when in reality, all you do is parrot the same argument EVERY TIME someone points out how crazy your arguments are.

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