Salvation is free and will be enforced.

No I have not , I really am not interested in how he thinks.
Actually, Jeremiah is a she, and I bet you will find out regardless of what you think. I doubt you will have any free will in the matter.

I am curious , why are you interested in me or her? What difference does it make who thinks what of me? I am a nobody , who believes we all will be with God. I am only passing through , exposing Christianity for what it really is. She can have the stage back when I am finished with it.

No I have not , I really am not interested in how he thinks.
Actually, Jeremiah is a she, and I bet you will find out regardless of what you think. I doubt you will have any free will in the matter.

I am curious , why are you interested in me or her? What difference does it make who thinks what of me? I am a nobody , who believes we all will be with God. I am only passing through , exposing Christianity for what it really is. She can have the stage back when I am finished with it.
You sound confused, messenger.

No I have not , I really am not interested in how he thinks.
Actually, Jeremiah is a she, and I bet you will find out regardless of what you think. I doubt you will have any free will in the matter.

I am curious , why are you interested in me or her? What difference does it make who thinks what of me? I am a nobody , who believes we all will be with God. I am only passing through , exposing Christianity for what it really is. She can have the stage back when I am finished with it.
You sound confused, messenger.

I am not a messenger ,I am just like you , I have some things to say. I enjoy the freedom to do so.I speak only for myself.
I am 60 years old and retired in Detroit . I am no different than anyone , just a man who has lived and noticed a few things. The worse of which is the religious message of eternal hell suffering and the deceptive message that not all will be saved. Two things I hate with all my heart. And Christians are teaching this mess and getting away with it. A message of slavery.

So I decided to spend what's left of my life , spreading the good news of the salvation of all;

I got nothing better to do.
I am 60 years old and retired in Detroit . I am no different than anyone , just a man who has lived and noticed a few things. The worse of which is the religious message of eternal hell suffering and the deceptive message that not all will be saved. Two things I hate with all my heart. And Christians are teaching this mess and getting away with it. A message of slavery.

So I decided to spend what's left of my life , spreading the good news of the salvation of all;

I got nothing better to do.
Some Christian do, yes. Universalism has always had an appeal to many believers.
I am 60 years old and retired in Detroit . I am no different than anyone , just a man who has lived and noticed a few things. The worse of which is the religious message of eternal hell suffering and the deceptive message that not all will be saved. Two things I hate with all my heart. And Christians are teaching this mess and getting away with it. A message of slavery.

So I decided to spend what's left of my life , spreading the good news of the salvation of all;

I got nothing better to do.
Some Christian do, yes. Universalism has always had an appeal to many believers.

Well it certainly has my appeal. Its the best message on earth ; it makes the most sense ; it describes God better ; its what everyone needs ; its the best possible scenario; hey , its the real good news.
I am 60 years old and retired in Detroit . I am no different than anyone , just a man who has lived and noticed a few things. The worse of which is the religious message of eternal hell suffering and the deceptive message that not all will be saved. Two things I hate with all my heart. And Christians are teaching this mess and getting away with it. A message of slavery.

So I decided to spend what's left of my life , spreading the good news of the salvation of all;

I got nothing better to do.
Some Christian do, yes. Universalism has always had an appeal to many believers.
Well it certainly has my appeal. Its the best message on earth ; it makes the most sense ; it describes God better ; its what everyone needs ; its the best possible scenario; hey , its the real good news. Jeremiah
We will see if Jeremiah agrees with you.@Jeremiah
I am 60 years old and retired in Detroit . I am no different than anyone , just a man who has lived and noticed a few things. The worse of which is the religious message of eternal hell suffering and the deceptive message that not all will be saved. Two things I hate with all my heart. And Christians are teaching this mess and getting away with it. A message of slavery.

So I decided to spend what's left of my life , spreading the good news of the salvation of all;

I got nothing better to do.
Some Christian do, yes. Universalism has always had an appeal to many believers.
Well it certainly has my appeal. Its the best message on earth ; it makes the most sense ; it describes God better ; its what everyone needs ; its the best possible scenario; hey , its the real good news. Jeremiah
We will see if Jeremiah agrees with you.@Jeremiah

Oh I already know she does not ; she is called to promote eternal hell punishing and limited atonement ; to promote Christianity and its worldwide appeal;

I am not called as a righteous man , but as a sinner to one day be given repentance. To promote the free salvation of everyone , as a gift from God, not based on whether they accept it or not, but based on Gods promise to give it as an inheritance. To help show the insanity of the Christian hell.

So me and her walk two completely different paths, hardly no Christian will want anything to do with me. They can sense it when a person can see through them. They can tell who to leave alone.
The real plan and goal of God is to have Christ " Present EVERY man perfect in the Lord" , Col. 1:28 ;
not just the righteous , good ,obedient believers ; I mean good for them , but they have not cornered the market on salvation; EVERY human is the target of God our true Father. EVERY person has an preordained future with God, Jesus purchased it with his own blood.

Jesus was not beaten to death so that unbelievers would be beaten for eternity.

God knows what he is doing, salvation is NOT a survival of the fittest program , its the free gift of God.
Excellent points.

In a time when humans were put to death for the gods, Jesus was put to death for mankind.
Excellent points.

In a time when humans were put to death for the gods, Jesus was put to death for mankind.

Yes , and when they were killing Jesus he said to God ,"Father forgive them , because they don't know what they are doing." I believe God answered that prayer and applied it to all of created humanity , because none of us know what we are doing. We don't know God and we completely underestimate his power to forgive and recreate the human heart and consciousness , and his awesome incredible capacity to love us all forever! He is not going to let any of us go!

For any reason!

What would you do if you had the power to give away eternal life?
Human salvation is free , but guess what religion is trying to charge for it?
Christ is All and IN ALL,Col. 3:11. Christianity wants you to think Christ is not in you or your future. They think they are the map.
How does one belong to Christ and the devil at the same time?
John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Its too late Christian , the jail cell is being opened and the truth is getting out ; Mal. 2:10 , we ALL have one Father ; God! Christianity can no longer hold unbelievers captive.
Who are being addressed: Believers or nonbelievers --- the righteous or the gentiles? You are confusing the audience for whom the message is given.
Christ is All and IN ALL,Col. 3:11. Christianity wants you to think Christ is not in you or your future. They think they are the map.
How does one belong to Christ and the devil at the same time?
John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Its too late Christian , the jail cell is being opened and the truth is getting out ; Mal. 2:10 , we ALL have one Father ; God! Christianity can no longer hold unbelievers captive.
Who are being addressed: Believers or nonbelievers --- the righteous or the gentiles? You are confusing the audience for whom the message is given.

Its being Addresses to everybody ,no one is left out; It is for all peoples. The message is for everyone , believers and unbelievers. The whole world. The message is for everyone created. All humands , all sinners.
What would you do if you had the power to give away eternal life?
I would do the same thing that God is.

First a screening test under tough circumstances.

Then a separation of the wheat from the tares.

Then the tares go to everlasting unquenchable fire.

And the righteous are rewarded.
Excellent points.

In a time when humans were put to death for the gods, Jesus was put to death for mankind.
You remember how that developed right?

First Jesus became a radical and dared stand up to the Sanhedrin.

Then he absolutely pissed them off by insulting them.

Then he gathered to himself the poor and thus outnumbered the rest.

Then the Sanhedrin started to worry that the Romans would take away their jobs and give them to Jesus and his crew.

Then Jesus created a ruckus in the temple two years in a row by disrupting the money changers there who were making a profit off the pilgrims at Passover.

Then there was an arrest, trial, acquittal, outcry by the Sanhedrin, and finally Pontius Pilate bowed to the political pressure of the Sanhedrin and their mob to crucify Jesus.
What would you do if you had the power to give away eternal life?
I would do the same thing that God is.

First a screening test under tough circumstances.

Then a separation of the wheat from the tares.

Then the tares go to everlasting unquenchable fire.

And the righteous are rewarded.

You see its too late ,people already have the wrong perspective of what God would do.

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