Sam Bankman-Fried Free on $250 Million Bail

lol It's a mystery as to why Wall Street isn't throwing up Statue Of Liberty sized monuments to both this guy and Lester Madoff. They're the guys all of them want to emulate. We're supposed to feel sorry for all the criminals and tax dodgers who got took by this guy or something, apparently. Maybe I'll make a few seconds of time later, if I remember to, but probably not. They should have to pay taxes on their losses; 80% would be fair. lol.
interesting....wonder if Harris paid his bail.....he apparently was broke. My guess is she did.
They never should have let the demented con-man out on bail.
He will probably flee to a country that has no extradition treaty with the U.S. and live like a king on the billions of dollars he stole.
Cash bail should be based on flight risk and likelihood of committing another crime while released.
cash bail only helps rich criminals, it should be abolished

This is a flat-out LIE! He is free on far, far less than $250 million dollars while folks arrested on Jan. 6 at the capitol are still in prison! What the heck is going on?

WAY down in the article, this appears: "The “$250 million personal recognizance bond signed by Mr. Bankman-Fried and co-signed by his parents ... will be secured by the parents’ equity interest in their home” in Palo Alto, U.S. attorney’s spokesperson Nicholas Biase said in a statement.

This is a FOUR MILLION dollar house, NOT a four hundred MILLON dollar home. As most of us know, equity interest in the home is that part over the amount of the mortgage. WHY?
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interesting....wonder if Harris paid his bail.....he apparently was broke. My guess is she did.
Mommy and Daddy, involved in the scam, put up MAYBE a million dollars.

I wonder why so many folks want him free and sooner rather than later, out of the country?
Hey folks, no where CLOSE, not even in sight, to $250 million was posted. If you believe the $250 million bit, you have been scammed by the legacy news, AGAIN.
WAY down in the article, this appears: "The “$250 million personal recognizance bond signed by Mr. Bankman-Fried and co-signed by his parents ... will be secured by the parents’ equity interest in their home” in Palo Alto, U.S. attorney’s spokesperson Nicholas Biase said in a statement.

This is a FOUR MILLION dollar house, NOT a four hundred MILLON dollar home. As most of us know, equity interest in the home is that part over the amount of the mortgage. WHY?


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