Same lie repeated over and over


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015

Tried using this lie in WW1 it worked in WW2 and they got Israel WW3 that they are trying to start they will get Greater Israel.
I do think the Nazis targeted and killed Jews and many others.
On the question of gas chambers, I'm agnostic. I'm really not sure either way.
the propaganda images which are cited above-----posted by odious and endorsed by
Penelope are fakes--------such tricky filth is typical of islamo Nazi scum. They are such BLATANT examples of penelopian shit that many people believe it because they assume that no one could be THAT overtly disgusting-------expect it from penny and odious. What IS true is that mustard gases were invented in Germany and used by Germany during world war I. -----the outcome of their use was so horrific that MOST OF THE WORLD rejected their use entirely. Virtually the only groups to use mustard gases since world war II have been BAATHISTs-------who actually DID acquire them and the "recipe" from German Nazis as a "gift"-----way back in the 1930s. since 1950 Baathists have USED them on civilian populations. In the early 1950s Baathist GAMEL ABDEL NASSER used them on Yemeni villages which rejected rebellion against the Yemeni King at that time. Saddam Hussein stored the
stuff massively. Assad got it from Saddam. The USA homeland security is so concerned about the use of nitrogen mustard gas in Islamic terrorism----that we have extensive protocols on how to deal with that issue-------information which all real health care workers KNOW----- Penelope seems to deny it, a typical islamo Nazi ploy
the propaganda images which are cited above-----posted by odious and endorsed by
Penelope are fakes--------such tricky filth is typical of islamo Nazi scum. They are such BLATANT examples of penelopian shit that many people believe it because they assume that no one could be THAT overtly disgusting-------expect it from penny and odious. What IS true is that mustard gases were invented in Germany and used by Germany during world war I. -----the outcome of their use was so horrific that MOST OF THE WORLD rejected their use entirely. Virtually the only groups to use mustard gases since world war II have been BAATHISTs-------who actually DID acquire them and the "recipe" from German Nazis as a "gift"-----way back in the 1930s. since 1950 Baathists have USED them on civilian populations. In the early 1950s Baathist GAMEL ABDEL NASSER used them on Yemeni villages which rejected rebellion against the Yemeni King at that time. Saddam Hussein stored the
stuff massively. Assad got it from Saddam. The USA homeland security is so concerned about the use of nitrogen mustard gas in Islamic terrorism----that we have extensive protocols on how to deal with that issue-------information which all real health care workers KNOW----- Penelope seems to deny it, a typical islamo Nazi ploy
Jewess I have posted ACTUAL newspaper articles where your tribe tried to use the holohoax lie during WW1 and it failed. :) Your tribe is nothing but a parasite on society who takes what actual society makes.

Odious filth------you have cobbled together fragments of old and misdated
articles and placed them fraudulently under false banners for the sake of islamo Nazi shit. Not a new technique------your fellows have been engaging in untenable libels for centuries------it is all you have-----an "INTELLECTUAL" game of which
scum of your ilk is quite PROUD
Pathetic reply for a pathetic jew.

There was a time when anti-Semites like yourself were a threat to Jews. But, those days are long gone. Antisemites today are reduced to anonymous Internet trolls who can't even speak their drivel in public for fear of an arse-whooping or losing their jobs.

So, while you might be worthy of some half-hearted ridicule, you're certainly not worthy of an argument.

Just don't post too often, Mossad keeps track of IP addresses.




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