Same-sex Lesbians Dislike Their Black Baby

Regardless of how you feel about homos, blacks, whites, or kids ... don't you think this couple has the right to sue? They contracted for white sperm and were clearly given black sperm. It isn't wrong for them to want a child that is the same race as they are. It's normal. They live in an area where racism is a problem and now they have a black child and they are concerned that being half black may present problems for her. How awful they wanted spare their child this and wanted a white baby! Seriously, I don't see what the problem is with them suing. The sperm bank screwed up. You can't "unmake" the child so yeah, money is the compensation.
And while the couple claims this is about punishing the sperm bank, one day their child will grow up to read about this suit. Said Cramblett: "She will understand that it wasn't about, 'We didn't want you, we wanted a white baby.' "


This is horrible. I feel bad for the child, her parents are clueless and cruel.
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."


Does she not understand just how very unattractive she is? I mean geez, that cute lil baby, black, white or polka dotted would likely be more accepted than ugo dyke chickie pooh.

The real question here is

And while the couple claims this is about punishing the sperm bank, one day their child will grow up to read about this suit. Said Cramblett: "She will understand that it wasn't about, 'We didn't want you, we wanted a white baby.' "


This is horrible. I feel bad for the child, her parents are clueless and cruel.

A mixed race baby raised by white lesbians...the child will have more to deal with than reading about a lawsuit.
This couple has every right to get the money back from the Sperm Bank. They can go pound sand about the rest of the suit asking for damages.

It seems that a lot of people are getting uppity because they wanted a donor that matched certain perimeters. The horror! You mean liken every person that has every used a sperm bank!? It is not a secret that folks that use these banks are practicing some form of eugenics when selecting the donor.
Assuming the dykes win a settlement, will they use the money to fix their "defective" child?

Too friggin sad for the little girl.

Did any of you know that there's a retarded girl somewhere who is suing a sperm bank for not screening the sperm for birth defects that her mother used to conceive her with? want to change the subject now...funny...

The subject is whether or not a sperm bank can be held liable for failing to provide the product that was contracted for.

Pay attention.
no..the subject is "lesbians dislike their black baby"

Which I already pointed out is false.
Bit you don't know what you are talking about, so who cares what you say. want to change the subject now...funny...

The subject is whether or not a sperm bank can be held liable for failing to provide the product that was contracted for.

Pay attention.
no..the subject is "lesbians dislike their black baby"

Which I already pointed out is false.

Ohhh..I see..word games..Ok...they love their baby, of course, but they are not happy that it is half negro.

We all read the article and know it doesn't say they "dislike" their baby and the thread title is technically incorrect.....but you haven't "pointed out" anything.

I pointed out early on that the thread title was incorrect. Now you are all having to concede I was right.

I speak the truth. I am the truth.
You are an idiot who wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in your fast ass.
The couple paid for white sperm, that was what they contracted for. They received black sperm due to a mistake at the company. They should sue, the company is in the wrong. If you paid for a white Fiat but a black Fiat was what you ended up with, you'd have an issue with it. Not that anything is wrong with the black one, but that isn't what you paid for/agreed to.

I hope that this mix-up turns into a blessing in disguise for the couple.

There shouldn't be such a thing as invitro. If you can't have children naturally (for whatever reason), there's a reason for that. Adopt.

I agree with all you said except the part about invitro.

I also don't think they should have publicly sued. They should have quietly settled.
This couple has every right to get the money back from the Sperm Bank. They can go pound sand about the rest of the suit asking for damages.

It seems that a lot of people are getting uppity because they wanted a donor that matched certain perimeters. The horror! You mean liken every person that has every used a sperm bank!? It is not a secret that folks that use these banks are practicing some form of eugenics when selecting the donor.

If it had been a straight couple, EVERONE would support the couple getting restitution over this.
The couple paid for white sperm, that was what they contracted for. They received black sperm due to a mistake at the company. They should sue, the company is in the wrong. If you paid for a white Fiat but a black Fiat was what you ended up with, you'd have an issue with it. Not that anything is wrong with the black one, but that isn't what you paid for/agreed to.

I hope that this mix-up turns into a blessing in disguise for the couple.

There shouldn't be such a thing as invitro. If you can't have children naturally (for whatever reason), there's a reason for that. Adopt.

I agree with all you said except the part about invitro.

I also don't think they should have publicly sued. They should have quietly settled.

I've never met anyone who agreed with me about invitro. I truly believe that if you're unable to have a child/children naturally there's a reason for it and that reason is because your (collective your) child/children are already out there waiting for you via adoption.

If they quietly sued then others wouldn't know of the mistake the company made. Now they do.
This couple has every right to get the money back from the Sperm Bank. They can go pound sand about the rest of the suit asking for damages.

It seems that a lot of people are getting uppity because they wanted a donor that matched certain perimeters. The horror! You mean liken every person that has every used a sperm bank!? It is not a secret that folks that use these banks are practicing some form of eugenics when selecting the donor.

If it had been a straight couple, EVERONE would support the couple getting restitution over this.

I am not sure if everyone would but I am willing to bet the overwhelming majority would. It won't stop some folks from using this story as a platform to rail against gay parents, adoptive or otherwise.
This couple has every right to get the money back from the Sperm Bank. They can go pound sand about the rest of the suit asking for damages.

It seems that a lot of people are getting uppity because they wanted a donor that matched certain perimeters. The horror! You mean liken every person that has every used a sperm bank!? It is not a secret that folks that use these banks are practicing some form of eugenics when selecting the donor.

If it had been a straight couple, EVERONE would support the couple getting restitution over this.
Because straight is natural and designed by God not unnatural and sick.
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."


I am assuming you would feel exactly the same way if this was a straight white couple. My only problem with this entire rant is that your focus is on the fact they are lesbians. You see, this could just as likely have, and probably has, happened to straight white couples.
The couple paid for white sperm, that was what they contracted for. They received black sperm due to a mistake at the company. They should sue, the company is in the wrong. If you paid for a white Fiat but a black Fiat was what you ended up with, you'd have an issue with it. Not that anything is wrong with the black one, but that isn't what you paid for/agreed to.

I hope that this mix-up turns into a blessing in disguise for the couple.

There shouldn't be such a thing as invitro. If you can't have children naturally (for whatever reason), there's a reason for that. Adopt.

I agree with all you said except the part about invitro.

I also don't think they should have publicly sued. They should have quietly settled.

I've never met anyone who agreed with me about invitro. I truly believe that if you're unable to have a child/children naturally there's a reason for it and that reason is because your (collective your) child/children are already out there waiting for you via adoption.

If they quietly sued then others wouldn't know of the mistake the company made. Now they do.

Yeah, but then the child is labeled a mistake. That's not cool. Make it public without the names of the family.
Regardless of how you feel about homos, blacks, whites, or kids ... don't you think this couple has the right to sue? They contracted for white sperm and were clearly given black sperm. It isn't wrong for them to want a child that is the same race as they are. It's normal. They live in an area where racism is a problem and now they have a black child and they are concerned that being half black may present problems for her. How awful they wanted spare their child this and wanted a white baby! Seriously, I don't see what the problem is with them suing. The sperm bank screwed up. You can't "unmake" the child so yeah, money is the compensation.
Why? who was harmed? Their feelings? What harm came of this it's a child not an appliance.
Regardless of how you feel about homos, blacks, whites, or kids ... don't you think this couple has the right to sue? They contracted for white sperm and were clearly given black sperm. It isn't wrong for them to want a child that is the same race as they are. It's normal. They live in an area where racism is a problem and now they have a black child and they are concerned that being half black may present problems for her. How awful they wanted spare their child this and wanted a white baby! Seriously, I don't see what the problem is with them suing. The sperm bank screwed up. You can't "unmake" the child so yeah, money is the compensation.
Why? who was harmed? Their feelings? What harm came of this it's a child not an appliance.
If a newborn baby is mistakenly sent home from the hospital with the wrong parents, what's the harm? Their feelings? They should just accept it and raise it..after all it isn't an appliance.
Regardless of how you feel about homos, blacks, whites, or kids ... don't you think this couple has the right to sue? They contracted for white sperm and were clearly given black sperm. It isn't wrong for them to want a child that is the same race as they are. It's normal. They live in an area where racism is a problem and now they have a black child and they are concerned that being half black may present problems for her. How awful they wanted spare their child this and wanted a white baby! Seriously, I don't see what the problem is with them suing. The sperm bank screwed up. You can't "unmake" the child so yeah, money is the compensation.
Why? who was harmed? Their feelings? What harm came of this it's a child not an appliance.
If a newborn baby is mistakenly sent home from the hospital with the wrong parents, what's the harm? Their feelings? They should just accept it and raise it..after all it isn't an appliance.
But this baby wasn't sent home with the wrong mother.
My brother in law recently got a sex change, but HE still had a child by my sister. When Gays are "given" the right to adopt children, it seems like a set up for a phony argument. When sexually neurotically people that are a minority in this country use "love" and "children" as a way to leverage their sexual dysfunctions and they actually sway the supreme court of the united states, I wonder...are we mad?

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