Same-sex Lesbians Dislike Their Black Baby

Regardless of how you feel about homos, blacks, whites, or kids ... don't you think this couple has the right to sue? They contracted for white sperm and were clearly given black sperm. It isn't wrong for them to want a child that is the same race as they are. It's normal. They live in an area where racism is a problem and now they have a black child and they are concerned that being half black may present problems for her. How awful they wanted spare their child this and wanted a white baby! Seriously, I don't see what the problem is with them suing. The sperm bank screwed up. You can't "unmake" the child so yeah, money is the compensation.
Why? who was harmed? Their feelings? What harm came of this it's a child not an appliance.

The couple paid for white sperm and were given black sperm. The company screwed up and should compensate the couple.

Are you opining that black sperm is less valuable than white sperm? Because in most cases when you order something if the company doesn't have what you ordered you have agreed to accept something of equal or greater value in exchange.

Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

How will that "make it right?" For real

It sure doesn't change the color of the baby's skin!
Same Sex Lesbian White opposed to, say, an Opposite Sex Lesbian White Couple?

Probably to account for the male lesbians. I addressed this in the first few pages of this thread, comments #8 and #34.
Regardless of how you feel about homos, blacks, whites, or kids ... don't you think this couple has the right to sue? They contracted for white sperm and were clearly given black sperm. It isn't wrong for them to want a child that is the same race as they are. It's normal. They live in an area where racism is a problem and now they have a black child and they are concerned that being half black may present problems for her. How awful they wanted spare their child this and wanted a white baby! Seriously, I don't see what the problem is with them suing. The sperm bank screwed up. You can't "unmake" the child so yeah, money is the compensation.
Why? who was harmed? Their feelings? What harm came of this it's a child not an appliance.

The couple paid for white sperm and were given black sperm. The company screwed up and should compensate the couple.

Are you opining that black sperm is less valuable than white sperm? Because in most cases when you order something if the company doesn't have what you ordered you have agreed to accept something of equal or greater value in exchange.

Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

This is bound to be a problem when we start treating human beings like commodities.
Regardless of how you feel about homos, blacks, whites, or kids ... don't you think this couple has the right to sue? They contracted for white sperm and were clearly given black sperm. It isn't wrong for them to want a child that is the same race as they are. It's normal. They live in an area where racism is a problem and now they have a black child and they are concerned that being half black may present problems for her. How awful they wanted spare their child this and wanted a white baby! Seriously, I don't see what the problem is with them suing. The sperm bank screwed up. You can't "unmake" the child so yeah, money is the compensation.
Why? who was harmed? Their feelings? What harm came of this it's a child not an appliance.

The couple paid for white sperm and were given black sperm. The company screwed up and should compensate the couple.

Are you opining that black sperm is less valuable than white sperm? Because in most cases when you order something if the company doesn't have what you ordered you have agreed to accept something of equal or greater value in exchange.

Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

How will that "make it right?" For real

It won't as far as the child's race goes. She is biracial and they may face challenges with that (they live in an area where racism is a problem from my understanding). They paid for and requested w but were given b. An 'ooops, sorry, here's your $250 back' isn't right either. This is a huge mistake on the company's part.
Why? who was harmed? Their feelings? What harm came of this it's a child not an appliance.

The couple paid for white sperm and were given black sperm. The company screwed up and should compensate the couple.

Are you opining that black sperm is less valuable than white sperm? Because in most cases when you order something if the company doesn't have what you ordered you have agreed to accept something of equal or greater value in exchange.

Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

This is bound to be a problem when we start treating human beings like commodities.

Had they adopted they wouldn't be in this situation.
Why? who was harmed? Their feelings? What harm came of this it's a child not an appliance.

The couple paid for white sperm and were given black sperm. The company screwed up and should compensate the couple.

Are you opining that black sperm is less valuable than white sperm? Because in most cases when you order something if the company doesn't have what you ordered you have agreed to accept something of equal or greater value in exchange.

Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

This is bound to be a problem when we start treating human beings like commodities.

Exactly. That's a bulls-eye comment. This is, in part, what the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child addresses when it states that children have a right to be raised by the parents. The Interpretation Bulletin for the treaty makes clear that parents refers to biological parents. This is why so many countries don't allow sperm and egg donations and why countries like France deny homosexuals the right to create children. The creation of such a child is a direct violation of the child's human rights.

The US is a rampant human rights violator here and I'm being totally serious too.
The couple paid for white sperm and were given black sperm. The company screwed up and should compensate the couple.

Are you opining that black sperm is less valuable than white sperm? Because in most cases when you order something if the company doesn't have what you ordered you have agreed to accept something of equal or greater value in exchange.

Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

This is bound to be a problem when we start treating human beings like commodities.

Had they adopted they wouldn't be in this situation.

Yes, great point. You know, people are always pushing animal adoption but very rarely do you hear about people pushing for HUMAN adoption. There are kids/babies out there who need a loving home.
Regardless of how you feel about homos, blacks, whites, or kids ... don't you think this couple has the right to sue? They contracted for white sperm and were clearly given black sperm. It isn't wrong for them to want a child that is the same race as they are. It's normal. They live in an area where racism is a problem and now they have a black child and they are concerned that being half black may present problems for her. How awful they wanted spare their child this and wanted a white baby! Seriously, I don't see what the problem is with them suing. The sperm bank screwed up. You can't "unmake" the child so yeah, money is the compensation.
Why? who was harmed? Their feelings? What harm came of this it's a child not an appliance.

The couple paid for white sperm and were given black sperm. The company screwed up and should compensate the couple.

Are you opining that black sperm is less valuable than white sperm? Because in most cases when you order something if the company doesn't have what you ordered you have agreed to accept something of equal or greater value in exchange.

Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

The lesbians weren't born a certain race. They purchased a fertility service to produce a white baby, which they didn't receive.

Their damages are the costs and time to raise a child they don't want. The average cost of raising a child born in 2014 is $245k.

I feel sorry for the baby. How horrible to be raised by parents who are suing because she isn't the right color. How is that going to make her feel when she is older?
The couple paid for white sperm and were given black sperm. The company screwed up and should compensate the couple.

Are you opining that black sperm is less valuable than white sperm? Because in most cases when you order something if the company doesn't have what you ordered you have agreed to accept something of equal or greater value in exchange.

Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

This is bound to be a problem when we start treating human beings like commodities.

Exactly. That's a bulls-eye comment. This is, in part, what the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child addresses when it states that children have a right to be raised by the parents. The Interpretation Bulletin for the treaty makes clear that parents refers to biological parents. This is why so many countries don't allow sperm and egg donations and why countries like France deny homosexuals the right to create children. The creation of such a child is a direct violation of the child's human rights.

The US is a rampant human rights violator here and I'm being totally serious too.

When you hear of "complications" occurring like this and the reactions, it's hard not to agree.
Same Sex Lesbian White opposed to, say, an Opposite Sex Lesbian White Couple?

Probably to account for the male lesbians. I addressed this in the first few pages of this thread, comments #8 and #34.

I thought that was a joke.

wtf is a male lesbian??? Seriously.

Let comment #34 be your introduction into a world that liberals are creating for us.

Holy shit. I didn't see that. wtf??

So basically they believe that someone is whateverthefuckinghell gender they decide they are, regardless of what they really are.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Same Sex Lesbian White opposed to, say, an Opposite Sex Lesbian White Couple?

Probably to account for the male lesbians. I addressed this in the first few pages of this thread, comments #8 and #34.

I could have blissfully lived my entirely in complete ignorance of this new fangled gender confusion.
Are you opining that black sperm is less valuable than white sperm? Because in most cases when you order something if the company doesn't have what you ordered you have agreed to accept something of equal or greater value in exchange.

Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

This is bound to be a problem when we start treating human beings like commodities.

Had they adopted they wouldn't be in this situation.

Yes, great point. You know, people are always pushing animal adoption but very rarely do you hear about people pushing for HUMAN adoption. There are kids/babies out there who need a loving home.

I posted this earlier ... I don't believe in invitro, for anyone. Never have. I truly believe that if a couple isn't able to naturally have a child there is a reason why, and the reason is because their child is already waiting for them via adoption. Yeah, I realize I'm pretty much alone on this pov. lol
Same Sex Lesbian White opposed to, say, an Opposite Sex Lesbian White Couple?

Probably to account for the male lesbians. I addressed this in the first few pages of this thread, comments #8 and #34.

I could have blissfully lived my entirely in complete ignorance of this new fangled gender confusion.

No doubt, how did I manage to make it 43 years with only knowing about 2 of the 14 genders of humans?
Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

This is bound to be a problem when we start treating human beings like commodities.

Had they adopted they wouldn't be in this situation.

Yes, great point. You know, people are always pushing animal adoption but very rarely do you hear about people pushing for HUMAN adoption. There are kids/babies out there who need a loving home.

I posted this earlier ... I don't believe in invitro, for anyone. Never have. I truly believe that if a couple isn't able to naturally have a child there is a reason why, and the reason is because their child is already waiting for them via adoption. Yeah, I realize I'm pretty much alone on this pov. lol

After hearing about this, and several other stories in the past, I'm not so crazy about it myself. It's like "manufacturing" human beings to order. It's weird.
There was another story about a lesbian couple who had a baby via in vitro, and they ended up splitting up or maybe one died, not sure, but anyway, the other was trying to get public assistance and the state was considering suing the donor father for child support!! Outrageous! I don't know how that ever turned out though.
Same Sex Lesbian White opposed to, say, an Opposite Sex Lesbian White Couple?

Probably to account for the male lesbians. I addressed this in the first few pages of this thread, comments #8 and #34.

I could have blissfully lived my entirely in complete ignorance of this new fangled gender confusion.

No doubt, how did I manage to make it 43 years with only knowing about 2 of the 14 genders of humans?

14? According to Facebook, there are 58 genders. Note that there are no longer plain old Male and Female genders. I think that those are now Cis Male and Cis Female (meaning one is happy with the gender one was assigned at birth...Jeebus).

I have no idea what the differences are between Male and Man or Female and Woman.

    • Agender
    • Androgyne
    • Androgynous
    • Bigender
    • Cis
    • Cisgender
    • Cis Female
    • Cis Male
    • Cis Man
    • Cis Woman
    • Cisgender Female
    • Cisgender Male
    • Cisgender Man
    • Cisgender Woman
    • Female to Male
    • FTM
    • Gender Fluid
    • Gender Nonconforming
    • Gender Questioning
    • Gender Variant
    • Genderqueer
    • Intersex
    • Male to Female
    • MTF
    • Neither
    • Neutrois
    • Non-binary
    • Other
    • Pangender
    • Trans
    • Trans*
    • Trans Female
    • Trans* Female
    • Trans Male
    • Trans* Male
    • Trans Man
    • Trans* Man
    • Trans Person
    • Trans* Person
    • Trans Woman
    • Trans* Woman
    • Transfeminine
    • Transgender
    • Transgender Female
    • Transgender Male
    • Transgender Man
    • Transgender Person
    • Transgender Woman
    • Transmasculine
    • Transsexual
    • Transsexual Female
    • Transsexual Male
    • Transsexual Man
    • Transsexual Person
    • Transsexual Woman
    • Two-Spirit
Here 8217 s a List of 58 Gender Options for Facebook Users - ABC News
Why? who was harmed? Their feelings? What harm came of this it's a child not an appliance.

The couple paid for white sperm and were given black sperm. The company screwed up and should compensate the couple.

Are you opining that black sperm is less valuable than white sperm? Because in most cases when you order something if the company doesn't have what you ordered you have agreed to accept something of equal or greater value in exchange.

Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

The lesbians weren't born a certain race. They purchased a fertility service to produce a white baby, which they didn't receive.

Their damages are the costs and time to raise a child they don't want. The average cost of raising a child born in 2014 is $245k.

I feel sorry for the baby. How horrible to be raised by parents who are suing because she isn't the right color. How is that going to make her feel when she is older?

A man is deemed the father of children born into his marriage and in many jurisdictions he can't escape the presumption of fatherhood. That half-white and half-black child born to the two white people is his. Same applies to these lesbians. There's no damage here.

The cost of raising a child is immaterial to the issue of race. They didn't get their dreamed of baby, well that happens to a lot of parents.

For a court to declare that a couple suffers harm from raising a biracial child is not a wise court decision.

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