Same-sex Lesbians Dislike Their Black Baby

There was another story about a lesbian couple who had a baby via in vitro, and they ended up splitting up or maybe one died, not sure, but anyway, the other was trying to get public assistance and the state was considering suing the donor father for child support!! Outrageous! I don't know how that ever turned out though.

He was so ordered, but frankly too bad, what an idiot.
Same Sex Lesbian White opposed to, say, an Opposite Sex Lesbian White Couple?

Probably to account for the male lesbians. I addressed this in the first few pages of this thread, comments #8 and #34.

I could have blissfully lived my entirely in complete ignorance of this new fangled gender confusion.

No doubt, how did I manage to make it 43 years with only knowing about 2 of the 14 genders of humans?

14? According to Facebook, there are 58 genders. Note that there are no longer plain old Male and Female genders. I think that those are now Cis Male and Cis Female (meaning one is happy with the gender one was assigned at birth...Jeebus).

I have no idea what the differences are between Male and Man or Female and Woman.

    • Agender
    • Androgyne
    • Androgynous
    • Bigender
    • Cis
    • Cisgender
    • Cis Female
    • Cis Male
    • Cis Man
    • Cis Woman
    • Cisgender Female
    • Cisgender Male
    • Cisgender Man
    • Cisgender Woman
    • Female to Male
    • FTM
    • Gender Fluid
    • Gender Nonconforming
    • Gender Questioning
    • Gender Variant
    • Genderqueer
    • Intersex
    • Male to Female
    • MTF
    • Neither
    • Neutrois
    • Non-binary
    • Other
    • Pangender
    • Trans
    • Trans*
    • Trans Female
    • Trans* Female
    • Trans Male
    • Trans* Male
    • Trans Man
    • Trans* Man
    • Trans Person
    • Trans* Person
    • Trans Woman
    • Trans* Woman
    • Transfeminine
    • Transgender
    • Transgender Female
    • Transgender Male
    • Transgender Man
    • Transgender Person
    • Transgender Woman
    • Transmasculine
    • Transsexual
    • Transsexual Female
    • Transsexual Male
    • Transsexual Man
    • Transsexual Person
    • Transsexual Woman
    • Two-Spirit
Here 8217 s a List of 58 Gender Options for Facebook Users - ABC News

Holy Jesus , I was making fun but good God. Do I have to provide a restroom for each on in my restaurant?
The couple paid for white sperm and were given black sperm. The company screwed up and should compensate the couple.

Are you opining that black sperm is less valuable than white sperm? Because in most cases when you order something if the company doesn't have what you ordered you have agreed to accept something of equal or greater value in exchange.

Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

The lesbians weren't born a certain race. They purchased a fertility service to produce a white baby, which they didn't receive.

Their damages are the costs and time to raise a child they don't want. The average cost of raising a child born in 2014 is $245k.

I feel sorry for the baby. How horrible to be raised by parents who are suing because she isn't the right color. How is that going to make her feel when she is older?

A man is deemed the father of children born into his marriage and in many jurisdictions he can't escape the presumption of fatherhood. That half-white and half-black child born to the two white people is his. Same applies to these lesbians. There's no damage here.

The cost of raising a child is immaterial to the issue of race. They didn't get their dreamed of baby, well that happens to a lot of parents.

For a court to declare that a couple suffers harm from raising a biracial child is not a wise court decision.

Except for the fact that they actually bought a child with certain specified criteria....
Same Sex Lesbian White opposed to, say, an Opposite Sex Lesbian White Couple?

Probably to account for the male lesbians. I addressed this in the first few pages of this thread, comments #8 and #34.

I could have blissfully lived my entirely in complete ignorance of this new fangled gender confusion.

I'm here to insure that you can't hide from the world that liberals are creating for YOU. Thank them for their willingness to work so diligently on your behalf.
Last edited:
Same Sex Lesbian White opposed to, say, an Opposite Sex Lesbian White Couple?

Probably to account for the male lesbians. I addressed this in the first few pages of this thread, comments #8 and #34.

I could have blissfully lived my entirely in complete ignorance of this new fangled gender confusion.

No doubt, how did I manage to make it 43 years with only knowing about 2 of the 14 genders of humans?

14? According to Facebook, there are 58 genders. Note that there are no longer plain old Male and Female genders. I think that those are now Cis Male and Cis Female (meaning one is happy with the gender one was assigned at birth...Jeebus).

I have no idea what the differences are between Male and Man or Female and Woman.

    • Agender
    • Androgyne
    • Androgynous
    • Bigender
    • Cis
    • Cisgender
    • Cis Female
    • Cis Male
    • Cis Man
    • Cis Woman
    • Cisgender Female
    • Cisgender Male
    • Cisgender Man
    • Cisgender Woman
    • Female to Male
    • FTM
    • Gender Fluid
    • Gender Nonconforming
    • Gender Questioning
    • Gender Variant
    • Genderqueer
    • Intersex
    • Male to Female
    • MTF
    • Neither
    • Neutrois
    • Non-binary
    • Other
    • Pangender
    • Trans
    • Trans*
    • Trans Female
    • Trans* Female
    • Trans Male
    • Trans* Male
    • Trans Man
    • Trans* Man
    • Trans Person
    • Trans* Person
    • Trans Woman
    • Trans* Woman
    • Transfeminine
    • Transgender
    • Transgender Female
    • Transgender Male
    • Transgender Man
    • Transgender Person
    • Transgender Woman
    • Transmasculine
    • Transsexual
    • Transsexual Female
    • Transsexual Male
    • Transsexual Man
    • Transsexual Person
    • Transsexual Woman
    • Two-Spirit
Here 8217 s a List of 58 Gender Options for Facebook Users - ABC News

Holy Jesus , I was making fun but good God. Do I have to provide a restroom for each on in my restaurant?

Yes, indeed. And you have to provide Diversity and Sensitivity Training to all of your staff.
Probably to account for the male lesbians. I addressed this in the first few pages of this thread, comments #8 and #34.

I could have blissfully lived my entirely in complete ignorance of this new fangled gender confusion.

No doubt, how did I manage to make it 43 years with only knowing about 2 of the 14 genders of humans?

14? According to Facebook, there are 58 genders. Note that there are no longer plain old Male and Female genders. I think that those are now Cis Male and Cis Female (meaning one is happy with the gender one was assigned at birth...Jeebus).

I have no idea what the differences are between Male and Man or Female and Woman.

    • Agender
    • Androgyne
    • Androgynous
    • Bigender
    • Cis
    • Cisgender
    • Cis Female
    • Cis Male
    • Cis Man
    • Cis Woman
    • Cisgender Female
    • Cisgender Male
    • Cisgender Man
    • Cisgender Woman
    • Female to Male
    • FTM
    • Gender Fluid
    • Gender Nonconforming
    • Gender Questioning
    • Gender Variant
    • Genderqueer
    • Intersex
    • Male to Female
    • MTF
    • Neither
    • Neutrois
    • Non-binary
    • Other
    • Pangender
    • Trans
    • Trans*
    • Trans Female
    • Trans* Female
    • Trans Male
    • Trans* Male
    • Trans Man
    • Trans* Man
    • Trans Person
    • Trans* Person
    • Trans Woman
    • Trans* Woman
    • Transfeminine
    • Transgender
    • Transgender Female
    • Transgender Male
    • Transgender Man
    • Transgender Person
    • Transgender Woman
    • Transmasculine
    • Transsexual
    • Transsexual Female
    • Transsexual Male
    • Transsexual Man
    • Transsexual Person
    • Transsexual Woman
    • Two-Spirit
Here 8217 s a List of 58 Gender Options for Facebook Users - ABC News

Holy Jesus , I was making fun but good God. Do I have to provide a restroom for each on in my restaurant?

Yes, indeed. And you have to provide Diversity and Sensitivity Training to all of your staff.

:( too bad, you're about right there .
Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

This is bound to be a problem when we start treating human beings like commodities.

Had they adopted they wouldn't be in this situation.

Yes, great point. You know, people are always pushing animal adoption but very rarely do you hear about people pushing for HUMAN adoption. There are kids/babies out there who need a loving home.

I posted this earlier ... I don't believe in invitro, for anyone. Never have. I truly believe that if a couple isn't able to naturally have a child there is a reason why, and the reason is because their child is already waiting for them via adoption. Yeah, I realize I'm pretty much alone on this pov. lol

A child that is already alive and without parents is problem that society hs to deal with. That child can't have his human rights to know his parents protected. We all understand that life happens, bad things happen. We try to do the est we can for that child.

An IVF child though is created with the intent of purposely depriving that child of his human rights. That's why so many countries forbid this practice.
The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

This is bound to be a problem when we start treating human beings like commodities.

Had they adopted they wouldn't be in this situation.

Yes, great point. You know, people are always pushing animal adoption but very rarely do you hear about people pushing for HUMAN adoption. There are kids/babies out there who need a loving home.

I posted this earlier ... I don't believe in invitro, for anyone. Never have. I truly believe that if a couple isn't able to naturally have a child there is a reason why, and the reason is because their child is already waiting for them via adoption. Yeah, I realize I'm pretty much alone on this pov. lol

After hearing about this, and several other stories in the past, I'm not so crazy about it myself. It's like "manufacturing" human beings to order. It's weird.

Read some accounts or talk to some adoption /IVF kids who are traumatized by having their identities stolen from them. It was the adopted kids who moved heaven and earth to implement open adoption records. Their hurt is very real to them.

With an IVF child a parent can never know before hand if the child will be ok with the human rights violation that the parents inflicted on the child or will be severely traumatized.
Are you opining that black sperm is less valuable than white sperm? Because in most cases when you order something if the company doesn't have what you ordered you have agreed to accept something of equal or greater value in exchange.

Nope. I'm opining that the couple paid for, chose, signed for white sperm, the company screwed up. Only way to make it right is monetary.

The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

The lesbians weren't born a certain race. They purchased a fertility service to produce a white baby, which they didn't receive.

Their damages are the costs and time to raise a child they don't want. The average cost of raising a child born in 2014 is $245k.

I feel sorry for the baby. How horrible to be raised by parents who are suing because she isn't the right color. How is that going to make her feel when she is older?

A man is deemed the father of children born into his marriage and in many jurisdictions he can't escape the presumption of fatherhood. That half-white and half-black child born to the two white people is his. Same applies to these lesbians. There's no damage here.

The cost of raising a child is immaterial to the issue of race. They didn't get their dreamed of baby, well that happens to a lot of parents.

For a court to declare that a couple suffers harm from raising a biracial child is not a wise court decision.

Except for the fact that they actually bought a child with certain specified criteria....

Genetics isn't so cut and dried.
This couple has every right to get the money back from the Sperm Bank. They can go pound sand about the rest of the suit asking for damages.

It seems that a lot of people are getting uppity because they wanted a donor that matched certain perimeters. The horror! You mean liken every person that has every used a sperm bank!? It is not a secret that folks that use these banks are practicing some form of eugenics when selecting the donor.

If it had been a straight couple, EVERONE would support the couple getting restitution over this.
Even when it's about homosexuals, somehow it's the normal non-gay people who are the problem, unbelievable.
Same Sex Lesbian White opposed to, say, an Opposite Sex Lesbian White Couple?

Probably to account for the male lesbians. I addressed this in the first few pages of this thread, comments #8 and #34.

I could have blissfully lived my entirely in complete ignorance of this new fangled gender confusion.

No doubt, how did I manage to make it 43 years with only knowing about 2 of the 14 genders of humans?

14? According to Facebook, there are 58 genders. Note that there are no longer plain old Male and Female genders. I think that those are now Cis Male and Cis Female (meaning one is happy with the gender one was assigned at birth...Jeebus).

I have no idea what the differences are between Male and Man or Female and Woman.

    • Agender
    • Androgyne
    • Androgynous
    • Bigender
    • Cis
    • Cisgender
    • Cis Female
    • Cis Male
    • Cis Man
    • Cis Woman
    • Cisgender Female
    • Cisgender Male
    • Cisgender Man
    • Cisgender Woman
    • Female to Male
    • FTM
    • Gender Fluid
    • Gender Nonconforming
    • Gender Questioning
    • Gender Variant
    • Genderqueer
    • Intersex
    • Male to Female
    • MTF
    • Neither
    • Neutrois
    • Non-binary
    • Other
    • Pangender
    • Trans
    • Trans*
    • Trans Female
    • Trans* Female
    • Trans Male
    • Trans* Male
    • Trans Man
    • Trans* Man
    • Trans Person
    • Trans* Person
    • Trans Woman
    • Trans* Woman
    • Transfeminine
    • Transgender
    • Transgender Female
    • Transgender Male
    • Transgender Man
    • Transgender Person
    • Transgender Woman
    • Transmasculine
    • Transsexual
    • Transsexual Female
    • Transsexual Male
    • Transsexual Man
    • Transsexual Person
    • Transsexual Woman
    • Two-Spirit
Here 8217 s a List of 58 Gender Options for Facebook Users - ABC News

That is the most retarded thing I've ever seen. :lol:
There was another story about a lesbian couple who had a baby via in vitro, and they ended up splitting up or maybe one died, not sure, but anyway, the other was trying to get public assistance and the state was considering suing the donor father for child support!! Outrageous! I don't know how that ever turned out though.

He was so ordered, but frankly too bad, what an idiot.

I can't access the page for some reason.
The company offered to reimburse them for the sperm. They want damages.

Courts generally don't uphold damages in this form. If your dad wrote a will which specified that if you married a person of a certain race you would be disinherieted, probate courts would not uphold that condition in a will.

It's very problematic to establish a precedent that one is "wronged" under law for being born a certain race.

This is bound to be a problem when we start treating human beings like commodities.

Had they adopted they wouldn't be in this situation.

Yes, great point. You know, people are always pushing animal adoption but very rarely do you hear about people pushing for HUMAN adoption. There are kids/babies out there who need a loving home.

I posted this earlier ... I don't believe in invitro, for anyone. Never have. I truly believe that if a couple isn't able to naturally have a child there is a reason why, and the reason is because their child is already waiting for them via adoption. Yeah, I realize I'm pretty much alone on this pov. lol

A child that is already alive and without parents is problem that society hs to deal with. That child can't have his human rights to know his parents protected. We all understand that life happens, bad things happen. We try to do the est we can for that child.

An IVF child though is created with the intent of purposely depriving that child of his human rights. That's why so many countries forbid this practice.

Well, to be fair, I don't think most people would look at it that way. They just want to have a child that is partly "their own" without realizing the complications it can cause.
Get their money back give the child up for adoption to a nice black family with a real mother and father.
This is bound to be a problem when we start treating human beings like commodities.

Had they adopted they wouldn't be in this situation.

Yes, great point. You know, people are always pushing animal adoption but very rarely do you hear about people pushing for HUMAN adoption. There are kids/babies out there who need a loving home.

I posted this earlier ... I don't believe in invitro, for anyone. Never have. I truly believe that if a couple isn't able to naturally have a child there is a reason why, and the reason is because their child is already waiting for them via adoption. Yeah, I realize I'm pretty much alone on this pov. lol

After hearing about this, and several other stories in the past, I'm not so crazy about it myself. It's like "manufacturing" human beings to order. It's weird.

Read some accounts or talk to some adoption /IVF kids who are traumatized by having their identities stolen from them. It was the adopted kids who moved heaven and earth to implement open adoption records. Their hurt is very real to them.

With an IVF child a parent can never know before hand if the child will be ok with the human rights violation that the parents inflicted on the child or will be severely traumatized.

My ex-boyfriend was adopted and never desired to know his biological parents. To him, his adopted parents were his real parents, but they were very good parents. I used to ask him how he could not want to know them, and even I was curious, but he never wanted to find out about them.
This is bound to be a problem when we start treating human beings like commodities.

Had they adopted they wouldn't be in this situation.

Yes, great point. You know, people are always pushing animal adoption but very rarely do you hear about people pushing for HUMAN adoption. There are kids/babies out there who need a loving home.

I posted this earlier ... I don't believe in invitro, for anyone. Never have. I truly believe that if a couple isn't able to naturally have a child there is a reason why, and the reason is because their child is already waiting for them via adoption. Yeah, I realize I'm pretty much alone on this pov. lol

A child that is already alive and without parents is problem that society hs to deal with. That child can't have his human rights to know his parents protected. We all understand that life happens, bad things happen. We try to do the est we can for that child.

An IVF child though is created with the intent of purposely depriving that child of his human rights. That's why so many countries forbid this practice.

Well, to be fair, I don't think most people would look at it that way. They just want to have a child that is partly "their own" without realizing the complications it can cause.

Then we need to educate them about human rights and morals and all that crap. I'm addressing this in another thread right now - a lot of this has to do with the liberal world view being so dominant in our social lives.
Had they adopted they wouldn't be in this situation.

Yes, great point. You know, people are always pushing animal adoption but very rarely do you hear about people pushing for HUMAN adoption. There are kids/babies out there who need a loving home.

I posted this earlier ... I don't believe in invitro, for anyone. Never have. I truly believe that if a couple isn't able to naturally have a child there is a reason why, and the reason is because their child is already waiting for them via adoption. Yeah, I realize I'm pretty much alone on this pov. lol

A child that is already alive and without parents is problem that society hs to deal with. That child can't have his human rights to know his parents protected. We all understand that life happens, bad things happen. We try to do the est we can for that child.

An IVF child though is created with the intent of purposely depriving that child of his human rights. That's why so many countries forbid this practice.

Well, to be fair, I don't think most people would look at it that way. They just want to have a child that is partly "their own" without realizing the complications it can cause.

Then we need to educate them about human rights and morals and all that crap. I'm addressing this in another thread right now - a lot of this has to do with the liberal world view being so dominant in our social lives.

Well, as I read and hear certain things (like OP), I am sure learning. I never really considered these complicating factors until I read or heard about them. Now I know what can happen.
Had they adopted they wouldn't be in this situation.

Yes, great point. You know, people are always pushing animal adoption but very rarely do you hear about people pushing for HUMAN adoption. There are kids/babies out there who need a loving home.

I posted this earlier ... I don't believe in invitro, for anyone. Never have. I truly believe that if a couple isn't able to naturally have a child there is a reason why, and the reason is because their child is already waiting for them via adoption. Yeah, I realize I'm pretty much alone on this pov. lol

After hearing about this, and several other stories in the past, I'm not so crazy about it myself. It's like "manufacturing" human beings to order. It's weird.

Read some accounts or talk to some adoption /IVF kids who are traumatized by having their identities stolen from them. It was the adopted kids who moved heaven and earth to implement open adoption records. Their hurt is very real to them.

With an IVF child a parent can never know before hand if the child will be ok with the human rights violation that the parents inflicted on the child or will be severely traumatized.

My ex-boyfriend was adopted and never desired to know his biological parents. To him, his adopted parents were his real parents, but they were very good parents. I used to ask him how he could not want to know them, and even I was curious, but he never wanted to find out about them.

And this is where the Russian Roulette metaphor comes into play. The parents put one bullet in the chamber, spin it the chamber, and pull the trigger on the child. They CAN'T know beforehand how the situation will develop. Will the child be OK with his identity being stolen from him, like your ex, or will the child be devastated by that act.
Yes, great point. You know, people are always pushing animal adoption but very rarely do you hear about people pushing for HUMAN adoption. There are kids/babies out there who need a loving home.

I posted this earlier ... I don't believe in invitro, for anyone. Never have. I truly believe that if a couple isn't able to naturally have a child there is a reason why, and the reason is because their child is already waiting for them via adoption. Yeah, I realize I'm pretty much alone on this pov. lol

After hearing about this, and several other stories in the past, I'm not so crazy about it myself. It's like "manufacturing" human beings to order. It's weird.

Read some accounts or talk to some adoption /IVF kids who are traumatized by having their identities stolen from them. It was the adopted kids who moved heaven and earth to implement open adoption records. Their hurt is very real to them.

With an IVF child a parent can never know before hand if the child will be ok with the human rights violation that the parents inflicted on the child or will be severely traumatized.

My ex-boyfriend was adopted and never desired to know his biological parents. To him, his adopted parents were his real parents, but they were very good parents. I used to ask him how he could not want to know them, and even I was curious, but he never wanted to find out about them.

And this is where the Russian Roulette metaphor comes into play. The parents put one bullet in the chamber, spin it the chamber, and pull the trigger on the child. They CAN'T know beforehand how the situation will develop. Will the child be OK with his identity being stolen from him, like your ex, or will the child be devastated by that act.

Well, his biological parents gave him up for adoption as a baby. He never even knew them. He was actually "chosen" by his adoptive parents as an already in existence baby and wasn't an in vitro baby or anything like that, just to be clear. :)
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."

Same Sex Lesbians is a redundant term.

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