Same-sex Lesbians Dislike Their Black Baby

Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."

Same Sex Lesbians is a redundant term.

Apparently it's not. Read post #34. omG!
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."

What a beautiful-looking child. sweet. Who could not be grateful and just love her. While there is a legitimate lawsuit in not getting what you contracted for, no other consideration is worthy. It is out of greed.


Well the point of this story obviously is that LGBTs are every bit as bigoted as they lash out at other people in accusation. Look at how they turn their backs on polygamists who want the same marriage equality they're after? You bring it up in a room of LGBTs and suddenly it gets very quiet...and the subject changes abruptly.
Regardless of how you feel about homos, blacks, whites, or kids ... don't you think this couple has the right to sue? They contracted for white sperm and were clearly given black sperm. It isn't wrong for them to want a child that is the same race as they are. It's normal. They live in an area where racism is a problem and now they have a black child and they are concerned that being half black may present problems for her. How awful they wanted spare their child this and wanted a white baby! Seriously, I don't see what the problem is with them suing. The sperm bank screwed up. You can't "unmake" the child so yeah, money is the compensation.
Why? who was harmed? Their feelings? What harm came of this it's a child not an appliance.

The couple paid for white sperm and were given black sperm. The company screwed up and should compensate the couple.
Parents pay the doctor that helps give birth to their child for a healthy baby, some times that doesn't happen. Should all parents sue when their new born doesn't come out healthy?
Well the point of this story obviously is that LGBTs are every bit as bigoted as they lash out at other people in accusation. Look at how they turn their backs on polygamists who want the same marriage equality they're after? You bring it up in a room of LGBTs and suddenly it gets very quiet...and the subject changes abruptly.
I have met LGBT people that hate other LGBT people, as well as Lesbians that hate married women with children or just Men in general. They are still a minority of the wider LGBT community though.
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."

Same Sex Lesbians is a redundant term.

Is it? I. can state, "same-sex" couple. You thus know I spoke of two women who are homosexual?

Some people simply rattle their tiny brain trying g to figure stuff out, why don't you sit this one out.
1. Couple doesn't hate child.

2. They selected a sperm of white characteristics and got sperm of black characteristics. They didn't get what they paid for because of the sperm bank's mistake. The sperm bank is liable for damages.

Pretty clear cut but homophobes apparently want to use this to further their hateful agenda that gay people shouldn't have rights.
1. Couple doesn't hate child.

2. They selected a sperm of white characteristics and got sperm of black characteristics. They didn't get what they paid for because of the sperm bank's mistake. The sperm bank is liable for damages.

Pretty clear cut but homophobes apparently want to use this to further their hateful agenda that gay people shouldn't have rights.

Isn't the important thing that they got a BABY? They should be grateful, IMO. Some people who cannot have children might not have the luxury of being able to afford such procedures or adoption, so they remain childless.
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."

Same Sex Lesbians is a redundant term.

Is it? I. can state, "same-sex" couple. You thus know I spoke of two women who are homosexual?

Some people simply rattle their tiny brain trying g to figure stuff out, why don't you sit this one out.
Wrong, you arrogant twit. To say "white lesbian couple" is quite enough for any sane person to infer that you're speaking of two white females engaged in an intimate partnership. There is no need to say "same-sex-lesbian-white couple".

This is the least of your problems though. You should retain a tutor for purposes of learning how to write sensibly and correctly.

".... it should of not made any difference"...? Jesus! Why don't you go ask your mommy if you can of a cookie?

Figure that one out, pea brain.
1. Couple doesn't hate child.

2. They selected a sperm of white characteristics and got sperm of black characteristics. They didn't get what they paid for because of the sperm bank's mistake. The sperm bank is liable for damages.

Pretty clear cut but homophobes apparently want to use this to further their hateful agenda that gay people shouldn't have rights.

And what rights would those be? I haven't read any comments here that state gays should not have rights. Being a little sensitive perhaps?
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."

Same Sex Lesbians is a redundant term.

Is it? I. can state, "same-sex" couple. You thus know I spoke of two women who are homosexual?

Some people simply rattle their tiny brain trying g to figure stuff out, why don't you sit this one out.
Wrong, you arrogant twit. To say "white lesbian couple" is quite enough for any sane person to infer that you're speaking of two white females engaged in an intimate partnership. There is no need to say "same-sex-lesbian-white couple".

This is the least of your problems though. You should retain a tutor for purposes of learning how to write sensibly and correctly.

".... it should of not made any difference"...? Jesus! Why don't you go ask your mommy if you can of a cookie?

Figure that one out, pea brain.
As long as your only argument is as stated, I am happy.

Ask my mother? She is dead, for future reference, I am sure you will need to know so that your personal attacks are accurate. Further I responded on my cell so there could be mistakes, because of such.

Either way, thanks for the help, to be more articulate is my goal.
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."

Same Sex Lesbians is a redundant term.

Is it? I. can state, "same-sex" couple. You thus know I spoke of two women who are homosexual?

Some people simply rattle their tiny brain trying g to figure stuff out, why don't you sit this one out.
Wrong, you arrogant twit. To say "white lesbian couple" is quite enough for any sane person to infer that you're speaking of two white females engaged in an intimate partnership. There is no need to say "same-sex-lesbian-white couple".

This is the least of your problems though. You should retain a tutor for purposes of learning how to write sensibly and correctly.

".... it should of not made any difference"...? Jesus! Why don't you go ask your mommy if you can of a cookie?

Figure that one out, pea brain.
As long as your only argument is as stated, I am happy.

Ask my mother? She is dead, for future reference, I am sure you will need to know so that your personal attacks are accurate. Further I responded on my cell so there could be mistakes, because of such.

Either way, thanks for the help, to be more articulate is my goal.
Then pay attention to constructive criticism and don't be so sassy in replying to such. Sorry about your mom.
1. Couple doesn't hate child.

2. They selected a sperm of white characteristics and got sperm of black characteristics. They didn't get what they paid for because of the sperm bank's mistake. The sperm bank is liable for damages.

Pretty clear cut but homophobes apparently want to use this to further their hateful agenda that gay people shouldn't have rights.
No, not at all, we do not hate or fear, that is you, "projecting". You hate and fear, not us.

Calling us homophobes shows your hate.

My OP, states, "dislikes", the color of the baby, you twist that to, "hate". You are political, not rarional.

My OP simply shows that same sex lesbian homosexual parents are no better than real parents.

I am a bit tired of the endless propaganda portrayal of homosexuals being superior "parents".
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

Same Sex Lesbians is a redundant term.

Is it? I. can state, "same-sex" couple. You thus know I spoke of two women who are homosexual?

Some people simply rattle their tiny brain trying g to figure stuff out, why don't you sit this one out.
Wrong, you arrogant twit. To say "white lesbian couple" is quite enough for any sane person to infer that you're speaking of two white females engaged in an intimate partnership. There is no need to say "same-sex-lesbian-white couple".

This is the least of your problems though. You should retain a tutor for purposes of learning how to write sensibly and correctly.

".... it should of not made any difference"...? Jesus! Why don't you go ask your mommy if you can of a cookie?

Figure that one out, pea brain.
As long as your only argument is as stated, I am happy.

Ask my mother? She is dead, for future reference, I am sure you will need to know so that your personal attacks are accurate. Further I responded on my cell so there could be mistakes, because of such.

Either way, thanks for the help, to be more articulate is my goal.
Then pay attention to constructive criticism and don't be so sassy in replying to such. Sorry about your mom.
Sassy? I guess, but my sassyness was in response to your post, which I viewed as an attempt confuse the facts.

I guess I did not to reply as such. But a little color don't hurt nothing.
1. Couple doesn't hate child.

2. They selected a sperm of white characteristics and got sperm of black characteristics. They didn't get what they paid for because of the sperm bank's mistake. The sperm bank is liable for damages.

Pretty clear cut but homophobes apparently want to use this to further their hateful agenda that gay people shouldn't have rights.

And what rights would those be? I haven't read any comments here that state gays should not have rights. Being a little sensitive perhaps?
They state "rights", politically to demonize conservatives as racist bigots, they must have a group of people to hate, so that others can join and fight against us, it's a power thing.

We have seen the same in the past, those who seek power must rally the population to a cause, thus a phoney cause, "rights".
Same Sex Lesbians is a redundant term.

Is it? I. can state, "same-sex" couple. You thus know I spoke of two women who are homosexual?

Some people simply rattle their tiny brain trying g to figure stuff out, why don't you sit this one out.
Wrong, you arrogant twit. To say "white lesbian couple" is quite enough for any sane person to infer that you're speaking of two white females engaged in an intimate partnership. There is no need to say "same-sex-lesbian-white couple".

This is the least of your problems though. You should retain a tutor for purposes of learning how to write sensibly and correctly.

".... it should of not made any difference"...? Jesus! Why don't you go ask your mommy if you can of a cookie?

Figure that one out, pea brain.
As long as your only argument is as stated, I am happy.

Ask my mother? She is dead, for future reference, I am sure you will need to know so that your personal attacks are accurate. Further I responded on my cell so there could be mistakes, because of such.

Either way, thanks for the help, to be more articulate is my goal.
Then pay attention to constructive criticism and don't be so sassy in replying to such. Sorry about your mom.
Sassy? I guess, but my sassyness was in response to your post, which I viewed as an attempt confuse the facts.

I guess I did not to reply as such. But a little color don't hurt nothing.
Dear child,
My first post was a simple truth. Same Sex Lesbians is a redundant term. My second post was in response to your sassy reply. All is well. Let's leave it that way.

...and that should have been written....But a little color doesn't hurt anything.......or..... But a little color hurts nothing.

[QUOTE ="asara, post: 9945525, member: 19762"]
Is it? I. can state, "same-sex" couple. You thus know I spoke of two women who are homosexual?

Some people simply rattle their tiny brain trying g to figure stuff out, why don't you sit this one out.
Wrong, you arrogant twit. To say "white lesbian couple" is quite enough for any sane person to infer that you're speaking of two white females engaged in an intimate partnership. There is no need to say "same-sex-lesbian-white couple".

This is the least of your problems though. You should retain a tutor for purposes of learning how to write sensibly and correctly.

".... it should of not made any difference"...? Jesus! Why don't you go ask your mommy if you can of a cookie?

Figure that one out, pea brain.
As long as your only argument is as stated, I am happy.

Ask my mother? She is dead, for future reference, I am sure you will need to know so that your personal attacks are accurate. Further I responded on my cell so there could be mistakes, because of such.

Either way, thanks for the help, to be more articulate is my goal.
Then pay attention to constructive criticism and don't be so sassy in replying to such. Sorry about your mom.
Sassy? I guess, but my sassyness was in response to your post, which I viewed as an attempt confuse the facts.

I guess I did not to reply as such. But a little color don't hurt nothing.
Dear child,
My first post was a simple truth. Same Sex Lesbians is a redundant term. My second post was in response to your sassy reply. All is well. Let's leave it that way.

...and that should have been written....But a little color doesn't hurt anything.......or..... But a little color hurts nothing.


First and foremost, callin me "child", is arrogance.

Second, my last, "poor" writing was me being a troll, you did not catch that?

Third, your desire to focus on my use of the term, lesbian is telling.

The only way homosexuals can further the agenda is to control what can be said, the homosexual activists use terminology that does not describe what they advocate.

They do not want free speech.

Lesbian same-sex couples is redundant?

"Same-sex", means homosexual females?

What are two same-sex homosexual men called?
Last edited:
[QUOTE ="asara, post: 9945525, member: 19762"]
Is it? I. can state, "same-sex" couple. You thus know I spoke of two women who are homosexual?

Some people simply rattle their tiny brain trying g to figure stuff out, why don't you sit this one out.
Wrong, you arrogant twit. To say "white lesbian couple" is quite enough for any sane person to infer that you're speaking of two white females engaged in an intimate partnership. There is no need to say "same-sex-lesbian-white couple".

This is the least of your problems though. You should retain a tutor for purposes of learning how to write sensibly and correctly.

".... it should of not made any difference"...? Jesus! Why don't you go ask your mommy if you can of a cookie?

Figure that one out, pea brain.
As long as your only argument is as stated, I am happy.

Ask my mother? She is dead, for future reference, I am sure you will need to know so that your personal attacks are accurate. Further I responded on my cell so there could be mistakes, because of such.

Either way, thanks for the help, to be more articulate is my goal.
Then pay attention to constructive criticism and don't be so sassy in replying to such. Sorry about your mom.
Sassy? I guess, but my sassyness was in response to your post, which I viewed as an attempt confuse the facts.

I guess I did not to reply as such. But a little color don't hurt nothing.
Dear child,
My first post was a simple truth. Same Sex Lesbians is a redundant term. My second post was in response to your sassy reply. All is well. Let's leave it that way.

...and that should have been written....But a little color doesn't hurt anything.......or..... But a little color hurts nothing.


First and foremost, callin me "child", is arrogance.

Second, my last, "poor" writing was me being a troll, you did not catch that?

Third, your desire to focus on my use of the term, lesbian is telling.

The only way homosexuals can further the agenda is to control what can be said, the homosexual activists use terminology that does not describe what they advocate.

They do not want free speech.

Lesbian same-sex couples is redundant?

"Same-sex", means homosexual females?

What are two same-sex homosexual men called?[/QUOTE]Yes.

A lesbian couple consists of two definition...they are same-sex. There is no need to say same sex lesbians. It is redundant.

A gay couple consists of two definition...they are same-sex. There is no need to say same sex gay couple.

If that those are not true, then LGBT cannot mean Lesbian Gay Bisexual it has for YEARS!

Lesbians are homosexual females.
Gays are homosexual males.
Bisexuals can be either sex.
Transexuals started life one way and switched to the other.

Just admit you were redundant and move on.

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