same sex marriage

I note with interest that you continue to think "Well, you're just stupid, you're crazy, I have lots of funny YouTube clips I can use to say you're stupid and crazy" is a valid refutation of anything.

I realize this probably works in the junior high circles you normally frequent. With me, it just confirms for me that you are unable to discuss the topic on any sort of facts, and therefore need to run, hide, ridicule, and attempt to silence to hide your lack of debating skill.

There is nothing to debate, you're insane. To actually say we would be debating to be saying your points have merit. Your points have the same merit to me as the Holocaust Deniers do.

Uh huh. "Everyone knows it", so there's no point in ever questioning what "everyone knows". Disagreeing is just insane, because "everyone knows" it's true. Therefore, it's never necessary to question what "everyone knows", because "everyone knows" it.

The difference, of course, is that Holocaust deniers are flying in the face of evidence. I, on the other hand, am presenting the evidence, and YOU are the one ignoring it to proclaim what you "know" to be true. And I'd bet good money that you "know" it without ever having reviewed a single piece of evidence supporting what you "know". You just "know".
It would make me feel very sad to know that you are so pathetic that you have to derive a sense of significance and meaning from people responding on a message board . . . if I cared enough about your existence on the planet to feel sad.

But good for you that my boredom has managed to provide you with some self-esteem. Consider that my charity work for the week.

Do you always act like you're ready to jab a pen into someone's throat when you're bored? Or are you always such a spiteful angry person? :eusa_eh:
Uh huh. "Everyone knows it", so there's no point in ever questioning what "everyone knows". Disagreeing is just insane, because "everyone knows" it's true. Therefore, it's never necessary to question what "everyone knows", because "everyone knows" it.

The difference, of course, is that Holocaust deniers are flying in the face of evidence. I, on the other hand, am presenting the evidence, and YOU are the one ignoring it to proclaim what you "know" to be true. And I'd bet good money that you "know" it without ever having reviewed a single piece of evidence supporting what you "know". You just "know".
People to Avoid Questioning

1. The IRS
2. The kindly officer who says you were pushing 60 in a school zone.
3. The epidemiologists and microbiologists protecting your ass from lethal pathogens.
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On the other hand, a man contracting germs from a woman's body would pretty require that he have an open wound on his genitals for the germs to pass through. A man with an open wound on his genitals probably doesn't feel much like having sex, and the woman probably isn't going to be all that turned on by it, either.

you forgot about that thing called the urethra.

you don't need an open cut to transmit hiv. it is just one of several mechanisms.

here's one, for example:
Langerhans cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
is anyone gonna post proof their is or is not a gay gene?

put of shut up, both of y'all

What do you ultimately conclude about these documents?

What do you ultimately conclude about these documents?
That there is evidence supporting genetic and/or prenatal factors in the determination of sexual preference.

It's already known that prenatal conditions can determine sex. XY females are an example of this. It follows, and the evidence also suggests, that more than simply physical sex may be determined or influenced by environmental factors in the womb, as well.
It seems women are getting aids predominently from heterosexual activities, and men are getting it more from homosexual activity.

I dont think aids is a gay or straight disease, and its misguided to blame gays for aids.

we need a cure, even if 99 our of 100 gays were getting the disease, because we should value human life, period

They're working on it

Researchers identify compound that could prevent HIV transmission - Academic Health Center, University of Minnesota Researchers Induce HIV-neutralizing Antibodies That Recognize HIV-1 Envelop Study finds potential way to make an AIDS vaccine | Reuters For the First Time Ever, HIV Vaccines Show Promise in Preventing Infections | 80beats | Discover Magazine
So your position is that since God didn't make us into mindless puppets and gave us the ability to make bad choices, that means that He must approve of any and every action we can take? You figure God is a big proponent of things like murder, rape, and child abuse, do you?

Have you always been a peabrained dumbfuck, or did you have a special operation just for this occasion?

Going for the gold tonight? Saying that Homosexuality is a bad choice. Comparing Homosexuality to Murder, Rape, and Child Abuse? :eusa_eh:
On a related note

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation
On the other hand, a man contracting germs from a woman's body would pretty require that he have an open wound on his genitals for the germs to pass through. A man with an open wound on his genitals probably doesn't feel much like having sex, and the woman probably isn't going to be all that turned on by it, either.

Shaving your pubic hair creates plenty of micro-cuts that are large enough to allow the transmission of HIV. If both partners regularly shave, they are putting themselves at a greater risk for all viral STIs.
If one is a carrier, and they kiss shortly after that persons brushed his/her teeth, the small amounts of blood present (of which they might not even be aware) can allow transfer. Also, if one is a secretor. This is far less likely, but also possible.
Uh huh. "Everyone knows it", so there's no point in ever questioning what "everyone knows". Disagreeing is just insane, because "everyone knows" it's true. Therefore, it's never necessary to question what "everyone knows", because "everyone knows" it.

The difference, of course, is that Holocaust deniers are flying in the face of evidence. I, on the other hand, am presenting the evidence, and YOU are the one ignoring it to proclaim what you "know" to be true. And I'd bet good money that you "know" it without ever having reviewed a single piece of evidence supporting what you "know". You just "know".
People to Avoid Questioning

1. The IRS
2. The kindly officer who says you were pushing 60 in a school zone.
3. The epidemiologists and microbiologists protecting your ass from lethal pathogens.

Fortunately, I haven't questioned any of those people. I haven't even questioned epidemiologists and microbiologists protecting OTHER people's asses from lethal pathogens. I have questioned, and will continue to question, politicians with an agenda to push.

I'm curious how long it's going to take for one of you ostriches to get curious and actually read the document I provided a link to. I'm betting never, because there are none so ignorant as those who assume they already know everything.
On the other hand, a man contracting germs from a woman's body would pretty require that he have an open wound on his genitals for the germs to pass through. A man with an open wound on his genitals probably doesn't feel much like having sex, and the woman probably isn't going to be all that turned on by it, either.

you forgot about that thing called the urethra.

you don't need an open cut to transmit hiv. it is just one of several mechanisms.

here's one, for example:
Langerhans cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm familiar with the urethra, thank you. I also know it doesn't transmit bodily fluids from the woman's body into the man's particularly easily. Or did you think when you had sex, you were getting a ton of female lubricant in there?
can you please add something coherent to this discussion other then angry rants. I understand this is an emotional issue for some, but lets try to remain civil ok?

I disagree, everything we do has an effect on others.

How we interact with family, friends, and even strangers, has an effect on us and them

How does Sunni Man receiving a sexual favor from another man effect your life?
i know that, its just frustrating is all.

It seems women are getting aids predominently from heterosexual activities, and men are getting it more from homosexual activity.

I dont think aids is a gay or straight disease, and its misguided to blame gays for aids.

we need a cure, even if 99 our of 100 gays were getting the disease, because we should value human life, period

They're working on it

Researchers identify compound that could prevent HIV transmission - Academic Health Center, University of Minnesota Researchers Induce HIV-neutralizing Antibodies That Recognize HIV-1 Envelop Study finds potential way to make an AIDS vaccine | Reuters For the First Time Ever, HIV Vaccines Show Promise in Preventing Infections | 80beats | Discover Magazine
On the other hand, a man contracting germs from a woman's body would pretty require that he have an open wound on his genitals for the germs to pass through. A man with an open wound on his genitals probably doesn't feel much like having sex, and the woman probably isn't going to be all that turned on by it, either.

Shaving your pubic hair creates plenty of micro-cuts that are large enough to allow the transmission of HIV. If both partners regularly shave, they are putting themselves at a greater risk for all viral STIs.

Quite true, but very, VERY few men shave their pubic hair.


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