same sex marriage

So your position is that since God didn't make us into mindless puppets and gave us the ability to make bad choices, that means that He must approve of any and every action we can take? You figure God is a big proponent of things like murder, rape, and child abuse, do you?

Have you always been a peabrained dumbfuck, or did you have a special operation just for this occasion?

Going for the gold tonight? Saying that Homosexuality is a bad choice. Comparing Homosexuality to Murder, Rape, and Child Abuse? :eusa_eh:

I didn't compare homosexuality to murder, rape, and child abuse, shitforbrains. I took his "God gave you the ability to choose, so He must like any choice that you make" statement to its logical conclusion.

As for considering homosexuality a bad choice, leftists who support the homosexual agenda apparently agree with me. After all, aren't they always saying "why would anyone choose to be gay"? "Homosexuality must be inborn, because no one would choose it"? this ringing any bells? Let's see a little consistency here, folks. Either being homosexual is a bad thing and no one would ever choose to be one, or it's great, and therefore people WOULD choose to be gay if it were a choice. One or the other.
Only a dumbshit leftist thinks right and wrong are decided by a poll. Intelligent people know that the truth can't be voted out of being true.

The truth shall set you free! Though it seems:

[ame=]YouTube - Classic Movie Line #15[/ame]
why in the world would anyone CHOOSE to endure the social ostracism that befalls homosexuals in America?

Like any other underground subculture, because it's fun.

Gotta agree with you there. People choose to identify with things the majority of society disapproves of all the time, so there's no reason homosexuality would be different in that regard.
So your position is that since God didn't make us into mindless puppets and gave us the ability to make bad choices, that means that He must approve of any and every action we can take? You figure God is a big proponent of things like murder, rape, and child abuse, do you?

Have you always been a peabrained dumbfuck, or did you have a special operation just for this occasion?

Going for the gold tonight? Saying that Homosexuality is a bad choice. Comparing Homosexuality to Murder, Rape, and Child Abuse? :eusa_eh:
What's the harm?

She already lost my respect with the "liberals invented the AIDS epidemic in Africa" line.

Oh, noes! The horror! I don't have the respect of someone . . . who means nothing whatsoever to me! Woe is me!

Like homosexuals, I didn't ask for your approval, and think you should keep your opinion until you're asked for it.
What's the harm?

She already lost my respect with the "liberals invented the AIDS epidemic in Africa" line.

Well not only did she dig her own grave, now she's throwing the dirt on top herself.

Yeah, offending people I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire is really "digging my grave". Contemplate getting over yourself, okay?
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Oh, noes! The horror! I don't have the respect of someone . . . who means nothing whatsoever to me! Woe is me!

Like homosexuals, I didn't ask for your approval, and think you should keep your opinion until you're asked for it.

He's entitled to his opinion, just like you're entitled yours.
Nice try, but no. Leftists have been telling us scare stories about heterosexual AIDS epidemics since Reagan was President, and it still stubbornly insists on clinging to high risk-behavior groups, of which homosexual males are one.
And, if it wasn't the government, who are these mysterious "leftists" you mention? Source? Anything?

Cecilia said:
I said "leftist", not government, fool, so try to at least PRETEND to read the posts before spouting off, okay?
Oh I see, it wasn't bit bad government plotting the conspiracy, it was the evil leftists! They all got together 20 years ago and tried to figure out how best to screw with Zuul.

Ceclia said:
What I believe, and the evidence bears me out, is that most of the so-called "AIDS cases" in Africa are, in fact, people suffering from other diseases entirely and being misdiagnosed as having AIDS to serve a political agenda.

WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record, No. 10, March 7, 1986
The evidence.... where? You mean that article from over two decades ago when our knowledge of hiv was miniscule? Or you mean the rapid blood tests we can do today that very quickly and accurately identify hiv markers? Please, put forth this "evidence".

Okay, first of all, Mensa Boy, my name is Cecilie, not Cecilia. Learn to read and spell. English is your friend.

Second of all, it would be the same leftists it always is, aka everyone on the political left lying to each other and then believing it. It started with the UN, and then was supported and spread by the media, and then picked up by leftist politicians and activists, on down to the dimwit rank and file who parrot what "everyone knows" to each other on the Internet. Unfortunately, what "everyone knows" is often on the level of "George Washington had wooden teeth" and "drinking Coke while eating Pop Rocks will kill you".

Third, thank you for your lame-ass attempts at being condescending and sarcastic, because rather than making what I said appear absurd, they just demonstrated that you didn't bother to pull your head out of your ass and find out what you were talking about. If you had, you would know I didn't reference an "article". I referenced a policy decision which is still in force to this day.
And how did they invent the epidemic in Africa, as that is where HIV originated?


As you can see, the vast majority of AIDS victims are in Africa, where over 20% of the population in certain countries are infected. People in southern Africa were dying from HIV for decades before western science identified the virus.

Not one of your brighter statements, Cecillie...

Actually, there's still a lot of argument about where it originated, at least among medical professionals. The general public, of course, hears a story repeated a few times and blithely accepts it as truth and goes on with it.

And yes, showing me a map repeating the story that there are lots of AIDS cases in Africa certainly proves the story that there are lots of AIDS cases in Africa . . . oh, wait. It doesn't, any more than YOU repeating it proves it.
Is the World Health Organization part of this grand liberal conspiracy? :lol:

WHO | Global Health Observatory | Map Gallery

The WHO is the originator of it, as a matter of fact. What, you're surprised to hear that WHO is not viewed as the ultimate arbiter of all unbiased, objective wisdom? :cuckoo:
On the other hand, a man contracting germs from a woman's body would pretty require that he have an open wound on his genitals for the germs to pass through. A man with an open wound on his genitals probably doesn't feel much like having sex, and the woman probably isn't going to be all that turned on by it, either.

Shaving your pubic hair creates plenty of micro-cuts that are large enough to allow the transmission of HIV. If both partners regularly shave, they are putting themselves at a greater risk for all viral STIs.

Quite true, but very, VERY few men shave their pubic hair.
Coming from you, that means . . . absolutely nothing. Next time, register your disapproval with someone 'batshit insane" enough to thinik your opinion matters.
Don't worry, he has...


Amazing how I'm still not giving a rat's ass. Even more amazing is how you're all still waiting for me to want you to like me. The truth is, if a shitforbrains like Dogbert ever DID approve of me, THAT might actually upset me.

Only a dumbshit leftist thinks right and wrong are decided by a poll. Intelligent people know that the truth can't be voted out of being true.

I'm a dumbshit leftist?


Dunno about leftist, but you're certainly a dumbshit to think that a response directed at someone else is a statement about you.

Unless, of course, you are identifying yourself with the characterization by saying that you think the truth is decided by a poll. In that case, who am I to argue with your self-identification? :eusa_whistle:
The WHO is the originator of it, as a matter of fact. What, you're surprised to hear that WHO is not viewed as the ultimate arbiter of all unbiased, objective wisdom? :cuckoo:

Oh I see, the UN is controlled by the gays! Are they Jewish gays, by any chance?

What shred of credibility you still had just flew out the window...
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Only a dumbshit leftist thinks right and wrong are decided by a poll. Intelligent people know that the truth can't be voted out of being true.

The truth shall set you free! Though it seems:

[ame=]YouTube - Classic Movie Line #15[/ame]

I note with interest that you continue to think "Well, you're just stupid, you're crazy, I have lots of funny YouTube clips I can use to say you're stupid and crazy" is a valid refutation of anything.

I realize this probably works in the junior high circles you normally frequent. With me, it just confirms for me that you are unable to discuss the topic on any sort of facts, and therefore need to run, hide, ridicule, and attempt to silence to hide your lack of debating skill.
Oh, noes! The horror! I don't have the respect of someone . . . who means nothing whatsoever to me! Woe is me!

Like homosexuals, I didn't ask for your approval, and think you should keep your opinion until you're asked for it.

He's entitled to his opinion, just like you're entitled yours.

I didn't say don't have it. I said don't flatter yourself that I care.
I note with interest that you continue to think "Well, you're just stupid, you're crazy, I have lots of funny YouTube clips I can use to say you're stupid and crazy" is a valid refutation of anything.

I realize this probably works in the junior high circles you normally frequent. With me, it just confirms for me that you are unable to discuss the topic on any sort of facts, and therefore need to run, hide, ridicule, and attempt to silence to hide your lack of debating skill.

There is nothing to debate, you're insane. To actually say we would be debating to be saying your points have merit. Your points have the same merit to me as the Holocaust Deniers do.
This just in: you're still insignificant.

And yet here you are finding me significant enough to respond to my every post. :eusa_whistle:

It would make me feel very sad to know that you are so pathetic that you have to derive a sense of significance and meaning from people responding on a message board . . . if I cared enough about your existence on the planet to feel sad.

But good for you that my boredom has managed to provide you with some self-esteem. Consider that my charity work for the week.
The WHO is the originator of it, as a matter of fact. What, you're surprised to hear that WHO is not viewed as the ultimate arbiter of all unbiased, objective wisdom? :cuckoo:

Oh I see, the UN is controlled by the gays! Are they Jewish gays, by any chance?

What shred of credibility you still had just flew out the window...

Where did I say the UN was controlled by gays, Brain Trust? I said it's controlled by leftists.

I'd say what shred of credibility YOU had just flew out the window, but you didn't have any. Aren't going to, either, until you learn to read.

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