same sex marriage

I dont know, what are peoples motivations to do anything?

for example, gay men that are effeminate, do they choose that way, or is that in their dna

what makes some gay men more masculine and some more effiminite

I wonder

Their is an interesting fundamental question

are gays men made that way, do you have a choice to whom your attracted to.

I'd like to hear some thoughts on this.

And ill give my opinion later

why in the world would anyone CHOOSE to endure the social ostracism that befalls homosexuals in America?
two different arguments.

Argument A: You cant impose your religious beliefs on gays

Argument B: you cant impose your secular beliefs on religious people

Bottom Line: Your both fighting for what you think is right, and i not gonna name call or demonize either side.

Second: Gay people deserving basic protections such as seeing their loved one when sick, getting housing without discrimination, and being able to leave inheritance are far different or not the same as creating a new right, one never enjoyed by gay people, to be married, which will change the definition/institution of marriage, which was arguably given to us by god.

But then again, I could be wrong :lol:

so what do you think?

What I think is that you're waving a red herring around. "Seeing their loved ones when they're sick"? What hospital are you going to, with a maitre'd, bouncer, and velvet ropes? Hospital I always go to when I'm sick, you can pretty much wander in and visit complete strangers if you're of a mind to. Nobody pays any attention to you as long as you behave yourself.

"Getting housing without discrimination"? Homosexuals are being refused housing and forced to live in ghettos, are they? Last time I checked, it was already illegal to discriminate in housing.

"Being able to leave inheritance"? It's called a will. Little old ladies leave their fortunes to their cats all the time. I see nothing stopping homosexuals from having wills specifying any inheritance breakdown they like. Indeed, having a will is recommended even for married heterosexuals, unless one likes lengthening and complicating the probate process for one's family and friends. Only a damned fool sails along blithely expecting "we're married" to handle everything in the event of death.
Speaking of something that's twenty years out-of-date . . . haven't we been hearing that "soon most of the AIDS cases will be heterosexual, so you can't say it's a 'gay' disease" line almost since AIDS was first known, and it still hasn't happened. The left had to invent an epidemic of heterosexual AIDS in Africa to cover up the fact that it didn't happen.

That just may top RGS's "people who commit suicide aren't looking for help" comment earlier in the week for stupidest comment all year.

Congratulations on being batshit insane.
my dilemma is that I truly believe God: Hashem, Jesus, And Allah are against homosexuality.

I believe in some ways Im going against god, by condoning homosexuality/gay marriage.

on the other hand, I like gay people. They are a very accepting community. I volunteered for 5 months off and on with my local pride, and I want them to have the same basic rights

So do I tell god he is wrong, and accept gays or do I accept god's word without question

im honestly jealous of everyone on the board, cause this question seems easier for everyone else

I'm curious. Do you always think that liking someone means you have to agree with everything they do, say, and think, and that you have to support them when they're doing something you think is wrong?

I have many friends who are homosexual or bisexual, as well as transsexual and transgendered. I like them very much. I don't consider that the point here.
perhaps I am mistaken. When I volunteered with the local gay pride office, they said gays were not able to see their partners when they got sick.

Ill take your word, on the housing. Because it is illegal to discriminate, and i thought you couldnt leave money in a will, but i guess im wrong

my bad

two different arguments.

Argument A: You cant impose your religious beliefs on gays

Argument B: you cant impose your secular beliefs on religious people

Bottom Line: Your both fighting for what you think is right, and i not gonna name call or demonize either side.

Second: Gay people deserving basic protections such as seeing their loved one when sick, getting housing without discrimination, and being able to leave inheritance are far different or not the same as creating a new right, one never enjoyed by gay people, to be married, which will change the definition/institution of marriage, which was arguably given to us by god.

But then again, I could be wrong :lol:

so what do you think?

What I think is that you're waving a red herring around. "Seeing their loved ones when they're sick"? What hospital are you going to, with a maitre'd, bouncer, and velvet ropes? Hospital I always go to when I'm sick, you can pretty much wander in and visit complete strangers if you're of a mind to. Nobody pays any attention to you as long as you behave yourself.

"Getting housing without discrimination"? Homosexuals are being refused housing and forced to live in ghettos, are they? Last time I checked, it was already illegal to discriminate in housing.

"Being able to leave inheritance"? It's called a will. Little old ladies leave their fortunes to their cats all the time. I see nothing stopping homosexuals from having wills specifying any inheritance breakdown they like. Indeed, having a will is recommended even for married heterosexuals, unless one likes lengthening and complicating the probate process for one's family and friends. Only a damned fool sails along blithely expecting "we're married" to handle everything in the event of death.
perhaps I am mistaken. When I volunteered with the local gay pride office, they said gays were not able to see their partners when they got sick.

Ill take your word, on the housing. Because it is illegal to discriminate, and i thought you couldnt leave money in a will, but i guess im wrong

my bad

two different arguments.

Argument A: You cant impose your religious beliefs on gays

Argument B: you cant impose your secular beliefs on religious people

Bottom Line: Your both fighting for what you think is right, and i not gonna name call or demonize either side.

Second: Gay people deserving basic protections such as seeing their loved one when sick, getting housing without discrimination, and being able to leave inheritance are far different or not the same as creating a new right, one never enjoyed by gay people, to be married, which will change the definition/institution of marriage, which was arguably given to us by god.

But then again, I could be wrong :lol:

so what do you think?

What I think is that you're waving a red herring around. "Seeing their loved ones when they're sick"? What hospital are you going to, with a maitre'd, bouncer, and velvet ropes? Hospital I always go to when I'm sick, you can pretty much wander in and visit complete strangers if you're of a mind to. Nobody pays any attention to you as long as you behave yourself.

"Getting housing without discrimination"? Homosexuals are being refused housing and forced to live in ghettos, are they? Last time I checked, it was already illegal to discriminate in housing.

"Being able to leave inheritance"? It's called a will. Little old ladies leave their fortunes to their cats all the time. I see nothing stopping homosexuals from having wills specifying any inheritance breakdown they like. Indeed, having a will is recommended even for married heterosexuals, unless one likes lengthening and complicating the probate process for one's family and friends. Only a damned fool sails along blithely expecting "we're married" to handle everything in the event of death.

Make that wrong AGAIN, Marty.
do they know how you feel about their homosexuality?

does it cause any friction?


my dilemma is that I truly believe God: Hashem, Jesus, And Allah are against homosexuality.

I believe in some ways Im going against god, by condoning homosexuality/gay marriage.

on the other hand, I like gay people. They are a very accepting community. I volunteered for 5 months off and on with my local pride, and I want them to have the same basic rights

So do I tell god he is wrong, and accept gays or do I accept god's word without question

im honestly jealous of everyone on the board, cause this question seems easier for everyone else

I'm curious. Do you always think that liking someone means you have to agree with everything they do, say, and think, and that you have to support them when they're doing something you think is wrong?

I have many friends who are homosexual or bisexual, as well as transsexual and transgendered. I like them very much. I don't consider that the point here.
about what?

point it out, and if your right ill apologize.

I make mistakes, im human.

I try not to make mistakes, but i have good days and bad days.

perhaps I am mistaken. When I volunteered with the local gay pride office, they said gays were not able to see their partners when they got sick.

Ill take your word, on the housing. Because it is illegal to discriminate, and i thought you couldnt leave money in a will, but i guess im wrong

my bad

What I think is that you're waving a red herring around. "Seeing their loved ones when they're sick"? What hospital are you going to, with a maitre'd, bouncer, and velvet ropes? Hospital I always go to when I'm sick, you can pretty much wander in and visit complete strangers if you're of a mind to. Nobody pays any attention to you as long as you behave yourself.

"Getting housing without discrimination"? Homosexuals are being refused housing and forced to live in ghettos, are they? Last time I checked, it was already illegal to discriminate in housing.

"Being able to leave inheritance"? It's called a will. Little old ladies leave their fortunes to their cats all the time. I see nothing stopping homosexuals from having wills specifying any inheritance breakdown they like. Indeed, having a will is recommended even for married heterosexuals, unless one likes lengthening and complicating the probate process for one's family and friends. Only a damned fool sails along blithely expecting "we're married" to handle everything in the event of death.

Make that wrong AGAIN, Marty.
You make AIDS sound like the common cold.

"Just get plenty of rest and drink alot of fluids"

I looked it up. The last stats were 14,561 deaths in 2007 from AIDS :eek:

That doesn't count all of the people who were in a hospice close to death that year.

Or, all of the people who can't work and are on disibility because of the disease.

Maybe 14,561 deaths doesn't sound like much to you SmarterThanHick

But, I bet it's far worse than any chronic infection to the people dying of it.

You can't just look at AIDS, you have to look at all STDs. Why? Because the rate is growing in the heterosexual community. The statistics you see now in other states, is where you will see the most AIDS in just a few more years. It's going to happen. It's unavoidable. Then, no one can say it's a "gay" disease.

Texas Citizens for Science

Speaking of something that's twenty years out-of-date . . . haven't we been hearing that "soon most of the AIDS cases will be heterosexual, so you can't say it's a 'gay' disease" line almost since AIDS was first known, and it still hasn't happened. The left had to invent an epidemic of heterosexual AIDS in Africa to cover up the fact that it didn't happen.

Seriously? You want to go with that? A lot of people are going to read that, maybe you want to edit it or something...
If God gave humans free choice and some "chose" to be gay (let's just say for this argument that you're not born gay), then why would god be against something he gave you free will to choose? :cuckoo:

So your position is that since God didn't make us into mindless puppets and gave us the ability to make bad choices, that means that He must approve of any and every action we can take? You figure God is a big proponent of things like murder, rape, and child abuse, do you?

Have you always been a peabrained dumbfuck, or did you have a special operation just for this occasion?
If God gave humans free choice and some "chose" to be gay (let's just say for this argument that you're not born gay), then why would god be against something he gave you free will to choose? :cuckoo:

People choose to sin.

It is a choice.

Rapists choose to rape.

Child molesters choose to molest children.

Gays choose to defile themselves and go against God.

Just as a person can choose to be a thief and rob people or be an honest person.

Everyone get's to make choices in life.

Some chose right and God's way.

Others choose to sin and go against God.

It's really very simple :eusa_angel:

You're talking about things that harm people. As a society we don't allow that for obvious reasons. What you're saying is like saying "I'm against weed, so smoking it is a sin." As long as a person has a good heart, I'm sure that jesus wouldn't mind how he got off.

I must have missed the "have a good heart and do whatever floats your boat" gospel.
So your position is that since God didn't make us into mindless puppets and gave us the ability to make bad choices, that means that He must approve of any and every action we can take? You figure God is a big proponent of things like murder, rape, and child abuse, do you?

Have you always been a peabrained dumbfuck, or did you have a special operation just for this occasion?

Going for the gold tonight? Saying that Homosexuality is a bad choice. Comparing Homosexuality to Murder, Rape, and Child Abuse? :eusa_eh:
Homosexuality is a choice.
I've asked before and I don't think I got a response: did you choose to be heterosexual? You had a choice?

scientists have NOT, I repeat NOT, found a gay gene.

So that leaves homosexuality as a choice
Your logic seems impaired (again). Why is it that if it's not genetic, it is a matter of simple choice? What about environmental factors? What about a mix between nature, nurture, and conscious decision making? Why is it that if it's not one thing, it must be the thing you hate the most?

Second: Gay people deserving basic protections such as seeing their loved one when sick, getting housing without discrimination, and being able to leave inheritance are far different or not the same as creating a new right, one never enjoyed by gay people, to be married, which will change the definition/institution of marriage, which was arguably given to us by god.
these are excellent points. OK sunni - even with your bigotry, would you deny someone from seeing their gay lover if they were in the hospital? Would you remove such rights? Do you feel there should be housing discrimination for the gay community? Are you so blind with hatred that your response to despising their actions results in negative actions of your own?
So your position is that since God didn't make us into mindless puppets and gave us the ability to make bad choices, that means that He must approve of any and every action we can take? You figure God is a big proponent of things like murder, rape, and child abuse, do you?

Have you always been a peabrained dumbfuck, or did you have a special operation just for this occasion?

Going for the gold tonight? Saying that Homosexuality is a bad choice. Comparing Homosexuality to Murder, Rape, and Child Abuse? :eusa_eh:
What's the harm?

She already lost my respect with the "liberals invented the AIDS epidemic in Africa" line.
Speaking of something that's twenty years out-of-date . . . haven't we been hearing that "soon most of the AIDS cases will be heterosexual, so you can't say it's a 'gay' disease" line almost since AIDS was first known
no? you've been hearing about it since it's been picking up in heterosexuals.

Cecilie said:
The left had to invent an epidemic of heterosexual AIDS in Africa to cover up the fact that it didn't happen.
oh good, another wacked conspiracy theorist. yes, all those people in Africa are just some government ploy. Or perhaps you believe that the US government went to Africa and spread the AIDS via crop duster just to ensure the story was straight? about one in four men with hiv is straight, and about 3 in 4 women are straight.

Nice try, but no. Leftists have been telling us scare stories about heterosexual AIDS epidemics since Reagan was President, and it still stubbornly insists on clinging to high risk-behavior groups, of which homosexual males are one.

And there's no "conspiracy theory" involved, dumbass. Just common sense and logic. The only "wacked conspiracy theorist" here is you, leaping to "government ploy" when I said exactly two things about the government: jack and shit. I said "leftist", not government, fool, so try to at least PRETEND to read the posts before spouting off, okay?

What I believe, and the evidence bears me out, is that most of the so-called "AIDS cases" in Africa are, in fact, people suffering from other diseases entirely and being misdiagnosed as having AIDS to serve a political agenda. All it takes is the willingness to pull your head out of your ass - which I assume is where the entire exercise lost you - and read the relevant documents.

WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record, No. 10, March 7, 1986

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