same sex marriage

I believe god gave us free will to be good or bad, in anything.

See that knife, why would god give you a choice to use it to stab someone when he could give the choice to use it save someone's life as a doctor

I dont know whether gays or born that way, or choose that way.

What I do know is, I feel sympathy for them because they have a harder life then I do as a heterosexual.

If God gave humans free choice and some "chose" to be gay (let's just say for this argument that you're not born gay), then why would god be against something he gave you free will to choose? :cuckoo:
If God gave humans free choice and some "chose" to be gay (let's just say for this argument that you're not born gay), then why would god be against something he gave you free will to choose? :cuckoo:

People choose to sin.

It is a choice.

Rapists choose to rape.

Child molesters choose to molest children.

Gays choose to defile themselves and go against God.

Just as a person can choose to be a thief and rob people or be an honest person.

Everyone get's to make choices in life.

Some chose right and God's way.

Others choose to sin and go against God.

It's really very simple :eusa_angel:
do you have a point, or you just like to laugh :lol:

I believe god gave us free will to be good or bad, in anything.

See that knife, why would god give you a choice to use it to stab someone when he could give the choice to use it save someone's life as a doctor

I dont know whether gays or born that way, or choose that way.

What I do know is, I feel sympathy for them because they have a harder life then I do as a heterosexual.

:lol: gimme a break! :rofl:
I disagree, everything we do has an effect on others.

How we interact with family, friends, and even strangers, has an effect on us and them

second: relationships (both hetero and homo) have a good or bad impact on our families and friends, unless on the small chance, the girlfriend or boyfriend of the same or different sex partner never meets the family or friends, which is quite hard to believe would never happen.

third: sexuality is a very spiritual thing, its not just sex, although some want to pretend it is, and the risk of potential or actual diseases doesnt stay in a bubble, (again this is for hetero or homo relations/relationships)

Nothing we ever do is truly ever in a bubble

If God gave humans free choice and some "chose" to be gay (let's just say for this argument that you're not born gay), then why would god be against something he gave you free will to choose? :cuckoo:

People choose to sin.

It is a choice.

Rapists choose to rape.

Child molesters choose to molest children.

Gays choose to defile themselves and go against God.

Just as a person can choose to be a thief and rob people or be an honest person.

Everyone get's to make choices in life.

Some chose right and God's way.

Others choose to sin and go against God.

It's really very simple :eusa_angel:

You're talking about things that harm people. As a society we don't allow that for obvious reasons. What you're saying is like saying "I'm against weed, so smoking it is a sin." As long as a person has a good heart, I'm sure that jesus wouldn't mind how he got off.
you dont know the first thing about me.

Second: the real hate is coming from you. This venamous, mean-spirited, un-civil. Not even an attempt at political discourse, but character assasination

I saw a lot of this, when I volunteered for my local pride off and on for 5 months.

I find it sad that the people who tell me im hateful, are the ones spewing the hate.

Its the same people calling me a racist, for not supporting obama's policies.


Different Issue

Same Tactic

With a doofus looking avatar and hate in your heart like you have martin, I sure hope you're not having reproductive sex.
actually, we're able to treat aids like a chronic infection now - the available drugs are quite good. you might wanna update your info, seeing as it's 2 decades old.

You make AIDS sound like the common cold.

"Just get plenty of rest and drink alot of fluids"

I looked it up. The last stats were 14,561 deaths in 2007 from AIDS :eek:

That doesn't count all of the people who were in a hospice close to death that year.

Or, all of the people who can't work and are on disibility because of the disease.

Maybe 14,561 deaths doesn't sound like much to you SmarterThanHick

But, I bet it's far worse than any chronic infection to the people dying of it.

You can't just look at AIDS, you have to look at all STDs. Why? Because the rate is growing in the heterosexual community. The statistics you see now in other states, is where you will see the most AIDS in just a few more years. It's going to happen. It's unavoidable. Then, no one can say it's a "gay" disease.

Texas Citizens for Science

Speaking of something that's twenty years out-of-date . . . haven't we been hearing that "soon most of the AIDS cases will be heterosexual, so you can't say it's a 'gay' disease" line almost since AIDS was first known, and it still hasn't happened. The left had to invent an epidemic of heterosexual AIDS in Africa to cover up the fact that it didn't happen.
For some reason you think I am bigoted and intolerant of homosexuals.

Although I am opposed to gay marriage,

I completely support homos having all of the random unprotected sex with as many multiple partners as they want.

Okay..........lemmie ask you a question........

Would you have a gay couple over to your house for dinner and a visit?

Not in this conversation, but your question reminded me of one I recieved when I was in Florida. I was asked, aren't you being judgemental about not wanting to hang with cheaters (people that cheat on their spouse)?

I considered for a minute and responded, I prefer no games, I don't want to be put in a position where I am asked to lie (either thru implication or directly) to protect someone's secrets. I would rather spend my time with people that don't cause my family additional stress by trying to remember what we can and can't say, how we can and can't act. It is a matter of preference. I would be very uncomfortable having someone come to my house that I disagree with their personal life choices (and that includes my sister, that is not homosexual, she just isn't right).

In other words, you're being judgemental about not wanting to hang with people who cheat on their spouses. And what the hell's wrong with that? I'm judgemental about all sorts of bad behavior that makes people unpleasant to be around, and I'm damned proud of my discernment and strength of character in so doing.

"Judgemental" is only pejorative to those who want to make a virtue of being indecisive and spineless.
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link please

and herpes is very different from other diseases.

aids can get other diseases because of your weak immune system

and can i a link, cause i dont believe the religious right since the early to late eighties has suggested segregating anybody

I wouldn't say that it's like living with the common cold Sunnidiot.

I'd say it's more like living with herpes, as you would have to take medication constantly, and pay close attention to your health.

Interestingly enough, we hear about the Christian right wanting to segregate and lock up gays because of the infection rates of AIDS, yet we hear nothing about locking up the heteros with herpes.

Double standard perhaps?

Personally, if I had full-blown AIDS, I would want to be segregated in one of those little hermetically-sealed bubble things they use for kids born without immune systems. Wandering around picking up germs my body can't fight off seems crazy to me.
Speaking of something that's twenty years out-of-date . . . haven't we been hearing that "soon most of the AIDS cases will be heterosexual, so you can't say it's a 'gay' disease" line almost since AIDS was first known
no? you've been hearing about it since it's been picking up in heterosexuals.

Cecilie said:
The left had to invent an epidemic of heterosexual AIDS in Africa to cover up the fact that it didn't happen.
oh good, another wacked conspiracy theorist. yes, all those people in Africa are just some government ploy. Or perhaps you believe that the US government went to Africa and spread the AIDS via crop duster just to ensure the story was straight? about one in four men with hiv is straight, and about 3 in 4 women are straight.
It seems women are getting aids predominently from heterosexual activities, and men are getting it more from homosexual activity.

I dont think aids is a gay or straight disease, and its misguided to blame gays for aids.

we need a cure, even if 99 our of 100 gays were getting the disease, because we should value human life, period
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because of all the transfer methods of sexual practices, it's actually hardest for men to pick it up with vaginal intercourse (not that it's difficult, but just relative compared to the others)
The left had to invent an epidemic of heterosexual AIDS in Africa to cover up the fact that it didn't happen.
And how did they invent the epidemic in Africa, as that is where HIV originated?


As you can see, the vast majority of AIDS victims are in Africa, where over 20% of the population in certain countries are infected. People in southern Africa were dying from HIV for decades before western science identified the virus.

Not one of your brighter statements, Cecillie...
Their is an interesting fundamental question

are gays men made that way, do you have a choice to whom your attracted to.

I'd like to hear some thoughts on this.

And ill give my opinion later
Their is an interesting fundamental question

are gays men made that way, do you have a choice to whom your attracted to.

I'd like to hear some thoughts on this.

And ill give my opinion later

why in the world would anyone CHOOSE to endure the social ostracism that befalls homosexuals in America?

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