same sex marriage

You know Sunnidiot........that cartoon makes more sense than 98 percent of your posts on this message board.

Just come out of the closet already'll feel better about yourself.
For some reason you think I am bigoted and intolerant of homosexuals.

Although I am opposed to gay marriage,

I completely support homos having all of the random unprotected sex with as many multiple partners as they want.
For some reason you think I am bigoted and intolerant of homosexuals.

Although I am opposed to gay marriage,

I completely support homos having all of the random unprotected sex with as many multiple partners as they want.

Okay..........lemmie ask you a question........

Would you have a gay couple over to your house for dinner and a visit?
For some reason you think I am bigoted and intolerant of homosexuals.

Although I am opposed to gay marriage,

I completely support homos having all of the random unprotected sex with as many multiple partners as they want.

Okay..........lemmie ask you a question........

Would you have a gay couple over to your house for dinner and a visit?

Not in this conversation, but your question reminded me of one I recieved when I was in Florida. I was asked, aren't you being judgemental about not wanting to hang with cheaters (people that cheat on their spouse)?

I considered for a minute and responded, I prefer no games, I don't want to be put in a position where I am asked to lie (either thru implication or directly) to protect someone's secrets. I would rather spend my time with people that don't cause my family additional stress by trying to remember what we can and can't say, how we can and can't act. It is a matter of preference. I would be very uncomfortable having someone come to my house that I disagree with their personal life choices (and that includes my sister, that is not homosexual, she just isn't right).
every society fights about what is right, meaning what makes good political policy. Its very subjective, but to call those who disagree with you stupid. Im sorry I see that as a slippery slope which is why I try to respect liberals and others.

Perhaps an argument is stupid, but it doesnt make our political opponents stupid

I believe that those like my best friend, for religions reasons, ethical and moral reasons who believe homosexuality to be a sin are not bad or stupid people
see that last sentence is what really makes them stupid (using your word choice). if you (your friends) want to practice their own ignorant religious beliefs, be my guest. Just don't claim those religious teachings are a national and political right.
I respect your honesty as well. I dont think its important whether I agree with you, or frankly anyone else on this board. I think its more important to be civil, and remember were all americans first, political people second

as for me, im not opposed to same sex marriage or homosexuals/homosexuality at this time.

You seem to a good person and I respect you frankness Actsnoblemartin.

Just as long as you don't join their team. :eusa_angel:

Because their long term health plan isn't very good.

(In fact, it's more like a short term death plan. Given the AIDS and other diseases they infect each other with) :eek:
May I have a link please?

Thank You

You make AIDS sound like the common cold.

I looked it up. The last stats were 14,561 deaths in 2007 from AIDS :eek:

cold? no. flu? probably, seeing as about double the number of Americans die from the flu every year than AIDS.

The point still remains: the antiretroviral regimens we have today for hiv are drastically better than previous decades. While I don't mean to infer that makes infection a good thing by any regard, it does mean you shouldn't wildly take things out of perspective.

All people, regardless of sexual or gender identity should exercise safe practices. Heterosexuality does not make you immune to hiv.
link please

and herpes is very different from other diseases.

aids can get other diseases because of your weak immune system

and can i a link, cause i dont believe the religious right since the early to late eighties has suggested segregating anybody

I wouldn't say that it's like living with the common cold Sunnidiot.

I'd say it's more like living with herpes, as you would have to take medication constantly, and pay close attention to your health.

Interestingly enough, we hear about the Christian right wanting to segregate and lock up gays because of the infection rates of AIDS, yet we hear nothing about locking up the heteros with herpes.

Double standard perhaps?
Listen, if the scientists ever come out and said that they have positively and unequivocally isolated a gay gene.

It would be front page news in every news paper in the world.

The TV news would be talking about it 24/7

The Gay Pride people would have huge marches with signs saying, "We told you so"!!!!

And I would post an apology to all the fudge packers on every board I have posted.

But, scientists have NOT, I repeat NOT, found a gay gene.

So that leaves homosexuality as a choice, a sick choice, but still a choice.
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two different arguments.

Argument A: You cant impose your religious beliefs on gays

Argument B: you cant impose your secular beliefs on religious people

Bottom Line: Your both fighting for what you think is right, and i not gonna name call or demonize either side.

Second: Gay people deserving basic protections such as seeing their loved one when sick, getting housing without discrimination, and being able to leave inheritance are far different or not the same as creating a new right, one never enjoyed by gay people, to be married, which will change the definition/institution of marriage, which was arguably given to us by god.

But then again, I could be wrong :lol:

so what do you think?
my dilemma is that I truly believe God: Hashem, Jesus, And Allah are against homosexuality.

I believe in some ways Im going against god, by condoning homosexuality/gay marriage.

on the other hand, I like gay people. They are a very accepting community. I volunteered for 5 months off and on with my local pride, and I want them to have the same basic rights

So do I tell god he is wrong, and accept gays or do I accept god's word without question

im honestly jealous of everyone on the board, cause this question seems easier for everyone else
my own personal Un-Biased research

Here is the link I started at


the most up to date link I could find was May 14th 2009

APA revises 'gay gene' theory (

APA revises 'gay gene' theory

Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 5/14/2009 6:30:00 AM

The attempt to prove that homosexuality is determined biologically has been dealt a knockout punch. An American Psychological Association publication includes an admission that there's no homosexual "gene" -- meaning it's not likely that homosexuals are born that way.

For decades, the APA has not considered homosexuality a psychological disorder, while other professionals in the field consider it to be a "gender-identity" problem. But the new statement, which appears in a brochure called "Answers to Your Questions for a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality," states the following:

"There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles...."

Listen, if the scientists ever come out and say that they have positively isolated a gay gene.

It would be front page news in every news paper in the world.

The TV news would be talking about it 24/7

The Gay Pride people would have huge marches with signs saying, "We told you so"!!!!

And I would post an apology to all the fudge packers on every board I have posted.

But, scientists have NOT, I repeat NOT, found a gay gene.

So that leaves homosexuality as a choice, a sick choice, but still a choice.
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