same sex marriage

i accidently inferred i was against gay marriage, at this time. I am in support of it.

second, people elect people to make laws that supposedly benefit our society.

Including gays, will change the definition of marriage and potentially what kids are taught about marriage
What are kids taught about marriage now? :eusa_eh: and by whom? Was there an elementary school class I missed along the way?

people see to get angry though, and i can agree/disagree with anyone without being upset most the time. Key word most :lol:
If someone told you you were not allowed to love who you want in the same manner as everyone else, that you had no rights with regards to your loved one, and that you are generally a "sick" (as Sunni Man just said) sub-human person, I'd like to see how calm you can remain. ;)
i accidently inferred i was against gay marriage, at this time. I am in support of it.

second, people elect people to make laws that supposedly benefit our society.

Including gays, will change the definition of marriage and potentially what kids are taught about marriage

I simply think right or wrong we should be honest about what would/would not happen if it passes.

people see to get angry though, and i can agree/disagree with anyone without being upset most the time. Key word most :lol:

people have a right to their religious and moral beliefs without being attacked, unless were stupid to them for our beliefs
Well, yes - they have a right to their religious and moral beliefs. So why are those religious and moral beliefs affecting national law? No one is suggesting all Christians/Muslims/other religious groups accept homosexuality (tho it would be nice). The FOCUS is on a secular government that separates church from state permitting equality among all people with respect to marriage.

If you even add in all the religious garbage, the fear/sin/whathaveyou is NOT against marriage, but against the things people might do in marriage. That fact that that group does those things anyway because they *can't* get married is a point that seems to be ignored completely.

Sunni Man said:
There is NO gay gene or genetic predisposition that makes a person a sodomite.

It is a choice. A sick choice, but a still a choice
Oh? So when did you choose?

A legal definition is rarely the same as a true definition. Marriage won't change in definition, and kids are not really taught about marriage in school anyway.

What do you ultimately conclude about these documents?
What do you ultimately conclude about these documents?
That there is evidence supporting genetic and/or prenatal factors in the determination of sexual preference.

It's already known that prenatal conditions can determine sex. XY females are an example of this. It follows, and the evidence also suggests, that more than simply physical sex may be determined or influenced by environmental factors in the womb, as well.
why is it, if you dont support gay marriage you must be gay, right wing, stupid, a hick, redneck, did i forget any other juvenile name calling?

Because if they can't marginalize, demonize, and dismiss their opponents, it would force them to actually discuss the issues and objections, and they can't do that.
people have a right to their religious and moral beliefs without being attacked, unless were stupid to them for our beliefs
Well, yes - they have a right to their religious and moral beliefs. So why are those religious and moral beliefs affecting national law? No one is suggesting all Christians/Muslims/other religious groups accept homosexuality (tho it would be nice). The FOCUS is on a secular government that separates church from state permitting equality among all people with respect to marriage.

Why are YOUR beliefs affecting national law? Why are anyone's? Are you seriously suggesting that laws should only be passed if they run contrary to the beliefs of everyone in the country? Or are you suggesting that only non-religious beliefs are valid for people to express in their political lives? (I think we both know that's EXACTLY what you're suggesting.)

Seems to me the FOCUS is on marginalizing people who don't agree with you and creating a society where any belief that you don't share becomes something shameful that should be hidden away from view.

If you even add in all the religious garbage, the fear/sin/whathaveyou is NOT against marriage, but against the things people might do in marriage. That fact that that group does those things anyway because they *can't* get married is a point that seems to be ignored completely.

Sunni Man said:
There is NO gay gene or genetic predisposition that makes a person a sodomite.

It is a choice. A sick choice, but a still a choice
Oh? So when did you choose?

This is going to shock you, but people can object to making something public policy without it having anything to do with "fear" or "sin". When you can get over this juvenile need to demonize and dismiss, you might come to understand this issue on a level more mature than "You don't agree with me, so you're a stupid poophead."

I won't hold my breath, though.
why is it, if you dont support gay marriage you must be gay, right wing, stupid, a hick, redneck, did i forget any other juvenile name calling?

Because if they can't marginalize, demonize, and dismiss their opponents, it would force them to actually discuss the issues and objections, and they can't do that.

Interestingly enough, the anti-gay crowd likes to demonize (gays are pedophiles), marginalize (gays don't need rights, it's a choice), and dismiss (gays don't count) them.

Most of the Christian conservatives are incapable of actually discussing the issues and objections as well as the science.
my beliefs are well documented as this time.

Perhaps an argument is stupid, but it doesnt make our political opponents stupid

I believe that those like my best friend, for religions reasons, ethical and moral reasons who believe homosexuality to be a sin are not bad or stupid people

They are trying to preserve traditional marriage, as they believe that is the right thing to do.

Whats right can be very subjective.

as for me, im not opposed to same sex marriage or homosexuals/homosexuality at this time.

people have a right to their religious and moral beliefs without being attacked, unless were stupid to them for our beliefs
Well, yes - they have a right to their religious and moral beliefs. So why are those religious and moral beliefs affecting national law? No one is suggesting all Christians/Muslims/other religious groups accept homosexuality (tho it would be nice). The FOCUS is on a secular government that separates church from state permitting equality among all people with respect to marriage.

Why are YOUR beliefs affecting national law? Why are anyone's? Are you seriously suggesting that laws should only be passed if they run contrary to the beliefs of everyone in the country? Or are you suggesting that only non-religious beliefs are valid for people to express in their political lives? (I think we both know that's EXACTLY what you're suggesting.)

Seems to me the FOCUS is on marginalizing people who don't agree with you and creating a society where any belief that you don't share becomes something shameful that should be hidden away from view.

If you even add in all the religious garbage, the fear/sin/whathaveyou is NOT against marriage, but against the things people might do in marriage. That fact that that group does those things anyway because they *can't* get married is a point that seems to be ignored completely.

Sunni Man said:
There is NO gay gene or genetic predisposition that makes a person a sodomite.

It is a choice. A sick choice, but a still a choice
Oh? So when did you choose?

This is going to shock you, but people can object to making something public policy without it having anything to do with "fear" or "sin". When you can get over this juvenile need to demonize and dismiss, you might come to understand this issue on a level more mature than "You don't agree with me, so you're a stupid poophead."

I won't hold my breath, though.
Perhaps an argument is stupid, but it doesnt make our political opponents stupid

I believe that those like my best friend, for religions reasons, ethical and moral reasons who believe homosexuality to be a sin are not bad or stupid people
see that last sentence is what really makes them stupid (using your word choice). if you (your friends) want to practice their own ignorant religious beliefs, be my guest. Just don't claim those religious teachings are a national and political right.
as for me, im not opposed to same sex marriage or homosexuals/homosexuality at this time.

You seem to a good person and I respect you frankness Actsnoblemartin.

Just as long as you don't join their team. :eusa_angel:

Because their long term health plan isn't very good.

(In fact, it's more like a short term death plan. Given the AIDS and other diseases they infect each other with) :eek:
(In fact, it's more like a short term death plan. Given the AIDS and other diseases they infect each other with) :eek:
actually, we're able to treat aids like a chronic infection now - the available drugs are quite good. you might wanna update your info, seeing as it's 2 decades old.

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