same sex marriage

Let's ask a devout Muslim what HE thinks about gays, or homosexual marriage. You dipsticks think Christians are intolerant? You folks don’t know intolerance if it kicked you in the balls. Don’t push this agenda, either. Homosexuality isn’t a right guaranteed in the Constitution, and that is a fact. We all have the same rights, no more, no less. Homosexuality is narcissism, it’s a sexual perversion. Please. Let’s call a spade a spade. They neither need nor deserve marriage, anymore than another sexual deviants. What they do in their own bedroom is none of my business, until they try to sway public opinion or re-write laws. Then , there is were the issue ends. Don’t tell me what I need to accept, or how to bloody think, either.
Let's ask a devout Muslim what HE thinks about gays, or homosexual marriage. You dipsticks think Christians are intolerant? You folks don’t know intolerance if it kicked you in the balls. Don’t push this agenda, either. Homosexuality isn’t a right guaranteed in the Constitution, and that is a fact. We all have the same rights, no more, no less. Homosexuality is narcissism, it’s a sexual perversion. Please. Let’s call a spade a spade. They neither need nor deserve marriage, anymore than another sexual deviants. What they do in their own bedroom is none of my business, until they try to sway public opinion or re-write laws. Then , there is were the issue ends. Don’t tell me what I need to accept, or how to bloody think, either.

Hmmm...........methinks the closeted one doth protest too much.

Listen dude, come outta the closet and fess up about yourself, you'll feel much better.

It's obvious by the way, your macho avatar and the manly way that you stand up in defense against the evil gays.

Personally? I think it's all a cover up to hide the fact that you're actually a pillow biter.
Let's ask a devout Muslim what HE thinks about gays, or homosexual marriage. You dipsticks think Christians are intolerant? You folks don’t know intolerance if it kicked you in the balls. Don’t push this agenda, either. Homosexuality isn’t a right guaranteed in the Constitution, and that is a fact. We all have the same rights, no more, no less. Homosexuality is narcissism, it’s a sexual perversion. Please. Let’s call a spade a spade. They neither need nor deserve marriage, anymore than another sexual deviants. What they do in their own bedroom is none of my business, until they try to sway public opinion or re-write laws. Then , there is were the issue ends. Don’t tell me what I need to accept, or how to bloody think, either.

Hmmm...........methinks the closeted one doth protest too much.

Listen dude, come outta the closet and fess up about yourself, you'll feel much better.

It's obvious by the way, your macho avatar and the manly way that you stand up in defense against the evil gays.

Personally? I think it's all a cover up to hide the fact that you're actually a pillow biter.

Dude, I think you read to much into things, and besides, that really is a trite response, don't you think? You like my avatar? It’s a rather sarcastic thing related to the immigration board. Sorry if it turns you on., How about my post, boy-o? Would you actually like to remark on that besides being a self righteous contradictory twit?
Wow, cat got yer tongue? A navy carrier. In the Navy, like a macho- macho man. Jesus fucking H. Christ. I don’t give a shit about gays, this is a side issue to me, really. Gays never did anything to me, and that is a fact. I’m here on a lark. But I can make it a focus though, if you want. You want that? MY Bro was in the navy, on during the Vietnam war on the USS Ticonderoga putting bombs on planes . Asshole. You don’t get it, do ya?
SW2SILVER , here is the best, final advice you will receive on this issue.

You don't like homosexual marriage? Then don't marry one. Let's move on.
they're not really married cause, the preacher preforming the cerimony is apperently a fraud. how could you go against the book your preaching from. because the bible plainly says it wrong.

Support your outrageous statement, Please quote the passage from the King James version of the Holy Bible that states same sex marriage is wrong or that it is a sin.
why is it, if you dont support gay marriage you must be gay, right wing, stupid, a hick, redneck, did i forget any other juvenile name calling?

Gay - not applicable in this instance.

Right Wing - usually speaks out against gays, as they believe God tells them to exclude those people, which is why they are usually called out whenever someone protests gay activity, as they are usually there.

Stupid - anyone who is not willing to look at things and has a closed mind. Racists are also stupid.

Hick - Slang term for a person who has low education and is rural. People from this environment generally are afraid of something that is outside their experience base.

Redneck -Another slang term for a rural dweller with low education due to economic circumstance. As fearful of outside influences as Hicks.

Either way........excluding someone for different behavior that HAS NO DIRECT EFFECT ON YOU is really less than intelligent.

Almost moronic.
while I have the same opinion on gays as you do at this time.

I dont think we should be calling people names is my only point

for simply being against homosexuality is not stupid, moronic, or mean

people have a right to their religious and moral beliefs without being attacked, unless were stupid to them for our beliefs

why is it, if you dont support gay marriage you must be gay, right wing, stupid, a hick, redneck, did i forget any other juvenile name calling?

Gay - not applicable in this instance.

Right Wing - usually speaks out against gays, as they believe God tells them to exclude those people, which is why they are usually called out whenever someone protests gay activity, as they are usually there.

Stupid - anyone who is not willing to look at things and has a closed mind. Racists are also stupid.

Hick - Slang term for a person who has low education and is rural. People from this environment generally are afraid of something that is outside their experience base.

Redneck -Another slang term for a rural dweller with low education due to economic circumstance. As fearful of outside influences as Hicks.

Either way........excluding someone for different behavior that HAS NO DIRECT EFFECT ON YOU is really less than intelligent.

Almost moronic.
while I have the same opinion on gays as you do at this time.

I dont think we should be calling people names is my only point

for simply being against homosexuality is not stupid, moronic, or mean

people have a right to their religious and moral beliefs without being attacked, unless were stupid to them for our beliefs

why is it, if you dont support gay marriage you must be gay, right wing, stupid, a hick, redneck, did i forget any other juvenile name calling?

Gay - not applicable in this instance.

Right Wing - usually speaks out against gays, as they believe God tells them to exclude those people, which is why they are usually called out whenever someone protests gay activity, as they are usually there.

Stupid - anyone who is not willing to look at things and has a closed mind. Racists are also stupid.

Hick - Slang term for a person who has low education and is rural. People from this environment generally are afraid of something that is outside their experience base.

Redneck -Another slang term for a rural dweller with low education due to economic circumstance. As fearful of outside influences as Hicks.

Either way........excluding someone for different behavior that HAS NO DIRECT EFFECT ON YOU is really less than intelligent.

Almost moronic.

No, stupid moronic and mean is when they try to make laws prohibiting the lifestyle of people who are GENETICALLY PREDISPOSED to being gay. Scientists have proven that a gay persons brain is actually different than a hetero persons. Additionally, they haven't found just one gene, but rather several, that when present in a certain number, will result in the person being gay.

Ignorance is when you never had the chance to learn. Stupidity is when you had the chance, but didn't bother. It's quite okay to be ignorant, just don't be stupid.

Ignoring the evidence presented by geneticists and scientists when presented makes it stupid. Stupidity breeds moronic behavior, which results in the person becoming mean.

Nope........I kinda think it fits.

And DO have the right to your own religious beliefs, but, when your beliefs infringe upon the rights and beliefs of others (i.e. gays), just because you believe that God gave you a mandate to "save their soul", well.........that's when you go off the tracks.

Fuck off Ain't Noble Martin, you're just another one of those bigoted assholes. Personally? I hope that whatever bad karma you wish on someone else comes back to you times 10.
you were making a lot of sense until you decided to start name calling again.

while I have the same opinion on gays as you do at this time.

I dont think we should be calling people names is my only point

for simply being against homosexuality is not stupid, moronic, or mean

people have a right to their religious and moral beliefs without being attacked, unless were stupid to them for our beliefs

Gay - not applicable in this instance.

Right Wing - usually speaks out against gays, as they believe God tells them to exclude those people, which is why they are usually called out whenever someone protests gay activity, as they are usually there.

Stupid - anyone who is not willing to look at things and has a closed mind. Racists are also stupid.

Hick - Slang term for a person who has low education and is rural. People from this environment generally are afraid of something that is outside their experience base.

Redneck -Another slang term for a rural dweller with low education due to economic circumstance. As fearful of outside influences as Hicks.

Either way........excluding someone for different behavior that HAS NO DIRECT EFFECT ON YOU is really less than intelligent.

Almost moronic.

No, stupid moronic and mean is when they try to make laws prohibiting the lifestyle of people who are GENETICALLY PREDISPOSED to being gay. Scientists have proven that a gay persons brain is actually different than a hetero persons. Additionally, they haven't found just one gene, but rather several, that when present in a certain number, will result in the person being gay.

Ignorance is when you never had the chance to learn. Stupidity is when you had the chance, but didn't bother. It's quite okay to be ignorant, just don't be stupid.

Ignoring the evidence presented by geneticists and scientists when presented makes it stupid. Stupidity breeds moronic behavior, which results in the person becoming mean.

Nope........I kinda think it fits.

And DO have the right to your own religious beliefs, but, when your beliefs infringe upon the rights and beliefs of others (i.e. gays), just because you believe that God gave you a mandate to "save their soul", well.........that's when you go off the tracks.

Fuck off Ain't Noble Martin, you're just another one of those bigoted assholes. Personally? I hope that whatever bad karma you wish on someone else comes back to you times 10.
people have a right to their religious and moral beliefs without being attacked, unless were stupid to them for our beliefs
Well, yes - they have a right to their religious and moral beliefs. So why are those religious and moral beliefs affecting national law? No one is suggesting all Christians/Muslims/other religious groups accept homosexuality (tho it would be nice). The FOCUS is on a secular government that separates church from state permitting equality among all people with respect to marriage.

If you even add in all the religious garbage, the fear/sin/whathaveyou is NOT against marriage, but against the things people might do in marriage. That fact that that group does those things anyway because they *can't* get married is a point that seems to be ignored completely.

Sunni Man said:
There is NO gay gene or genetic predisposition that makes a person a sodomite.

It is a choice. A sick choice, but a still a choice
Oh? So when did you choose?
i accidently inferred i was against gay marriage, at this time. I am in support of it.

second, people elect people to make laws that supposedly benefit our society.

Including gays, will change the definition of marriage and potentially what kids are taught about marriage

I simply think right or wrong we should be honest about what would/would not happen if it passes.

people see to get angry though, and i can agree/disagree with anyone without being upset most the time. Key word most :lol:

people have a right to their religious and moral beliefs without being attacked, unless were stupid to them for our beliefs
Well, yes - they have a right to their religious and moral beliefs. So why are those religious and moral beliefs affecting national law? No one is suggesting all Christians/Muslims/other religious groups accept homosexuality (tho it would be nice). The FOCUS is on a secular government that separates church from state permitting equality among all people with respect to marriage.

If you even add in all the religious garbage, the fear/sin/whathaveyou is NOT against marriage, but against the things people might do in marriage. That fact that that group does those things anyway because they *can't* get married is a point that seems to be ignored completely.

Sunni Man said:
There is NO gay gene or genetic predisposition that makes a person a sodomite.

It is a choice. A sick choice, but a still a choice
Oh? So when did you choose?

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