same sex marriage

NotSmarterThanShit your orgional claim was that there were "no" MD's against evolution and none could be googled.

In about 30 seconds I googled a list that had several PhD's and a couple of MD's who are opposed to the quack theory of evolution.

Now you say that I should produce more MD's

Hey I got an idea!!

Since you have a computer. Why don't you just google the subject yourself.

Cause there are pages of MD's and PhD's who refute evolution as a scientific fraud. :cool:

You do realize that any doctor who doesn't believe in evolution is inept, viruses evolve, that's why we can catch colds and flus even after having them once. Without evolution you would only get sick once, that's it.
Please provide evidence where any virus has ever evolved into something besides a virus.

Thank you

Mold ... :eusa_whistle:
Hey Sunnidiot.........your wife DOES go to medical conventions to get the newest information about diseases and such, right?

She's proving evolution exists by her attendance. If she doesn't go, then her license will be revoked after a while, or, she'll end up being employed by some whack job like Michael Jackson.
I have never heard of any disease evolving into anything.

Please provide evidence of this phenomena.

Thank you
You do realize that any doctor who doesn't believe in evolution is inept, viruses evolve, that's why we can catch colds and flus even after having them once. Without evolution you would only get sick once, that's it.
Please provide evidence where any virus has ever evolved into something besides a virus.

Thank you

Mold ... :eusa_whistle:
I am willing to learn.

Please provide evidence that a virus will evolve into mold.

Thank you
Sunnidiot, you ain't willing to learn shit other than something that will reinforce your weapons grade bullshit.

You are a fucking moron.
NotSmarterThanShit your orgional claim was that there were "no" MD's against evolution and none could be googled.

In about 30 seconds I googled a list that had several PhD's and a couple of MD's who are opposed to the quack theory of evolution.

Now you say that I should produce more MD's

Hey I got an idea!!

Since you have a computer. Why don't you just google the subject yourself.

Cause there are pages of MD's and PhD's who refute evolution as a scientific fraud. :cool:
ah, so in your entire list, you found a single MD in the US that rejects evolution, and somehow you want us to believe you are married to... who exactly? :lol:
You know, and I realize I'm hitting this thread rather late, I've just got to say that, personally, I don't give a flying rhinoceros shit about same sex marriage. There are truly much bigger things going on in this country to worry about than this.
I really like what I heard Whoopie Goldberg say once when asked about gay marriage.........

"If you're against gay marriage, don't marry a gay!"

Kinda sums up the whole idea nicely. By the way, didn't Jesus say "Live and let Live"?

Who will defend the sancitity of marriage?
Okay......lemmie get this straight.........

If you're hetero, and you go outside of your committed relationship, as long as it's hetero sex, that "defends the sanctity of marriage".

However..........if you remain in a committed relationship with a person of the same gender, but DON'T stray, you are somehow tearing apart the foundations of it?

You've gotta be fucking kidding me........
In the United States same sex marriage doesnt have to do with religious institutions recognizing the marriage rather the state, which is a secular democracy, recognizing it.

And, of course, marriage is not a concept that is unique to Christianity... Also, if a certain group of Christians wants to recognize same sex marriage its their decision. No demoniation of christianity follows everything as stated in the bible. ALL and I do mean ALL christians pick and choose what they want to believe from the bible.

The STRANGE THING? In "ALL" the states where same sex marriage has been allowed, such has never been the free will choice of WE THE PEOPLE.....such authorization always comes from COURT OPINION circumventing any form of true democracy, the court simply overrides the will of the people with the simple sound of a "GAVEL". Do you call that democracy in action? I call such....judicial despotism.
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Homosexuals should be allowed to be as unhappy as married heteros.
Anyways, half the people don't abide by "till death do you part" so it's a joke in the first place.
And the other half fuck their wives in the ass.
So what's the big deal?
I'd bet every last fucking dollar I have that Whoopi Goldberg has a significantly higher IQ than sunnidiot.
Gay marriage and homosexuality are not sins. Remember what I said: a good Christian doesn't judge love, that's my job.
Well.........I've heard that if you go to Trinidad, Colorado and get an operation, you will then be allowed the same priveledges as those with tab and slot connections.

However......your tab must be changed to a slot to allow that, otherwise, it's gay and therefore an abomination against God and this country (according to some).

But.......this brings up a question.........if gay sex is a sin, but you get your gender changed, and then have anal sex, is it still a sin, even though it's done in a hetero way?

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