same sex marriage

(In fact, it's more like a short term death plan. Given the AIDS and other diseases they infect each other with) :eek:
actually, we're able to treat aids like a chronic infection now - the available drugs are quite good. you might wanna update your info, seeing as it's 2 decades old.

You make AIDS sound like the common cold.

"Just get plenty of rest and drink alot of fluids"

I looked it up. The last stats were 14,561 deaths in 2007 from AIDS :eek:

That doesn't count all of the people who were in a hospice close to death that year.

Or, all of the people who can't work and are on disibility because of the disease.

Maybe 14,561 deaths doesn't sound like much to you SmarterThanHick

But, I bet it's far worse than any chronic infection to the people dying of it.
You make AIDS sound like the common cold.

I looked it up. The last stats were 14,561 deaths in 2007 from AIDS :eek:

cold? no. flu? probably, seeing as about double the number of Americans die from the flu every year than AIDS.

The point still remains: the antiretroviral regimens we have today for hiv are drastically better than previous decades. While I don't mean to infer that makes infection a good thing by any regard, it does mean you shouldn't wildly take things out of perspective.

All people, regardless of sexual or gender identity should exercise safe practices. Heterosexuality does not make you immune to hiv.
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I wouldn't say that it's like living with the common cold Sunnidiot.

I'd say it's more like living with herpes, as you would have to take medication constantly, and pay close attention to your health.

Interestingly enough, we hear about the Christian right wanting to segregate and lock up gays because of the infection rates of AIDS, yet we hear nothing about locking up the heteros with herpes.

Double standard perhaps?
(In fact, it's more like a short term death plan. Given the AIDS and other diseases they infect each other with) :eek:
actually, we're able to treat aids like a chronic infection now - the available drugs are quite good. you might wanna update your info, seeing as it's 2 decades old.

You make AIDS sound like the common cold.

"Just get plenty of rest and drink alot of fluids"

I looked it up. The last stats were 14,561 deaths in 2007 from AIDS :eek:

That doesn't count all of the people who were in a hospice close to death that year.

Or, all of the people who can't work and are on disibility because of the disease.

Maybe 14,561 deaths doesn't sound like much to you SmarterThanHick

But, I bet it's far worse than any chronic infection to the people dying of it.

You can't just look at AIDS, you have to look at all STDs. Why? Because the rate is growing in the heterosexual community. The statistics you see now in other states, is where you will see the most AIDS in just a few more years. It's going to happen. It's unavoidable. Then, no one can say it's a "gay" disease.

Texas Citizens for Science
AIDS will always be known as the gay disease.

Homos were the first to spread it. So it will always be associated with them.

Plus, stats show that homo AIDS is still far greater, than AIDS among normal people.
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seeing as about double the number of Americans die from the flu every year than AIDS.
Very dishonost and misleading statement.

But heck, what should I expect comming from you.

The flu can affect all Americans. From babies to the elerdy, A huge pool of potential victims.

Whereas, AIDS is mainly spread among certain demographics and age/gender groups. (With some exceptions, ie. prenatal, transfusions, etc.)
This is going to shock you, but people can object to making something public policy without it having anything to do with "fear" or "sin". .

Not really.All things made illegal are pretty much made illegal for fear that someone might act against the members of the population.
AIDS will always be known as the gay disease.

Homos were the first to spread it. So it will always be associated with them.

Plus, stats show that homo AIDS is still far greater, than AIDS among normal people.

It my surprise you, but I totally support unprotected and random gay sex among homosexuals. :cool:

Yeah......but the largest population of AIDS cases is that of African American males.

Should we quarantine and lock them up as well?
Very dishonost and misleading statement.

But heck, what should I expect comming from you.
If you think the numbers are wrong, by all means point out where. I got my numbers from the US Center of Disease Control. Claiming I'm wrong and then making underhanded remarks about it only points to your immaturity, not that I was incorrect.

The flu can affect all Americans. From babies to the elerdy, A huge pool of potential victims.

Whereas, AIDS is mainly spread among certain demographics and age/gender groups. (With some exceptions, ie. prenatal, transfusions, etc.)
Oh so, EXCEPT for when it affects all those other people, it only affects certain people. Gotcha. So what's your point? HIV is being spread among all people now, regardless of sexual preference. The thing that's in common with all transmission cases is NOT homosexuality, it's lack of barrier safe sex practices.

Your original claim that is is homosexual only is invalid.
Your secondary claim that it kills masses is outdated and invalid.
Your attempt at refutation is ignorant and invalid.

Let me know if you'd like to make a point that has actual supporting evidence.
California Homosexual Organization Admits HIV/AIDS is "Gay Disease"

By Gudrun Schultz

LOS ANGELES, California, October 4, 2006 ( – The Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center has abandoned a long-held homosexual activist contention by declaring on billboards posted throughout Southern California that HIV/AIDS is a “gay disease.”

According to a report by the Los Angeles Times, the Center is trying to address rapidly increasing HIV infection rates among the homosexual population by rallying the gay community to increasing vigilance against exposure to the disease. Activists for the homosexual lifestyle have, until this current development, strongly, and sometimes vehemently refused to admit that the disease is predominantly generated among homosexual men.

The ad campaign, which is also running in magazines, is in part a response to the findings of public health officials, who have noted that three out of four cases of HIV infections are found in men who engage in homosexual activity, the United Press International reported.

In 2005 US health officials reported an alarming eight percent increase in HIV infection rates in one year alone among homosexual and bisexual men. The Center for Disease Control also warned that a survey of 15-29 year old men who engaged in homosexual activity “reported that the proportion of unrecognized HIV infection was as high as 77 %.”

A report by the Public Health Agency of Canada, released in August 2006, revealed a sharp increase in HIV/AIDS infections, with 51 percent of infections found in men engaging in homosexual activity.

California Homosexual Organization Admits HIV/AIDS is "Gay Disease"
face it we're living in ungodly times the begining of the end is drawing near but good news god loves you and wants you to be saved just believe that his son jesus christ died for you and confess your sin and he will now you've been told the rest is in your hands.
AIDS will always be known as the gay disease.

Homos were the first to spread it. So it will always be associated with them.

Plus, stats show that homo AIDS is still far greater, than AIDS among normal people.

You really are uneducated, the straight people in Africa were and are actually the majority infected with AIDS.
seeing as about double the number of Americans die from the flu every year than AIDS.
Very dishonost and misleading statement.

But heck, what should I expect comming from you.

The flu can affect all Americans. From babies to the elerdy, A huge pool of potential victims.

Whereas, AIDS is mainly spread among certain demographics and age/gender groups. (With some exceptions, ie. prenatal, transfusions, etc.)

No. AIDS can spread to anyone, and more easily than you seem to understand. Learn a bit more about it before you wind up killing people with your ignorance.
AIDS will always be known as the gay disease.

Homos were the first to spread it. So it will always be associated with them.

Plus, stats show that homo AIDS is still far greater, than AIDS among normal people.

You really are uneducated, the straight people in Africa were and are actually the majority infected with AIDS.
I havn't been to Africa

All of my posts were about America.

But if I ever do go to Africa, I'll tell them what you said KK :eusa_angel:
No. AIDS can spread to anyone, and more easily than you seem to understand. Learn a bit more about it before you wind up killing people with your ignorance.

How am I going to kill people??? :confused:

1. You will likely never get tested thinking you are unlikely to get it, in spite of the fact that it spreads through vaginal intercourse or anal intercourse (which can be straight as well) just as easily as with someone of the same sex. Even oral sex can spread it.

2. You will likely misinform any young person who is unlucky enough to ask you about it.

3. It would not surprise me if you do not already have it.

Parents can spread it to their offspring as well. You can get it from any needle, even at a doctor's office if the doc is a complete moron (many are). Many straight people sleep around ... a lot ... and unless they use protection every time there is a very high chance they can get the disease.
No. AIDS can spread to anyone, and more easily than you seem to understand. Learn a bit more about it before you wind up killing people with your ignorance.

How am I going to kill people??? :confused:

IF as you are fond of telling everyone, someone really IS a doctor in your family, then I'd suggest that you talk about how easily it is spread, and then ask about the ignorant things people who know nothing about AIDS, spread as gospel.

That is what she means by killing people with your ignorance.

Sunnidiot, you really are a fucking 'tard.
California Homosexual Organization Admits HIV/AIDS is "Gay Disease"

California Homosexual Organization Admits HIV/AIDS is "Gay Disease"
Oh good, you're citing a website known for religious fanaticism and fabricating stories as your basis, because one gay person in the world may or may not have said hiv was a "gay disease".

right. no, that's perfectly valid. yeah.... :cuckoo:

I havn't been to Africa

All of my posts were about America.
Oh I see, so by "gay disease" you meant "gay American disease" as you're clearly not looking at any other part of the world. Right.
Sunni Man reminds me of the last few episodes of Sinfest







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