same sex marriage

A person must have a tremendous amount of "faith" to to believe in the pseudo scientific "theory" of evolution.

Far more faith than any religion requires or demands.
Tell ya the truth Sunnidiot, takes a lot more faith to believe the lies in the Quaran than it does to believe in science.
I never said that I don't believe in science.

I just said that I don't believe in the "theory" of evolution.

The so called evidence for evolution, is just a collection of thrown together specimens of fossils coupled with artifical timelines.

In other words, pseudo scientific nonsense being passed off as real science. :cuckoo:
Funny...there's lots of Christians and Muslims who believe in evolution...and they aren't apostates in any way.
Islam has the highest percentage of homos then any other faith.
You think that those are ALL women under those black sheets?
A person must have a tremendous amount of "faith" to to believe in the pseudo scientific "theory" of evolution.

Far more faith than any religion requires or demands.
Tell ya the truth Sunnidiot, takes a lot more faith to believe the lies in the Quaran than it does to believe in science.
I never said that I don't believe in science.

I just said that I don't believe in the "theory" of evolution.

The so called evidence for evolution, is just a collection of thrown together specimens of fossils coupled with artifical timelines.

In other words, pseudo scientific nonsense being passed off as real science. :cuckoo:

You should really watch some educational programming once in a while. Scientists have DOCUMENTED PROOF that there is a genetic "Adam" and "Eve". It was on National Geographic on the show "The Human Family Tree".

Now......with that being said, you know why Asians and Eskimos have lighter skin, as well as their eye fold? It was a GENETIC DEVELOPMENT OVER THE YEARS to help them deal with the bright light reflecting off the snow or the water.

We all came from Africa, but as climates changed as we spread out, you now have many people who descended from the same bloodline (genetic Adam and Eve), but we all look different.

That's just one example of evolution dude.

Islam has the highest percentage of homos then any other faith.
You think that those are ALL women under those black sheets?

Hey BB, remember a few years back when those IsLAME terrorists being stopped at a checkpoint, dressed up like brides?

Hmmm..........speaking of which, maybe they were trying to hide their gayness, as it's hard to be a terrorist when you're thought of as a poofter.
Tell ya the truth Sunnidiot, takes a lot more faith to believe the lies in the Quaran than it does to believe in science.
I never said that I don't believe in science.

I just said that I don't believe in the "theory" of evolution.

The so called evidence for evolution, is just a collection of thrown together specimens of fossils coupled with artifical timelines.

In other words, pseudo scientific nonsense being passed off as real science. :cuckoo:

You should really watch some educational programming once in a while. Scientists have DOCUMENTED PROOF that there is a genetic "Adam" and "Eve". It was on National Geographic on the show "The Human Family Tree".

Now......with that being said, you know why Asians and Eskimos have lighter skin, as well as their eye fold? It was a GENETIC DEVELOPMENT OVER THE YEARS to help them deal with the bright light reflecting off the snow or the water.

We all came from Africa, but as climates changed as we spread out, you now have many people who descended from the same bloodline (genetic Adam and Eve), but we all look different.

That's just one example of evolution dude.
No, that is not evolution.

What you are describing is adaptation.

Big difference
Evolution IS adaptation, only over many years.

Might wanna check again on the evolution by the way, as we have to keep changing our flu vaccines every year.

Superbugs as in flesh eating bacteria that is a super strain of streptoccocus.

And, if there wasn't such a thing as evolution, then why are certain animals extinct? That's right, they failed to adapt.

If your IsLAME ass would read something other than the koran, you might learn something Sunnidiot.
Evolution IS adaptation, only over many years.

Might wanna check again on the evolution by the way, as we have to keep changing our flu vaccines every year.

Superbugs as in flesh eating bacteria that is a super strain of streptoccocus.

And, if there wasn't such a thing as evolution, then why are certain animals extinct? That's right, they failed to adapt.

If your IsLAME ass would read something other than the koran, you might learn something Sunnidiot.
Again, you posted an example of adaptation.

Sure animals, and even people, can adapt to climate and environmental changes.

But evolution alledges that a fish can evolve to a mammal or even a bird.

Or an animal can evolve into a person.

Pure nonsense
Evolution IS adaptation, only over many years.

Might wanna check again on the evolution by the way, as we have to keep changing our flu vaccines every year.

Superbugs as in flesh eating bacteria that is a super strain of streptoccocus.

And, if there wasn't such a thing as evolution, then why are certain animals extinct? That's right, they failed to adapt.

If your IsLAME ass would read something other than the koran, you might learn something Sunnidiot.
Again, you posted an example of adaptation.

Sure animals, and even people, can adapt to climate and environmental changes.

But evolution alledges that a fish can evolve to a mammal or even a bird.

Or an animal can evolve into a person.

Pure nonsense

So Sunni, you believe that allah just dropped everyone into place?
"Behold! thy Lord said To the angels: 'I am about To create man, from sounding clay From mud moulded into shape; 'When I have fashioned him (In due proportion) and breathed Into him of My spirit, Fall ye down in obeisance Unto him.' (The Noble Quran, 15:28-29)"
Evolution IS adaptation, only over many years.

Might wanna check again on the evolution by the way, as we have to keep changing our flu vaccines every year.

Superbugs as in flesh eating bacteria that is a super strain of streptoccocus.

And, if there wasn't such a thing as evolution, then why are certain animals extinct? That's right, they failed to adapt.

If your IsLAME ass would read something other than the koran, you might learn something Sunnidiot.
Again, you posted an example of adaptation.

Sure animals, and even people, can adapt to climate and environmental changes.

But evolution alledges that a fish can evolve to a mammal or even a bird.

Or an animal can evolve into a person.

Pure nonsense

So Sunni, you believe that allah just dropped everyone into place?

"Behold! thy Lord said To the angels: 'I am about To create man, from sounding clay From mud moulded into shape; 'When I have fashioned him (In due proportion) and breathed Into him of My spirit, Fall ye down in obeisance Unto him.' (The Noble Quran, 15:28-29)"

Hold on, I have to get this straight. So you call evolution "pseudoscience" because evidence for it rests on things like fossils, which you don't consider to be sufficient evidence. You say that the idea of species evolving into other species is pure nonsense. Yet your evidence for Allah "just dropping everyone into place" comes from a book that claims itself to be holy. What makes the fossil record less reliable than a book? And what makes fossils unworthy of providing evidence for a scientific theory?
Alright, since the topic is now evolution here's what it is:

The permanent genetic results of adaptation. The evolution of humanity is in question simply because of a missing link, not because evolution is a theory. The only theory part of evolution is what evolved into what.
"Behold! thy Lord said To the angels: 'I am about To create man, from sounding clay From mud moulded into shape; 'When I have fashioned him (In due proportion) and breathed Into him of My spirit, Fall ye down in obeisance Unto him.' (The Noble Quran, 15:28-29)"

Wow! I didn't know muslims were THAT ignorant. Sunni, you are officially a retard now please go back to your mud hut and your camels, your wife #3 needs a good beating.
Sunni, troll them on other topics - leave me evolution.

The permanent genetic results of adaptation. The evolution of humanity is in question simply because of a missing link, not because evolution is a theory. The only theory part of evolution is what evolved into what.


I dunno why people always talk about the "missing link". Looks relatively filled in to me...
Sunni, troll them on other topics - leave me evolution.

The permanent genetic results of adaptation. The evolution of humanity is in question simply because of a missing link, not because evolution is a theory. The only theory part of evolution is what evolved into what.


I dunno why people always talk about the "missing link". Looks relatively filled in to me...

wheres from nothing to 0
Evolution IS adaptation, only over many years.

And, if there wasn't such a thing as evolution, then why are certain animals extinct? That's right, they failed to adapt.

mankind kill them off and why hasn't anything evolved lately?
wheres from nothing to 0

because that's not what evolution is. evolution has nothing to do with how life first began. it's only focus is on how life changes over time. If you want to believe that your deity, aliens, or humans from a parallel universe came to this earth millions of years ago, set down a single bacteria colony and left, evolution is not effected. Evolution isn't changed based on how things started. Ignorant americans still don't actually know what evolution is (as you just demonstrated), but they think it is wrong anyway.

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