Same Shit Different Day

As has been stated to you a myriad of times, 1/6 happened because a sad cult of lemmings followed their pied piper's tune that the election was stolen

REPEATING A LIE only works on idiots like you, Jacky. If the election wasn't stolen, then you'd have a very easy time disproving all 88+ (growing every day) cases where it WAS.

The joke is how you pathetic suts RUN from the proof after you clung to "Trump's collaboration with Russia" to steal 2016 for THRERE YEARS. :21:

I want my 30 million dollars back.
As has been stated to you a myriad of times, 1/6 happened because a sad cult of lemmings followed their pied piper's tune that the election was stolen

REPEATING A LIE only works on idiots like you, Jacky. If the election wasn't stolen, then you'd have a very easy time disproving all 88+ (growing every day) cases where it WAS.

The joke is how you pathetic suts RUN from the proof after you clung to "Trump's collaboration with Russia" to steal 2016 for THRERE YEARS. :21:

I want my 30 million dollars back.

Mueller's investigation cost $45 million. All paid for courtesy of Paul Manafort.
It's pathetic how you Trump humpers continue to bitch like little teenagers when you've been pimp slapped all over the court systems of 7 different states...and the conservatively stacked SC.
But by all means, if you think you have a case, take it to a judge. Which is where matters like these are adjudicated. But stop coming here and bitching about it. The majority of us here, don't have any fucks left to give. :auiqs.jpg:
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As has been stated to you a myriad of times, 1/6 happened because a sad cult of lemmings followed their pied piper's tune that the election was stolen

REPEATING A LIE only works on idiots like you, Jacky. If the election wasn't stolen, then you'd have a very easy time disproving all 88+ (growing every day) cases where it WAS.

The joke is how you pathetic suts RUN from the proof after you clung to "Trump's collaboration with Russia" to steal 2016 for THRERE YEARS. :21:

I want my 30 million dollars back.

Mueller's investigation cost $45 million. All paid for courtesy of Paul Manafort.
It's pathetic how you Trump humpers continue to bitch like little teenagers when you've been pimped slapped all over the court systems of 7 different states...and the conservatively stacked SC.
But by all means, if you think you have a case take, it to a judge. Which is where matters like these are adjudicated. But stop coming here and bitching about it. The majority of us here, don't have any fucks left to give. :auiqs.jpg:
So the majority does not want to hear it? Those no good fascists. Tyranny sneaks up on you. It is what you are advocating.
Mueller's investigation cost $45 million.

So you admit you spent three years of special investigation and 45 million trying to prove that the election was stolen from Hillary based on a few ads, but not one dime to investigate 2020 RIFE with corruption! The courts are incapable, unwilling and unqualified to be able to evaluate a mountain of evidence spanning multiple states in the few weeks given in election review and it has been shown that NOT ONE OF THEM prosecuted Trump's cases ON THE BASIS OF HIS EVIDENCE.

But don't worry, Jack, we have time now, the truth will come out, we will fix the elections, we will round up the cheaters, we will get this bum out of office, then we will get all the enablers who brought this on Amderica, people like you.
We are not a racist country and a VP should not be saying we are. Let alone connect it to Trump, who is not a racist.
“For the last year, we’ve had people in positions of incredible power scapegoating Asian Americans, people with the biggest pulpits, spreading this kind of hate,” she further said, suggesting that Trump is somehow to blame for anti-Asian hatred.

Who is she talking about? What people were trashing Asians? Besides Harvard and other Ivy League schools?

Kung Flu, Wuhan Flu, China virus, Chicom. Most of these terms were used by Trump and all of these terms have been stated and restated adnauseum by alt-right media over the last year and two months.
Think you can understand why a steady diet of this for that long might cause Trump supporters and virus deniers and hoaxers (the people whom Harris is referring to) to take it out on Asian Americans?
Those comments were directed at Communist China, not Asian Americans. Conflating the two are the racist games you play. Games that are dividing and destroying this country like they are intended to. Thanks for adding your hate to to the pile of shit this country is becoming.

There's no playing games here. That's where the violence against Asian Americans comes from The rhetoric is whipped up into a frenzy. The herd mentality takes over. The loyal masses see the face on the street and draw the straight line. The virus came from China. They look Chinese. They brought this plague to our doorstep. They're at fault. Get em! They deserve it. They aren't drawing the distinction between the country and the people who look like they came from that country...even if those people happen to be American citizens whether by birth or naturalization.
You are the empowered ones. You write the rules and have been for many years. Conservative regional areas follow suit to a degree. You are at the crazy level now. Biden and Harris fly down to Atlanta like ghastly ghouls. Celebrating the death of people promoting white supremacist racism as the endless agenda for Progressive Socialist goals. The poor families in the middle of this. Always.
Mueller's investigation cost $45 million.

So you admit you spent three years of special investigation and 45 million trying to prove that the election was stolen from Hillary based on a few ads, but not one dime to investigate 2020 RIFE with corruption! The courts are incapable, unwilling and unqualified to be able to evaluate a mountain of evidence spanning multiple states in the few weeks given in election review and it has been shown that NOT ONE OF THEM prosecuted Trump's cases ON THE BASIS OF HIS EVIDENCE.

But don't worry, Jack, we have time now, the truth will come out, we will fix the elections, we will round up the cheaters, we will get this bum out of office, then we will get all the enablers who brought this on Amderica, people like you.

No I'm saying the 30 million wasn't yours to claim back. It was 45 million. All paid for and costs recovered. Nothing to refund to the taxpayer (you).
You had 2.5 solid months to come up with "evidence" that there was widespread fraud on election day that contributed to the outcome. Instead, you
backed people who put up a clown show with pressers in front of porn shops and in hotel lobbies. You had at least a third of those filed cases with Trump appointed (friendly) judges.
When those fell flat on their ass, you backed an insurrection that attempted to throw out the result. And harm politicians at the same time if they didn't bend to your will.
In the end, what did it get you?? Zip. Nada. Squat. Zilch. Biden is President. Trump is about to be neck deep in legal hot water and there are a handful of Republicans circling his political
carcass and ready to pounce in 2024 if he's kneecapped in the slightest.

If you and the rest of alt-right nation don't pull your heads out of your asses in a hurry, you won't see power again for at least a decade. :)
I'll smile. But you won't be. Rotsa ruck.
We are not a racist country and a VP should not be saying we are. Let alone connect it to Trump, who is not a racist.
“For the last year, we’ve had people in positions of incredible power scapegoating Asian Americans, people with the biggest pulpits, spreading this kind of hate,” she further said, suggesting that Trump is somehow to blame for anti-Asian hatred.

Who is she talking about? What people were trashing Asians? Besides Harvard and other Ivy League schools?
Any Democrat or Republican that takes that stance will never garner my vote.
Mueller's investigation cost $45 million.

So you admit you spent three years of special investigation and 45 million trying to prove that the election was stolen from Hillary based on a few ads, but not one dime to investigate 2020 RIFE with corruption! The courts are incapable, unwilling and unqualified to be able to evaluate a mountain of evidence spanning multiple states in the few weeks given in election review and it has been shown that NOT ONE OF THEM prosecuted Trump's cases ON THE BASIS OF HIS EVIDENCE.

But don't worry, Jack, we have time now, the truth will come out, we will fix the elections, we will round up the cheaters, we will get this bum out of office, then we will get all the enablers who brought this on Amderica, people like you.

No I'm saying the 30 million wasn't yours to claim back. It was 45 million. All paid for and costs recovered. Nothing to refund to the taxpayer (you).
You had 2.5 solid months to come up with "evidence" that there was widespread fraud on election day that contributed to the outcome. Instead, you
backed people who put up a clown show with pressers in front of porn shops and in hotel lobbies. You had at least a third of those filed cases with Trump appointed (friendly) judges.
When those fell flat on their ass, you backed an insurrection that attempted to throw out the result. And harm politicians at the same time if they didn't bend to your will.
In the end, what did it get you?? Zip. Nada. Squat. Zilch. Biden is President. Trump is about to be neck deep in legal hot water and there are a handful of Republicans circling his political
carcass and ready to pounce in 2024 if he's kneecapped in the slightest.

If you and the rest of alt-right nation don't pull your heads out of your asses in a hurry, you won't see power again for at least a decade. :)
I'll smile. But you won't be. Rotsa ruck.
All the fraud that happened did was prove our government is thoroughly corrupt. It is now a fact not a rumor.
You had 2.5 solid months to come up with "evidence" that there was widespread fraud

OH KNOCK OFF THE BULLSHIT JACK. You are just wasting my valuable time. 2.5 months is NOTHING to prepare a big case, how long did OJ's murder case go on for? How many years? I once had an open and shut work comp case. It took nine months.

And what is the point if the courts are unwilling to try the EVIDENCE?

But don't worry Jack. The truth will come out that Biden is an illegal bum in the WH.

America will fix her elections.
You had 2.5 solid months to come up with "evidence" that there was widespread fraud

OH KNOCK OFF THE BULLSHIT JACK. You are just wasting my valuable time. 2.5 months is NOTHING to prepare a big case, how long did OJ's murder case go on for? How many years? I once had an open and shut work comp case. It took nine months.

And what is the point if the courts are unwilling to try the EVIDENCE?

But don't worry Jack. The truth will come out that Biden is an illegal bum in the WH.

America will fix her elections.

You're on a message board, Freaky. You can't crow about "wasting valuable time". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If there was even a scintilla of a hint that there was massive and widespread fraud, it would have
been in front of a judge the week following the election. But the whole thing was just a media
front to stall for time and try to influence the court of public opinion..not the actual courts.
From "Releasing the Kraken", to "Rudy's Four Seasons Porn Shop Presser", to "sworn affidavits",
and finally to douchebag Republicans standing up hours after a violent insurrection and asking for
a 10 day wait period for an "investigation" to alleged voter fraud that 67 fucking lower court judges
and three SC decisions THREW OUT!! It was all designed to drag the process out in hopes that a majority
of Americans would think the election was stolen. The lies..become the truth.

Fortunately, that didn't happen. Trump's goose is cooked.
You had 2.5 solid months to come up with "evidence" that there was widespread fraud

OH KNOCK OFF THE BULLSHIT JACK. You are just wasting my valuable time. 2.5 months is NOTHING to prepare a big case, how long did OJ's murder case go on for? How many years? I once had an open and shut work comp case. It took nine months.

And what is the point if the courts are unwilling to try the EVIDENCE?

But don't worry Jack. The truth will come out that Biden is an illegal bum in the WH.

America will fix her elections.

You're on a message board, Freaky. You can't crow about "wasting valuable time". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If there was even a scintilla of a hint that there was massive and widespread fraud, it would have
been in front of a judge the week following the election. But the whole thing was just a media
front to stall for time and try to influence the court of public opinion..not the actual courts.
From "Releasing the Kraken", to "Rudy's Four Seasons Porn Shop Presser", to "sworn affidavits",
and finally to douchebag Republicans standing up hours after a violent insurrection and asking for
a 10 day wait period for an "investigation" to alleged voter fraud that 67 fucking lower court judges
and three SC decisions THREW OUT!! It was all designed to drag the process out in hopes that a majority
of Americans would think the election was stolen. The lies..become the truth.

Fortunately, that didn't happen. Trump's goose is cooked.

So Jack, why then do you refuse to prove me wrong in structured debate again? Because you CAN'T? Got it.
That's where the violence against Asian Americans comes from The rhetoric is whipped up into a frenzy.

What evidence do you have to support this claim?

Lots. Here's a small snippet. And FYI, a lazy person's Google search will fill your Inbox. This isn't even a debate. We've been living it.
You had 2.5 solid months to come up with "evidence" that there was widespread fraud

OH KNOCK OFF THE BULLSHIT JACK. You are just wasting my valuable time. 2.5 months is NOTHING to prepare a big case, how long did OJ's murder case go on for? How many years? I once had an open and shut work comp case. It took nine months.

And what is the point if the courts are unwilling to try the EVIDENCE?

But don't worry Jack. The truth will come out that Biden is an illegal bum in the WH.

America will fix her elections.

You're on a message board, Freaky. You can't crow about "wasting valuable time". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If there was even a scintilla of a hint that there was massive and widespread fraud, it would have
been in front of a judge the week following the election. But the whole thing was just a media
front to stall for time and try to influence the court of public opinion..not the actual courts.
From "Releasing the Kraken", to "Rudy's Four Seasons Porn Shop Presser", to "sworn affidavits",
and finally to douchebag Republicans standing up hours after a violent insurrection and asking for
a 10 day wait period for an "investigation" to alleged voter fraud that 67 fucking lower court judges
and three SC decisions THREW OUT!! It was all designed to drag the process out in hopes that a majority
of Americans would think the election was stolen. The lies..become the truth.

Fortunately, that didn't happen. Trump's goose is cooked.

So Jack, why then do you refuse to prove me wrong in structured debate again? Because you CAN'T? Got it.

I don't need to waste my time proving you wrong. 67 lower court judges and three SC cases have taken care of that for me.
Game over.

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