San Francisco announces three week lockdown: Residents are BANNED from leaving home after midnight o


How to force the homeless out of your community after bankrupting it through government incompetence.

Have an epidemic scare and have the local government declare curfew forcing everyone to stay home.


Democrats are going to cause riots and blame trump.. THEY ARE SICK..

They want national welfare!

Glad to know that even in the midst of a national emergency that Jitler and his fellow travellers will still be doing the only thing that they know how to do- make idiotic partisan attacks.
No one to panhandle. No aluminum cans to be scavenged. They'll have to move to Missouri!
I know you are kidding, but really what the hell will they do?
Bay Area authorities place strictest order in country: 'Shelter in place,' only essential businesses open in 6 counties

People who are homeless are exempt from the order but encouraged to find shelter.


See right there is the problem.

No one encouraged them to find shelter before.

I have lived in San Francisco for 30 years. The homeless have always been 'encouraged' to find shelter.

Why they are not in shelter is a complicated problem- far beyond the 15 second soundbite of Fox News.

Part of it is the cost of living in San Francisco.
Related is the disappearance of the many flop houses that used to house many of the barely functioning.
Part of it is the relative tolerance in SF for homeless.
Part of it is the failure of the state's mental health system.
Part of it is the failure of the drug war.

But it has never been because no one is encouraging the homeless to be housed.

Part of it is the failure of the state's mental health system.
As are you.

Wow.....and people say that its not possible to have a civil conversation here at sure showed them wrong with that post.
After midnight
We gonna let it all lockdown
After midnight
We gonna chugalug and shout
Gonna stimulate G man action
We gonna spark some insurrection
We gonna find fascists all about
After midnight
We gonna let it all lockdown

After midnight
We gonna shake your quarantini
After midnight
Soul gonna cough hack and scream
Gonna cause talk and suspicion
We gonna give viral exhibition
We gonna find out who shouldn’t be out
After midnight
We gonna let it all lockdown

Yea yeah yea
After midnight
We gonna let it all lockdown

~S~ w/apologies to Mr Clapton
San Francisco has an official homeless population of 8011 unfortunate people. Probably a couple thousand more on and off the streets.

Out of a population of 884,000 people. So about .9%- which is way too high- but even for you math challenged, quite a bit less than 50%.
that's over 9%, almost 10%

plus, that is city limits

the metro area has many more

and he was being snarky

apparently it went over your head

California has half the homeless in the whole country
What happens to the estimated 10,000 homeless living on the San Fran. streets? Will they be restricted to their blue tarps?
Democrats are going to cause riots and blame trump.. THEY ARE SICK..

They want national welfare!

Glad to know that even in the midst of a national emergency that Jitler and his fellow travellers will still be doing the only thing that they know how to do- make idiotic partisan attacks.
Earth to democrats we live in a republic you can’t tell us to stay in the house. How you get people hurt
But shitting in the streets is still OK -- right???

it's like a trial run for a Bernie Sanders Presidency


Coronavirus US: San Francisco starts three-week lockdown | Daily Mail Online

San Francisco's mayor has announced an unprecedented three week lockdown that will begin on Tuesday at midnight and bans anyone from leaving their home for anything other than doctor's visits or trips to the grocery store.

In addition to the lockdown in city parameters, six counties in the Bay Area are being told to 'shelter in place'.

The lockdown is the strictest action to be taken in America. Anyone who breaks it faces legal repercussions.

It will last until April 7. Mayor London Breed called it a 'defining moment' on Monday morning.
Open border sanctuary haven San Fagcico orders all residents to stay inside and not leave their front door.

Hopefully those who do not have a legitimate address to go to have a vehicle to stay in which I guess would be the next best thing. Thankfully spring is the season that we are about to go into where the weather can only get warmer and not colder.

God bless you and those who have no place to call home always!!!

Democrats are going to cause riots and blame trump.. THEY ARE SICK..

They want national welfare!

Stop making literally everything about red helmets vs blue helmets. What's going on now is so much bigger than that. Am I the only one who is sick to death of the short-sighted, extreme partisanship around here? (Not singling you out, it's coming from football mentality types on both "sides.")
But shitting in the streets is still OK -- right???

it's like a trial run for a Bernie Sanders Presidency


Coronavirus US: San Francisco starts three-week lockdown | Daily Mail Online

San Francisco's mayor has announced an unprecedented three week lockdown that will begin on Tuesday at midnight and bans anyone from leaving their home for anything other than doctor's visits or trips to the grocery store.

In addition to the lockdown in city parameters, six counties in the Bay Area are being told to 'shelter in place'.

The lockdown is the strictest action to be taken in America. Anyone who breaks it faces legal repercussions.

It will last until April 7. Mayor London Breed called it a 'defining moment' on Monday morning.
They'll get their asses surd into oblivion by the time ots all said and done. A that idiot mayorjustcommited political suicide.
However there maybe a bright spot to all of this. This just may be the thing that gets the demodumbasses tossed out of government and out onto the street where they belong.
Democrats are going to cause riots and blame trump.. THEY ARE SICK..

They want national welfare!

Stop making literally everything about red helmets vs blue helmets. What's going on now is so much bigger than that. Am I the only one who is sick to death of the short-sighted, extreme partisanship around here? (Not singling you out, it's coming from football mentality types on both "sides.")
I’m not.. democrats are going to force permanent welfare extreme.. don’t give me this one sided crap .. they are saying it
We got the national guards and that ain’t all
We got the CDC testing us at the mall
Gman curfew's got a hold of me, too
I got the jack boot pneumonia and the boggie wuhan flu

Got all my flights canceled to China ‘til fall
Went for a dump but there’s no TP at all
Gman curfew's got a hold of me too
I got the jack boot pneumonia and the boggie wuhan flu

I Wanna sneeze but I’m afraid I’ll show
Telling symptoms fema says got to go
Gman curfew's got a hold of me, too
I got the jack boot pneumonia and the boggie wuhan flu

Gotta quarantine for what I don’t know
I would be runnin' but my feets too slow
Gman curfew's got a hold of me, too
I got the jack boot pneumonia and the boggie wuhan flu

We gotta a potus sezs he’s got the plan
He was on TV , claims he is the man
Gman curfew's got me feelin’ blue
I got the jack boot pneumonia and the boggie wuhan flu

~S~ w/apologies to Mr Rivers
Anywhere other than that feeble place American citizens would rightly begin the push back
But shitting in the streets is still OK -- right???

it's like a trial run for a Bernie Sanders Presidency


Coronavirus US: San Francisco starts three-week lockdown | Daily Mail Online

San Francisco's mayor has announced an unprecedented three week lockdown that will begin on Tuesday at midnight and bans anyone from leaving their home for anything other than doctor's visits or trips to the grocery store.

In addition to the lockdown in city parameters, six counties in the Bay Area are being told to 'shelter in place'.

The lockdown is the strictest action to be taken in America. Anyone who breaks it faces legal repercussions.

It will last until April 7. Mayor London Breed called it a 'defining moment' on Monday morning.
From the mayor:

Hmmm, first week of Jan. public health experts told us
China has everything under control, no human transmission
reaching the U.S. was highly unlikely, they are monitoring
the situation closely,....go about your business

Masks are not necessary
Travel and trade bans/restrictions are not necessary...
no need to disrupt the global economy

The following week health experts were telling us
to wash our hands and cover our mouths/nose
when we cough, sneeze

WHO and China issued a joint statement on Jan. 23
condemning Trump for imposing travel restrictions/closing border
after Trump declared CoV-19 a National emergency....

WHO didn't declare the CoV-19 outbreak/situation
a global health emergency until the following week

Our CDC...who the fuck knows...
monitoring the situation closely

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