San Francisco mayor bans publicly-funded travel to Indiana in response to "religious freedom" law

If he opposes discrimination why doesn't he ban travel to the 50 states that practice affirmative action discrimination against white males.?

San Francisco mayor bans publicly-funded travel to Indiana - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

3/27/15 4:50 PM EDT

San Francisco prides itself as a tolerant place, but it is closed off to one thing: Indiana.

On Thursday, San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee, a Democrat, directed all City Departments under his authority to bar publicly funded travel to the Hoosier State.

The decision followed Indiana Republican Gov. Mike Pence’s decision to sign a “religious freedom” bill that critics say effectively sanctions discrimination of LGBT citizens by private businesses.

“We stand united as San Franciscans to condemn Indiana’s new discriminatory law,” Lee said in a statement.

“San Francisco taxpayers will not subsidize legally-sanctioned discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people by the State of Indiana.”

Though San Francisco is a famously LGBT-friendly city, the mayor did not mention in his announcement the 19 other states that currently have similar religious freedom acts on the books.

lol how great is it that the advocates for discrimination are the ones who cry the loudest when they get a dose of their own medicine?

And how great is it that in many other cases related to this the RWnuts' beloved 'free market' is taking a bite out of their asses?
All this for the benefit of a tiny handful of bigots in Indiana who think their religion prevents them from treating gays fairly.
If he opposes discrimination why doesn't he ban travel to the 50 states that practice affirmative action discrimination against white males.?

San Francisco mayor bans publicly-funded travel to Indiana - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

3/27/15 4:50 PM EDT

San Francisco prides itself as a tolerant place, but it is closed off to one thing: Indiana.

On Thursday, San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee, a Democrat, directed all City Departments under his authority to bar publicly funded travel to the Hoosier State.

The decision followed Indiana Republican Gov. Mike Pence’s decision to sign a “religious freedom” bill that critics say effectively sanctions discrimination of LGBT citizens by private businesses.

“We stand united as San Franciscans to condemn Indiana’s new discriminatory law,” Lee said in a statement.

“San Francisco taxpayers will not subsidize legally-sanctioned discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people by the State of Indiana.”

Though San Francisco is a famously LGBT-friendly city, the mayor did not mention in his announcement the 19 other states that currently have similar religious freedom acts on the books.

lol how great is it that the advocates for discrimination are the ones who cry the loudest when they get a dose of their own medicine?

And how great is it that in many other cases related to this the RWnuts' beloved 'free market' is taking a bite out of their asses?

Allowing business owners to make their own decisions is not "being for discrimination" any more than being for freedom of speech is being for bigotry.

Furthermore Affirmative Action is government mandated discrimination, which clearly the Constitution bars.
All this for the benefit of a tiny handful of bigots in Indiana who think their religion prevents them from treating gays fairly.

You mean all this for the benefit of a small minority of perverts who want to force the rest of us to treat their lifestyle as normal.
Unbelievable, you see the monies all belongs to your elected asses. . You people living there all work for him now

just who are the slaves in a city? It's not the people in Indiana.
It's not just San Francisco that is coming out against the "right to be an anti gay bigot" bill...

It's not just San Francisco that is coming out against the "right to be an anti gay bigot" bill...


You people/homosexuals are so dramatic and such LIARS on top of it. that law has nothing to do with the: right to be a bigot ANIT-homosexuals. and even if it did. THAT is a persons RIGHT. Keep it up you aren't FORCING people to accept you more by this crap, in fact you are making people HATE you all more. I doubt all the people who live in Indiana could care less what frikken companies are going to boycott them. You want to HURT the people living there because of their GOVERNMENT. that's how nasty you all are
If he opposes discrimination why doesn't he ban travel to the 50 states that practice affirmative action discrimination against white males.?

San Francisco mayor bans publicly-funded travel to Indiana - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

3/27/15 4:50 PM EDT

San Francisco prides itself as a tolerant place, but it is closed off to one thing: Indiana.

On Thursday, San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee, a Democrat, directed all City Departments under his authority to bar publicly funded travel to the Hoosier State.

The decision followed Indiana Republican Gov. Mike Pence’s decision to sign a “religious freedom” bill that critics say effectively sanctions discrimination of LGBT citizens by private businesses.

“We stand united as San Franciscans to condemn Indiana’s new discriminatory law,” Lee said in a statement.

“San Francisco taxpayers will not subsidize legally-sanctioned discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people by the State of Indiana.”

Though San Francisco is a famously LGBT-friendly city, the mayor did not mention in his announcement the 19 other states that currently have similar religious freedom acts on the books.

As a big ol militant cocksucker myself I gotta say I'm 100% AGAINST the Indiana protest and boycott. As somoene who lives in Missouri and totally FOR gay rights, I'd be horrified to learn that a Missouri boycott were being arrnaged because of something stupid the state government did.

Wanna punish the Indiana government on a personal level go ahead, I'll help. But punishing the entire state for something its government did is completely unfair.
It's not just San Francisco that is coming out against the "right to be an anti gay bigot" bill...


You people/homosexuals are so dramatic and such LIARS on top of it. that law has nothing to do with the: right to be a bigot ANIT-homosexuals. and even if it did. THAT is a persons RIGHT. Keep it up you aren't FORCING people to accept you more by this crap, in fact you are making people HATE you all more. I doubt all the people who live in Indiana could care less what frikken companies are going to boycott them. You want to HURT the people living there because of their GOVERNMENT. that's how nasty you all are

It has everything to do with being an anti gay bigot.

As in Indiana, proponents of Georgia’s bill have tried to argue that it has nothing to do with discrimination. Rep. Mike Jacobs, an LGBT-friendly Republican, decided to test this theory by introducing an amendment that would not allow claims of religious liberty to be used to circumvent state and local nondiscrimination protections. Supporters of the bill, like Rep. Barry Fleming (R), countered that the amendment “will gut the bill.” Nevertheless, the House Judiciary Committee approved the amendment with a 9-8 vote, three Republicans joining the Democrats in supporting it.

And yes, you do have a right to be a bigot...but in some places you don't have a right to discriminate based on your bigotry.

The people voted for their government did they not? The government they voted fom passed this bigotry bill. People opposed to it have a right to protest it do they not?
Did anyone ever hear of someone not from Indiana say: I am going to take the family to Indiana for vacation? Almost like someone going to Oklahoma for vacation :eek:
Indy 500 and the Brickyard 400.

And after that and on other days? and only rubes from the south who like that stuff would travel there to watch cars go around and around on a track for hours on end . I used to travel there on business, a lot of people with grayish blue tinted skin and eyes set close together
Awww the Great State of Indiana got a lowly mayor from San Freak Show mad AHAHAHAHAHA

No kidding. just like a liberal to throw a temper tantrum they don't get their way. if I was living there, I'd be Embarrassed

The left loons and homos are all butt hurt....the question is why are they not upset about the 19 other states who have similar laws. What a bunch of frauds
Awww the Great State of Indiana got a lowly mayor from San Freak Show mad AHAHAHAHAHA

No kidding. just like a liberal to throw a temper tantrum they don't get their way. if I was living there, I'd be Embarrassed

The left loons and homos are all butt hurt....the question is why are they not upset about the 19 other states who have similar laws. What a bunch of frauds

Of course they are. And ugly people they want to force their views on everyone else

but stay out of their bedrooms and lives
Awww the Great State of Indiana got a lowly mayor from San Freak Show mad AHAHAHAHAHA

Awwww, poor Indiana is going to whine about their lost revenue...that they brought on themselves.


that must be that compassion you all claim you have for others. NEVER heard of any of those listed.... so the jokes on you I think

Really Steph? You've never heard of Apple, The NCAA or Yelp? Indiana has. :lol:
HRC needs to get their teams together and head to Indiana with "Gays Welcome" and "No Gays Allowed" signs to hand out to businesses. See which signs get more will help when Indiana gays and their allies go shopping too.
Awww the Great State of Indiana got a lowly mayor from San Freak Show mad AHAHAHAHAHA

Awwww, poor Indiana is going to whine about their lost revenue...that they brought on themselves.


that must be that compassion you all claim you have for others. NEVER heard of any of those listed.... so the jokes on you I think

Really Steph? You've never heard of Apple, The NCAA or Yelp? Indiana has. :lol:

really sea, you think the NCAA is going to boycott a state because Keith Olbermann suggested they should? as for Apple who cares. I doubt they were planning on moving there anyway.... and nope never heard of Yelp. but that's what a lot of you are doing.
Awww the Great State of Indiana got a lowly mayor from San Freak Show mad AHAHAHAHAHA

Awwww, poor Indiana is going to whine about their lost revenue...that they brought on themselves.


that must be that compassion you all claim you have for others. NEVER heard of any of those listed.... so the jokes on you I think

Really Steph? You've never heard of Apple, The NCAA or Yelp? Indiana has. :lol:

really sea, you think the NCAA is going to boycott a state because Keith Olbermann suggested they should? as for Apple who cares. I doubt they were planning on moving there anyway.... and nope never heard of Yelp. but that's what a lot of you are doing.

A week from now this will all be old news and the loons and queers will be after their next victim

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