San Francisco (naturally) Gay Chorus “we’ll convert your children”

Except for the choir isn’t singing about killing anybody or inflicting harm on anybody. What a stupid comparison .

Depraved perverts going after young children is certain inflicting harm on those children.

How mentally- and morally fucked-up does someone have to be to think that there is anything at all acceptable about this?
Nice dodge though

No, this is a nice Dodge.

Ok so you’re saying that adults were physically assaulting your children. Cops were watching and doing nothing, and then you had to jump in with a knife to get them to buzz off. Yeah you’re full of shit

No, YOU'RE full of shit. Your reading comprehension is ZERO, just like every other dumbass progtard.

If your kids were traumatized then it sounds like it was from you and your knife.
Get near us and see what happens, asshole.

You progfucks are miserable human beings You're only half human, you don't care about children and you don't care about their parents.

That puts you on the wrong side of 3/4 of America, dumbass. And you think you're going to win elections this way?

lol - I'll relish your moaning in November, gutless coward
Depraved perverts going after young children is certain inflicting harm on those children.

How mentally- and morally fucked-up does someone have to be to think that there is anything at all acceptable about this?
Except for there are not depraved perverts going after children. You’re living in fantasyland psycho.

I’d bet money that you’re either confused or lying about what’s actually going on with this situation
Except for there are not depraved perverts going after children. You’re living in fantasyland psycho.

I’d bet money that you’re either confused or lying about what’s actually going on with this situation

Your willful blindness to and denial of what is happening out on the open for everyone to see is not any reflection on my character, honesty, or mental health.
No, YOU'RE full of shit. Your reading comprehension is ZERO, just like every other dumbass progtard.

Get near us and see what happens, asshole.

You progfucks are miserable human beings You're only half human, you don't care about children and you don't care about their parents.

That puts you on the wrong side of 3/4 of America, dumbass. And you think you're going to win elections this way?

lol - I'll relish your moaning in November, gutless coward
On the contrary. I’m not progress, I’m great with kids, and I all the respect in the world for good parents. You sound more on the psycho side than the caring side. And you sound more threatening than these Progs you’re on here whining about
Your willful blindness to and denial of what is happening out on the open for everyone to see is not any reflection on my character, honesty, or mental health.
That would be true if I was being willfully blind, which I’m not. I’m being clear eyed and objected. You sir are your normal distorted and hateful self. Not surprised
Exactly. THIS. ^^^

These gay "activists" are dissing parents FOR CARING ABOUT THEIR CHILDREN.

These fucktard faggots are FUCKED UP.

Not because they're gay, but because they're fucking MISERABLE HUMAN BEINGS who don't give a rat's ass about other peoples' children and simply want to use them as political pawns.

Shame on these leftist fagtards
Disagree. It IS because they're queer. Their brains are fucked up.
On the contrary. I’m not progress, I’m great with kids, and I all the respect in the world for good parents. You sound more on the psycho side than the caring side. And you sound more threatening than these Progs you’re on here whining about

You just mocked children that were assaulted, and accused their parent of lying about it.

You are just another LEFTARD LIAR, Mr "i'm Great With Kids".

The first rule of children is you PROTECT them. Every parent knows that. Which puts you on the wrong side of parents too.

You can't weasel out of this one, progtard actions speak for themselves.

The gay men mocked parents who care about their children, just like you just did
FUCK YOU, you miserable progtard piece of shit.

Now we know exactly why everyone says LEFTISTS LIE.

Fuck you, pal. I hope you get the same treatment my kids did. Probably reduce your bleating leftard ass to a pile of tears.

Such an emotional outburst. Are you on your period?

Again, I'm anything but a leftist, but I would be hard-pressed to give a shit about what some extreme right-wing hateful zealot has to say. If not being an extreme right-wing zealot makes me a leftist in your eyes, so be it.

I'm not sure what "treatment" your kids got and, without explanation, your comment is utterly meaningless. As are you.

Might a suggest a maxi-pad for today? You're going to want as much absorption as possible...
It's a long story. One which I'd rather not relive. Let's just say they were assaulted by some screaming progtard "protesters", who were anything BUT peaceful, and the cops were standing not 100 feet away looking at the whole thing and did absolutely nothing.

I'm gonna' raise the "buillshit" flag on that one. If they were screamed at they were not "assaulted". If they were assaulted, and you did nothing, well, that tells us everything we need to know about you...
These are perverts

People so flawed that they hate the world

And they want everyone to share their pain

No, the people in that video want to spin up extreme right-wing hateful zealots.

I'd say "mission accomplished"...
Yes, physically. I got in the way with a knife in my hand, and the progtards in question must have seen the look in my eye because it could have been much worse if they hadn't taken off like rabbits. The rotten bastards took me by surprise, you don't expect that kind of stuff in America. But goddammit, next time it happens someone's going to get badly hurt, and it won't be me or my kids. It might be the good for nothing cops though, if they get in the way.

This sounds almost like a scene from "West Side Story".

If your children ere being physically assaulted and the police did nothing, that's the basis for a lawsuit, and likely a lucrative one.

I think you're full of shit.

You're just a hateful, extreme right-wing zealot who'll say whatever he has to in order to get people to buy your bullshit.

Sorry, Heinrich, your shit ain't sellin'...
I'm gonna' raise the "buillshit" flag on that one. If they were screamed at they were not "assaulted". If they were assaulted, and you did nothing, well, that tells us everything we need to know about you...
You don't know a fucking thing.

Because I haven't told you anything.

And I won't.

Your provocations are meaningless.

I told you where I stand. And I repeat myself for emphasis, many times a day.

Respect the children. If you don't, the law won't help you. Me and millions of other parents will take it upon ourselves to protect our children. The law may not help us either, but it certainly definitely won't help you
You don't know a fucking thing.

I know enough...

Because I haven't told you anything.

Because there's nothing to tell...

And I won't.

Because there's nothing to tell...

Your provocations are meaningless.

They seem to working well on you, though...


I told you where I stand. And I repeat myself for emphasis, many times a day.

No, you repeat yourself because you're kinda' like "Rain Man"...

Respect the children. If you don't, the law won't help you. Me and millions of other parents will take it upon ourselves to protect our children. The law may not help us either, but it certainly definitely won't help you

Yours is a sorry, sorry state of affairs...
Second, how do you think this choir is perverting children with the homosexual lifestyle?
I dont know what the homos in the choir are doing between performances

But its clear that they want to infect children with the same poor choice that they made when a gay groomed them

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