San Francisco (naturally) Gay Chorus “we’ll convert your children”

Well let's see, you support rioters and groomers, so yeah, you're a leftie.

It:s good that you're embarrassed by it, though.

I don't "support" either of them. Not sure where the whole "rioters" thing comes in, as we never discussed that. I guess that's just another example of you stupidly grasping at straws.

Your problem is that you view anyone who dares share a differing opinion as "supporting" those you criticize. That's stupid. That's monumentally stupid.

I only care about the gay folks I know; good decent people with families and mortgages. Believe me when I say that they couldn't really give a shit about your children or trying to turn them gay...
Are you serious? It was headlines for months .

Never heard of it.

But thank you for the link...
First fcking queer comes for our children it'll end badly for them. Sing about it? Probably a punch in the mouth

See, that's exactly the reason they made that video. You already believe they're coming for your children, so they're mocking you by telling them they're coming for your children.

But they're not. The truth is they don't care about your children...
See, that's exactly the reason they made that video. You already believe they're coming for your children, so they're mocking you by telling them they're coming for your children.

But they're not. The truth is they don't care about your children...

I'm cautious like that. You wanna be queer be queer but keep that shit away from our children.

That's not negotiable
What happens to unrepentant homosexuals on judgement day is not within our power to decide

But while on earth they should not be allowed to corrupt innocent children

Well, that all depends on what you happen to believe.

I've found many beliefs to be silly and completely baseless...

You just mocked children that were assaulted, and accused their parent of lying about it.

You are just another LEFTARD LIAR, Mr "i'm Great With Kids".

The first rule of children is you PROTECT them. Every parent knows that. Which puts you on the wrong side of parents too.

You can't weasel out of this one, progtard actions speak for themselves.

The gay men mocked parents who care about their children, just like you just did
I didn’t mock children I said that I don’t believe your story because it makes no sense and you sound like a kook. The fact that you’re now lying and saying that I mock children is proof that you are a dishonest kook.

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