Sanctuary Cities: The real “obstruction of justice”


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
As ignorant, desperate fools continue to cry “RUSSIA” and piss their pants over some small time internet ad campaign, sanctuary cities encourage Mexico to invade and shred our democracy from the inside out...and yet the same fools never say a damn thing about it.
Are they really concerned about “obstruction of justice” and the preservation of our democracy?
They should pull all Fed money from every sanctuary State and city.

Let the tax payers in those States and cities pay for their illegals and every thing else Fed money usually covers. Let em exist with no Federal funds at all.

Wonder how long those in Govt. would last when the taxes have to go up to make up the difference.
As ignorant, desperate fools continue to cry “RUSSIA” and piss their pants over some small time internet ad campaign, sanctuary cities encourage Mexico to invade and shred our democracy from the inside out...and yet the same fools never say a damn thing about it.
Are they really concerned about “obstruction of justice” and the preservation of our democracy?

Undocumented man, 20, who got an 11-year-old girl pregnant, asks a judge in Arizona to deport him | Daily Mail Online

Undocumented immigrant, 20, who got an 11-year-old pregnant after having sex with the girl in his car, asks a judge to deport him so he doesn't have to deal with the situation
As ignorant, desperate fools continue to cry “RUSSIA” and piss their pants over some small time internet ad campaign, sanctuary cities encourage Mexico to invade and shred our democracy from the inside out...and yet the same fools never say a damn thing about it.
Are they really concerned about “obstruction of justice” and the preservation of our democracy?

Undocumented man, 20, who got an 11-year-old girl pregnant, asks a judge in Arizona to deport him | Daily Mail Online

Undocumented immigrant, 20, who got an 11-year-old pregnant after having sex with the girl in his car, asks a judge to deport him so he doesn't have to deal with the situation

That’s bullshit!
Wetbacks love to drive drunk and they love their prepubescent girls....Mexicrats are fine with the collateral damage related to an open border...they’ve said it here many times...”Since Americans rape and murder illegals should be afforded the same opportunity here.”
Not one of you Lefties can get in here and shed some light on why you piss your pants over some “obstruction” and can’t care less about other “obstruction”?
That should be easy to
Daryl Hunt ?
Not one of you Lefties can get in here and shed some light on why you piss your pants over some “obstruction” and can’t care less about other “obstruction”?
That should be easy to
Daryl Hunt ?

There is a difference. What you call obstruction was just stalling. Before it got out of hand Obama relinquished what was demanded without any supreme court action. Nixon didn't. He went right down to the wire. And it looks like Trump is going to go down to the wire as well. He's trying to stall until AFTER the 2020 election. Not going to happen. It's way past stall tactics now. It's into Obstructionism. McConnel can't save him on this one.

And if you haven't noticed, there is no specific law that says the Supreme Court cannot try a sitting President for high crimes. What is used today is a policy by the Justice Department, not a law.

Here is a scenario. Trump defies Congress. The Justice Department (FBI) refuses to serve the papers. Congress kicks it to the Supreme Court. Trump defies the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court issues arrest paperwork. Even though the Marshal Service is also part of the Justice Department, their job is to apprehend people for the court systems. And at that point, Trump or his band of criminals would be up for arrest by court order. Does the Marshal Department do what they have always done and do their job (they are much older than all the rest of the Justice Department with a Stellar Record) or do the follow illegal orders from a criminal?

This isn't Impeachment process. It's outright criminal court. Trump can be in Prison and still be President in this case but I would imagine Amendment 25 would be invoked. And any of his criminal cronies would have to be let go and replaced. But they would even if they were lilly white innocent sooner or later.
Not one of you Lefties can get in here and shed some light on why you piss your pants over some “obstruction” and can’t care less about other “obstruction”?
That should be easy to
Daryl Hunt ?

There is a difference. What you call obstruction was just stalling. Before it got out of hand Obama relinquished what was demanded without any supreme court action. Nixon didn't. He went right down to the wire. And it looks like Trump is going to go down to the wire as well. He's trying to stall until AFTER the 2020 election. Not going to happen. It's way past stall tactics now. It's into Obstructionism. McConnel can't save him on this one.

And if you haven't noticed, there is no specific law that says the Supreme Court cannot try a sitting President for high crimes. What is used today is a policy by the Justice Department, not a law.

Here is a scenario. Trump defies Congress. The Justice Department (FBI) refuses to serve the papers. Congress kicks it to the Supreme Court. Trump defies the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court issues arrest paperwork. Even though the Marshal Service is also part of the Justice Department, their job is to apprehend people for the court systems. And at that point, Trump or his band of criminals would be up for arrest by court order. Does the Marshal Department do what they have always done and do their job (they are much older than all the rest of the Justice Department with a Stellar Record) or do the follow illegal orders from a criminal?

This isn't Impeachment process. It's outright criminal court. Trump can be in Prison and still be President in this case but I would imagine Amendment 25 would be invoked. And any of his criminal cronies would have to be let go and replaced. But they would even if they were lilly white innocent sooner or later., but you’re not addressing my question.
why do you piss your pants over some “obstruction” yet can’t care less about other “obstruction”?

You sound pretty matter of obviously know your shit....tell us, what exactly did Trump do to obstruct justice?
You don’t even know what a sanctuary city is!

They don’t honor IRS detainers for minor criminal shit . For lots of reasons .

1-IRS detainers are not warrants and are not issued by judges . (You think FISA warrants are bad?). The city bears all the liability if there’s a screw up

2- deporting people for minor shit causes more issues for the city that’s left to care for the broken family .

3- immigration is the ins business .
You don’t even know what a sanctuary city is!

They don’t honor IRS detainers for minor criminal shit . For lots of reasons .

1-IRS detainers are not warrants and are not issued by judges . (You think FISA warrants are bad?). The city bears all the liability if there’s a screw up

2- deporting people for minor shit causes more issues for the city that’s left to care for the broken family .

3- immigration is the ins business .

Sure we do, if your last name is something like Gonzalez you get a bunch of freebies and rules/laws don't apply to you.
Not one of you Lefties can get in here and shed some light on why you piss your pants over some “obstruction” and can’t care less about other “obstruction”?
That should be easy to
Daryl Hunt ?

There is a difference. What you call obstruction was just stalling. Before it got out of hand Obama relinquished what was demanded without any supreme court action. Nixon didn't. He went right down to the wire. And it looks like Trump is going to go down to the wire as well. He's trying to stall until AFTER the 2020 election. Not going to happen. It's way past stall tactics now. It's into Obstructionism. McConnel can't save him on this one.

And if you haven't noticed, there is no specific law that says the Supreme Court cannot try a sitting President for high crimes. What is used today is a policy by the Justice Department, not a law.

Here is a scenario. Trump defies Congress. The Justice Department (FBI) refuses to serve the papers. Congress kicks it to the Supreme Court. Trump defies the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court issues arrest paperwork. Even though the Marshal Service is also part of the Justice Department, their job is to apprehend people for the court systems. And at that point, Trump or his band of criminals would be up for arrest by court order. Does the Marshal Department do what they have always done and do their job (they are much older than all the rest of the Justice Department with a Stellar Record) or do the follow illegal orders from a criminal?

This isn't Impeachment process. It's outright criminal court. Trump can be in Prison and still be President in this case but I would imagine Amendment 25 would be invoked. And any of his criminal cronies would have to be let go and replaced. But they would even if they were lilly white innocent sooner or later., but you’re not addressing my question.
why do you piss your pants over some “obstruction” yet can’t care less about other “obstruction”?

You sound pretty matter of obviously know your shit....tell us, what exactly did Trump do to obstruct justice?

When Congress says they need an unredacted document, the Justice Department can release it to select members of the House. And that goes for every other "Sensitive" document or testimony. Of course it can't be released openly to the house floor but it can to a select few. Just like Highly Sensitive Military Briefings. To completely refuse that and then ignore a contempt of Congress is way past stalling. There are ways to release that information that does not remove the sensitive nature about it. It makes one wonder if some of the redacted parts are not sensitive but damning. Even if it isn't damning, the Justice Department can pick 12 members of the House from both parties and release the information. That's how it is usually done. But things aren't done the "Usual" way these days. To just refuse is obstruction, pure and simple. And when the President openly orders the obstruction the HE is obstructing and everyone else will claim they were just following orders.

I wonder just how the Marshals Service will "Follow Orders" with their job description.
Not one of you Lefties can get in here and shed some light on why you piss your pants over some “obstruction” and can’t care less about other “obstruction”?
That should be easy to
Daryl Hunt ?

There is a difference. What you call obstruction was just stalling. Before it got out of hand Obama relinquished what was demanded without any supreme court action. Nixon didn't. He went right down to the wire. And it looks like Trump is going to go down to the wire as well. He's trying to stall until AFTER the 2020 election. Not going to happen. It's way past stall tactics now. It's into Obstructionism. McConnel can't save him on this one.

And if you haven't noticed, there is no specific law that says the Supreme Court cannot try a sitting President for high crimes. What is used today is a policy by the Justice Department, not a law.

Here is a scenario. Trump defies Congress. The Justice Department (FBI) refuses to serve the papers. Congress kicks it to the Supreme Court. Trump defies the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court issues arrest paperwork. Even though the Marshal Service is also part of the Justice Department, their job is to apprehend people for the court systems. And at that point, Trump or his band of criminals would be up for arrest by court order. Does the Marshal Department do what they have always done and do their job (they are much older than all the rest of the Justice Department with a Stellar Record) or do the follow illegal orders from a criminal?

This isn't Impeachment process. It's outright criminal court. Trump can be in Prison and still be President in this case but I would imagine Amendment 25 would be invoked. And any of his criminal cronies would have to be let go and replaced. But they would even if they were lilly white innocent sooner or later.

Take your medication loon. Time for the blue pill.
Not one of you Lefties can get in here and shed some light on why you piss your pants over some “obstruction” and can’t care less about other “obstruction”?
That should be easy to
Daryl Hunt ?

There is a difference. What you call obstruction was just stalling. Before it got out of hand Obama relinquished what was demanded without any supreme court action. Nixon didn't. He went right down to the wire. And it looks like Trump is going to go down to the wire as well. He's trying to stall until AFTER the 2020 election. Not going to happen. It's way past stall tactics now. It's into Obstructionism. McConnel can't save him on this one.

And if you haven't noticed, there is no specific law that says the Supreme Court cannot try a sitting President for high crimes. What is used today is a policy by the Justice Department, not a law.

Here is a scenario. Trump defies Congress. The Justice Department (FBI) refuses to serve the papers. Congress kicks it to the Supreme Court. Trump defies the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court issues arrest paperwork. Even though the Marshal Service is also part of the Justice Department, their job is to apprehend people for the court systems. And at that point, Trump or his band of criminals would be up for arrest by court order. Does the Marshal Department do what they have always done and do their job (they are much older than all the rest of the Justice Department with a Stellar Record) or do the follow illegal orders from a criminal?

This isn't Impeachment process. It's outright criminal court. Trump can be in Prison and still be President in this case but I would imagine Amendment 25 would be invoked. And any of his criminal cronies would have to be let go and replaced. But they would even if they were lilly white innocent sooner or later.

Take your medication loon. Time for the blue pill.

I have a certificate of sanity issued by the Medical Community and the US Military that says I am sane. (Okay I wasn't always). I have documented proof I am sane. I'll bet you don't have any proof that you are sane therefore I will automatically consider you loonier than a box of rock. (not a box of rocks, just one rock you your box)

Big coke bust at Mount Juliet, one of the first proposed sanct. cities. It's not about fascism (Hillary Clinton speaking at Wellesley), its about sanitas, a superior health that can thwart the dem cancer lesion.
As ignorant, desperate fools continue to cry “RUSSIA” and piss their pants over some small time internet ad campaign, sanctuary cities encourage Mexico to invade and shred our democracy from the inside out...and yet the same fools never say a damn thing about it.
Are they really concerned about “obstruction of justice” and the preservation of our democracy?

Mind made up much?
College again?
Seems to be absent on such a knowledgable guy?
Not one of you Lefties can get in here and shed some light on why you piss your pants over some “obstruction” and can’t care less about other “obstruction”?
That should be easy to
Daryl Hunt ?

There is a difference. What you call obstruction was just stalling. Before it got out of hand Obama relinquished what was demanded without any supreme court action. Nixon didn't. He went right down to the wire. And it looks like Trump is going to go down to the wire as well. He's trying to stall until AFTER the 2020 election. Not going to happen. It's way past stall tactics now. It's into Obstructionism. McConnel can't save him on this one.

And if you haven't noticed, there is no specific law that says the Supreme Court cannot try a sitting President for high crimes. What is used today is a policy by the Justice Department, not a law.

Here is a scenario. Trump defies Congress. The Justice Department (FBI) refuses to serve the papers. Congress kicks it to the Supreme Court. Trump defies the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court issues arrest paperwork. Even though the Marshal Service is also part of the Justice Department, their job is to apprehend people for the court systems. And at that point, Trump or his band of criminals would be up for arrest by court order. Does the Marshal Department do what they have always done and do their job (they are much older than all the rest of the Justice Department with a Stellar Record) or do the follow illegal orders from a criminal?

This isn't Impeachment process. It's outright criminal court. Trump can be in Prison and still be President in this case but I would imagine Amendment 25 would be invoked. And any of his criminal cronies would have to be let go and replaced. But they would even if they were lilly white innocent sooner or later.

Take your medication loon. Time for the blue pill.

I have a certificate of sanity issued by the Medical Community and the US Military that says I am sane. (Okay I wasn't always). I have documented proof I am sane. I'll bet you don't have any proof that you are sane therefore I will automatically consider you loonier than a box of rock. (not a box of rocks, just one rock you your box)

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Well ,know the old joke
"If you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military, great indoctrination and socialist benefits"

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