Sanctuary Trump signs lawless EO.

I never want to hear you bitches complain about sanctuary cities again!

Trump signs an EO that basically orders the IRS to ignore the law agianst tax exempt religious groups crossing the line into political advocates .

Trump’s Phony Religious Liberty EO

President Trump on Thursday said he would direct the Internal Revenue Service to relax enforcement of rules barring tax-exempt churches from participating in politics as part of a much-anticipated executive order on religious liberties.

The order — which Trump formally unveiled in a Rose Garden ceremony with Christian leaders — also offers unspecified “regulatory relief” for religious objectors to an Obama administration mandate, already scaled back by the courts, that required contraception services as part of health plans, the officials said.
How the hell does this match sanctuary cities? Where are the parallel's?

He's a nut.
Timmy has been ranting and raving, and pissing all over himself in this thread, just to let us know how much he hates us Christians.
You need to stick with what ya know Timothy.....
Falling into wells.
So is it true ya had to put lassy down?

If you can't make a coherent argument then you need to shut the fuck up while adults are talking .

We can say it's safe to say you'll never be mistaken for an adult least not mentally.

Ok mr mental . You tell me how this is nothing like sanctuary cities.

And there you go and prove it....

You didn't answer the question . So go on and get your shinebox.

At least Rderp was entertaining ......
Timmy has been ranting and raving, and pissing all over himself in this thread, just to let us know how much he hates us Christians.
Well, ya... he hates Christians but... likes muslims... and believes they should be allowed to infiltrate any and all nations as refugees, even though we know there's terrorists and jihadists in their midst... but, I'm SURE Timmy likes his homos TOO, so, explain how Timmy justifies in his little pea brain how loving muslims and homos both when muslims like to throw homos off tall buildings to their death... ?

Weird... never could think like a progtard... gotta be fucked in the head.
Timmy has been ranting and raving, and pissing all over himself in this thread, just to let us know how much he hates us Christians.
Well, ya... he hates Christians but... likes muslims... and believes they should be allowed to infiltrate any all nations... but, I'm SURE Timmy likes his homos TOO, so, explain how Timmy justifies in his little pea brain loving muslims and homos both when muslims like to throw homos off tall buildings to the death... ?

Weird... never could think like a progtard... gotta be fucked in the head.

He's a victim of Progda.....But then the weak minded ones always are.
Timmy has been ranting and raving, and pissing all over himself in this thread, just to let us know how much he hates us Christians.
Well, ya... he hates Christians but... likes muslims... and believes they should be allowed to infiltrate any all nations... but, I'm SURE Timmy likes his homos TOO, so, explain how Timmy justifies in his little pea brain loving muslims and homos both when muslims like to throw homos off tall buildings to the death... ?

Weird... never could think like a progtard... gotta be fucked in the head.

He's a victim of Progda.....But then the weak minded ones always are.
Free thinking away from all the garbage they're fed by propaganda networks is NOT their strong suit.
I've noticed y'all re avoiding the thread topic.
If there is a next President.

Oh ... they'll be a next President


After America is great again.
I've read the EO, and on its face it's clearly, unconstitutional! In effect, the EO contravenes existing statutory law, which is incontrovertible fact. That's a clear violation of the Separation of Powers Doctrine. The Executive has no power to legislate from the Oval Office, that being the province of the Congress!

POTUS cannot veto or rewrite/edit established statute after the fact. This will be another Executive Order the Orange One will have shot down as unconstitutional, and I'm sure that organizations like the ACLU, et al, are already preparing their challenges. The hubris of the Idiot-in-Chief is astounding!
I never want to hear you bitches complain about sanctuary cities again!

Trump signs an EO that basically orders the IRS to ignore the law agianst tax exempt religious groups crossing the line into political advocates .

Trump’s Phony Religious Liberty EO

President Trump on Thursday said he would direct the Internal Revenue Service to relax enforcement of rules barring tax-exempt churches from participating in politics as part of a much-anticipated executive order on religious liberties.

The order — which Trump formally unveiled in a Rose Garden ceremony with Christian leaders — also offers unspecified “regulatory relief” for religious objectors to an Obama administration mandate, already scaled back by the courts, that required contraception services as part of health plans, the officials said.
How the hell does this match sanctuary cities? Where are the parallel's?

It's worse than sanctuary cities . There's the strong legal argument that immigration is solely for the Feds, not the states .

Here you have a fed law that has not been changed , but the Don is ordering the IRS to not enforce it.
You apparently have failed to notice he is now enforcing our immigration laws. Something Obie refused to enforce. So how are you connecting the two again?
I never want to hear you bitches complain about sanctuary cities again!

Trump signs an EO that basically orders the IRS to ignore the law agianst tax exempt religious groups crossing the line into political advocates .

Trump’s Phony Religious Liberty EO

President Trump on Thursday said he would direct the Internal Revenue Service to relax enforcement of rules barring tax-exempt churches from participating in politics as part of a much-anticipated executive order on religious liberties.

The order — which Trump formally unveiled in a Rose Garden ceremony with Christian leaders — also offers unspecified “regulatory relief” for religious objectors to an Obama administration mandate, already scaled back by the courts, that required contraception services as part of health plans, the officials said.

He's all for 'sanctuary cities and states' as long as they are sanctuaries for people who give him money or support him.
Didn't you hear the tapes? Barry listened to a radical left wing political rant in a Christian Churchfor twenty freaking years. Both Hillary Clinton and Al Gore took on an embarrassing Black persona while trying to shore up political support from Black churches. Barry Hussein used the IRS as a political tool to punish political enemies. All Trump is trying to do is make sure Black Churches can still engage in political activities without risking IRS sanctions. Why would bigoted lefties be against such an executive order and call it lawless?
I never want to hear you bitches complain about sanctuary cities again!

Trump signs an EO that basically orders the IRS to ignore the law agianst tax exempt religious groups crossing the line into political advocates .

Trump’s Phony Religious Liberty EO

President Trump on Thursday said he would direct the Internal Revenue Service to relax enforcement of rules barring tax-exempt churches from participating in politics as part of a much-anticipated executive order on religious liberties.

The order — which Trump formally unveiled in a Rose Garden ceremony with Christian leaders — also offers unspecified “regulatory relief” for religious objectors to an Obama administration mandate, already scaled back by the courts, that required contraception services as part of health plans, the officials said.

No it doesn't. Rev. Wright, Flager and the other apostates will be able to continue to openly support the democrat party and suffer no consequences. Relax man.

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