Sanders (and Trump) and single-payer HC insurance


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Of course it would be an extremely tough sell to American voters....Many have simply been brain-washed by the AMA, big pharmaceuticals, hospital conglomerates, etc. to believe that we have the very best HC system on the planet (its not true, BTW, in longevity and morbidity we are in the 30th percentile.)

Unfortunately for mostly republican voters, they'd rather send a $500 check every month to some private insurer (whose CEO rakes in a salary in the 10s of millions) than to send a check (actually through a tax) for $50 to D.C. and receive basically the same coverage.

Of the industrialized world only the US and Mexico (I believe) have refused to adopt universal coverage.
The government will soon have complete control over health care. Soon we will all be like those in the VA trying to get treatment.

Not to worry America, if you like your doctor/health care/premiums, you can keep them. Every thing will get much better. LMAO!!!
I have had superb health care at the VA for many years, in the military before that, and as a dependent of a military father.

Anyone who thinks all of government HC is defective has a problem in the brain.
I have had superb health care at the VA for many years, in the military before that, and as a dependent of a military father.

Anyone who thinks all of government HC is defective has a problem in the brain.

Can't say it's superb when it takes 4 months to get a priority MRI, adequate would describe my treatment at VA.
Of course it would be an extremely tough sell to American voters....Many have simply been brain-washed by the AMA, big pharmaceuticals, hospital conglomerates, etc. to believe that we have the very best HC system on the planet (its not true, BTW, in longevity and morbidity we are in the 30th percentile.)

Unfortunately for mostly republican voters, they'd rather send a $500 check every month to some private insurer (whose CEO rakes in a salary in the 10s of millions) than to send a check (actually through a tax) for $50 to D.C. and receive basically the same coverage.

Of the industrialized world only the US and Mexico (I believe) have refused to adopt universal coverage.
I have excellent coverage, $20 doctor's fee, 100% for hospital coverage and $30 drug fee for $1000 real cost drugs! It costs me $159 a month. Obviously, it is NOT Obamacare.
Of course it would be an extremely tough sell to American voters....Many have simply been brain-washed by the AMA, big pharmaceuticals, hospital conglomerates, etc. to believe that we have the very best HC system on the planet (its not true, BTW, in longevity and morbidity we are in the 30th percentile.)

Unfortunately for mostly republican voters, they'd rather send a $500 check every month to some private insurer (whose CEO rakes in a salary in the 10s of millions) than to send a check (actually through a tax) for $50 to D.C. and receive basically the same coverage.

Of the industrialized world only the US and Mexico (I believe) have refused to adopt universal coverage.

Neither of which have anything to do with health care.

I can die in a car accident tomorrow, and no changes to the health care system would change anything. Only a moron takes longevity, which has a million factors that have nothing to do with health care, and claims that proves the health care system is good or bad.

Further, it's idiotic to say that the taxes for health care would only be $50. What moron, brain dead, math failing idiot came up with that?

Have you not been to Canada? I have. Taxes are much higher.... and they still have a funding problems for their health care.

Have you been to the UK? I have. Taxes WAY higher. Most of the world that has universal health care, pays a TON more for health care than we do.

The Medicare and Medicaid are going broke NOW.... right NOW they are going broke. We will need a massive tax increase to keep the existing socialized health care system going. And clearly the VA system is in trouble, so we'll need more taxes to pay for that.

And you want to add in hundreds of millions of people into the health care system that is already broke, and you really think that it's only going to take $50 in taxes?

You are crazy. Even the National Institute for Health Care Reform, claimed that it would require at least an 11.7% tax to fund a universal health care system. And given their bias, you bet that number is low.

11.7% of your pay check at $50K a year, is $500 a month. That means anyone earning more, would be paying a higher price for health care already. And again, 11.7% is low. Very low.

Moreover, I can say for myself... I've never paid $500 for health insurance. In 2006 I paid just $67 a month. Unfortunately ObamaCrap wiped out all those plans. That 11.7% tax hike is way more expensive than any health insurance policy I've ever paid for.

And on top of that, that vast majority of universal health care system in the world SUCK compared to ours. So you want me to pay more for worse care? How is that a win....?
I've seen people on medicaid, it's a nightmare of getting in 3 month long lines to see a doctor.
Dentist? better make an appointment while you are there getting work done

Worked as a csr for an ins company that helped medicare with part D, 3 times a week I'd get a call and I'd hear "I'm not dead.". The government declares people dead and ends their ins with no proof of death.

some died, some went deep into debt buying their meds, some just got really annoyed b/c it took 3 or more months to prove to the government you weren't dead.

so yea, lets have the government run all of it.
R-Wers would rather subsidize these types of salaries....

Top health insurance CEO pay exceeds $10 million
Top health insurance CEO pay exceeds $10 million in 2014

Skyrocketing salaries for health insurance CEOs
Commentary: if they're making millions, should the rest of us have to pay higher premiums?
Skyrocketing salaries for health insurance CEOs

Hospital CEOs--not doctors--among medicine's top earners
NYT finds healthcare exec pay eclipses salaries of surgeons and general physicians
Hospital CEOs--not doctors--among medicine's top earners
R-Wers would rather subsidize these types of salaries....

Top health insurance CEO pay exceeds $10 million
Top health insurance CEO pay exceeds $10 million in 2014

Skyrocketing salaries for health insurance CEOs
Commentary: if they're making millions, should the rest of us have to pay higher premiums?
Skyrocketing salaries for health insurance CEOs

Hospital CEOs--not doctors--among medicine's top earners
NYT finds healthcare exec pay eclipses salaries of surgeons and general physicians
Hospital CEOs--not doctors--among medicine's top earners
leftist forced Americans to buy their products, but it's someone else fault.

wow, the delusion
Of course it would be an extremely tough sell to American voters....Many have simply been brain-washed by the AMA, big pharmaceuticals, hospital conglomerates, etc. to believe that we have the very best HC system on the planet (its not true, BTW, in longevity and morbidity we are in the 30th percentile.)

Unfortunately for mostly republican voters, they'd rather send a $500 check every month to some private insurer (whose CEO rakes in a salary in the 10s of millions) than to send a check (actually through a tax) for $50 to D.C. and receive basically the same coverage.

Of the industrialized world only the US and Mexico (I believe) have refused to adopt universal coverage.

Neither of which have anything to do with health care.

I can die in a car accident tomorrow, and no changes to the health care system would change anything. Only a moron takes longevity, which has a million factors that have nothing to do with health care, and claims that proves the health care system is good or bad.

Further, it's idiotic to say that the taxes for health care would only be $50. What moron, brain dead, math failing idiot came up with that?

Have you not been to Canada? I have. Taxes are much higher.... and they still have a funding problems for their health care.

Have you been to the UK? I have. Taxes WAY higher. Most of the world that has universal health care, pays a TON more for health care than we do.

The Medicare and Medicaid are going broke NOW.... right NOW they are going broke. We will need a massive tax increase to keep the existing socialized health care system going. And clearly the VA system is in trouble, so we'll need more taxes to pay for that.

And you want to add in hundreds of millions of people into the health care system that is already broke, and you really think that it's only going to take $50 in taxes?

You are crazy. Even the National Institute for Health Care Reform, claimed that it would require at least an 11.7% tax to fund a universal health care system. And given their bias, you bet that number is low.

11.7% of your pay check at $50K a year, is $500 a month. That means anyone earning more, would be paying a higher price for health care already. And again, 11.7% is low. Very low.

Moreover, I can say for myself... I've never paid $500 for health insurance. In 2006 I paid just $67 a month. Unfortunately ObamaCrap wiped out all those plans. That 11.7% tax hike is way more expensive than any health insurance policy I've ever paid for.

And on top of that, that vast majority of universal health care system in the world SUCK compared to ours. So you want me to pay more for worse care? How is that a win....?

These Are The 36 Countries That Have Better Healthcare Systems Than The US
These Are The 36 Countries That Have Better Healthcare Systems Than The US

Americans spend more per capita on health care than people anywhere else in the world, yet outcomes in every other developed country are better on almost every measure, from infant mortality to life expectancy.

A big reason for that is our collective gullibility. We continue to believe what many politicians tell us, despite evidence to the contrary: that we have the best health care system in the world.

Similarly, we continue to be persuaded by insurance companies that they’re essential to the system and better than any government program could possibly be at controlling health care costs.
R-Wers would rather subsidize these types of salaries....

Top health insurance CEO pay exceeds $10 million
Top health insurance CEO pay exceeds $10 million in 2014

Skyrocketing salaries for health insurance CEOs
Commentary: if they're making millions, should the rest of us have to pay higher premiums?
Skyrocketing salaries for health insurance CEOs

Hospital CEOs--not doctors--among medicine's top earners
NYT finds healthcare exec pay eclipses salaries of surgeons and general physicians
Hospital CEOs--not doctors--among medicine's top earners

This is the difference between you greedy envious people on the left, and the right wingers like myself.

I'm concerned with the quality of the care.... and how much it costs me.

You are concerned with how much the CEO is making. Why does anyone care how much money anyone else is making? There is only one reason someone is worried about how much someone makes in a year. Greed.... and envy. Envious people, and greedy people, sit around and worry about how much Bob across the street is making.

I'm not concerned with how much the CEO of Whatever Corporation.

How much does it cost? Before Obama screwed everything up, I had an insurance policy for $67 a month. It was a great policy.

How well does the system treat people, and heal them?


I have yet to find a single example where they compared survival rates between the US and other countries, where we didn't come out ahead.

Even within our country, the socialized systems do terrible, and the private capitalist systems do wonderful.

But in your world, none of that matters.... what matters is "how much did the CEO make?" As if that's what really matters when you are dying of cancer.
Of course it would be an extremely tough sell to American voters....Many have simply been brain-washed by the AMA, big pharmaceuticals, hospital conglomerates, etc. to believe that we have the very best HC system on the planet (its not true, BTW, in longevity and morbidity we are in the 30th percentile.)

Unfortunately for mostly republican voters, they'd rather send a $500 check every month to some private insurer (whose CEO rakes in a salary in the 10s of millions) than to send a check (actually through a tax) for $50 to D.C. and receive basically the same coverage.

Of the industrialized world only the US and Mexico (I believe) have refused to adopt universal coverage.

Neither of which have anything to do with health care.

I can die in a car accident tomorrow, and no changes to the health care system would change anything. Only a moron takes longevity, which has a million factors that have nothing to do with health care, and claims that proves the health care system is good or bad.

Further, it's idiotic to say that the taxes for health care would only be $50. What moron, brain dead, math failing idiot came up with that?

Have you not been to Canada? I have. Taxes are much higher.... and they still have a funding problems for their health care.

Have you been to the UK? I have. Taxes WAY higher. Most of the world that has universal health care, pays a TON more for health care than we do.

The Medicare and Medicaid are going broke NOW.... right NOW they are going broke. We will need a massive tax increase to keep the existing socialized health care system going. And clearly the VA system is in trouble, so we'll need more taxes to pay for that.

And you want to add in hundreds of millions of people into the health care system that is already broke, and you really think that it's only going to take $50 in taxes?

You are crazy. Even the National Institute for Health Care Reform, claimed that it would require at least an 11.7% tax to fund a universal health care system. And given their bias, you bet that number is low.

11.7% of your pay check at $50K a year, is $500 a month. That means anyone earning more, would be paying a higher price for health care already. And again, 11.7% is low. Very low.

Moreover, I can say for myself... I've never paid $500 for health insurance. In 2006 I paid just $67 a month. Unfortunately ObamaCrap wiped out all those plans. That 11.7% tax hike is way more expensive than any health insurance policy I've ever paid for.

And on top of that, that vast majority of universal health care system in the world SUCK compared to ours. So you want me to pay more for worse care? How is that a win....?

These Are The 36 Countries That Have Better Healthcare Systems Than The US
These Are The 36 Countries That Have Better Healthcare Systems Than The US

Americans spend more per capita on health care than people anywhere else in the world, yet outcomes in every other developed country are better on almost every measure, from infant mortality to life expectancy.

A big reason for that is our collective gullibility. We continue to believe what many politicians tell us, despite evidence to the contrary: that we have the best health care system in the world.

Similarly, we continue to be persuaded by insurance companies that they’re essential to the system and better than any government program could possibly be at controlling health care costs.

Entirely false. The WHO ranking was based on how socialized the system is. Not the quality of the care. You can read the report. It's very open about how they ranked the systems. It wasn't based on quality of care.
Tyranny makes everything better.

Or maybe just how they count stuff, b/c many of those leading countries don't consider infant death a death if stillborn, while America does, and some of those countries consider it stillborn if the babies dies within 3 days.

but this is common knowledge to anyone that actually cares, so this is news to leftist
HHS cost ~$1.275T in 2015 to pay for how many? under Medicaid & Medicare. if it was 12.75million people covered that is $100K/person? if half the country that is ~$10K/person.

see spending charts by DEPT.
Spending Charts | Downsizing the Federal Government

And those numbers are actually low. Hospitals have to charge non-medicare/medicaid customers (us) a higher price, to cover the lost money on Gov-patients.

If everyone was under the government plan, then hospitals would have to charge Medicare and medicaid more... or go out of business.

So those numbers are way way low.
Of course it would be an extremely tough sell to American voters....Many have simply been brain-washed by the AMA, big pharmaceuticals, hospital conglomerates, etc. to believe that we have the very best HC system on the planet (its not true, BTW, in longevity and morbidity we are in the 30th percentile.)

Unfortunately for mostly republican voters, they'd rather send a $500 check every month to some private insurer (whose CEO rakes in a salary in the 10s of millions) than to send a check (actually through a tax) for $50 to D.C. and receive basically the same coverage.

Of the industrialized world only the US and Mexico (I believe) have refused to adopt universal coverage.
Big insurance, big pharma and progressive career politicians are all in bed together.
Anyway, one size does not fit all or fix all. To hell with single payer.
Why do lefties continue to whine about the statistical difference between the alleged top longevity in the freaking world, Sweden at 81 (male) as opposed to 79 year old (male) in the U.S. (#34). Would anyone willingly trade places between the greatest freest damn risky junk food eating country in the freaking world with the frigid Swedes for four years of statistical longevity? You almost gotta laugh that the total population in Sweden is around 10 million while the U.S. supports and administers to the health care needs of twice that in freaking drunk drugged out illegal aliens.
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