Sanders Campaign Prepares For Run As An Independent

The only people who think Sanders will run as an independent are dip shit Trump tards

While I agree that Nutty Old Uncle Bernie may not authorize a candidacy I also believe that he would do nothing to stand in the way of others acting.....

I'd give greater cred, though, to Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky running at least a write-in campaign WHEN The Democrat Party throws her under the bus.

If you think that winning by a margin of 4 million votes is a recipe to get thrown under the bus, then your elevator doesn't quite hit the top floor--LOL

She won it by a huge margin. She has a 3,720,322 vote lead over Sanders that is going to get a lot bigger when they finish counting ballots in California, and next Tuesday when Washington D.C. votes. In rhetrospect Barack Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primary with a mere 41,622 votes. The majority has spoken and it's clear they want nothing to do with Bernie Sanders or any of his proposals.
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

After this terrorist attack today in Orlando, Bernie Sanders voting against background checks on gun purchases 5 times, aka the Brady bill, has about as much chance of taking over the Democrat National convention, as I do of winning the Presidency.


There has never been a 3rd party that has ever got close to winning the White House. They're just very good at screwing it up for the major party nominee, which in this instance would be Hillary Clinton.

So if Sanders supporters want a Donald Trump Presidency, go ahead and support your nursing home candidate for a 3rd party run. Sign those petitions, and get your checkbooks out.

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I DO believe that the organization and support Bernie built will NOT go to waste. This is the birth of an American Socialist Party. What happens this election is not clear. But I'm CERTAIN that Bernie will endorse the venture and provide his donor lists and all polling and information..

For THIS election cycle -- it's too late to be a "third party". The only choice is to declare as Independent. Which is a much lower ballot access bar.. And that is still feasible up until somewhere in July..
What about the Green Party ? (running as their presidential candidate) Jill Stein said she would step down to the Vice Presidential candidate.

Wouldn't work.. Because USUALLY the Green Party never makes it onto all 50 state ballots. MAYBE they have this cycle. And if so --- That would work.. But I don't think Bernie wants a Socialist party with all the Green baggage. It's a bit weird in places. Ultimate situation is to ABSORB US Greens into an Amer. Socialist Party..

I'm a Green who voted for Stein last election and will do so again, but there is no real party organization .. barely even qualifies as a political party. The Green Party exists as a placebo for those of us who will not vote for democrats .. but it isn't much else.

In Georgia, we fought for and won a reduction of qualifying signatures to get candidates on the ballot, but impediments to ballot access exist all over the country as democrats and republicans pay millions of dollars to keep 3rd parties out of elections in any meaningful way.

Point being, any flirtation by Sanders with the Green Party ticket will go absolutely nowhere.

If a real ORGANIZED Socialist party gave a home to Greens --- there would be some accommodations. A coalition in the least. And the ardent Greens could still run State/Local candidates.

When I was active in Libertarian Party in Cali --- We worked with the national level Greens on ballot access. Still do. But you're right. They don't have the will or the organization to run that triathalon and get onto 50 state ballots.

It's the VISION of the Greens that keeps them from national status. It's not Socialist.. The idea of LOCAL economics and LOCAL control is far more tribal --- even Communal than Bernie's traditional liturgy..

One of the problems with that is Greens aren't socialists. They run from the word. Being a socialist myself, I've worked to form alliances with Democratic Socialists of America. DSA was open and willing, but Greens are a much too scattered alliance of people to decide much of anything. There is no national organization.

Most importantly, Green strategy is flawed and will never work on a national level. They have a top-down political strategy that starts with being the president, not understanding that as a party, you must build from the bottom up starting with who is the State Representative, who is the Congressperson.

Sure, many Greens will flock to Sanders now .. because of his celebrity .. but without a sound political foundation, that goes nowhere .. and Greens have the history to prove it.
In a move sure to shake the Democrat party to it’s core Bernie Sanders’ campaign is not yet done fighting their revolution against the establishment.
A quiet burst of activity from the Sanders campaign seems to all but guarantee that Sanders will run as an independent this election cycle. All across the country Sanders’ core infrastructure of volunteers and paid staff are mobilizing to collect signatures and perform necessary paperwork to get him on the general election ballots in the states.

Officials highly placed within the Sanders campaign remain evasive and deny that the senator plans, at this time, to run as an independent. Bernie’s campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, has stated time and time again that they intend to go all the way to the convention and make the case that Sanders should be the Democratic nominee for the 2016 general election. But the Sanders campaign is actively engaging in activities, within the states, that have no other purpose besides putting Sanders in the position of being able to run as an independent candidate against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Read more here Sanders Campaign Prepares For Run As An Independent - Aldipest

Oh please please please God! Let this be TWOOOOO!!!!!!!!
I DO believe that the organization and support Bernie built will NOT go to waste. This is the birth of an American Socialist Party. What happens this election is not clear. But I'm CERTAIN that Bernie will endorse the venture and provide his donor lists and all polling and information..

For THIS election cycle -- it's too late to be a "third party". The only choice is to declare as Independent. Which is a much lower ballot access bar.. And that is still feasible up until somewhere in July..
What about the Green Party ? (running as their presidential candidate) Jill Stein said she would step down to the Vice Presidential candidate.

Wouldn't work.. Because USUALLY the Green Party never makes it onto all 50 state ballots. MAYBE they have this cycle. And if so --- That would work.. But I don't think Bernie wants a Socialist party with all the Green baggage. It's a bit weird in places. Ultimate situation is to ABSORB US Greens into an Amer. Socialist Party..

I'm a Green who voted for Stein last election and will do so again, but there is no real party organization .. barely even qualifies as a political party. The Green Party exists as a placebo for those of us who will not vote for democrats .. but it isn't much else.

In Georgia, we fought for and won a reduction of qualifying signatures to get candidates on the ballot, but impediments to ballot access exist all over the country as democrats and republicans pay millions of dollars to keep 3rd parties out of elections in any meaningful way.

Point being, any flirtation by Sanders with the Green Party ticket will go absolutely nowhere.

If a real ORGANIZED Socialist party gave a home to Greens --- there would be some accommodations. A coalition in the least. And the ardent Greens could still run State/Local candidates.

When I was active in Libertarian Party in Cali --- We worked with the national level Greens on ballot access. Still do. But you're right. They don't have the will or the organization to run that triathalon and get onto 50 state ballots.

It's the VISION of the Greens that keeps them from national status. It's not Socialist.. The idea of LOCAL economics and LOCAL control is far more tribal --- even Communal than Bernie's traditional liturgy..

One of the problems with that is Greens aren't socialists. They run from the word. Being a socialist myself, I've worked to form alliances with Democratic Socialists of America. DSA was open and willing, but Greens are a much too scattered alliance of people to decide much of anything. There is no national organization.

Most importantly, Green strategy is flawed and will never work on a national level. They have a top-down political strategy that starts with being the president, not understanding that as a party, you must build from the bottom up starting with who is the State Representative, who is the Congressperson.

Sure, many Greens will flock to Sanders now .. because of his celebrity .. but without a sound political foundation, that goes nowhere .. and Greens have the history to prove it.

I've had many long discussions with Green party officials and members. And where we end up after visiting every plank in a platform is ---- Why don't you just start a Commune Franchise? It satisfies most all of your policy positions... :banana:

You can make your own paint and tires and have B&Bs right there by the Compost field...
Sanders has raised more money than Hillary on his own. He isn't limited financially from running as in independent.
Will The Democrat Party abandon its own history and NOT throw the bitch under the bus?

I won't say it can't happen but if it does it'll be fun to see the party elders clutching their bloody crotches where their balls used to be........

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