Sanders: McConnell wrong on SCOTUS block

up or down vote! Get politics and jesus out of this issue.

No problem, just tell your dear leader to keep stateist judges out of it. If he nominates a judge with a long record of only using the Constitution and the law to inform their decisions, I'm sure there will be a swift confirmation. If he nominates another Kagan or Sotomayor he's likely to find the road rather bumpy.

OK, please cut me a bit of slack, "my dear leader"? I have not doubt he is a nice guy, government aside, but "dear leader" hurts. I am simply wondering how I am supposed to vote with the purposed "mob" being purposed. I mean they may be fun at a party, but do we really want any of them as "TMMIC"? I include "Hill honey" as she is well on her way, as is apparent when she and the Bern are on stage, side by side. I am in fact an Independent voter, thank you very much, neither gay nor bisexual, to include omni-sexual should that now exist.
Sanders: McConnell wrong on SCOTUS block

Source: Politico

Democratic White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday that Republicans would be wrong to block President Barack Obama’s eventual nominee for the Supreme Court.

“I just don’t think it looks good that for very overtly political reasons that the Republicans would deny this president the right to exercise his constitutional responsibility, which is to appoint members to the Supreme Court,” Sanders said on ABC’s “This Week."

“I don’t think the public would look kindly on Republican actions to try to flaunt what he is supposed to be able to do.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republicans have said they wanted to wait until after the presidential election before taking up a replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia, who died Saturday.


Bernie Sanders said Republican plans to block a Supreme Court nominee would be "overtly political." | AP Photo

FULL story at link. ORIGINAL story below.

Go Bernie! The republicans need a up or down vote on Obamas choice. That is the right thing to do.

what would you expect this doofuss to say

im shocked

Sanders: McConnell wrong on SCOTUS block

Source: Politico

Democratic White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday that Republicans would be wrong to block President Barack Obama’s eventual nominee for the Supreme Court.

“I just don’t think it looks good that for very overtly political reasons that the Republicans would deny this president the right to exercise his constitutional responsibility, which is to appoint members to the Supreme Court,” Sanders said on ABC’s “This Week."

“I don’t think the public would look kindly on Republican actions to try to flaunt what he is supposed to be able to do.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republicans have said they wanted to wait until after the presidential election before taking up a replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia, who died Saturday.


Bernie Sanders said Republican plans to block a Supreme Court nominee would be "overtly political." | AP Photo

FULL story at link. ORIGINAL story below.

Go Bernie! The republicans need a up or down vote on Obamas choice. That is the right thing to do.
Legally "wrong"....and "not looking good" are worlds apart....but then Bernie is world's apart...from reality.
No concern on my behalf. My train ride is closing in on the station. The future belongs to the young folks. They screw up, they pay the price. It has always been that way and will never change. "No my problee".
'Bernie Sanders said Republican plans to block a Supreme Court nominee would be "overtly political."'

Of course it would.

It would be unwarranted, inappropriate, demonstrating contempt for the will of the majority of Americans who voted to reelect the president.

Senate republicans should allow the president to do his job, and they should likewise do their jobs for a change.
No concern on my behalf. My train ride is closing in on the station. The future belongs to the young folks. They screw up, they pay the price. It has always been that way and will never change. "No my problee".

It is the 60's radicals that screwed it up, pushing single parenthood and stopping the spanking our children, that has worked for thousands of years.
It was our problem for not speaking up and being opposite activists ourselves.
'Bernie Sanders said Republican plans to block a Supreme Court nominee would be "overtly political."'

Of course it would.

It would be unwarranted, inappropriate, demonstrating contempt for the will of the majority of Americans who voted to reelect the president.

Senate republicans should allow the president to do his job, and they should likewise do their jobs for a change.

How can they when President Obama refuses to work with them?
Heck he hasn't even worked with the Dems.
If the Republican Senate takes the partisan extremist obstructionist strategy on this,

it guarantees that even if a Republican is elected president, the Democratic minority in the Senate will see to it that NOTHING gets done to the advantage of the GOP.
If the Republican Senate takes the partisan extremist obstructionist strategy on this,

it guarantees that even if a Republican is elected president, the Democratic minority in the Senate will see to it that NOTHING gets done to the advantage of the GOP.

That won't look so good for the Dems.
Article II....Section II of the U.S. Constitution has no prohibition or stricture regarding the Right of Mr. Obama or any President to appoint a Justice to the Supreme based solely and completely as to length of time left in office.

To deliberately do otherwise is a gross abuse of Senatorial Privilege. A deadlocked court would be a disaster created for and by the Republicans.

Poor fella. The majority in control of the Senate has rights too.

They do not have the right to tell a sitting President when he can and cannot appoint a justice to the Supreme Court. The Constitution is clear on that. The President can send an appointment regardless of his remaining time in office. The Senate cannot refuse to appoint based solely on length of time remaining in office.

This will be a Republican Orchestrated Republican Sponsored, Republican Organized, Republican Led attempt to deliberately block a Nominee based on the length of time left in office of a sitting President.

Good luck with your Conservative Brain Fart.

Poor Little Boy, you too afraid to think for yourself and must be told what to think. Good ConJob....Good TeaHadist...Good RePug.
Article II....Section II of the U.S. Constitution has no prohibition or stricture regarding the Right of Mr. Obama or any President to appoint a Justice to the Supreme based solely and completely as to length of time left in office.

To deliberately do otherwise is a gross abuse of Senatorial Privilege. A deadlocked court would be a disaster created for and by the Republicans.

Poor fella. The majority in control of the Senate has rights too.

They do not have the right to tell a sitting President when he can and cannot appoint a justice to the Supreme Court. The Constitution is clear on that. The President can send an appointment regardless of his remaining time in office. The Senate cannot refuse to appoint based solely on length of time remaining in office.

This will be a Republican Orchestrated Republican Sponsored, Republican Organized, Republican Led attempt to deliberately block a Nominee based on the length of time left in office of a sitting President.

Good luck with your Conservative Brain Fart.

Poor Little Boy, you too afraid to think for yourself and must be told what to think. Good ConJob....Good TeaHadist...Good RePug.

Ever heard of Abe Fortas????
What's sad about your diatribe is your insults of others. When it actually has been done.
Article II....Section II of the U.S. Constitution has no prohibition or stricture regarding the Right of Mr. Obama or any President to appoint a Justice to the Supreme based solely and completely as to length of time left in office.

To deliberately do otherwise is a gross abuse of Senatorial Privilege. A deadlocked court would be a disaster created for and by the Republicans.

Poor fella. The majority in control of the Senate has rights too.

They do not have the right to tell a sitting President when he can and cannot appoint a justice to the Supreme Court. The Constitution is clear on that. The President can send an appointment regardless of his remaining time in office. The Senate cannot refuse to appoint based solely on length of time remaining in office.

They're not.

This will be a Republican Orchestrated Republican Sponsored, Republican Organized, Republican Led attempt to deliberately block a Nominee based on the length of time left in office of a sitting President.

No, it won't.

Poor Little Boy, you too afraid to think for yourself and must be told what to think.

And now you've told me. Anything else? :laugh:
up or down vote! Get politics and jesus out of this issue.

No problem, just tell your dear leader to keep stateist judges out of it. If he nominates a judge with a long record of only using the Constitution and the law to inform their decisions, I'm sure there will be a swift confirmation. If he nominates another Kagan or Sotomayor he's likely to find the road rather bumpy.

OK, please cut me a bit of slack, "my dear leader"? I have not doubt he is a nice guy, government aside, but "dear leader" hurts. I am simply wondering how I am supposed to vote with the purposed "mob" being purposed. I mean they may be fun at a party, but do we really want any of them as "TMMIC"? I include "Hill honey" as she is well on her way, as is apparent when she and the Bern are on stage, side by side. I am in fact an Independent voter, thank you very much, neither gay nor bisexual, to include omni-sexual should that now exist.

Well since the post was directed at someone else, your taking offense means you have a guilty conscience or something else, what that would be I'm not sure. As for the candidate selection available, I think we have a couple of good people who would do a good job. That said, unfortunately in today's political climate, many good people won't subject themselves or the families to the bullcrap of modern presidential politics and I really can't blame them.

But to get back to he question at hand, the filling of this and most likely 3 other vacancies on the supreme court that may occur in the few years will determine whether this country remains as something close to the constitutional republic the founders envisioned, or will be lost to the stateist. I think the republic is worth fighting for, how about you?
Sanders: McConnell wrong on SCOTUS block

Source: Politico

Democratic White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday that Republicans would be wrong to block President Barack Obama’s eventual nominee for the Supreme Court.

“I just don’t think it looks good that for very overtly political reasons that the Republicans would deny this president the right to exercise his constitutional responsibility, which is to appoint members to the Supreme Court,” Sanders said on ABC’s “This Week."

“I don’t think the public would look kindly on Republican actions to try to flaunt what he is supposed to be able to do.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republicans have said they wanted to wait until after the presidential election before taking up a replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia, who died Saturday.


Bernie Sanders said Republican plans to block a Supreme Court nominee would be "overtly political." | AP Photo

FULL story at link. ORIGINAL story below.

Go Bernie! The republicans need a up or down vote on Obamas choice. That is the right thing to do.
Dude you are one confused MF. To hell with Sanders on this. Of course he wants another commie light on the SC.

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