Sanders opens up 16 point lead in New Hampshire

Bernie will bury Hillary, then bury himself when he has to start taking donations from big business to keep his campaign going in the general.
I HIGHLY doubt that's going to happen. We all know that if we want change that's legit we need Sanders in the white house and will make sure he gets the money....Trump may have money but you can't make people vote for you or like your ideas. That's what's going to win the election the fact people are TIRED of being screwed by big business and government in bed together.
Nobody's gonna see or hear his message if he doesn't have the money to get it out. Who's gonna pay for the tv ads, radio ads, or travel around the country to deliver his messages himself?
He is doing just fine so far isn't he? He is doing better as far as small donations than any candidate before. I got an email the other day saying that within 24 hours they would hit over 1 million people donating its the first time this soon this has happened. He is building an army of workers that the world has never seen. Gonna be awesome.
IF he only takes money from individuals, he will run out soon. At some point he will have to accept the big bucks, and when he does, there goes his "I don't take money from lobbyists or special interests", and he becomes just another pandering politician beholden to lobbyists and special interests.
Bernie will bury Hillary, then bury himself when he has to start taking donations from big business to keep his campaign going in the general.
I HIGHLY doubt that's going to happen. We all know that if we want change that's legit we need Sanders in the white house and will make sure he gets the money....Trump may have money but you can't make people vote for you or like your ideas. That's what's going to win the election the fact people are TIRED of being screwed by big business and government in bed together.
Nobody's gonna see or hear his message if he doesn't have the money to get it out. Who's gonna pay for the tv ads, radio ads, or travel around the country to deliver his messages himself?
He is doing just fine so far isn't he? He is doing better as far as small donations than any candidate before. I got an email the other day saying that within 24 hours they would hit over 1 million people donating its the first time this soon this has happened. He is building an army of workers that the world has never seen. Gonna be awesome.
IF he only takes money from individuals, he will run out soon. At some point he will have to accept the big bucks, and when he does, there goes his "I don't take money from lobbyists or special interests", and he becomes just another pandering politician beholden to lobbyists and special interests.

Maybe not

Big money is needed to buy time on TV and radio--which is fast losing influence to PC and other grassroot options.
I just thought of this.

Hillary would lose to anyone that is left of her. Biden is a corporatist with a lot of Union connections--he would beat Hillary because he is left of Hillary.

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