Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

... billions of people in poverty are suffering.

Due entirely to the socialists that made them that way.
Are you kidding me? Let's ignore colonialism, imperialism, wage slavery, etc, etc.. Oh, by the way, if you want to talk about socialism and poverty, you will be surprised at the realities of socialism and poverty, if you want to call self proclaimed socialist states as following "socialism." Hugo? Reduced extreme poverty. Castro's? Reduced extreme poverty. Salvador allende in Chili? Vladimir Lenin? (Literacy, education, women's rights, healthcare, life expectancy, infant mortality, food intake, housing, etc, etc, etc..)
Yes, Venezuela. There's a success story! People rioting because they cant buy toilet paper. We need more of that in America!
Venezuela looks like they have finally run out of other people's money.
Venezuela was doing alright until the falling oil prices, and you can deny facts all you want, but after Hugo, extreme poverty was reduced, literacy increased, infant mortality decreased, housing increased, food intake increased, etc, etc.. Venezuela isn't perfect, but for a country in Latin america that was funneling previous oil funds into the pockets of a few, it's an improvement. I watch venezuela with interest these days. Although, if I pointed at haiti, a capitalist state, and showed you the lack of basic needs in haiti, would you blame capitalism?
No Venezuela was failing badly. The falling oil prices just made things worse. They have the highest production cost of oil in OPEC because all the talented people left under Chavez.
You clearly do not have a clue.
Bernie Sanders Free Vacation For Everyone - Daniel Davis

Bernie Sanders has introduced legislation that would take America one large step closer to European social democracy. The bill would require all businesses with 15 or more workers to provide two weeks of paid vacation for all employees that have been employed for over one year. The requirement would even apply for part-time workers who work an average of 24 hours per week.

"This is already done in almost every other major country on earth," said Sanders in remarks on the Senate floor Thursday. "If families are overworked and if husbands and wives do not even have the time to spend together with their least for two weeks a year, people can come together under a relaxed environment and enjoy the family."

Of course, Bernie has plans for those workers who get squeezed out of the private sector. He has massive infrastructure-building plans that make FDR look like a fiscal hawk, which would balloon the public sector to unprecedented levels.


The funny thing is how things like this will work on the gullible and the useful idiots, and we all know who that is.
Paid vacations and sick time have been shown to not only retain employees, but improve their job performance. Without these benefits, morale is low and productivity suffers. You also run the risk of spreading illness in the food industry without them.

Why you morons don't see the need to fix our infrastructure system absolutely blows my mind.
Wow! Billy, why arent you a business consultant telling all these companies how they can be mega-earners? Why cant they figure these things out ofr themselves?
Vacation is a fringe benefit. If you don't like the benefits offered by the job, don't take it
Oh my god, imagine if people used this as an argument against the minimum wage.. Oh wait, they did, and it's still as hilarious as ever.

You know, I've heard this wealth redistribution malarkey way too much lately - primarily promoted by those who can't even spell economics. I'm going to try to make this simple --

Let's assume the rules of football (American, of course) were changed. If you reached your opponent's 40 yard line, you were awarded 3 points - if you made it to the 30, you got 5 points, if you made it to the 20, you got 7 points - and if you scored, you were awarded 10 points. BUT - if you attained one score and tried to get more, you lost the points you already had. For instance, if you made the 40, you got 3 points - but you forfeited those points to try to make the 30. If you made the 30, you were awarded 5 points - which you forfeited if you tried to make the twenty yard line. If you only progressed to the 21, you came away with no points.

So, let's play a game -- the first team gets to the 40, gambles, and makes the 30 - and voluntarily stops. Score is 5-0. The second team drives the ball, makes the 40, and then the 30, and gambles, and makes it to the 20 --- score is 5-7. That score continues until the last 2 minutes --- the first team (the one with 5 points) drives to the 40, making the score 8-7, in their favor. Do they stop, or do they try to expand their lead? Do they give up the lead in order to try to get further ahead?

The point is simple - you have to consider the profit gained in order to justify the investment - are they willing to invest their potential win in order to cinch the win? Some will - some won't. Some will go for it - others will take what they got, and try to make it stand up.

The same applies in economics - the reason money is invested is for the potential of return. If you decrease the potential of return, and NOT reduce the risk, fewer and fewer are going to invest. If investments are fewer, new jobs are fewer, and more people are out of work.

In addition, if you narrow the gap between failure and success, you minimize the incentive to take the risk. I would not risk my retirement pay in a new company, if I knew that all I was going to get (if I were successful) is my retirement fund back. If, on the other hand, I knew that I could potentially become a multi-millionaire, I would be more willing to take the risk.

Workers need to be incentivized, undoubtedly - but, they don't need to be incentivized to do the job for which they are hired. THAT is what their paycheck is for --- ask yourself - would you accept a pay raise of $1 per hour if I told you that means that you will only receive two more $1 raises the rest of your life, or would you turn down the $1 per hour in order to compete for a $20/hour raise?

Socialism, by its definition, promotes mediocrity - pulling down high level performers and falsely rewarding non-performers. Mediocrity, on the other hand, significantly hampers growth, ingenuity, and expansion.

Which do you want? It's up to you -
Empirical evidence goes against your argumentation against socialism, and quite frankly, it's hilarious hogwash, As socialism is simply collective ownership of production. We've had wealth redistribution for centuries, it's wealth being redistributed to the top. Guess you love the rich.

"Socialism, by its definition, promotes mediocrity" This tells me all I need to know about your bullshit.
  1. Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.

Are you proposing that there is empirical evidence that people living under socialism fare better than people living under capitalism?

PLEASE explain to me how wealth distribution does NOT embrace mediocrity.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?

Yeah, the government should just stay out of it! /sarcasm (Child labor, people had to feed their families with pathetic wages, you either work or suffer, doesn't matter what the job is when you're in that position.

If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?

Yeah, the government should just stay out of it! /sarcasm (Child labor, people had to feed their families with pathetic wages, you either work or suffer, doesn't matter what the job is when you're in that position.

Notice the kid above working without shoes....


File these images under: "Randbot Porn"
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.

No it's not ... it's called freedom. Being told by the state where and how you will live, where you will work and what you'll be paid is wage slavery.
It's more commonly known as socialism.
Vacation is a fringe benefit. If you don't like the benefits offered by the job, don't take it
Oh my god, imagine if people used this as an argument against the minimum wage.. Oh wait, they did, and it's still as hilarious as ever.

You know, I've heard this wealth redistribution malarkey way too much lately - primarily promoted by those who can't even spell economics. I'm going to try to make this simple --

Let's assume the rules of football (American, of course) were changed. If you reached your opponent's 40 yard line, you were awarded 3 points - if you made it to the 30, you got 5 points, if you made it to the 20, you got 7 points - and if you scored, you were awarded 10 points. BUT - if you attained one score and tried to get more, you lost the points you already had. For instance, if you made the 40, you got 3 points - but you forfeited those points to try to make the 30. If you made the 30, you were awarded 5 points - which you forfeited if you tried to make the twenty yard line. If you only progressed to the 21, you came away with no points.

So, let's play a game -- the first team gets to the 40, gambles, and makes the 30 - and voluntarily stops. Score is 5-0. The second team drives the ball, makes the 40, and then the 30, and gambles, and makes it to the 20 --- score is 5-7. That score continues until the last 2 minutes --- the first team (the one with 5 points) drives to the 40, making the score 8-7, in their favor. Do they stop, or do they try to expand their lead? Do they give up the lead in order to try to get further ahead?

The point is simple - you have to consider the profit gained in order to justify the investment - are they willing to invest their potential win in order to cinch the win? Some will - some won't. Some will go for it - others will take what they got, and try to make it stand up.

The same applies in economics - the reason money is invested is for the potential of return. If you decrease the potential of return, and NOT reduce the risk, fewer and fewer are going to invest. If investments are fewer, new jobs are fewer, and more people are out of work.

In addition, if you narrow the gap between failure and success, you minimize the incentive to take the risk. I would not risk my retirement pay in a new company, if I knew that all I was going to get (if I were successful) is my retirement fund back. If, on the other hand, I knew that I could potentially become a multi-millionaire, I would be more willing to take the risk.

Workers need to be incentivized, undoubtedly - but, they don't need to be incentivized to do the job for which they are hired. THAT is what their paycheck is for --- ask yourself - would you accept a pay raise of $1 per hour if I told you that means that you will only receive two more $1 raises the rest of your life, or would you turn down the $1 per hour in order to compete for a $20/hour raise?

Socialism, by its definition, promotes mediocrity - pulling down high level performers and falsely rewarding non-performers. Mediocrity, on the other hand, significantly hampers growth, ingenuity, and expansion.

Which do you want? It's up to you -
Empirical evidence goes against your argumentation against socialism, and quite frankly, it's hilarious hogwash, As socialism is simply collective ownership of production. We've had wealth redistribution for centuries, it's wealth being redistributed to the top. Guess you love the rich.

"Socialism, by its definition, promotes mediocrity" This tells me all I need to know about your bullshit.
  1. Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.

Are you proposing that there is empirical evidence that people living under socialism fare better than people living under capitalism?

PLEASE explain to me how wealth distribution does NOT embrace mediocrity.
If you compare cuba to capitalist haiti, or venezuela's extremely rapid reduction of poverty to other latin american capitalist countries... It was more to your attempted point of socialism reducing productivity, which is blatantly false.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.

No it's not ... it's called freedom. Being told by the state where and how you will live, where you will work and what you'll be paid is wage slavery.
It's more commonly known as socialism.
Socialism simply calls for collective ownership of production, go back to the mccarthy era.
"Wage slavery refers to a situation where a person's livelihood depends on wages or a salary" - Most of the world.
This is fantastic.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) wants to give Americans a paid vacation, as part of a "family values" agenda he outlined Thursday.

Sanders, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, said he is introducing a bill, the Guaranteed Paid Vacation Act, that would give 10 days of paid vacation to every employee that had worked for an employer for at least one year. The legislation would apply to employers with at least 15 employees.

"What family values are about is that at least for two weeks a year, people can come together under a relaxed environment and enjoy the family," Sanders said from the Senate floor. "That is a family value that I want to see happen in this country."

The legislation is part of the senator's "family values agenda." As part of the agenda, he also backed legislation that would give an employee 12 weeks of paid leave if they have a child or serious medical condition, as well as a separate bill that would give workers up to seven paid sick days.

On his support for paid sick leave, Sanders added, "I am not crazy about the idea of somebody who is sick coming to to work, preparing the food that I eat in a restaurant."

While Republicans had previously discussed "family values," Sanders said that "generally speaking, what they mean by family values is opposition to a woman's right to choose, opposition to contraception, opposition to gay rights."
Continued here:
Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation TheHill

Let me guess, you're not putting any of your own money for this, are you?
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.

No it's not ... it's called freedom. Being told by the state where and how you will live, where you will work and what you'll be paid is wage slavery.
It's more commonly known as socialism.
Socialism simply calls for collective ownership of production, go back to the mccarthy era.
"Wage slavery refers to a situation where a person's livelihood depends on wages or a salary" - Most of the world.

You still resent having to have a job, do you?
This is fantastic.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) wants to give Americans a paid vacation, as part of a "family values" agenda he outlined Thursday.

Sanders, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, said he is introducing a bill, the Guaranteed Paid Vacation Act, that would give 10 days of paid vacation to every employee that had worked for an employer for at least one year. The legislation would apply to employers with at least 15 employees.

"What family values are about is that at least for two weeks a year, people can come together under a relaxed environment and enjoy the family," Sanders said from the Senate floor. "That is a family value that I want to see happen in this country."

The legislation is part of the senator's "family values agenda." As part of the agenda, he also backed legislation that would give an employee 12 weeks of paid leave if they have a child or serious medical condition, as well as a separate bill that would give workers up to seven paid sick days.

On his support for paid sick leave, Sanders added, "I am not crazy about the idea of somebody who is sick coming to to work, preparing the food that I eat in a restaurant."

While Republicans had previously discussed "family values," Sanders said that "generally speaking, what they mean by family values is opposition to a woman's right to choose, opposition to contraception, opposition to gay rights."
Continued here:
Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation TheHill

Let me guess, you're not putting any of your own money for this, are you?
Do you not understand how paid vacations work? Employers foot the bill like most other countries. I'd gladly pay taxes, I'll pay whatever is put on me, but I don't make much, although I do love to give to charities that do good and volunteer when I can.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.

No it's not ... it's called freedom. Being told by the state where and how you will live, where you will work and what you'll be paid is wage slavery.
It's more commonly known as socialism.
Socialism simply calls for collective ownership of production, go back to the mccarthy era.
"Wage slavery refers to a situation where a person's livelihood depends on wages or a salary" - Most of the world.

You still resent having to have a job, do you?
Not at all, I don't think anyone wants to work in a sweatshop, but you essentially have to work a shitty job where your labor is exploited to meet your basic needs.
If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.

No it's not ... it's called freedom. Being told by the state where and how you will live, where you will work and what you'll be paid is wage slavery.
It's more commonly known as socialism.
Socialism simply calls for collective ownership of production, go back to the mccarthy era.
"Wage slavery refers to a situation where a person's livelihood depends on wages or a salary" - Most of the world.

You still resent having to have a job, do you?
  • Thanks
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If a salary is agreed upon, the government should stay the hell out of it. If an employer doesn't pay enough, nobody will work for him/her. See how that works?
You're a moron, it's called wage slavery.

No it's not ... it's called freedom. Being told by the state where and how you will live, where you will work and what you'll be paid is wage slavery.
It's more commonly known as socialism.
Socialism simply calls for collective ownership of production, go back to the mccarthy era.
"Wage slavery refers to a situation where a person's livelihood depends on wages or a salary" - Most of the world.

You still resent having to have a job, do you?
The circlejerk continues. :boohoo:

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