Sanders pushes to give Americans a paid vacation

Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

A famous saying in Cuba.
"We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"
What can you expect for $20. a month?
Average salary in Cuba rose 1 pct last year to 20 a month Fox News Latino
I'm sure the Right likes this idea for the US.
The thing with cuba is...
  • Cubans get free food allowances and are allowed to purchase additional rations of staple foods at cost price from government run bodegas and depots.
  • Cuban utility bills are all highly subsidized. The monthly phone, electricity, and gaz bill is only about $2, which is basically nothing when compared to western bills.
  • All medical coverage is provided free by the government.
  • Gasoline is sold as subsidized costs.
  • Education is completely free, even for older people wanting to return to school just for a few classes.
  • Beer, alcohol, food is all sold by the state at cost or near cost.
  • Rental rates for properties are controlled and most Cubans own their own homes.
  • Property taxes and goods and service taxes are zero.
""And in Cuba, it’s not all about money. We can look at some of the other benefits that the average Cuban enjoys. The World Health Organization rates Cuba’s water quality as among the best in the world and ranks its citizens nutrition levels, health and life expectancy as among the best. Despite the average Cuban salary being about $30 per month, it is just enough for the average person to cover all their expenses and to enjoy a few outings with their friends once a month. The lifestyle is not that different from the average westerner. There are less comforts and fewer high end products (no large screen TVs or deluxe computers), but overall, Cubans are far better off than some of the poor African countries where people starve to death daily.
Despite the average wage in Cuba looking like it is extremely low by western standards, we must now factor in the actual cost of living in Cuba. As most people know, Cuba does not have a capitalist economic system. We can take a look at economic subsidies to see how they influence buying power for the average Cuban.""

So in your mind cuba is utopia? So when are you moving?
I never said cuba is a utopia, I'm simply examining the facts, and when you compare cuba to capitalist haiti, or listen to the WHO on cuba/etc, you begin to see a picture being painted.
Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...

My wife gets six weeks a year. Of course she had to work to get those six weeks,which I understand is a foreign concept for liberals.
I'm pretty sure anyone who is employed works. I don't see why most americans on the right hate the idea of workers getting benefits.
No, they could be part of a union.
I dont know why the Left feels things people must earn should instead be given to them as a right.
Talk to anyone from any other country, they're laughing at you.
Yes those Greeks who retire at 60 and hardly work are laughing uproariously as their country runs out of money and they are reduced to selling apples in the streets.
Tell me another.
Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...

My wife gets six weeks a year. Of course she had to work to get those six weeks,which I understand is a foreign concept for liberals.
I'm pretty sure anyone who is employed works. I don't see why most americans on the right hate the idea of workers getting benefits.

I have never held a job that didnt offer benefits.
Maybe you should give up on your dream of being self employed as a male prostitute and get a real job.
Most workers in the fast food industry, retail, minimum wage workers, etc.. lack basic benefits that virtually every other country guarantees, yes, they have some benefits, but let's be real now. I'm not a male prostitute, sorry. Personal attacks are all you have, it's sad.
That's why they have those jobs. If those jobs mandated those benefits those jobs wouldnt exist anymore. What part of that is unclear to you?
Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...

My wife gets six weeks a year. Of course she had to work to get those six weeks,which I understand is a foreign concept for liberals.
I'm pretty sure anyone who is employed works. I don't see why most americans on the right hate the idea of workers getting benefits.

I have never held a job that didnt offer benefits.
Maybe you should give up on your dream of being self employed as a male prostitute and get a real job.
Most workers in the fast food industry, retail, minimum wage workers, etc.. lack basic benefits that virtually every other country guarantees, yes, they have some benefits, but let's be real now. I'm not a male prostitute, sorry. Personal attacks are all you have, it's sad.

Who gives a fuck about min wage workers? They account for less than 5% of the work force and those jobs are meant for teenagers and retired folks looking to supplement their retirement.
Both of which are already covered by either their parents insurance or medicare.
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

A famous saying in Cuba.
"We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"
What can you expect for $20. a month?
Average salary in Cuba rose 1 pct last year to 20 a month Fox News Latino
I'm sure the Right likes this idea for the US.
The thing with cuba is...
  • Cubans get free food allowances and are allowed to purchase additional rations of staple foods at cost price from government run bodegas and depots.
  • Cuban utility bills are all highly subsidized. The monthly phone, electricity, and gaz bill is only about $2, which is basically nothing when compared to western bills.
  • All medical coverage is provided free by the government.
  • Gasoline is sold as subsidized costs.
  • Education is completely free, even for older people wanting to return to school just for a few classes.
  • Beer, alcohol, food is all sold by the state at cost or near cost.
  • Rental rates for properties are controlled and most Cubans own their own homes.
  • Property taxes and goods and service taxes are zero.
""And in Cuba, it’s not all about money. We can look at some of the other benefits that the average Cuban enjoys. The World Health Organization rates Cuba’s water quality as among the best in the world and ranks its citizens nutrition levels, health and life expectancy as among the best. Despite the average Cuban salary being about $30 per month, it is just enough for the average person to cover all their expenses and to enjoy a few outings with their friends once a month. The lifestyle is not that different from the average westerner. There are less comforts and fewer high end products (no large screen TVs or deluxe computers), but overall, Cubans are far better off than some of the poor African countries where people starve to death daily.
Despite the average wage in Cuba looking like it is extremely low by western standards, we must now factor in the actual cost of living in Cuba. As most people know, Cuba does not have a capitalist economic system. We can take a look at economic subsidies to see how they influence buying power for the average Cuban.""
That's why Americans are riskng thier lives weekly to get on rickety rafts and make their way to the paradise that is modern Cuba. Right?
Not at all, no one is trying to claim Cuba is better then America, much like capitalist haiti isn't better then America, however, I look at the facts, and the only people using the rafts were the wealthy cubans after the revolution that the majority in cuba supported, today, a vastly higher number come from capitalist countries that are exploited to get to America, not cuba. Keep trying.
Capitalist Haiti? LOL!
And of course you are either ignorant or lying. Or both.
Mariel boatlift - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...

My wife gets six weeks a year. Of course she had to work to get those six weeks,which I understand is a foreign concept for liberals.
I'm pretty sure anyone who is employed works. I don't see why most americans on the right hate the idea of workers getting benefits.
No, they could be part of a union.
I dont know why the Left feels things people must earn should instead be given to them as a right.
Talk to anyone from any other country, they're laughing at you.
Yes those Greeks who retire at 60 and hardly work are laughing uproariously as their country runs out of money and they are reduced to selling apples in the streets.
Tell me another.
Oh please, greek didn't collapse due to socialist policies, and you're ignoring almost every other country, but that's fine, keep circlejerking and hailing America.
A famous saying in Cuba.
"We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"
What can you expect for $20. a month?
Average salary in Cuba rose 1 pct last year to 20 a month Fox News Latino
I'm sure the Right likes this idea for the US.
The thing with cuba is...
  • Cubans get free food allowances and are allowed to purchase additional rations of staple foods at cost price from government run bodegas and depots.
  • Cuban utility bills are all highly subsidized. The monthly phone, electricity, and gaz bill is only about $2, which is basically nothing when compared to western bills.
  • All medical coverage is provided free by the government.
  • Gasoline is sold as subsidized costs.
  • Education is completely free, even for older people wanting to return to school just for a few classes.
  • Beer, alcohol, food is all sold by the state at cost or near cost.
  • Rental rates for properties are controlled and most Cubans own their own homes.
  • Property taxes and goods and service taxes are zero.
""And in Cuba, it’s not all about money. We can look at some of the other benefits that the average Cuban enjoys. The World Health Organization rates Cuba’s water quality as among the best in the world and ranks its citizens nutrition levels, health and life expectancy as among the best. Despite the average Cuban salary being about $30 per month, it is just enough for the average person to cover all their expenses and to enjoy a few outings with their friends once a month. The lifestyle is not that different from the average westerner. There are less comforts and fewer high end products (no large screen TVs or deluxe computers), but overall, Cubans are far better off than some of the poor African countries where people starve to death daily.
Despite the average wage in Cuba looking like it is extremely low by western standards, we must now factor in the actual cost of living in Cuba. As most people know, Cuba does not have a capitalist economic system. We can take a look at economic subsidies to see how they influence buying power for the average Cuban.""
That's why Americans are riskng thier lives weekly to get on rickety rafts and make their way to the paradise that is modern Cuba. Right?
Not at all, no one is trying to claim Cuba is better then America, much like capitalist haiti isn't better then America, however, I look at the facts, and the only people using the rafts were the wealthy cubans after the revolution that the majority in cuba supported, today, a vastly higher number come from capitalist countries that are exploited to get to America, not cuba. Keep trying.
Capitalist Haiti? LOL!
And of course you are either ignorant or lying. Or both.
Mariel boatlift - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The Cuban government subsequently announced that anyone who wanted to leave could do so, and an exodus by boat started shortly afterward. The exodus was organized by Cuban-Americans with the agreement of Cuban president Fidel Castro. The exodus started to have negative political implications for U.S. president Jimmy Carter when it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities. The Mariel boatlift was ended by mutual agreement between the two governments involved in October 1980. By that point, as many as 125,000 Cubans had made the journey to Florida."
So, it was allowed by the evil cuban government? Hm. Oh, this also happened during the special period, read up on it. Haiti is capitalist, yes, problem with it?
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

A famous saying in Cuba.
"We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"
What can you expect for $20. a month?
Average salary in Cuba rose 1 pct last year to 20 a month Fox News Latino
I'm sure the Right likes this idea for the US.
The thing with cuba is...
  • Cubans get free food allowances and are allowed to purchase additional rations of staple foods at cost price from government run bodegas and depots.
  • Cuban utility bills are all highly subsidized. The monthly phone, electricity, and gaz bill is only about $2, which is basically nothing when compared to western bills.
  • All medical coverage is provided free by the government.
  • Gasoline is sold as subsidized costs.
  • Education is completely free, even for older people wanting to return to school just for a few classes.
  • Beer, alcohol, food is all sold by the state at cost or near cost.
  • Rental rates for properties are controlled and most Cubans own their own homes.
  • Property taxes and goods and service taxes are zero.
""And in Cuba, it’s not all about money. We can look at some of the other benefits that the average Cuban enjoys. The World Health Organization rates Cuba’s water quality as among the best in the world and ranks its citizens nutrition levels, health and life expectancy as among the best. Despite the average Cuban salary being about $30 per month, it is just enough for the average person to cover all their expenses and to enjoy a few outings with their friends once a month. The lifestyle is not that different from the average westerner. There are less comforts and fewer high end products (no large screen TVs or deluxe computers), but overall, Cubans are far better off than some of the poor African countries where people starve to death daily.
Despite the average wage in Cuba looking like it is extremely low by western standards, we must now factor in the actual cost of living in Cuba. As most people know, Cuba does not have a capitalist economic system. We can take a look at economic subsidies to see how they influence buying power for the average Cuban.""

So in your mind cuba is utopia? So when are you moving?
I never said cuba is a utopia, I'm simply examining the facts, and when you compare cuba to capitalist haiti, or listen to the WHO on cuba/etc, you begin to see a picture being painted.
In 1962 Cuba was one of the richest countries in the Caribbean. Today it is one of the poorest.
Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...

My wife gets six weeks a year. Of course she had to work to get those six weeks,which I understand is a foreign concept for liberals.
I'm pretty sure anyone who is employed works. I don't see why most americans on the right hate the idea of workers getting benefits.

I have never held a job that didnt offer benefits.
Maybe you should give up on your dream of being self employed as a male prostitute and get a real job.
Most workers in the fast food industry, retail, minimum wage workers, etc.. lack basic benefits that virtually every other country guarantees, yes, they have some benefits, but let's be real now. I'm not a male prostitute, sorry. Personal attacks are all you have, it's sad.

Who gives a fuck about min wage workers? They account for less than 5% of the work force and those jobs are meant for teenagers and retired folks looking to supplement their retirement.
Both of which are already covered by either their parents insurance or medicare.
This only takes into account those making the bare minimum wage, not 7.35, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, all also laughable wages, and it doesn't take into account many other things. Ah, now we begin to see who you really are. Thanks for making it clear. Oh god, here we go with the "meant for teenagers" bullshit. The minimum wage was meant to be a livable wage when it was created, and it was, until right wingers started going nuts.
  1. Among those paid by the hour, 1.3 million earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.7 million had wagesbelow the federal minimum. Together, these 3.0 million workers withwages at or below the federal minimum made up 3.9 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Not even counting 7.35, etc, etc....
Three quarters of minimum wage earners are 20 or older.
Tables 1 - 10 Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers 2009
My wife gets six weeks a year. Of course she had to work to get those six weeks,which I understand is a foreign concept for liberals.
I'm pretty sure anyone who is employed works. I don't see why most americans on the right hate the idea of workers getting benefits.
No, they could be part of a union.
I dont know why the Left feels things people must earn should instead be given to them as a right.
Talk to anyone from any other country, they're laughing at you.
Yes those Greeks who retire at 60 and hardly work are laughing uproariously as their country runs out of money and they are reduced to selling apples in the streets.
Tell me another.
Oh please, greek didn't collapse due to socialist policies, and you're ignoring almost every other country, but that's fine, keep circlejerking and hailing America.
Of course Greece is collapsing due to socialism. Their debt to gdp is astronomical. Their percent of GDP spent on pension is astonomical. The difficulty in starting a business is astronomical. Where else do the directors of a company have to submit a stool sample?
Considering the rest of the modern world gets at least 4 weeks, that would be about time. It's like civilization or something lol...

My wife gets six weeks a year. Of course she had to work to get those six weeks,which I understand is a foreign concept for liberals.
I'm pretty sure anyone who is employed works. I don't see why most americans on the right hate the idea of workers getting benefits.

I have never held a job that didnt offer benefits.
Maybe you should give up on your dream of being self employed as a male prostitute and get a real job.
Most workers in the fast food industry, retail, minimum wage workers, etc.. lack basic benefits that virtually every other country guarantees, yes, they have some benefits, but let's be real now. I'm not a male prostitute, sorry. Personal attacks are all you have, it's sad.
That's why they have those jobs. If those jobs mandated those benefits those jobs wouldnt exist anymore. What part of that is unclear to you?
Tell that to other countries with high minimum wages that still have mcdonalds.
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

A famous saying in Cuba.
"We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"
What can you expect for $20. a month?
Average salary in Cuba rose 1 pct last year to 20 a month Fox News Latino
I'm sure the Right likes this idea for the US.
The thing with cuba is...
  • Cubans get free food allowances and are allowed to purchase additional rations of staple foods at cost price from government run bodegas and depots.
  • Cuban utility bills are all highly subsidized. The monthly phone, electricity, and gaz bill is only about $2, which is basically nothing when compared to western bills.
  • All medical coverage is provided free by the government.
  • Gasoline is sold as subsidized costs.
  • Education is completely free, even for older people wanting to return to school just for a few classes.
  • Beer, alcohol, food is all sold by the state at cost or near cost.
  • Rental rates for properties are controlled and most Cubans own their own homes.
  • Property taxes and goods and service taxes are zero.
""And in Cuba, it’s not all about money. We can look at some of the other benefits that the average Cuban enjoys. The World Health Organization rates Cuba’s water quality as among the best in the world and ranks its citizens nutrition levels, health and life expectancy as among the best. Despite the average Cuban salary being about $30 per month, it is just enough for the average person to cover all their expenses and to enjoy a few outings with their friends once a month. The lifestyle is not that different from the average westerner. There are less comforts and fewer high end products (no large screen TVs or deluxe computers), but overall, Cubans are far better off than some of the poor African countries where people starve to death daily.
Despite the average wage in Cuba looking like it is extremely low by western standards, we must now factor in the actual cost of living in Cuba. As most people know, Cuba does not have a capitalist economic system. We can take a look at economic subsidies to see how they influence buying power for the average Cuban.""

So in your mind cuba is utopia? So when are you moving?
I never said cuba is a utopia, I'm simply examining the facts, and when you compare cuba to capitalist haiti, or listen to the WHO on cuba/etc, you begin to see a picture being painted.

You call haiti a capitalist country?:uhh:
A famous saying in Cuba.
"We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"
What can you expect for $20. a month?
Average salary in Cuba rose 1 pct last year to 20 a month Fox News Latino
I'm sure the Right likes this idea for the US.
The thing with cuba is...
  • Cubans get free food allowances and are allowed to purchase additional rations of staple foods at cost price from government run bodegas and depots.
  • Cuban utility bills are all highly subsidized. The monthly phone, electricity, and gaz bill is only about $2, which is basically nothing when compared to western bills.
  • All medical coverage is provided free by the government.
  • Gasoline is sold as subsidized costs.
  • Education is completely free, even for older people wanting to return to school just for a few classes.
  • Beer, alcohol, food is all sold by the state at cost or near cost.
  • Rental rates for properties are controlled and most Cubans own their own homes.
  • Property taxes and goods and service taxes are zero.
""And in Cuba, it’s not all about money. We can look at some of the other benefits that the average Cuban enjoys. The World Health Organization rates Cuba’s water quality as among the best in the world and ranks its citizens nutrition levels, health and life expectancy as among the best. Despite the average Cuban salary being about $30 per month, it is just enough for the average person to cover all their expenses and to enjoy a few outings with their friends once a month. The lifestyle is not that different from the average westerner. There are less comforts and fewer high end products (no large screen TVs or deluxe computers), but overall, Cubans are far better off than some of the poor African countries where people starve to death daily.
Despite the average wage in Cuba looking like it is extremely low by western standards, we must now factor in the actual cost of living in Cuba. As most people know, Cuba does not have a capitalist economic system. We can take a look at economic subsidies to see how they influence buying power for the average Cuban.""

So in your mind cuba is utopia? So when are you moving?
I never said cuba is a utopia, I'm simply examining the facts, and when you compare cuba to capitalist haiti, or listen to the WHO on cuba/etc, you begin to see a picture being painted.
In 1962 Cuba was one of the richest countries in the Caribbean. Today it is one of the poorest.
LOOOL. Oh my god, are you fucking kidding me? Cuba was rich for a select few, the people in poverty, the majority, were suffering, and the people supported revolution, led by the castro's, and now, literacy is increased, healthcare is increased, life expectancy is up, as is food intake, etc, etc..
A famous saying in Cuba.
"We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"
What can you expect for $20. a month?
Average salary in Cuba rose 1 pct last year to 20 a month Fox News Latino
I'm sure the Right likes this idea for the US.
The thing with cuba is...
  • Cubans get free food allowances and are allowed to purchase additional rations of staple foods at cost price from government run bodegas and depots.
  • Cuban utility bills are all highly subsidized. The monthly phone, electricity, and gaz bill is only about $2, which is basically nothing when compared to western bills.
  • All medical coverage is provided free by the government.
  • Gasoline is sold as subsidized costs.
  • Education is completely free, even for older people wanting to return to school just for a few classes.
  • Beer, alcohol, food is all sold by the state at cost or near cost.
  • Rental rates for properties are controlled and most Cubans own their own homes.
  • Property taxes and goods and service taxes are zero.
""And in Cuba, it’s not all about money. We can look at some of the other benefits that the average Cuban enjoys. The World Health Organization rates Cuba’s water quality as among the best in the world and ranks its citizens nutrition levels, health and life expectancy as among the best. Despite the average Cuban salary being about $30 per month, it is just enough for the average person to cover all their expenses and to enjoy a few outings with their friends once a month. The lifestyle is not that different from the average westerner. There are less comforts and fewer high end products (no large screen TVs or deluxe computers), but overall, Cubans are far better off than some of the poor African countries where people starve to death daily.
Despite the average wage in Cuba looking like it is extremely low by western standards, we must now factor in the actual cost of living in Cuba. As most people know, Cuba does not have a capitalist economic system. We can take a look at economic subsidies to see how they influence buying power for the average Cuban.""

So in your mind cuba is utopia? So when are you moving?
I never said cuba is a utopia, I'm simply examining the facts, and when you compare cuba to capitalist haiti, or listen to the WHO on cuba/etc, you begin to see a picture being painted.

You call haiti a capitalist country?:uhh:
It is a capitalist country, as well as victim of imperialism and capitalist exploitation.
Haiti a striking example of the barbarism of capitalism
Haiti Capitalist Plunder and Empty Promises Black Agenda Report
What can you expect for $20. a month?
Average salary in Cuba rose 1 pct last year to 20 a month Fox News Latino
I'm sure the Right likes this idea for the US.
The thing with cuba is...
  • Cubans get free food allowances and are allowed to purchase additional rations of staple foods at cost price from government run bodegas and depots.
  • Cuban utility bills are all highly subsidized. The monthly phone, electricity, and gaz bill is only about $2, which is basically nothing when compared to western bills.
  • All medical coverage is provided free by the government.
  • Gasoline is sold as subsidized costs.
  • Education is completely free, even for older people wanting to return to school just for a few classes.
  • Beer, alcohol, food is all sold by the state at cost or near cost.
  • Rental rates for properties are controlled and most Cubans own their own homes.
  • Property taxes and goods and service taxes are zero.
""And in Cuba, it’s not all about money. We can look at some of the other benefits that the average Cuban enjoys. The World Health Organization rates Cuba’s water quality as among the best in the world and ranks its citizens nutrition levels, health and life expectancy as among the best. Despite the average Cuban salary being about $30 per month, it is just enough for the average person to cover all their expenses and to enjoy a few outings with their friends once a month. The lifestyle is not that different from the average westerner. There are less comforts and fewer high end products (no large screen TVs or deluxe computers), but overall, Cubans are far better off than some of the poor African countries where people starve to death daily.
Despite the average wage in Cuba looking like it is extremely low by western standards, we must now factor in the actual cost of living in Cuba. As most people know, Cuba does not have a capitalist economic system. We can take a look at economic subsidies to see how they influence buying power for the average Cuban.""

So in your mind cuba is utopia? So when are you moving?
I never said cuba is a utopia, I'm simply examining the facts, and when you compare cuba to capitalist haiti, or listen to the WHO on cuba/etc, you begin to see a picture being painted.
In 1962 Cuba was one of the richest countries in the Caribbean. Today it is one of the poorest.
LOOOL. Oh my god, are you fucking kidding me? Cuba was rich for a select few, the people in poverty, the majority, were suffering, and the people supported revolution, led by the castro's, and now, literacy is increased, healthcare is increased, life expectancy is up, as is food intake, etc, etc..
Oh, I see you rated this post as funny, want to ignore facts? Keep circlejerking.
Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

Yeah, look a Cuba....

Fuck, look at cuba: Every worker is entitled to enjoy one month of paid annual leave after 11 months of effective work. Workers are also entitled to 9 paid public holidays.[5]

Yeah, look a Cuba....

Cuba doesn't focus on painting houses, it's a waste of time, and yes, Cuba looks like that because we are in the first world, of course it looks bad to us, shall we look at capitalist haiti, which doesn't have the benefits the cuban government provides?
And who's gonna pay for it? Oh, wait, let me guess. Somebody else?
List of statutory minimum employment leave by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Take a guess, it's not hard. Also, this only applies to employers with a minimum of 15 employees.

You do realize that businesses are run by evil, greedy bastards that want to get rich at everyone else's expense, right?
I'd say multinational corporations are, along with any fuck who runs a sweatshop, etc. etc..

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